Breaking: Roy Moore Releases Witness Testimony Proving Allred And Accuser Nelson Lied

You don't take thinking or thinking people seriously so I'm absolutely not surprised, and we are done now. When asked to think for yourself cannot. All you can do is post what others say.

Common sense tells me Mary Jo was drunk. Drunk enough that she left without her purse or her hotel key. A woman doesn’t go anywhere without her purse. She certainly would not go have sex on the beach without her hairbrush or makeup bag to touch up afterwards. And she would not have been driving without her drivers license which was in her purse.

She wasn’t planning on driving so she wouldn't have been watching how much she drank at the party. Ted was planning on driving so he would have been more careful about how much he drank. Also, it was his car. Why would he allow her to drive his car, especially since he was familiar with the roads around the island and she wasn’t?

If she was drunk or passed out in the car, this could be a factor in why she died. If her head hit the window, or the roof and she was knocked unconscious, this could be a factor in why she died.

It’s unlikely either of them were wearing seat belts since it was only 1968 when a law was passed making them mandatory in new cars. Nobody wore seat belts back then.

In your scenario, the steering wheel would have killed him on impact but that would depend on the height of the fall - a 35 foot fall would have been very survivable especially if he slid across the seat to the passenger side as the car went off the side of the bridge.

The only reason you can come up with is that he lived and she died so he could not have been in the car. If that were the case why did he say he was driving? What benefit was it to Kennedy to say he was? There isn’t any good reason for him to say he was driving unless he was.

The more likely scenario is that he went back to his hotel to try and figure some way to worm his way out of the mess he was in. To come up with a plausible lie to save his political career. That’s the common sense answer to why he waited so long to report the accident. Seeing no way out, he went to the police and told them he drove off that bridge in the dark and the girl died.

As for the rest of his story, who knows how much is true but nobody who was at that party has said anything different in all these years so maybe it was.

Letting him swim back to the mainland just defies logic and reason though. Maybe he was hoping to drown and not have to face what he’d done.
Teddy wasn't there but took the blame from guilt because she killed herself in the accident while he was out cold. He walked right past her dead body and didn't know. Makes perfect sense and it's the only thing that does based on the timing and the events.

And, Troll, stop marking everything as funny, it's annoying and also untrue.
That makes no sense at all. Common or otherwise.

While I was checking on the height of the fall, I found out that MJK’s blood alcohol level was .09. For someone of her size and that’s severely impaired. She would have been barely able to walk much less drive

For a guy who’s telling others you’re using intelligence and common sense, your scenario fails miserably on both counts. It also doesn’t jibe with the statements of the other people at the party who went to help Kennedy look for Kopechne after the accident, or who testified under oath that when they left the party Ted was driving.
Teddy was driving them to the beach to have sex, she drove after that. And .09 is nothing. We could drink then and there was no autopsy. .09 in any size body is the same BTW, legally drunk and nothing of the kind. For her that would have been two glasses of wine. That's just a decent lunch.
Teddy was driving them to the beach to have sex, she drove after that.

They didn't make it to the beach.

Teddy would have still been driving when the accident happened
They absolutely made it to the beach. Her purse and hotel key were still at the house and the bridge is on the way to the house not the ferry. You lose, Troll.
Lying will not help you, Comrade.
Mall-rat Roy already admitting to being scum isn't a lie. Hannity sank him with his own words.

BTW, why do you keep calling him Mall-rat Roy when that entire story was completely debunked?
Who debunked that mall story? Infowars?
You lie like you breathe..

The link the the Washington Times and National Review were in my original posts, Comrade.

Infowars has some serious credibility problems to be sure, but they are a WHOLE lot more credible than CNN or the Washington Post.
InfoWars is one of thebleast credible websites on the internet. They’re the ones who posted that whole “Pizza parlour child sex trafficking ring bullshit”, and numerous conspiracy theories that only an idiot would believe.

In his child custody case, Alex Jones tried to portray himself as a reasonable sane human being saying the ranting maniac is just a character he portrays on the internet. It’s entertainment, not real news.

Perhaps, but they are still a whole lot more credible than CNN .

And you know it.
Common sense tells me Mary Jo was drunk. Drunk enough that she left without her purse or her hotel key. A woman doesn’t go anywhere without her purse. She certainly would not go have sex on the beach without her hairbrush or makeup bag to touch up afterwards. And she would not have been driving without her drivers license which was in her purse.

She wasn’t planning on driving so she wouldn't have been watching how much she drank at the party. Ted was planning on driving so he would have been more careful about how much he drank. Also, it was his car. Why would he allow her to drive his car, especially since he was familiar with the roads around the island and she wasn’t?

If she was drunk or passed out in the car, this could be a factor in why she died. If her head hit the window, or the roof and she was knocked unconscious, this could be a factor in why she died.

It’s unlikely either of them were wearing seat belts since it was only 1968 when a law was passed making them mandatory in new cars. Nobody wore seat belts back then.

In your scenario, the steering wheel would have killed him on impact but that would depend on the height of the fall - a 35 foot fall would have been very survivable especially if he slid across the seat to the passenger side as the car went off the side of the bridge.

The only reason you can come up with is that he lived and she died so he could not have been in the car. If that were the case why did he say he was driving? What benefit was it to Kennedy to say he was? There isn’t any good reason for him to say he was driving unless he was.

The more likely scenario is that he went back to his hotel to try and figure some way to worm his way out of the mess he was in. To come up with a plausible lie to save his political career. That’s the common sense answer to why he waited so long to report the accident. Seeing no way out, he went to the police and told them he drove off that bridge in the dark and the girl died.

As for the rest of his story, who knows how much is true but nobody who was at that party has said anything different in all these years so maybe it was.

Letting him swim back to the mainland just defies logic and reason though. Maybe he was hoping to drown and not have to face what he’d done.
Teddy wasn't there but took the blame from guilt because she killed herself in the accident while he was out cold. He walked right past her dead body and didn't know. Makes perfect sense and it's the only thing that does based on the timing and the events.

And, Troll, stop marking everything as funny, it's annoying and also untrue.
That makes no sense at all. Common or otherwise.

While I was checking on the height of the fall, I found out that MJK’s blood alcohol level was .09. For someone of her size and that’s severely impaired. She would have been barely able to walk much less drive

For a guy who’s telling others you’re using intelligence and common sense, your scenario fails miserably on both counts. It also doesn’t jibe with the statements of the other people at the party who went to help Kennedy look for Kopechne after the accident, or who testified under oath that when they left the party Ted was driving.
Teddy was driving them to the beach to have sex, she drove after that. And .09 is nothing. We could drink then and there was no autopsy. .09 in any size body is the same BTW, legally drunk and nothing of the kind. For her that would have been two glasses of wine. That's just a decent lunch.
Teddy was driving them to the beach to have sex, she drove after that.

They didn't make it to the beach.

Teddy would have still been driving when the accident happened
They absolutely made it to the beach. Her purse and hotel key were still at the house and the bridge is on the way to the house not the ferry. You lose, Troll.
Her purse and hotel key were still at the house

Yes, they were still at the house,,,

the house they were at before they decided to go to the beach.
Teddy wasn't there but took the blame from guilt because she killed herself in the accident while he was out cold. He walked right past her dead body and didn't know. Makes perfect sense and it's the only thing that does based on the timing and the events.

And, Troll, stop marking everything as funny, it's annoying and also untrue.
That makes no sense at all. Common or otherwise.

While I was checking on the height of the fall, I found out that MJK’s blood alcohol level was .09. For someone of her size and that’s severely impaired. She would have been barely able to walk much less drive

For a guy who’s telling others you’re using intelligence and common sense, your scenario fails miserably on both counts. It also doesn’t jibe with the statements of the other people at the party who went to help Kennedy look for Kopechne after the accident, or who testified under oath that when they left the party Ted was driving.
Teddy was driving them to the beach to have sex, she drove after that. And .09 is nothing. We could drink then and there was no autopsy. .09 in any size body is the same BTW, legally drunk and nothing of the kind. For her that would have been two glasses of wine. That's just a decent lunch.
Teddy was driving them to the beach to have sex, she drove after that.

They didn't make it to the beach.

Teddy would have still been driving when the accident happened
They absolutely made it to the beach. Her purse and hotel key were still at the house and the bridge is on the way to the house not the ferry. You lose, Troll.
Her purse and hotel key were still at the house

Yes, they were still at the house,,,

the house they were at before they decided to go to the beach.
Learn to quote properly. And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was. That's the end of Mary Jo.
It looks like Moore is going to win. He has the better narrative. Those Washington liberals are trying to trick you. Democrats already think Alabamans aren't as smart as they are. You can easily be tricked, that's what tricksters do.

The trickster to evangelicals is Satan. The message isn't being lost.
No. Fox poll.
View attachment 161772
And the people of Alabama are as stupid as they come.
Don't count on polls. Especially from people who already feel like liberals are trying to put one over on them.
That makes no sense at all. Common or otherwise.

While I was checking on the height of the fall, I found out that MJK’s blood alcohol level was .09. For someone of her size and that’s severely impaired. She would have been barely able to walk much less drive

For a guy who’s telling others you’re using intelligence and common sense, your scenario fails miserably on both counts. It also doesn’t jibe with the statements of the other people at the party who went to help Kennedy look for Kopechne after the accident, or who testified under oath that when they left the party Ted was driving.
Teddy was driving them to the beach to have sex, she drove after that. And .09 is nothing. We could drink then and there was no autopsy. .09 in any size body is the same BTW, legally drunk and nothing of the kind. For her that would have been two glasses of wine. That's just a decent lunch.
Teddy was driving them to the beach to have sex, she drove after that.

They didn't make it to the beach.

Teddy would have still been driving when the accident happened
They absolutely made it to the beach. Her purse and hotel key were still at the house and the bridge is on the way to the house not the ferry. You lose, Troll.
Her purse and hotel key were still at the house

Yes, they were still at the house,,,

the house they were at before they decided to go to the beach.
Learn to quote properly. And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was. That's the end of Mary Jo.

Complete bullshit, you're flat our lying.
That makes no sense at all. Common or otherwise.

While I was checking on the height of the fall, I found out that MJK’s blood alcohol level was .09. For someone of her size and that’s severely impaired. She would have been barely able to walk much less drive

For a guy who’s telling others you’re using intelligence and common sense, your scenario fails miserably on both counts. It also doesn’t jibe with the statements of the other people at the party who went to help Kennedy look for Kopechne after the accident, or who testified under oath that when they left the party Ted was driving.
Teddy was driving them to the beach to have sex, she drove after that. And .09 is nothing. We could drink then and there was no autopsy. .09 in any size body is the same BTW, legally drunk and nothing of the kind. For her that would have been two glasses of wine. That's just a decent lunch.
Teddy was driving them to the beach to have sex, she drove after that.

They didn't make it to the beach.

Teddy would have still been driving when the accident happened
They absolutely made it to the beach. Her purse and hotel key were still at the house and the bridge is on the way to the house not the ferry. You lose, Troll.
Her purse and hotel key were still at the house

Yes, they were still at the house,,,

the house they were at before they decided to go to the beach.
Learn to quote properly. And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was. That's the end of Mary Jo.
Learn to quote properly.

suck it up

And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was.

yes, he was driving FROM the party, TO the beach, when he drove off the road and sank the car, with Mary Jo inside.

You really should at least learn some of the facts before you make up fairy tales
At a press conference for Roy Moore in Montgomery, the three men who are vouching for his character and attempting to discredit his accusers say they won’t take any questions.

the accusers will listen and respond. Maybe Gloria Allred will speak?
let's get it going. I'm anxiously waiting.

In other news,

Democratic Rep. John Conyers denies wrongdoing after report of sexual harassment complaint in 2015 - CNNPolitics

Even I feel sorry for John Conyers. It can't have been easy working around this 88 year old guy. One worker claimed that she had to remind him to take his medicine. He couldn't sleep and called in the middle of the night. When an 88 year old man wants to play grab ass, it's time for a God Bless him, poor old coot.

He should not resign. He should retire. Then he can have people paid to give him his medicine.
Teddy was driving them to the beach to have sex, she drove after that. And .09 is nothing. We could drink then and there was no autopsy. .09 in any size body is the same BTW, legally drunk and nothing of the kind. For her that would have been two glasses of wine. That's just a decent lunch.
Teddy was driving them to the beach to have sex, she drove after that.

They didn't make it to the beach.

Teddy would have still been driving when the accident happened
They absolutely made it to the beach. Her purse and hotel key were still at the house and the bridge is on the way to the house not the ferry. You lose, Troll.
Her purse and hotel key were still at the house

Yes, they were still at the house,,,

the house they were at before they decided to go to the beach.
Learn to quote properly. And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was. That's the end of Mary Jo.
Learn to quote properly.

suck it up

And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was.

yes, he was driving FROM the party, TO the beach, when he drove off the road and sank the car, with Mary Jo inside.

You really should at least learn some of the facts before you make up fairy tales
He drove her to the beach, they had sex, he passed out, and she tried to drive back to the house for her purse and died. I know the "facts" and can reason out the rest. He knew the roads and the car, she didn't. That's why he was unhurt and she ended up dead.
Teddy was driving them to the beach to have sex, she drove after that. And .09 is nothing. We could drink then and there was no autopsy. .09 in any size body is the same BTW, legally drunk and nothing of the kind. For her that would have been two glasses of wine. That's just a decent lunch.
Teddy was driving them to the beach to have sex, she drove after that.

They didn't make it to the beach.

Teddy would have still been driving when the accident happened
They absolutely made it to the beach. Her purse and hotel key were still at the house and the bridge is on the way to the house not the ferry. You lose, Troll.
Her purse and hotel key were still at the house

Yes, they were still at the house,,,

the house they were at before they decided to go to the beach.
Learn to quote properly. And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was. That's the end of Mary Jo.

Complete bullshit, you're flat our lying.
Work it out for yourself and explain why she ended up dead and he was completely unharmed even sitting behind the steering wheel at the time you will probably say? And he doesn't get even scratched up? Impossible. He wasn't there, he was passed out on the beach.
They didn't make it to the beach.

Teddy would have still been driving when the accident happened
They absolutely made it to the beach. Her purse and hotel key were still at the house and the bridge is on the way to the house not the ferry. You lose, Troll.
Her purse and hotel key were still at the house

Yes, they were still at the house,,,

the house they were at before they decided to go to the beach.
Learn to quote properly. And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was. That's the end of Mary Jo.
Learn to quote properly.

suck it up

And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was.

yes, he was driving FROM the party, TO the beach, when he drove off the road and sank the car, with Mary Jo inside.

You really should at least learn some of the facts before you make up fairy tales
He drove her to the beach, they had sex, he passed out, and she tried to drive back to the house for her purse and died. I know the "facts" and can reason out the rest. He knew the roads and the car, she didn't. That's why he was unhurt and she ended up dead.
I know the "facts"

Where did you get your 'facts'?
They absolutely made it to the beach. Her purse and hotel key were still at the house and the bridge is on the way to the house not the ferry. You lose, Troll.
Her purse and hotel key were still at the house

Yes, they were still at the house,,,

the house they were at before they decided to go to the beach.
Learn to quote properly. And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was. That's the end of Mary Jo.
Learn to quote properly.

suck it up

And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was.

yes, he was driving FROM the party, TO the beach, when he drove off the road and sank the car, with Mary Jo inside.

You really should at least learn some of the facts before you make up fairy tales
He drove her to the beach, they had sex, he passed out, and she tried to drive back to the house for her purse and died. I know the "facts" and can reason out the rest. He knew the roads and the car, she didn't. That's why he was unhurt and she ended up dead.
I know the "facts"

Where did you get your 'facts'?
My "facts" are the same as the official reporting. The same as you are using only instead of just believing what was said I thought it through until it made sense.
Yes, they were still at the house,,,

the house they were at before they decided to go to the beach.
Learn to quote properly. And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was. That's the end of Mary Jo.
Learn to quote properly.

suck it up

And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was.

yes, he was driving FROM the party, TO the beach, when he drove off the road and sank the car, with Mary Jo inside.

You really should at least learn some of the facts before you make up fairy tales
He drove her to the beach, they had sex, he passed out, and she tried to drive back to the house for her purse and died. I know the "facts" and can reason out the rest. He knew the roads and the car, she didn't. That's why he was unhurt and she ended up dead.
I know the "facts"

Where did you get your 'facts'?
My "facts" are the same as the official reporting. The same as you are using only instead of just believing what was said I thought it through until it made sense.
My "facts" are the same as the official reporting.


the 'official' reporting has them on the way TO the beach, not returning from it
As far as the yearbook of the 15/16 yr old with the Moore signature and the DA written after his name.... if you look at the comparable signature that has his secretary Dorothy Adams initials on it after using Judge Moore's signature stamp,

SHE ALWAYS put a SLASH and then her initials

In the yearbook signature, which IS his signature, there are slight differences from his stamped signature from many years later, which right wingers are trying to claim she copied his signature on her divorce filings and put in the yearbook simply not true....and right wingers are trying to claim she copied the DA on to the yearbook from this secretary's initials when using his stamp,

BUT THAT IS NOT TRUE.....for one she did not copy the DA, the DA is a completely different DA handwriting in the yearbook, plus, the yearbook did not have the SLASH before the DA and the slash would have been copied as well if she was forging and trying to make his sig a perfect copy of his stamped sig on the divorce papers.

Nope, the yearbook is a forgery, and you know it.

Moore never, not even once signed "D.A." after his name.

You can't lie this into a the cornfield comrade.
Why would I know it? I believe the women, not Roy Moore or the lies he's spreading about them....
They didn't make it to the beach.

Teddy would have still been driving when the accident happened
They absolutely made it to the beach. Her purse and hotel key were still at the house and the bridge is on the way to the house not the ferry. You lose, Troll.
Her purse and hotel key were still at the house

Yes, they were still at the house,,,

the house they were at before they decided to go to the beach.
Learn to quote properly. And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was. That's the end of Mary Jo.

Complete bullshit, you're flat our lying.
Work it out for yourself and explain why she ended up dead and he was completely unharmed even sitting behind the steering wheel at the time you will probably say? And he doesn't get even scratched up? Impossible. He wasn't there, he was passed out on the beach.

You're flat out lying. No one supports the moronic bullshit you posit.

{According to Kennedy's inquest testimony, he made a wrong turn onto Dike Road, which was an unlit dirt road that led to Dike Bridge (also spelled Dyke Bridge). Dike Road was unpaved, but Kennedy, driving at "approximately twenty miles an hour [30 km/h]", took "no particular notice" of that fact, and did not realize that he was no longer headed toward the ferry landing.[11] Dike Bridge was a wooden structure that at the time was not protected by a guardrail and was angled obliquely to the road. A fraction of a second before he reached the bridge, Kennedy applied his brakes and then drove over the side of the bridge. The car plunged into tide-swept Poucha Pond (there a channel) and came to rest, upside down, underwater. Kennedy recalled later that he was able to swim free of the vehicle, but Kopechne was not. At the inquest, Kennedy claimed that he called Kopechne's name several times from the shore and tried to swim down to reach her seven or eight times. Knowing that the woman was still trapped inside the vehicle, Kennedy rested on the bank for around 15 minutes before he returned on foot to Lawrence Cottage, which was the site of the party that was attended by Kopechne and the other "boiler room girls". Kennedy denied seeing any house with a light on during his walk back to Lawrence Cottage.[12]}

Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

So Teddy was lying to discredit himself, Comrade?

Breaking: Roy Moore Releases Witness Testimony Proving Allred And Accuser Nelson Lied

Too late. Moore said he was scoping out his future wife when she was just 15.
Yes, they were still at the house,,,

the house they were at before they decided to go to the beach.
Learn to quote properly. And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was. That's the end of Mary Jo.
Learn to quote properly.

suck it up

And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was.

yes, he was driving FROM the party, TO the beach, when he drove off the road and sank the car, with Mary Jo inside.

You really should at least learn some of the facts before you make up fairy tales
He drove her to the beach, they had sex, he passed out, and she tried to drive back to the house for her purse and died. I know the "facts" and can reason out the rest. He knew the roads and the car, she didn't. That's why he was unhurt and she ended up dead.
I know the "facts"

Where did you get your 'facts'?
My "facts" are the same as the official reporting. The same as you are using only instead of just believing what was said I thought it through until it made sense.

No, your "facts" are completely fabricated. You make shit up.
As far as the yearbook of the 15/16 yr old with the Moore signature and the DA written after his name.... if you look at the comparable signature that has his secretary Dorothy Adams initials on it after using Judge Moore's signature stamp,

SHE ALWAYS put a SLASH and then her initials

In the yearbook signature, which IS his signature, there are slight differences from his stamped signature from many years later, which right wingers are trying to claim she copied his signature on her divorce filings and put in the yearbook simply not true....and right wingers are trying to claim she copied the DA on to the yearbook from this secretary's initials when using his stamp,

BUT THAT IS NOT TRUE.....for one she did not copy the DA, the DA is a completely different DA handwriting in the yearbook, plus, the yearbook did not have the SLASH before the DA and the slash would have been copied as well if she was forging and trying to make his sig a perfect copy of his stamped sig on the divorce papers.

Nope, the yearbook is a forgery, and you know it.

Moore never, not even once signed "D.A." after his name.

You can't lie this into a the cornfield comrade.
Why would I know it? I believe the women, not Roy Moore or the lies he's spreading about them....

Either you are utterly ignorant, or you know you're lying.
Learn to quote properly. And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was. That's the end of Mary Jo.
Learn to quote properly.

suck it up

And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was.

yes, he was driving FROM the party, TO the beach, when he drove off the road and sank the car, with Mary Jo inside.

You really should at least learn some of the facts before you make up fairy tales
He drove her to the beach, they had sex, he passed out, and she tried to drive back to the house for her purse and died. I know the "facts" and can reason out the rest. He knew the roads and the car, she didn't. That's why he was unhurt and she ended up dead.
I know the "facts"

Where did you get your 'facts'?
My "facts" are the same as the official reporting. The same as you are using only instead of just believing what was said I thought it through until it made sense.

No, your "facts" are completely fabricated. You make shit up.
Nope, but I do think things through like how do two people hit the water in a big old car but only one dies (and not the driver they say) and the other is completely unharmed? Right, only one was in the car and she was tired, kind of drunk, and didn't know the roads or the car.
Yes, they were still at the house,,,

the house they were at before they decided to go to the beach.
Learn to quote properly. And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was. That's the end of Mary Jo.
Learn to quote properly.

suck it up

And they weren't going to the ferry, he was driving to the beach. When she died she was driving back to the house where her purse was.

yes, he was driving FROM the party, TO the beach, when he drove off the road and sank the car, with Mary Jo inside.

You really should at least learn some of the facts before you make up fairy tales
He drove her to the beach, they had sex, he passed out, and she tried to drive back to the house for her purse and died. I know the "facts" and can reason out the rest. He knew the roads and the car, she didn't. That's why he was unhurt and she ended up dead.
I know the "facts"

Where did you get your 'facts'?
My "facts" are the same as the official reporting. The same as you are using only instead of just believing what was said I thought it through until it made sense.

It might make sense to you but it doesn’t make any sense at all. First off the skid marks, and driving evidence shows the car going off the road heading TO the beach, not back from it. There’s a skid mark where Kennedy hit the brakes just before the bridge that your ignoring, that’s for starters.

Then there’s her .09 blood alcohol level. She wouldn’t have been capable of walking back to the car unassisted, much less driving it.

Your entire scenario is based on his being completely uninsured but his doctor reported that he suffered a concussion and shock. Also consistent with being in the car.

And even guilt over her death wouldn’t lead him to give up everything he had worked for his entire life to claim he was driving if he wasn’t.

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