Breaking! Secretary of Homeland Security Neilson Is To Submit Her Resignation To President Trump

"Good riddance to Nielsen. But let’s be clear: with Trump at the helm, our border policy won’t get any better and we can probably expect it to get worse. The chaos this administration is creating is by design" - Rep Gallego
---------------------------------- by DESIGN , might be the TRUMP highlighting the 'democrats , the ' enemies of American Sovereignty eh BBro??
Her legacy was intentionally separating children from their parents and then LOSING them...who knew she wasn't nasty ENOUGH.

God only knows what her replacement will be like
Hopefully the replacement will load em all onto cattle cars and take them to a Port to be shipped way into central America by boat with them all secured in cargo holds in the heat of summer. Yes, it's time to reinstate President Eisenhower's former government plan Operation Wetback.
If you are Christian you must believe there is a special place in hell for this woman to burn for eternity.
And what about Obama's Officials who put children in dog pens or kennels? Any place in hell for them you wish for?
That is the pattern, every pick Trump has made has been cheered as the wisest choice ever, and then when Trump dumps them they are the scum of the earth.
-------------------------------- sure , who on the board really knows anything about 'kelly' , mattis or 'nielsen' ?? We Deplorables rely on our President to make the big decisions and thats why we elected him GGator .

I apologize for not bowing down and kissing Trump’s like you want me to do.

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--------------------------silly , with or without YOU the Trump is President GGator .

And some of find it ok to criticize the President while those like you just worship him

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----------------------------------- no , not me , go ahead and criticize , thats cool. I simply say that the Trump is better than 'hilary' , jebito bush and all the others that were trying to get elected . Exception might be Ted Cruz . Yeah , go ahead and criticize while i smile GGator .

I am smiling as well, I find people like you rather fun to watch. you are like the cult member defending their leader
"Secretary Nielsen leaves a legacy of separating thousands of families, caging children, & denying it happened. We will be grappling with the damage she has wreaked for decades to come. The Nielsen era was a disgrace, but we should all fear what comes next. This Administration’s inhumanity ultimately comes from one place—the top." - Da Nang Dick Blumenthal

She leaves with a legacy of dead children on her watch.
I thought she was against abortion...
-------------------------------- sure , who on the board really knows anything about 'kelly' , mattis or 'nielsen' ?? We Deplorables rely on our President to make the big decisions and thats why we elected him GGator .

I apologize for not bowing down and kissing Trump’s like you want me to do.

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--------------------------silly , with or without YOU the Trump is President GGator .

And some of find it ok to criticize the President while those like you just worship him

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----------------------------------- no , not me , go ahead and criticize , thats cool. I simply say that the Trump is better than 'hilary' , jebito bush and all the others that were trying to get elected . Exception might be Ted Cruz . Yeah , go ahead and criticize while i smile GGator .

I am smiling as well, I find people like you rather fun to watch. you are like the cult member defending their leader
-------------------------------- whazz up with that 'amigo' . these people , men , woman and children are invading MY country and will hurt American children . The invasion should be ended 'amigo GGator' .
William Gheen President of ALIPAC as Homeland Security. Even though he did ban me for several years from his forum back when that Libertarian was running for president, Ron Paul. He hated the fact that I didn't like Ron Paul.
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Finally! Now we can get Kris Kobach as secretary.

That would be retarded.
Oh no it's not. He's got a plan to curb this illegal immigration chaos without Congress.

From today!
Kobach: No, Trump Does Not Need Congress to Solve Immigration Crisis
I'm sure it will be as successful as his plans to increase the length of the border wall :lmao:
Hey boy, any brown illegal that's stopped at the border and turned away is a success.
Well thus far Trump's legacy is looking like it's going to be a record number of illegals entering the country.
And record number of investigations.
That would be retarded.
Oh no it's not. He's got a plan to curb this illegal immigration chaos without Congress.

From today!
Kobach: No, Trump Does Not Need Congress to Solve Immigration Crisis
I'm sure it will be as successful as his plans to increase the length of the border wall :lmao:
Hey boy, any brown illegal that's stopped at the border and turned away is a success.
Well thus far Trump's legacy is looking like it's going to be a record number of illegals entering the country.
And record number of investigations.
Democrats wondering how they can be great to? Lol
Finally! Now we can get Kris Kobach as secretary.

That would be retarded.
Oh no it's not. He's got a plan to curb this illegal immigration chaos without Congress.

From today!
Kobach: No, Trump Does Not Need Congress to Solve Immigration Crisis
Hell yea! Kobach
Hell is definitely one of.the words for him.
Rain hell on the enemies of America
Her background was in Cyber security. Despite how bright and talented she was there it made for a poor fit as DHS Secretary.

She was not getting any help from her subordinate agencies and could not get them to work together.

"The Associated Press, citing two sources, reported that Nielsen had been frustrated with the difficulty of getting other departments to help deal with the growing number of families crossing the southwestern border."

Democrats / snowflakes celebrate get failure and termination / resignation, as they continue to stand with the illegal invaders.

Nielsen resigns as DHS secretary after White House meeting with Trump

Finally! Now we can get Kris Kobach as secretary.

That would be retarded.
Oh no it's not. He's got a plan to curb this illegal immigration chaos without Congress.

From today!
Kobach: No, Trump Does Not Need Congress to Solve Immigration Crisis
Hell yea! Kobach
Hell is definitely one of.the words for him.
Rain hell on the enemies of America
No, not what's going to happen.
That would be retarded.
Oh no it's not. He's got a plan to curb this illegal immigration chaos without Congress.

From today!
Kobach: No, Trump Does Not Need Congress to Solve Immigration Crisis
Hell yea! Kobach
Hell is definitely one of.the words for him.
Rain hell on the enemies of America
No, not what's going to happen.
Stay tuned lol
thing that annoys me are the words Humanitarian Crisis . Feck that as it can all be hung around the necks of the invaders that are invading . They being it on themselves if they are uncomfortable . Sorry , just an off topic comment .
The latest to leave in disgrace and humiliation. Who's next?
------------------------- i GUESS that the reason is that she is a wusse and unsuited for the job in the bosses opinion BF
You say that about every Trump hire. Now I wonder who will be next.

Eventually Pence will be tossed under the bus

There is no room left under the bus after Obama kept throwing everyone in his administration under there!
The latest to leave in disgrace and humiliation. Who's next?

That job requires someone who has a set of balls, and she had none. You can bet that her replacement will be an SOB though. This shit on the border is getting out of hand.
Her replacement is going to be another punching bag for your incompetent dotard. You all will crow about how strong the pick is, then when they're inevitably run out of town in humiliation you'll jump in with "they had no balls."

That is the pattern, every pick Trump has made has been cheered as the wisest choice ever, and then when Trump dumps them they are the scum of the earth.

I thought this boi only hired the best. Am I wrong?

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