Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

It's only beginning for Germany. As Muslims gain their footing and carve out insulated communities governed by Sharia Law, violence and discord will only get worse. If I were a German citizen I would be mad as hell.

I agree and if I were a German citizen I'd be demanding my Govt. kick every Muslim out of my country.

This is only the beginning

You'd support Germans picking an entire religion of people and shipping them en masse? I think we can see where your politics are.

You goddamned right I do especially when Muslims are killing people left and right.

I'm sure the dead in Paris, Nice and San Bernardino would agree.

There are billions of Muslims out there and those doing the killing are a small minority. One has to wonder why the billions of others do nothing about that minority.

My politics are get rid of the Muslims and stop the killing. Apparently that's a little to simple for an idiot like you. An idiot who can't see the forest for the trees.

You are a laughable idiot. You support genocide at the drop of a hat because you're petrified of a few terrorist attacks on another continent.
No one is advocating genocide other than radical Muslims. You may remember your Liberal hero, Jimmy Carter. Do you remember him halting Muslim immigration and deporting Islamic students in 1979. How many liberal piss ants bitched about that?

Probably because he only halted Iranian immigration and deported Iranian students - a bit more narrowly and specifically targeted.
This happened on the heels of the axe attack. Germany has taken in tens of thousands of refugees. This is what they should have expected.
Slaves of Islam

Not sexist if it is a fact. Almost all violent attacks are committed by men. Why isn't the male community speaking up?

So if I say Black men commit a lot of crime and a fact backs that up it is okay? It is sexist because you arrived at a conclusion based on generalities. You have a bias.
Generalities? Isn't it TRUE that almost all attacks like this are committed by males? Why aren't men doing something about this?

Do you need help with the definition of generalities? I have the time.
In general, the police that responded to this are males, feel better now?
Yes they are. I'm glad to see that some males are stepping up. But that doesn't change the FACT that almost all these kinds of attacks are done by men.
Black & Muslim men. of all kinds. For the most part, that is the common denominator.
Yes they are. I'm glad to see that some males are stepping up. But that doesn't change the FACT that almost all these kinds of attacks are done by men.

So sending all nonnative males out of Germany is your suggestion?
Not sure what the solution is...but we can see what the problem is.

The problem is terrorists. The solution is reducing opportunity through more dialog with the Muslim community.
It didn't a member from Germany pointed out...they have very strict rules as to who can own a gun in Germany....they have licensing, they have training this isn't happening....
And this is quite a surprise too......

Very surprised that you would make this PRIMARILY about the availability or unavailability of guns.

Isn't it...? We are told these things don't happen in Europe...because they can't get guns.....

Of course...they get guns easily over is just that law abiding citizens can't get them ........they have to beg their government and jump through hoops to get hunting shotguns.......
So that's what this is PRIMARILY about, the availability or unavailability of you admit this kind of violence is gun-centric after all.

Nope.....not even close....this is about people who want to murder other people......they don't care about any laws.....not even gun control laws.......

So passing licensing gun owner laws, requiring permits, registering guns.....none of that actually addresses gun crime or mass public shootings.....

You guys hate guns and gun owners so blinds you to the actual problem and the solution....

For need long prison don't allow prosecutors to plea bargain gun charges......if a guy is carrying a gun during a robbery...or is a felon with a gun.....put them away for 30 years.........

For mass public shootings...get rid of gun free zones.........and since these are really rare occurrences....stop using them as excuses to create new gun laws on normal gun owners....

Germany has all the gun control laws you guys want...every single one....and none of them stopped this mall attack..........

Wanna bet this mall is a gun free zone?
So if I say Black men commit a lot of crime and a fact backs that up it is okay? It is sexist because you arrived at a conclusion based on generalities. You have a bias.
Generalities? Isn't it TRUE that almost all attacks like this are committed by males? Why aren't men doing something about this?

Do you need help with the definition of generalities? I have the time.
In general, the police that responded to this are males, feel better now?
Yes they are. I'm glad to see that some males are stepping up. But that doesn't change the FACT that almost all these kinds of attacks are done by men.
Black & Muslim men. of all kinds. For the most part, that is the common denominator.

Well...they do commit the vast majority of rapes too....
Not sexist if it is a fact. Almost all violent attacks are committed by men. Why isn't the male community speaking up?

So if I say Black men commit a lot of crime and a fact backs that up it is okay? It is sexist because you arrived at a conclusion based on generalities. You have a bias.
Generalities? Isn't it TRUE that almost all attacks like this are committed by males? Why aren't men doing something about this?

I'm most of these cases, men shoot the bastards. Not enough?
Good for them...but doesn't change the FACT that almost all of these attacks are committed by males.

Yes male slaves of Islam.
Men of all religions, no religions, nationalities, socio-economic standing, race, etc. The is the most common factor.

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