Breaking: Trump Backs Down On Border Wall Government Shutdown

A common response/deflection from Trump supporters is they won, we lost and we need to get over it. They control everything. We lost everything.

Yet here we are on the sidelines watching them in the driver's seat and they can't even come together as a party even though they have the majority.

Wow. You've just realized that Parties do not have the power to ensure bloc voting?

Are you like 10?
A wise move by Trump
You don't start political battles you can't win

Deferring the wall till a more opportune time saves him the embarrassment of being defeated now

Trump will get his wall. He will get some token project that he can do a photo-op on and then declare victory
We will have basically the wall we have now and Trump will claim we are now safe

Says the man depending on demographic change to give him the One Party State he WANTS, where he can have a society based on the marginalization of and discrimination against the largest single ethnic group.

Because he thinks that will be a GOOD THING.
A majority of Americans don't want the wall (59%) and do not want to pay for the wall (63%).
So, how does that give Trump any advantage?
Poll: Americans oppose Trump’s wall, easing regulations

A majority of the nation wants unvetted outsiders to be able to just walk into this nation any time they want?

I find that hard to believe.

A majority of the nation wants unvetted outsiders to be able to just walk into this nation any time they want?

That has never happened.

The millions and millions of illegals in this county say otherwise.
Breaking News on MSNBC. No link yet...
Lmfao...he controls the military. That fucking border is going to be shut down one way or the other.

Obama increased Border Patrol to more than 18,500 agents on less than 2000 miles. Do the math. They can just about hold hands and long before the election, crossings were at net zero.

President Obama already shut down the border.

Also long before the election, Obama had deported more, especially criminal, undocumented than any other pres.

There will be no wall.

Suck it up and find a reason to go on.


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Crossings at net zero my ass. They were pouring across and released after 72hours.

Yep, that's why ICE is reduced to picking up undocumented parents at traffic court as part of their increased enforcement efforts. :laugh2:
Breaking News on MSNBC. Trump backing down from budget standoff over border wall funding. No link yet.
There is already 11 billion dollars appropriated for the wall and or border security that Obama would not use. So don;t hold your breath kid

Well, you pitiful dumbass, at least he backed down from shutting the government down over it.

That's because he knows that if the government shuts down, and part of the reason is because of the rider for the wall, well.............he's gonna catch some if not most of the blame.

Wow....................I think this is the first time in US history that the government was on the verge of shutting down only 100 days after the new president is inaugurated.
Democrats will be blamed by real Americans. News media will try to blame Trump. But we know the tead MSM has on regular folks. Remember election night. Stand your ground Donald. They will pass emergency spending bill and operate for a time without full budget.
Democrats will be blamed by real Americans

For what?

Trump doesn't even have support for the wall from his own majority.

Border states do not want a border wall
Trump also does not have the support of fiscal conservatives who recognize the wall as a boondoggle
A majority of Americans don't want the wall (59%) and do not want to pay for the wall (63%).
So, how does that give Trump any advantage?
Poll: Americans oppose Trump’s wall, easing regulations

A majority of the nation wants unvetted outsiders to be able to just walk into this nation any time they want?

I find that hard to believe.

A majority of the nation wants unvetted outsiders to be able to just walk into this nation any time they want?

That has never happened.

The millions and millions of illegals in this county say otherwise.

Nearly half of which never crossed a border, dope.
It was a dopey idea to begin with because he was insisting that Mexico will pay for his wall. Then he wanted the American taxpayers to pay for it. The man is a clown.

Yeah, because millions and millions of unvetted foreigners just waltzing across the border is noooooo problem....
Oh you should see them, coming in by the droves, they looked hungry, thirsty, tired. We brought them in for the night. That Jesus thing you know.

THey wouldn't have been hungry, thirsty and tired, if they had stayed home instead of crossing a desert.

Your complete lack of concern for your fellow AMERICANS, is noted. YOu are a traitor.

If your family was starving or was being systematically killed by drug lords, what would you do?
While there are better and much more effective ways, I say that Democrats should give Trump his wall in exchange for leaving the ACA alone. Sure it's a bloated boondoggle that won't be effective and will be tied up in the courts....but, hey, it's a jobs program.
A wise move by Trump
You don't start political battles you can't win

Deferring the wall till a more opportune time saves him the embarrassment of being defeated now

Trump will get his wall. He will get some token project that he can do a photo-op on and then declare victory
We will have basically the wall we have now and Trump will claim we are now safe

Says the man depending on demographic change to give him the One Party State he WANTS, where he can have a society based on the marginalization of and discrimination against the largest single ethnic group.

Because he thinks that will be a GOOD THING.

Welcome to politics Mr Trump

You are not emperor and do not get to dictate what gets done. With 40% approval, you do not get to dictate much at all. We all know you don't really give a shit about the border wall, you just want to save face

Work with Republicans on the budget. They will throw you a few billion for a token wall project. Then, all you need to do is lie about how immigration numbers are down
Breaking News on MSNBC. No link yet...
Lmfao...he controls the military. That fucking border is going to be shut down one way or the other.

Obama increased Border Patrol to more than 18,500 agents on less than 2000 miles. Do the math. They can just about hold hands and long before the election, crossings were at net zero.

President Obama already shut down the border.

Also long before the election, Obama had deported more, especially criminal, undocumented than any other pres.

There will be no wall.

Suck it up and find a reason to go on.


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Crossings at net zero my ass. They were pouring across and released after 72hours.

Yep, that's why ICE is reduced to picking up undocumented parents at traffic court as part of their increased enforcement efforts. :laugh2:

Yeah, like the mother of a disabled US Citizen whose mother is specially trained to care for her. She's been here 15 years...can't have that "criminal element".

Dick moves from the head Dick.
Breaking News on MSNBC. No link yet...
Lmfao...he controls the military. That fucking border is going to be shut down one way or the other.

40% of Latino vote & won in 2004; McCain's 33% lost in 2008
Strategists generally agree that to win the White House a Republican nominee needs to secure 40% of the Latino vote, the portion George W. Bush won in 2004. 4 years later Republican John McCain got only 33% when he lost to Democrat Barack Obama.
But for Republicans seeking their party's nomination, the calculation can be different: it is more important to gain white working-class votes by staking out the position of being the toughest candidate on illegal immigrants than it is to court the ascending bloc of Latinos, whose influence registers mainly in the general election. So in the 2012 primary the former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney promoted the idea of a high-tech fence stretching the entire length of the US-Mexico border, nearly 2,000 miles long.

Source: The Rise of Marco Rubio, by Manuel Rogi-Franzia, p.221 , Jun 19, 2012

We're a nation of immigrants, but also a nation of laws
In 2006, I gave the first-ever primetime presidential address on immigration. "We're a nation of laws, and we must enforce our laws," I said. "We're also a nation of immigrants, and we must uphold that tradition, which has strengthened our country in so many ways." I then laid out a five-part plan to reform the immigration system:
  1. A major new investment in border security, including doubling the Border Patrol by the end of 2008 and temporarily deploy 6000 National Guard troops
  2. The temporary worker program, which would include a tamper-proof identification card
  3. Stricter immigration enforcement at businesses, which would reduce exploitation and help slow demand for illegal workers
  4. Promote assimilation by requiring immigrants to learn English
  5. What to do with the approximately twelve million illegal immigrants in the country? [I outlined] a rational middle ground between granting an automatic path to citizenship for every illegal immigrant and a program of mass deportation.
Source: Decision Points, by Pres. George W. Bush, p.303-304 , Nov 9, 2010

Deploy border fence; end “catch and release”
America needs to secure our borders--and with your help, my administration is taking steps to do so. We’re increasing worksite enforcement, deploying fences and advanced technologies to stop illegal crossings. We’ve effectively ended the policy of “catch and release” at the border, and by the end of this year, we will have doubled the number of border patrol agents. Yet we also need to acknowledge that we will never fully secure our border until we create a lawful way for foreign workers to come here and support our economy. This will take pressure off the border and allow law enforcement to concentrate on those who mean us harm. We must also find a sensible and humane way to deal with people here illegally. Illegal immigration is complicated, but it can be resolved. And it must be resolved in a way that upholds both our laws and our highest ideals.Source: 2008 State of the Union address to Congress , Jan 28, 2008

All that is one presidents bullshit on the Mexican border. It was all lies. Why would Trump being one of the political elite do any different? His drones will rabidly defend his blatant lies much like aBammers did. Americans get the leaders they deserve.
A majority of Americans don't want the wall (59%) and do not want to pay for the wall (63%).
So, how does that give Trump any advantage?
Poll: Americans oppose Trump’s wall, easing regulations

A majority of the nation wants unvetted outsiders to be able to just walk into this nation any time they want?

I find that hard to believe.

A majority of the nation wants unvetted outsiders to be able to just walk into this nation any time they want?

That has never happened.

The millions and millions of illegals in this county say otherwise.

Nearly half of which never crossed a border, dope.

HALF, of millions and millions is still millions and millions, you freaking moron.

And millions of millions who DID waltz across the border shows that you are a liar.

My point stands.

A majority of the nation wants unvetted outsiders to be able to just walk into this nation any time they want?
It was a dopey idea to begin with because he was insisting that Mexico will pay for his wall. Then he wanted the American taxpayers to pay for it. The man is a clown.

Yeah, because millions and millions of unvetted foreigners just waltzing across the border is noooooo problem....
Oh you should see them, coming in by the droves, they looked hungry, thirsty, tired. We brought them in for the night. That Jesus thing you know.

THey wouldn't have been hungry, thirsty and tired, if they had stayed home instead of crossing a desert.

Your complete lack of concern for your fellow AMERICANS, is noted. YOu are a traitor.

If your family was starving or was being systematically killed by drug lords, what would you do?

Mexico is not experiencing mass starvation, and the cartel violence is not everywhere. Move to another part of Mexico.

And I note NO concern for the Americans in question. Again.
A wise move by Trump
You don't start political battles you can't win

Deferring the wall till a more opportune time saves him the embarrassment of being defeated now

Trump will get his wall. He will get some token project that he can do a photo-op on and then declare victory
We will have basically the wall we have now and Trump will claim we are now safe

Says the man depending on demographic change to give him the One Party State he WANTS, where he can have a society based on the marginalization of and discrimination against the largest single ethnic group.

Because he thinks that will be a GOOD THING.

Welcome to politics Mr Trump

You are not emperor and do not get to dictate what gets done. With 40% approval, you do not get to dictate much at all. We all know you don't really give a shit about the border wall, you just want to save face

Work with Republicans on the budget. They will throw you a few billion for a token wall project. Then, all you need to do is lie about how immigration numbers are down

But what YOU want, is for future Democratic presidents to be able to dictate what gets done, no matter how low their approval ratings are.

That's what a One Party State MEANS.

That is your goal, and your party's goal, and you guys are actively working towards that every day.
A wise move by Trump
You don't start political battles you can't win

Deferring the wall till a more opportune time saves him the embarrassment of being defeated now

Trump will get his wall. He will get some token project that he can do a photo-op on and then declare victory
We will have basically the wall we have now and Trump will claim we are now safe

Says the man depending on demographic change to give him the One Party State he WANTS, where he can have a society based on the marginalization of and discrimination against the largest single ethnic group.

Because he thinks that will be a GOOD THING.

Welcome to politics Mr Trump

You are not emperor and do not get to dictate what gets done. With 40% approval, you do not get to dictate much at all. We all know you don't really give a shit about the border wall, you just want to save face

Work with Republicans on the budget. They will throw you a few billion for a token wall project. Then, all you need to do is lie about how immigration numbers are down

But what YOU want, is for future Democratic presidents to be able to dictate what gets done, no matter how low their approval ratings are.

That's what a One Party State MEANS.

That is your goal, and your party's goal, and you guys are actively working towards that every day.

Guess what Correll....You WON
That means you get to stop whining and start doing things

Trump is the President....the buck stops there
He won by convincing the gullible, such as yourself that he would do things such as build a wall, repeal and replace Obamacare, balance the budget

Doesn't it bother you that he seems to have given up trying so easily?
Breaking News on MSNBC. No link yet...
Lmfao...he controls the military. That fucking border is going to be shut down one way or the other.
Preferable without wasting millions upon millions of dollars.
Why not hire more border patrol?

But knowing trump- he'd probably hire the mexicans before the Americans.

All Trump has to do is lock up a couple of corporate executives for hiring illegal workers
The jobs will dry up overnight and workers will stream across the border in the other direction
Breaking News on MSNBC. No link yet...
Lmfao...he controls the military. That fucking border is going to be shut down one way or the other.
Preferable without wasting millions upon millions of dollars.
Why not hire more border patrol?

But knowing trump- he'd probably hire the mexicans before the Americans.

All Trump has to do is lock up a couple of corporate executives for hiring illegal workers
The jobs will dry up overnight and workers will stream across the border in the other direction
Why not lock him up for that offense?
No, California doesn't. They are afraid their economy will collapse when that illegal labor goes by the wayside.
There is already 11 billion dollars appropriated for the wall and or border security that Obama would not use. So don;t hold your breath kid

Well, you pitiful dumbass, at least he backed down from shutting the government down over it.

That's because he knows that if the government shuts down, and part of the reason is because of the rider for the wall, well.............he's gonna catch some if not most of the blame.

Wow....................I think this is the first time in US history that the government was on the verge of shutting down only 100 days after the new president is inaugurated.
Democrats will be blamed by real Americans. News media will try to blame Trump. But we know the tead MSM has on regular folks. Remember election night. Stand your ground Donald. They will pass emergency spending bill and operate for a time without full budget.
Democrats will be blamed by real Americans

For what?

Trump doesn't even have support for the wall from his own majority.

Border states do not want a border wall
Trump also does not have the support of fiscal conservatives who recognize the wall as a boondoggle

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