BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

Yep, he is learning every day as he goes, just as he did in business as the situation changes by the hour. But he is a very sagacious man who can not only handle it, but feeds off of the challenge. I disagree that he has no world view, he has been dealing with leaders and countries on the international level for a long time, but does he know everything? No, he is learning. But then, did Obama know everything? Did GW? Hillary was farther along in that regard and what did it do for her other than make it easier for her to be a better crook.

I have no trouble understanding the man, and most of his "exaggerations and incorrect or conflicting statements" are part style and part misinterpretation by others for what he means and how he says it. This is a man used to speaking before a BOD and competitors rather than the media. As to his trust and consistency, on certain levels he is very consistent, just not in a way that many are used to, especially on the international level, and really, that is his strength! That is what makes him an effective leader and negotiator---- their inability to see his "hand" in what cards he holds, what cards he will play and when. That gives us much greater leverage. Art of the deal.
The presidency is not the place to learn how government functions, political strategies that work and don't work, how to manipulate the media, and the driving forces behind actions of world leaders. In fact, there is little time for a president do much more than react to situations utilizing his experience and knowledge to manage them. As president, you need exactly the talents that Trump does not have, trust, diplomacy, respect, patience, and tolerance. Unfortunately, you don't acquire those talents on the job.

Trump has to get rid of the idea that he's the boss, he's in charge. Unlike his business, the rules he operates under are fixed as is the structure of the organization. He is not free to hire anyone he chooses and firing people can have serious political consequences. His staff answers to him but they also answer to congress and the courts. The president is the head of state but not the head of government.

I disagree. I think it is EXACTLY the place to learn these things, especially if you learn fast and get good with good people around to guide you. I would much rather have an honest and well-intended man running the country who is learning the ropes who goes into public service to SERVE THE NATION than a career politician who knows the system inside out, has lots of "friends," and knows just how to milk it to make himself rich. You see, if you look back, the original intention of this nation WAS to have people from the private sector (just like Trump) come in, serve for a few years as a sacrifice to his nation, then go back to his daytime job, NOT be a career politician getting rich at it and crooked. Trump is not an aberration, he is the way the Founders really intended, and as such, inexperience comes with the job.
Having an inexperienced person steering the ship of state makes about as much sense as have having a weekend sailor at the helm of a supertanker. Experience in governing has never been more important than it is today. Anyone that steps into the presidency is stepping into a mine field. The idea that Trump doesn't really need knowledge and experience in government and politics is about as silly as thinking he could have built his multi-billion dollar property development business without the years of experience and education in business and real estate.

What I find puzzling is why voters think we don't need experts in congress or the White House when they know quite well that the federal government is probably the most complex organization on earth. Do they believe that the solutions to the nation's problems are so simple that all we need is elected officials that are honesty, have common sense, and a record of success in other fields?


Non sequitur. You put more value on someone having experience in running political campaigns, etc., than someone having real leadership in running multi-billion dollar enterprises the world over with multiple nations where he creates tens of thousands of jobs, creates wealth and gambles with his own money. Career politicians do none of these things. The problem with Obama's administration is that it had the lowest or one of the lowest percentages of people in it with real private sector experience out in the real world. Very few of them had ever met a budget or deadline or payroll and had lived most all of their entire lives paid by taxpayer money. I think the Trump's administration just might be the very opposite with most of its people having a maximum amount of experience working out in the real world. I find it very disturbing that anyone would argue for PROFESSIONAL politicians like there was a class on it, especially in light of the fact that it flies in the faces of the intentions of the Founders.

The Founders realized that the way to keep government fresh with new ideas and energy, efficient and cooperative and working, and keep corruption down was to have a constant influx and turnover of new minds. Not have people in there in their '80's who had been in there since their 40's. It is when you have the same old crusty and tired people in there year upon year that hard divisions, and obstinances develop, exactly our problem today.

I would only add that the Fed is the most inept, incompetent, disorganized and wasteful organization probably in the world and 99.99% of the people working in it are all highly EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONALS. So obviously, experience has been proven to not only not be the solution, but might in fact be the problem.
What you seem to be saying is that it's better to have someone with experience outside of government and no government experience running the government than vice versa. Here is the problem I see with that argument. Unlike the early years of the republic, government has become extremely complex and as you say disorganized and wasteful. To get things done in government, you need professionals who understand the organization, the rules, the laws, and constraints it operates under. Most importantly, you need to build the trust and respect of the players you need to accomplish your goals.

A person may be a dynamic real estate developer who knows real estate values, and markets as no else does but when that person wins political office, he becomes a neophyte in government because government does not operate in anyway like a business. Where businesses seek to operate in a profitable environment, government almost always works in an unprofitable environment. Where businesses manage their affairs in private, government manages in the full light of public disclosure. Where businesses can hire, fire, and reorganize relatively easily, it can take a constitutional amendment in government. Where business answers only to owners, government answers to the voters, taxpayers, and the media.

Just because professionals in government have not lived up to your expectations that does not mean amateurs are going to do a better job. In fact, common sense should tells us the opposite is true.
Meanwhile, since 1980 with the election from Reagan to Trump! Here is the end results for the middle class and working poor:
Yep, he is learning every day as he goes, just as he did in business as the situation changes by the hour. But he is a very sagacious man who can not only handle it, but feeds off of the challenge. I disagree that he has no world view, he has been dealing with leaders and countries on the international level for a long time, but does he know everything? No, he is learning. But then, did Obama know everything? Did GW? Hillary was farther along in that regard and what did it do for her other than make it easier for her to be a better crook.

I have no trouble understanding the man, and most of his "exaggerations and incorrect or conflicting statements" are part style and part misinterpretation by others for what he means and how he says it. This is a man used to speaking before a BOD and competitors rather than the media. As to his trust and consistency, on certain levels he is very consistent, just not in a way that many are used to, especially on the international level, and really, that is his strength! That is what makes him an effective leader and negotiator---- their inability to see his "hand" in what cards he holds, what cards he will play and when. That gives us much greater leverage. Art of the deal.
The presidency is not the place to learn how government functions, political strategies that work and don't work, how to manipulate the media, and the driving forces behind actions of world leaders. In fact, there is little time for a president do much more than react to situations utilizing his experience and knowledge to manage them. As president, you need exactly the talents that Trump does not have, trust, diplomacy, respect, patience, and tolerance. Unfortunately, you don't acquire those talents on the job.

Trump has to get rid of the idea that he's the boss, he's in charge. Unlike his business, the rules he operates under are fixed as is the structure of the organization. He is not free to hire anyone he chooses and firing people can have serious political consequences. His staff answers to him but they also answer to congress and the courts. The president is the head of state but not the head of government.

I disagree. I think it is EXACTLY the place to learn these things, especially if you learn fast and get good with good people around to guide you. I would much rather have an honest and well-intended man running the country who is learning the ropes who goes into public service to SERVE THE NATION than a career politician who knows the system inside out, has lots of "friends," and knows just how to milk it to make himself rich. You see, if you look back, the original intention of this nation WAS to have people from the private sector (just like Trump) come in, serve for a few years as a sacrifice to his nation, then go back to his daytime job, NOT be a career politician getting rich at it and crooked. Trump is not an aberration, he is the way the Founders really intended, and as such, inexperience comes with the job.
Having an inexperienced person steering the ship of state makes about as much sense as have having a weekend sailor at the helm of a supertanker. Experience in governing has never been more important than it is today. Anyone that steps into the presidency is stepping into a mine field. The idea that Trump doesn't really need knowledge and experience in government and politics is about as silly as thinking he could have built his multi-billion dollar property development business without the years of experience and education in business and real estate.

What I find puzzling is why voters think we don't need experts in congress or the White House when they know quite well that the federal government is probably the most complex organization on earth. Do they believe that the solutions to the nation's problems are so simple that all we need is elected officials that are honesty, have common sense, and a record of success in other fields?


Non sequitur. You put more value on someone having experience in running political campaigns, etc., than someone having real leadership in running multi-billion dollar enterprises the world over with multiple nations where he creates tens of thousands of jobs, creates wealth and gambles with his own money. Career politicians do none of these things. The problem with Obama's administration is that it had the lowest or one of the lowest percentages of people in it with real private sector experience out in the real world. Very few of them had ever met a budget or deadline or payroll and had lived most all of their entire lives paid by taxpayer money. I think the Trump's administration just might be the very opposite with most of its people having a maximum amount of experience working out in the real world. I find it very disturbing that anyone would argue for PROFESSIONAL politicians like there was a class on it, especially in light of the fact that it flies in the faces of the intentions of the Founders.

The Founders realized that the way to keep government fresh with new ideas and energy, efficient and cooperative and working, and keep corruption down was to have a constant influx and turnover of new minds. Not have people in there in their '80's who had been in there since their 40's. It is when you have the same old crusty and tired people in there year upon year that hard divisions, and obstinances develop, exactly our problem today.

I would only add that the Fed is the most inept, incompetent, disorganized and wasteful organization probably in the world and 99.99% of the people working in it are all highly EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONALS. So obviously, experience has been proven to not only not be the solution, but might in fact be the problem.
What you seem to be saying is that it's better to have someone with experience outside of government and no government experience running the government than vice versa. Here is the problem I see with that argument. Unlike the early years of the republic, government has become extremely complex and as you say disorganized and wasteful. To get things done in government, you need professionals who understand the organization, the rules, the laws, and constraints it operates under. Most importantly, you need to build the trust and respect of the players you need to accomplish your goals.

A person may be a dynamic real estate developer who knows real estate values, and markets as no else does but when that person wins political office, he becomes a neophyte in government because government does not operate in anyway like a business. Where businesses seek to operate in a profitable environment, government almost always works in an unprofitable environment. Where businesses manage their affairs in private, government manages in the full light of public disclosure. Where businesses can hire, fire, and reorganize relatively easily, it can take a constitutional amendment in government. Where business answers only to owners, government answers to the voters, taxpayers, and the media.

Just because professionals in government have not lived up to your expectations that does not mean amateurs are going to do a better job. In fact, common sense should tells us the opposite is true.
Meanwhile, since 1980 with the election from Reagan to Trump! Here is the end results for the middle class and working poor:
However, the fact remains, he lacks knowledge of how Washington works, has no world view, and does not understand that unpredictability and off the cuff, often contradictory comments erodes trust. His propensity for exaggerations and incorrect statements may make him seem more human to his supporters but among world leaders and politicians, it makes him seem dishonest and inconsistent.

Yep, he is learning every day as he goes, just as he did in business as the situation changes by the hour. But he is a very sagacious man who can not only handle it, but feeds off of the challenge. I disagree that he has no world view, he has been dealing with leaders and countries on the international level for a long time, but does he know everything? No, he is learning. But then, did Obama know everything? Did GW? Hillary was farther along in that regard and what did it do for her other than make it easier for her to be a better crook.

I have no trouble understanding the man, and most of his "exaggerations and incorrect or conflicting statements" are part style and part misinterpretation by others for what he means and how he says it. This is a man used to speaking before a BOD and competitors rather than the media. As to his trust and consistency, on certain levels he is very consistent, just not in a way that many are used to, especially on the international level, and really, that is his strength! That is what makes him an effective leader and negotiator---- their inability to see his "hand" in what cards he holds, what cards he will play and when. That gives us much greater leverage. Art of the deal.
The presidency is not the place to learn how government functions, political strategies that work and don't work, how to manipulate the media, and the driving forces behind actions of world leaders. In fact, there is little time for a president do much more than react to situations utilizing his experience and knowledge to manage them. As president, you need exactly the talents that Trump does not have, trust, diplomacy, respect, patience, and tolerance. Unfortunately, you don't acquire those talents on the job.

Trump has to get rid of the idea that he's the boss, he's in charge. Unlike his business, the rules he operates under are fixed as is the structure of the organization. He is not free to hire anyone he chooses and firing people can have serious political consequences. His staff answers to him but they also answer to congress and the courts. The president is the head of state but not the head of government.

I disagree. I think it is EXACTLY the place to learn these things, especially if you learn fast and get good with good people around to guide you. I would much rather have an honest and well-intended man running the country who is learning the ropes who goes into public service to SERVE THE NATION than a career politician who knows the system inside out, has lots of "friends," and knows just how to milk it to make himself rich. You see, if you look back, the original intention of this nation WAS to have people from the private sector (just like Trump) come in, serve for a few years as a sacrifice to his nation, then go back to his daytime job, NOT be a career politician getting rich at it and crooked. Trump is not an aberration, he is the way the Founders really intended, and as such, inexperience comes with the job.
Are Trump voters ruining America for all of us?
Are Trump voters ruining America for all of us?: Tom Nichols
However, the fact remains, he lacks knowledge of how Washington works, has no world view, and does not understand that unpredictability and off the cuff, often contradictory comments erodes trust. His propensity for exaggerations and incorrect statements may make him seem more human to his supporters but among world leaders and politicians, it makes him seem dishonest and inconsistent.

Yep, he is learning every day as he goes, just as he did in business as the situation changes by the hour. But he is a very sagacious man who can not only handle it, but feeds off of the challenge. I disagree that he has no world view, he has been dealing with leaders and countries on the international level for a long time, but does he know everything? No, he is learning. But then, did Obama know everything? Did GW? Hillary was farther along in that regard and what did it do for her other than make it easier for her to be a better crook.

I have no trouble understanding the man, and most of his "exaggerations and incorrect or conflicting statements" are part style and part misinterpretation by others for what he means and how he says it. This is a man used to speaking before a BOD and competitors rather than the media. As to his trust and consistency, on certain levels he is very consistent, just not in a way that many are used to, especially on the international level, and really, that is his strength! That is what makes him an effective leader and negotiator---- their inability to see his "hand" in what cards he holds, what cards he will play and when. That gives us much greater leverage. Art of the deal.
The presidency is not the place to learn how government functions, political strategies that work and don't work, how to manipulate the media, and the driving forces behind actions of world leaders. In fact, there is little time for a president do much more than react to situations utilizing his experience and knowledge to manage them. As president, you need exactly the talents that Trump does not have, trust, diplomacy, respect, patience, and tolerance. Unfortunately, you don't acquire those talents on the job.

Trump has to get rid of the idea that he's the boss, he's in charge. Unlike his business, the rules he operates under are fixed as is the structure of the organization. He is not free to hire anyone he chooses and firing people can have serious political consequences. His staff answers to him but they also answer to congress and the courts. The president is the head of state but not the head of government.

I disagree. I think it is EXACTLY the place to learn these things, especially if you learn fast and get good with good people around to guide you. I would much rather have an honest and well-intended man running the country who is learning the ropes who goes into public service to SERVE THE NATION than a career politician who knows the system inside out, has lots of "friends," and knows just how to milk it to make himself rich. You see, if you look back, the original intention of this nation WAS to have people from the private sector (just like Trump) come in, serve for a few years as a sacrifice to his nation, then go back to his daytime job, NOT be a career politician getting rich at it and crooked. Trump is not an aberration, he is the way the Founders really intended, and as such, inexperience comes with the job.
Are Trump voters ruining America for all of us?
Are Trump voters ruining America for all of us?: Tom Nichols
What you seem to be saying is that it's better to have someone with experience outside of government and no government experience running the government than vice versa.

Bingo! That is a pretty good way of putting it. If government is broke (and I don't think many would disagree that it is) then the solution is not to do MORE of the same thing! You have to approach it from the outside with fresh ideas from people who have a track record of really getting things done. And you will never get someone to make the radical changes needed to fix a system who is part of the very system needing fixed.
I agree outsiders are needed to change Washington but not outsiders to politics and government. When I have a problem with my car and the dealership can't solve the problem, I look for an outsider but not a plumber, businessman, or teacher but a mechanic with experience and knowledge of car repair.

The second thing needed to change Washington is insiders. An outsider may have the general idea as to what's needs to be done but it takes insiders to do it.

Lastly, there needs to be overwhelming support for the leadership because there are both winners and losers when you make major changes. Without a strong mandate from the people, change that is lasting change is impossible.

I don't see any of the above in Washington today. I suspect the changes we will see over the next 4 years will be executive orders and limited legislation that will be reversed just as Obama's changes have been reversed.
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I agree outsiders are needed to change Washington but not outsiders to politics and government.

Non sequitur. How can they be outsiders but still be insiders to politics and government?

When I have a problem with my car and the dealership can't solve the problem, I look for an outsider but not a plumber, businessman, or teacher but a mechanic with experience and knowledge of car repair.

Not only are you comparing apples to oranges, but just don't seem to get it! Is it really that hard? No politician comes to office experienced, nor should they or were desired by the Founders (for the third time); there is no school, what makes a successful politician is both leadership, managerial and diplomatic skills, largely born with; you either have it or not. How many presidents have we had that had tons of "experience" but were miserable failures because they lacked the leadership and management skills? So experience is not the central thing.

And someone like Donald applied it to business for many years, and is now applying it to running the nation. No one makes split-second decisions, that is why they have all these positions around them, czars, etc., to consult with, get information, guide them. Donald has far, far more going for him than the so-called "experience" that Barry had after sitting on his hands for two years in the senate. In recent weeks, over the healthcare Bill, Donald has met and made friends with every single person in the Congress. It isn't just what you know and your experience, but how quickly you learn and what you intend to do with it. All the experience in the world is of no help if your head is wrong. Whitehouse staff have already said that there was more going on in the WH during the first four days with Trump than all of Barry's 8 years! Unlike most presidents, Trump is busy every minute of every day. Every single minute. The guy never stops. The guy is probably conducting business while on the commode.

The second thing needed to change Washington is insiders. An outsider may have the general idea as to what's needs to be done but it takes insiders to do it.

Can you say Mike Pence.

Lastly, there needs to be overwhelming support for the leadership because there are both winners and losers when you make major changes. Without a strong mandate from the people, change that is lasting change is impossible.

Well, now you are venturing into pure idealism. You better be a realist if you want to run the country. You have to go with what you have rather than what would be ideal. Or maybe you'd rather have Hillary and her picks for Supreme Court, energy, jobs, foreign relations, and yes, FBI Director. She would have fired Comey too. And would probably be dealing all of the favors out right now that her many secret contributors paid for . . . .
Great! When I hear people like you who deny any fact they don't like as false just because they don't want it to be so, that reaffirms my suspicion that the democratic party is in free-fall and delusional and setting themselves up for another ass-kicking as they drive more and more voters away with their strident horseshit!

I'm not laughing now....he is in deep shit...

He is in nothing. Remember where you heard it.

Well if he appoints a 'yes' man ie - Does a Putin...then yes, he might get away with it. However, once he loses the next election, all bets are off..
Great! When I hear people like you who deny any fact they don't like as false just because they don't want it to be so, that reaffirms my suspicion that the democratic party is in free-fall and delusional and setting themselves up for another ass-kicking as they drive more and more voters away with their strident horseshit!

2018 will give us more of a clue of how it's going...
And when the REPs win a super majority in the senate how about you go fuck yourself.

Well, considering they LOST seats this time around, and Trump is royally fucking up the WH, I'd suggest the GoP are running for cover.
That would be President Trump to you asshole. HAAA HAAAA
Still trying to sell your Hands Up Don't Shoot hoodies on ebay?
Fucking LOSER!!!!!!

The Orange Buffoon isn't, and never will be, my president. The laughing stock of the WORLD, is all yours....

Whenever I see a poster choose an avatar using the president deliberately silly and condescending, choose a moniker deliberately insulting, then put out his "opinion" on the very same matter, I immediately do not expect to get anything remotely resembling sensible or balanced perspective. Just blind, predictable partisanship.
There are like 8 or 15 threads all loosely revolving around the Comey matter, but as I consider this one the /main/ thread, I will say this here.

I hope readers were able to catch the interview with Jeanine Piero Saturday night. In it, you got to see the real Trump. In it, you got to hear about all kinds of things the media does not normally tell you, like the natural gas deal with China, or the cattle deal. Those industries are through the roof with excitement! There was a lady locked up prisoner in Egypt for like 3.5 years---- Obama couldn't do a thing for her. Trump got her released in one minute. Went straight to it with the head of Egypt (El-Sisi) when he was here.

The media made a big deal of Trump meeting with the Russians recently especially in light of the democrat allegations. Ahhhh! Russians!!! Note: there is no evidence to back any of that up. What they didn't tell you was that 30 minutes after the Russians, he met with the head of the Ukraine/Crimea as well. He is trying to get them together, get things worked out.

And as far as that Comey thing, might have a new FBI pick by the end of the week. Trump is the first person to say he wants all this crap behind him, SOLIDLY---- while he would like it over quickly, more than anything, he wants it investigated thoroughly, to the nines, so that once done, there will be NO DOUBTS of his integrity.

Not that the media or the partisan asses on this board would ever tell you that.
Great! When I hear people like you who deny any fact they don't like as false just because they don't want it to be so, that reaffirms my suspicion that the democratic party is in free-fall and delusional and setting themselves up for another ass-kicking as they drive more and more voters away with their strident horseshit!

I'm not laughing now....he is in deep shit...

He is in nothing. Remember where you heard it.

Well if he appoints a 'yes' man ie - Does a Putin...then yes, he might get away with it. However, once he loses the next election, all bets are off..

Won't you be disappointed.
Don't you find it strange that Trump has fired the guy that is looking into his own personal affairs? Wouldn't it be nice to be pulled over by a cop and say, "Yeah, well you're fired!" It's blatantly obvious that Mr.Cheeto is hiding something, considering the other day he only allowed Russian press and booted out the U.S. press. It's despicable. I have no words as to how bad things are getting.
What you seem to be saying is that it's better to have someone with experience outside of government and no government experience running the government than vice versa.

Bingo! That is a pretty good way of putting it. If government is broke (and I don't think many would disagree that it is) then the solution is not to do MORE of the same thing! You have to approach it from the outside with fresh ideas from people who have a track record of really getting things done. And you will never get someone to make the radical changes needed to fix a system who is part of the very system needing fixed.
I agree outsiders are needed to change Washington but not outsiders to politics and government. When I have a problem with my car and the dealership can't solve the problem, I look for an outsider but not a plumber, businessman, or teacher but a mechanic with experience and knowledge of car repair.

The second thing needed to change Washington is insiders. An outsider may have the general idea as to what's needs to be done but it takes insiders to do it.

Lastly, there needs to be overwhelming support for the leadership because there are both winners and losers when you make major changes. Without a strong mandate from the people, change that is lasting change is impossible.

I don't see any of the above in Washington today. I suspect the changes we will see over the next 4 years will be executive orders and limited legislation that will be reversed just as Obama's changes have been reversed.
We Need the Help of Intel Agencies Around the World
turn on FOX News. it's the breaking story! WE WANT TREY GOWDY OR DAVID CLARKE AS THE REPLACEMENT!

Sheriff David Clarke: "If Trump made me his FBI Director I would be arresting Hillary Clinton today."

Trump fires FBI director James Comey





You do understand this was obstruction of justice, right?
Nope! Not in the slightest. Even Watergates Bob Woodward agrees with me.

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