BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

BREAKING NEWS!! There IS collusion, between the Democrats and the media!!

Trump is so fucking stupid: There is no President that was dumb enough to make enemies out of the TWO MOST POWERFUL AGENCIES in this country.

The Media and Intelligence agencies. And he feeds them every single day with his crazy ass tweets and what comes out of his mouth. The more he calls them FAKE--the more they write & report. The more he insults the intellience coming out of intelligence agencies the more they look for more intelligence. Trump--himself--is their biggest motivator.


When you elect a clown--the circus is going to come along.

Trump has ALWAYS been UNFIT to be POTUS. There was never a single day or a single second of any day that anyone could have possibly considered him fit to be POTUS.

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BREAKING NEWS!! There IS collusion, between the Democrats and the media!!

Trump is so fucking stupid: There is no President that was dumb enough to make enemies out of the TWO MOST POWERFUL AGENCIES in this country.

The Media and Intelligence agencies. And he feeds them every single day with his crazy ass tweets and what comes out of his mouth. The more he calls them FAKE--the more they write & report. The more he insults the intellience coming out of intelligence agencies the more they look for more intelligence. Trump--himself--is their biggest motivator.


When you elect a clown--the circus is going to come along.

Trump has ALWAYS been UNFIT to be POTUS. There was never a single day or a single second of any day that anyone could have possibly considered him fit to be POTUS.

You bored yet snowflake?
So, after 48 pages of noise, let's be clear:

1). No one in Congress or the FBI can name one Russian who actually colluded with President Trump!

2). While that flaming buttwipe Schummer calls for an Independent Special Prosecutor to investigate Trump for firing an errant director that everyone in both parties for the past 6 months had been saying was way out of line and not doing his job, now pursuing another half-baked investigation forced by the democrats to pursue an issue with zero evidence to back it up:

Will Chuck Schummer support an independent special prosecutor against Hillary for multiple violations of the Espionage Act?

Will Chuck Schummer support an independent special prosecutor against Obama for the illegal surveillance and unmasking of the Trump transition team members?

Will Chuck Schummer support an independent special prosecutor to investigate and prosecute the illegal surveillance and unmasking of the Israeli Ambassador, the Israeli Prime Minister, members of Congress, and Jewish leaders and groups?

Will Chuck Schummer support an independent special prosecutor to investigate and prosecute the seedy Iran deal, secret payments, and the release of numerous terrorists not revealed to the public until much later?

If the answer is no to the above (and you know it is), then all the rest about Trump is total bullshit.
If real evidence that Trump colluded had been released, he would be facing impeachment. There is certainly circumstantial evidence which is why there is an investigation. Trump opponents will of course claim Trump and his campaign are guilty just as supporters will claim the opposite. That's just politics as usual.

Before Trump fired Comey, the end of the investigation would have settled the issue in the minds of most Americans. Now, it will be an issue for years to come thanks to Trump's incompetence. All he had to do is sit tight till the investigation concluded then fire Comey but we all know, patience is not a Trump virtue.

I would only respectfully point out that Trump has made 10 billion dollars in business, beat 16 professional politicians, and beat Hillary to be President of the United States with a fraction of the staff and outlay doing things HIS WAY. I can only hope you do half as well doing things your way!
I never said Trump was dumb. He's a pretty smart guy. Maybe a little crazy, but smart. In his campaign he capitalized on the discuss that millions of Americans had for Washington and the politicians that ran it and of course a badly damaged opponent. His supporters are loyal and he's a very savvy campaigner.

However, the fact remains, he lacks knowledge of how Washington works, has no world view, and does not understand that unpredictability and off the cuff, often contradictory comments erodes trust. His propensity for exaggerations and incorrect statements may make him seem more human to his supporters but among world leaders and politicians, it makes him seem dishonest and inconsistent.

Right. You people who were 0 for 100 in every estimate that Trump would never be the candidate, never beat Hillary, underestimated him at every turn, thought he had destroyed himself and was beaten a dozen times over, NOW all of a sudden you have the inside straight on what will happen, right? You people need to come up about three floors just to make it back to being a jive talking fool.

A lot of people didn't vote because they underestimated how dumb the right are. They won't make that mistake again. That aside, I REPEAT, more people voted for her. Fact.

No, I would say a lot of people didn't bother voting because Hillary was such a sorry candidate, they could not bring themselves to pull a lever for her. Trump beat her by 10 states, taking 200 counties that Obama had previously won, beating her by about 38 electoral college votes, the only votes that actually matter, and no amount of pathetic crying and whining or holding your breath until you turn blue of forecasts that NOW, doom is right around the corner THIS TIME will ever change that. Trump is in for EIGHT LONG YEARS and Hillary couldn't get clearance to be a bank teller. See you in 2020. Hope your next candidate is a lot better.
Unfortunately having a badly damaged opponent with over-confident supporters will not make Trump a good president.
Great! When I hear people like you who deny any fact they don't like as false just because they don't want it to be so, that reaffirms my suspicion that the democratic party is in free-fall and delusional and setting themselves up for another ass-kicking as they drive more and more voters away with their strident horseshit!

I'm not laughing now....he is in deep shit...

He is in nothing. Remember where you heard it.
However, the fact remains, he lacks knowledge of how Washington works, has no world view, and does not understand that unpredictability and off the cuff, often contradictory comments erodes trust. His propensity for exaggerations and incorrect statements may make him seem more human to his supporters but among world leaders and politicians, it makes him seem dishonest and inconsistent.

Yep, he is learning every day as he goes, just as he did in business as the situation changes by the hour. But he is a very sagacious man who can not only handle it, but feeds off of the challenge. I disagree that he has no world view, he has been dealing with leaders and countries on the international level for a long time, but does he know everything? No, he is learning. But then, did Obama know everything? Did GW? Hillary was farther along in that regard and what did it do for her other than make it easier for her to be a better crook.

I have no trouble understanding the man, and most of his "exaggerations and incorrect or conflicting statements" are part style and part misinterpretation by others for what he means and how he says it. This is a man used to speaking before a BOD and competitors rather than the media. As to his trust and consistency, on certain levels he is very consistent, just not in a way that many are used to, especially on the international level, and really, that is his strength! That is what makes him an effective leader and negotiator---- their inability to see his "hand" in what cards he holds, what cards he will play and when. That gives us much greater leverage. Art of the deal.
Unfortunately having a badly damaged opponent with over-confident supporters will not make Trump a good president.

Perhaps. But what would make a good president in today's world? One willing to work with the other side? The Dems are making it very clear that their idea of cooperation is to give in to them on every issue. So, without Hillary-lite, you might as well fight the Dems every inch of the way and ram it right down their throats. I think Trump will make a great president, but no one should expect to drain the swamp without all of the alligators snapping at your ankles, and in this case there are plenty on both sides of the isle.

But I mean, the guy has been in office for just a few months! Give the man a chance. He is fighting up a 70° slope and it will get worse before it gets better.
It's no longer tin foil

Trump is showing the pressure is getting to him

Do you actually believe Trump fired Comey because of what he did to Hillary?

No, Trump fired Comey because he is incompetent.

I'll give way to your supreme knowledge of tin foil hats.

Where were you when Schumer was calling for Comey to be fired? For once and for all, would you people make up your fukin' minds and decide if you love or hate Comey?

I have no feelings at all about Comey.
Trump says he will Resign by the end of August 2017!

While you are making a joke, it might be closer to reality than you think. If something kicks up and there is enough stuff there to bring up charges, I think Trump will take a Nixon way out and simply resign.


My sources tell me that he will promptly resign at noon on January 20th, 2025.

in 2015 Trump released a 93 page PDF Financial Disclosure. Of course rabid leftist too busy posting to even read through it. It is still online. i posted a few pages on this site.........previously. Then you all ran to other threads.

Today I find similar 58 page 2016 PDF Financial Disclosure. I post one page of it....Liabilities. Go read it. Maybe you can find something to hang DJT with? I saw he made $2mil or so off a modeling agency 2015.

I know is hopeless to spoon feed these leftist commie pinko America killing puke on this site. They just go start another thread to parrot the same tired talking points. I'm getting angrier and angrier.

Donald Trump Financial Disclosure Report, 2016
I would only respectfully point out that Trump has made 10 billion dollars in business, beat 16 professional politicians, and beat Hillary to be President of the United States with a fraction of the staff and outlay doing things HIS WAY. I can only hope you do half as well doing things your way!

I respectfully point out that nobody knows how much he is worth because he refuses to release his tax records. He is a narcissist and liar so i wouldn't be surprised if he's worth 1/10 of what he says he is. I'd also point out more people voted for her than him and the GoP LOST seats in the house and senate. Hardly a ringing endorsement.
That would be President Trump to you asshole. HAAA HAAAA
Still trying to sell your Hands Up Don't Shoot hoodies on ebay?
Fucking LOSER!!!!!!
Great! When I hear people like you who deny any fact they don't like as false just because they don't want it to be so, that reaffirms my suspicion that the democratic party is in free-fall and delusional and setting themselves up for another ass-kicking as they drive more and more voters away with their strident horseshit!

2018 will give us more of a clue of how it's going...
And when the REPs win a super majority in the senate how about you go fuck yourself.
Comey was incompetent, that's why he was fired.
Trump's first official act as president should have been to ask for an independent special prosecutor. Big Mistake! Having the FBI Director lead an investigation of the Trump administration which includes himself and his boss is gross incompetence.

It's not the firing of Comey, that has created the outrage but the timing. Now, even if the investigation shows Trump and his associates are clean, the investigation will be tainted by this incredibly stupid action by Trump. I think Comey needed to go but not like this.

Trump doesn't give a rats ass about that. He knows he isn't guilty and he fired Comey because he's incompetent. That useless and expensive witch hunt needs to stop, now.


Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


The last President to fire people who knew too much was Richard Nixon. There is nothing worse than firing the Lead Investigator when you're the subject of that investigation.

Now if Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause is all about in the constitution.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 and beyond.

And the smartest thing Republicans should do right now is DEMAND an independent investigation that is 100 miles away from the Trump administration and any political affliliation otherwise they will implicate THEMSELVES in this cover-up.

No dumbass, Trump doesn't give a rats ass about this investigation. Just because he's asked questions constantly doesn't mean he cares about it.

No Fuck Face!!!!! Trump will be facing the same problems Nixon faced!!!! Remember Nixon didn't give a Republican-God Damn Either!!!!!!

Trump is in his "Bunker" just like Nixon.

You are right! You hate Trump so much you should leave the country until he's impeached or forced to resign. Should be soon right? Open and shut care. Now get out of here.
Trump doesn't give a rats ass about that. He knows he isn't guilty and he fired Comey because he's incompetent. That useless and expensive witch hunt needs to stop, now.


Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


The last President to fire people who knew too much was Richard Nixon. There is nothing worse than firing the Lead Investigator when you're the subject of that investigation.

Now if Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause is all about in the constitution.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 and beyond.

And the smartest thing Republicans should do right now is DEMAND an independent investigation that is 100 miles away from the Trump administration and any political affliliation otherwise they will implicate THEMSELVES in this cover-up.

No dumbass, Trump doesn't give a rats ass about this investigation. Just because he's asked questions constantly doesn't mean he cares about it.

Ha.Ha.--Trump doesn't care about this investigation? That's like saying the rat doesn't care about the rat poison.


No, it's not at all like that. How dense are you really?

You idiots keep quoting KEith Olbermann. He was a guy who was so bad, he got let go from NBC!

You are a fool.
Republicans are the disease.

Well, you know, the door is wide open. Nothing keeping you here. This IS a Republic and shall STAY a Republic! If you think half the people in this country which support the principles this nation was founded on are a disease, off hand I'd say you have a problem.

The door is wide open for you all to head to Russia. The only TRUE Patriots in this country are the ones demanding to know answers regarding all this Trump campaign contact between not only the Russian ambassador but also Russian Intelligence agents during the campaign. Of which the Trump administration DENIED any contact with Russians FIVE times.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

In this video Shep Smith of FOX NEWS talks about these phone calls.

And TRUMP continually denied the intelligence coming out of the CIA--the FBI--the Department of Homeland Security and 14 other intelligence agencies.


If you half-brainTrump supporters can't connect those dots--You get the F..k out of this country.

Are you really so stupid that you think cartoons are actual facts?

Here are the FACTS.

Not one fact there.
Hey nutjob, your tin foil hat is cutting off the circulation to your brain.
It's no longer tin foil

Trump is showing the pressure is getting to him

Do you actually believe Trump fired Comey because of what he did to Hillary?

No, Trump fired Comey because he is incompetent.

I'll give way to your supreme knowledge of tin foil hats.

Where were you when Schumer was calling for Comey to be fired? For once and for all, would you people make up your fukin' minds and decide if you love or hate Comey?

I have no feelings at all about Comey.
Trump says he will Resign by the end of August 2017!

Lol, you're to stupid to talk to.

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