BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

I would only respectfully point out that Trump has made 10 billion dollars in business, beat 16 professional politicians, and beat Hillary to be President of the United States with a fraction of the staff and outlay doing things HIS WAY. I can only hope you do half as well doing things your way!

I respectfully point out that nobody knows how much he is worth because he refuses to release his tax records. He is a narcissist and liar so i wouldn't be surprised if he's worth 1/10 of what he says he is. I'd also point out more people voted for her than him and the GoP LOST seats in the house and senate. Hardly a ringing endorsement.
Republicans have two options:

1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 and beyond.

Right. You people who were 0 for 100 in every estimate that Trump would never be the candidate, never beat Hillary, underestimated him at every turn, thought he had destroyed himself and was beaten a dozen times over, NOW all of a sudden you have the inside straight on what will happen, right? You people need to come up about three floors just to make it back to being a jive talking fool.

He's a gone burger....the repubs are gonna be running around with their arses on fire wondering how to put it out in 2018..

Then again, maybe the majority of Americans are dumbfucks....that could be the case. Feel sorry for the normal ones...


Right. You people who were 0 for 100 in every estimate that Trump would never be the candidate, never beat Hillary, underestimated him at every turn, thought he had destroyed himself and was beaten a dozen times over, NOW all of a sudden you have the inside straight on what will happen, right? You people need to come up about three floors just to make it back to being a jive talking fool.

Right. You people who were 0 for 100 in every estimate that Trump would never be the candidate, never beat Hillary, underestimated him at every turn, thought he had destroyed himself and was beaten a dozen times over, NOW all of a sudden you have the inside straight on what will happen, right? You people need to come up about three floors just to make it back to being a jive talking fool.

A lot of people didn't vote because they underestimated how dumb the right are. They won't make that mistake again. That aside, I REPEAT, more people voted for her. Fact.
I would only respectfully point out that Trump has made 10 billion dollars in business, beat 16 professional politicians, and beat Hillary to be President of the United States with a fraction of the staff and outlay doing things HIS WAY. I can only hope you do half as well doing things your way!

I respectfully point out that nobody knows how much he is worth because he refuses to release his tax records. He is a narcissist and liar so i wouldn't be surprised if he's worth 1/10 of what he says he is. I'd also point out more people voted for her than him and the GoP LOST seats in the house and senate. Hardly a ringing endorsement.

Sorry, nether. Long ago at the beginning of the campaign he released some tax summary documents which estimated his net worth to be 10 billion dollars. The amount surprised even him.
Republicans have two options:

1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 and beyond.

Right. You people who were 0 for 100 in every estimate that Trump would never be the candidate, never beat Hillary, underestimated him at every turn, thought he had destroyed himself and was beaten a dozen times over, NOW all of a sudden you have the inside straight on what will happen, right? You people need to come up about three floors just to make it back to being a jive talking fool.

He's a gone burger....the repubs are gonna be running around with their arses on fire wondering how to put it out in 2018..

Then again, maybe the majority of Americans are dumbfucks....that could be the case. Feel sorry for the normal ones...


Right. You people who were 0 for 100 in every estimate that Trump would never be the candidate, never beat Hillary, underestimated him at every turn, thought he had destroyed himself and was beaten a dozen times over, NOW all of a sudden you have the inside straight on what will happen, right? You people need to come up about three floors just to make it back to being a jive talking fool.

Right. You people who were 0 for 100 in every estimate that Trump would never be the candidate, never beat Hillary, underestimated him at every turn, thought he had destroyed himself and was beaten a dozen times over, NOW all of a sudden you have the inside straight on what will happen, right? You people need to come up about three floors just to make it back to being a jive talking fool.

A lot of people didn't vote because they underestimated how dumb the right are. They won't make that mistake again. That aside, I REPEAT, more people voted for her. Fact.

No, I would say a lot of people didn't bother voting because Hillary was such a sorry candidate, they could not bring themselves to pull a lever for her. Trump beat her by 10 states, taking 200 counties that Obama had previously won, beating her by about 38 electoral college votes, the only votes that actually matter, and no amount of pathetic crying and whining or holding your breath until you turn blue of forecasts that NOW, doom is right around the corner THIS TIME will ever change that. Trump is in for EIGHT LONG YEARS and Hillary couldn't get clearance to be a bank teller. See you in 2020. Hope your next candidate is a lot better.
Republicans have two options:

1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 and beyond.

Right. You people who were 0 for 100 in every estimate that Trump would never be the candidate, never beat Hillary, underestimated him at every turn, thought he had destroyed himself and was beaten a dozen times over, NOW all of a sudden you have the inside straight on what will happen, right? You people need to come up about three floors just to make it back to being a jive talking fool.

He's a gone burger....the repubs are gonna be running around with their arses on fire wondering how to put it out in 2018..

Then again, maybe the majority of Americans are dumbfucks....that could be the case. Feel sorry for the normal ones...

Ahahaha you couldn't even beat George W Bush he whopped your ass twice. :laugh:

No, I would say a lot of people didn't bother voting because Hillary was such a sorry candidate, they could not bring themselves to pull a lever for her. Trump beat her by 10 states, taking 200 counties that Obama had previously won, beating her by about 38 electoral college votes, the only votes that actually matter, and no amount of pathetic crying and whining or holding your breath until you turn blue of forecasts that NOW, doom is right around the corner THIS TIME will ever change that. Trump is in for EIGHT LONG YEARS and Hillary couldn't get clearance to be a bank teller. See you in 2020. Hope your next candidate is a lot better.

Which is why the US is such a crappy system. He won't even last this term let alone another...

Sorry, nether. Long ago at the beginning of the campaign he released some tax summary documents which estimated his net worth to be 10 billion dollars. The amount surprised even him.

Don't care. Don't believe him. He is a pathological liar...

Great! When I hear people like you who deny any fact they don't like as false just because they don't want it to be so, that reaffirms my suspicion that the democratic party is in free-fall and delusional and setting themselves up for another ass-kicking as they drive more and more voters away with their strident horseshit!

Great! When I hear people like you who deny any fact they don't like as false just because they don't want it to be so, that reaffirms my suspicion that the democratic party is in free-fall and delusional and setting themselves up for another ass-kicking as they drive more and more voters away with their strident horseshit!

Name a fact he's put forward...
And I'm not a Dem..

FYI, don't lump all posters into one basket. You're talking to somebody who laughed his arse off when Dems starting whining that Trump was going to be impeached when he was elected. I'm not laughing now....he is in deep shit...
Republicans have two options:

1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 and beyond.

Right. You people who were 0 for 100 in every estimate that Trump would never be the candidate, never beat Hillary, underestimated him at every turn, thought he had destroyed himself and was beaten a dozen times over, NOW all of a sudden you have the inside straight on what will happen, right? You people need to come up about three floors just to make it back to being a jive talking fool.

He's a gone burger....the repubs are gonna be running around with their arses on fire wondering how to put it out in 2018..

Then again, maybe the majority of Americans are dumbfucks....that could be the case. Feel sorry for the normal ones...

Ahahaha you couldn't even beat George W Bush he whopped your ass twice. :laugh:

Yeah and G.W. Bush--in fact all the Bush's voted for Hillary Clinton. There was no way in hell they voted for this Ass Clown. And I voted for G.W. Bush twice.
George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton

Barbara Bush sure didn't have a fond opinion of Trump.
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This fiasco of the FBI investigating Trump...

Stopped reading here.

FBI is not investigating Trump. Got it?

Personally or directly NO ------ but his advisers are the focus -------- then that will all funneled to Trump.
Which part of that don't you understand?
The FBI are investigating what sort of contact the "Trump campaign" had with the Russians. This includes Trump himself. Tied to this is investigating whether the contacts amounted to collusion, for example asking the Russians to find anything incriminating in Hillary Clinton's e- mails. Trump is not off the hook and he is behaving like a guilty man.

Sadly this is our president.
Great! When I hear people like you who deny any fact they don't like as false just because they don't want it to be so, that reaffirms my suspicion that the democratic party is in free-fall and delusional and setting themselves up for another ass-kicking as they drive more and more voters away with their strident horseshit!

2018 will give us more of a clue of how it's going...
So, after 48 pages of noise, let's be clear:

1). No one in Congress or the FBI can name one Russian who actually colluded with President Trump!

2). While that flaming buttwipe Schummer calls for an Independent Special Prosecutor to investigate Trump for firing an errant director that everyone in both parties for the past 6 months had been saying was way out of line and not doing his job, now pursuing another half-baked investigation forced by the democrats to pursue an issue with zero evidence to back it up:

Will Chuck Schummer support an independent special prosecutor against Hillary for multiple violations of the Espionage Act?

Will Chuck Schummer support an independent special prosecutor against Obama for the illegal surveillance and unmasking of the Trump transition team members?

Will Chuck Schummer support an independent special prosecutor to investigate and prosecute the illegal surveillance and unmasking of the Israeli Ambassador, the Israeli Prime Minister, members of Congress, and Jewish leaders and groups?

Will Chuck Schummer support an independent special prosecutor to investigate and prosecute the seedy Iran deal, secret payments, and the release of numerous terrorists not revealed to the public until much later?

If the answer is no to the above (and you know it is), then all the rest about Trump is total bullshit.
If real evidence that Trump colluded had been released, he would be facing impeachment. There is certainly circumstantial evidence which is why there is an investigation. Trump opponents will of course claim Trump and his campaign are guilty just as supporters will claim the opposite. That's just politics as usual.

Before Trump fired Comey, the end of the investigation would have settled the issue in the minds of most Americans. Now, it will be an issue for years to come thanks to Trump's incompetence. All he had to do is sit tight till the investigation concluded then fire Comey but we all know, patience is not a Trump virtue.

You are quite naive if you think there would be any end to the investigation at all. The left NO MATTER WHAT is going to keep this going until the 2018 elections. That is their plan and likely Comey was in on it.
With two investigations in the House and pressure from the president, it will certainly end before the next election.

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