Breaking: Trump Headed To Flooded Louisiana Where Obama And Hillary Have Been A No Show

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Does the libtard governor understand that he doesn't own the state and we are free to travel from one to another? How do these people get so stupid?
Well it's obvious that partisan fools can't wrap their cognitive abilities, such as they may be, around the fact that the number of police, fire and other emergency resources deployed to actually helping those flood victims would be removed from that critical function to clear the path and facilitate that stupid fuck Frump's photo op. Another example of his piss poor leadership acumen and reason to reject his worthless, narcissistic ass!
Hopefully his visit won't require as much security as a Presidential visit. No one has read my earlier post, so I repeat it, Trump has already arranged this to be CLOSED to the press. How do you make it a photo op or a political score with no press?
Louisiana governor warns against Trump ‘photo-op’

The office of Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards signaled that Donald Trump is welcome to visit Louisiana in the wake of destructive flooding, but only if he does not use it for political gain.

"Donald Trump hasn’t called the governor to inform him of his visit," a spokesman for Edwards' office said in a statement Thursday evening. "We welcome him to LA but not for a photo-op. Instead we hope he’ll consider volunteering or making a sizable donation to the LA Flood Relief Fund to help the victims of the storm."

Read more: Louisiana governor warns against Trump ‘photo-op’
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Thank you, Mr. CC. As a born n' bred resident of Louisiana, it makes many of us simply ill to see this silly man pandering so. Louisianans are a proud people and we DO NOT need Mr. Trump using us as his publicity tools.
Mr. Obama will be here in due time. There is no need for anyone to be here who doesn't have to be, including the insufferable Mr. Trump. My daughter's house in Lafayette Parish has mostly been spared. Several inches of water, so the carpet will come up.
obama in 2008 on Bush, after Katrina:

" ... a president [Bush]who only saw the people from the window of an airplane instead of down here on the ground."

obama on the devastation in LA today:

Obama has received a briefing on the Louisiana flooding that has killed over a dozen and his Homeland Department secretary is visiting the area. But Obama hasn't broken from his long vacation to even make a flyover to the flooded state.

On Thursday, the White House media pool reported that the president went golfing again.

"At 11:25 am on this bright clear day, the motorcade was on the move. We passed a few walkers and bikers who waved as the president went by.

At 11:40 am, POTUS arrived at Farm Neck Golf Club."

Flashback: Obama ripped Bush's 'unconscionable ineptitude' during Hurricane Katrina

Cry me a river that Trump is visiting. obutthead can't even do a fly-over that he ripped Bush on. Too lazy and he doesn't give a shit. I hope Trump hands a big-assed check from his own money to the Gov there.
Louisiana governor warns against Trump ‘photo-op’

The office of Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards signaled that Donald Trump is welcome to visit Louisiana in the wake of destructive flooding, but only if he does not use it for political gain.

"Donald Trump hasn’t called the governor to inform him of his visit," a spokesman for Edwards' office said in a statement Thursday evening. "We welcome him to LA but not for a photo-op. Instead we hope he’ll consider volunteering or making a sizable donation to the LA Flood Relief Fund to help the victims of the storm."

Read more: Louisiana governor warns against Trump ‘photo-op’
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Good for Governor Edwards. Of course Trump is using his visit for a photo-op.
Hey dipshit, this thread is about the governor of LA telling trump not to come to his state if the asshole is just coming for a photo-op. It isn't about Hillary Clinton. Evidently reading comprehension isn't you strong suit. Man, you nutters are lame.

Hey fuckwad, you partisan hacks made the suggestion that Trump donate cash, it is reasonable to expect the same from Crooked Hillary - but as noted, any "donation" from her goes right back into her greedy little maw.
Louisiana governor warns against Trump ‘photo-op’

The office of Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards signaled that Donald Trump is welcome to visit Louisiana in the wake of destructive flooding, but only if he does not use it for political gain.

"Donald Trump hasn’t called the governor to inform him of his visit," a spokesman for Edwards' office said in a statement Thursday evening. "We welcome him to LA but not for a photo-op. Instead we hope he’ll consider volunteering or making a sizable donation to the LA Flood Relief Fund to help the victims of the storm."

Read more: Louisiana governor warns against Trump ‘photo-op’
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Louisiana governor warns against Trump ‘photo-op’

The office of Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards signaled that Donald Trump is welcome to visit Louisiana in the wake of destructive flooding, but only if he does not use it for political gain.

"Donald Trump hasn’t called the governor to inform him of his visit," a spokesman for Edwards' office said in a statement Thursday evening. "We welcome him to LA but not for a photo-op. Instead we hope he’ll consider volunteering or making a sizable donation to the LA Flood Relief Fund to help the victims of the storm."

Read more: Louisiana governor warns against Trump ‘photo-op’
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You mean like obama did when he visited New Jersey?
Louisiana governor warns against Trump ‘photo-op’

The office of Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards signaled that Donald Trump is welcome to visit Louisiana in the wake of destructive flooding, but only if he does not use it for political gain.

"Donald Trump hasn’t called the governor to inform him of his visit," a spokesman for Edwards' office said in a statement Thursday evening. "We welcome him to LA but not for a photo-op. Instead we hope he’ll consider volunteering or making a sizable donation to the LA Flood Relief Fund to help the victims of the storm."

Read more: Louisiana governor warns against Trump ‘photo-op’
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That's fine, as long as the same message goes to Hillary.
Yeah...remember when obama went to New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy.........he was up for election that time....this time......he will just play golf...he doesn't need the voters of Louisiana anymore.....

Obama to visit N.J. to survey Hurricane Sandy damage with Christie

Governor Edwards asked President Obama to please not visit Louisiana for a couple more weeks. I heard him tell Rachel Maddow that live last night on MSNBC. The governor praised President Obama for all the resources he has provided and the constant communication from the White House.
Meanwhile, in potus-world . . .

Mr. Lynch,
I live in Ascension Parish in Louisiana, I just watched your video on Facebook. You are saying what we have been saying in Ascension and all of South Louisiana from the start of this ordeal.

We are outraged, though not surprised, by the indifference and lack of moral fiber that Obama has shown. That being said, you don’t see us on the TV crying for the governments help. Here, we help ourselves and help each other. Here we take pride in being there for each other in good times and in bad.

I have shared your post and hopefully it will be seen by all. Thank you for helping put this in the nations attention. We are Louisiana Strong and we will as in every other instance over come this adversity.

Guy R. Ware

Instead of going on TV to cry for government help he does it on social media. I love the irony.
Louisiana governor warns against Trump ‘photo-op’

The office of Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards signaled that Donald Trump is welcome to visit Louisiana in the wake of destructive flooding, but only if he does not use it for political gain.

"Donald Trump hasn’t called the governor to inform him of his visit," a spokesman for Edwards' office said in a statement Thursday evening. "We welcome him to LA but not for a photo-op. Instead we hope he’ll consider volunteering or making a sizable donation to the LA Flood Relief Fund to help the victims of the storm."

Read more: Louisiana governor warns against Trump ‘photo-op’
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From RealClearPolitics.

Flood Victims to Trump: "We Knew You Would Be Here," "We Love You"; "We're Glad You Aren't Playing Golf"
so i didn't see where the LA governor told Trump to F off. Does someone have the abstract piece they could post up? I didn't see it anywhere in the link provided.

I did a search for the words fuck off and didn't get any results. hmmmmmmm Why is it the title of this thread says that's what the LA governor said?

Seems yet another thread that is a lie created by CC. How surprising.
Meanwhile, in potus-world . . .

Mr. Lynch,
I live in Ascension Parish in Louisiana, I just watched your video on Facebook. You are saying what we have been saying in Ascension and all of South Louisiana from the start of this ordeal.

We are outraged, though not surprised, by the indifference and lack of moral fiber that Obama has shown. That being said, you don’t see us on the TV crying for the governments help. Here, we help ourselves and help each other. Here we take pride in being there for each other in good times and in bad.

I have shared your post and hopefully it will be seen by all. Thank you for helping put this in the nations attention. We are Louisiana Strong and we will as in every other instance over come this adversity.

Guy R. Ware


LMAO And if Hitlery were to visit he would say the same thing??

I think not. LOL
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