Breaking: Trump To Seat Jennifer Flowers On Front Row During Debate

So, she's going to resort to voter fraud?
No, moron.

Then how is she able to win if there's nothing good about her?
Being good isn't a requirement, you dumbfuck.
It is a requirement for winning, unless the elections are rigged.
No, dumbfuck, it isn't.

ROFL! Only a dumbass would believe being good isn't a requirement for getting elected, and even endorse it.
Nothing is free. And "dating", absolutely in Trump's mind, is about finding your next wife and getting your rocks off. That is the story of his life. The real world is not your Amish mentality.
Sounds like some gals have been educated on the nothing is free rule. But you talk like you know Trump very well, I'm not buying it.
Okay, so he cheated on his current wives with his future wives and got his bastard daughter because he's such a moral person? You want to stand on that one?
I don't know him personally. Nor am I looking for a pope. People's sex lives are none of my business.
Great. But next time realize that "dating" doesn't mean you might, just one day, hold hands, to adults that is. It means once you trust each other you fuck each other, especially in Trump's life.
But I don't want to fuck Trump.
You'd do him in a second, and pay for the privilege, fluffer.
No, moron.

Then how is she able to win if there's nothing good about her?
Being good isn't a requirement, you dumbfuck.
It is a requirement for winning, unless the elections are rigged.
No, dumbfuck, it isn't.

ROFL! Only a dumbass would believe being good isn't a requirement for getting elected, and even endorse it.
Show us where being "good" is a requirement?

What a fuckin' child you are.
Maybe Trump will double down and invite Monica!
We could see the Hildabeast explode right there and seize the moment.

BTW What is Hiliary's favorite pizza?
Little Seizures

dumb donald makes a mockery of our electoral system

how much trumpsters hate this country is mind-boggling.
No, moron.

Then how is she able to win if there's nothing good about her?
Being good isn't a requirement, you dumbfuck.
It is a requirement for winning, unless the elections are rigged.
No, dumbfuck, it isn't.

ROFL! Only a dumbass would believe being good isn't a requirement for getting elected, and even endorse it.

"good" has never been a requirement.

if it were, dumb donald (or anyone else someone like you would support) would be automatically disqualified.

Sounds like some gals have been educated on the nothing is free rule. But you talk like you know Trump very well, I'm not buying it.
Okay, so he cheated on his current wives with his future wives and got his bastard daughter because he's such a moral person? You want to stand on that one?
I don't know him personally. Nor am I looking for a pope. People's sex lives are none of my business.
Great. But next time realize that "dating" doesn't mean you might, just one day, hold hands, to adults that is. It means once you trust each other you fuck each other, especially in Trump's life.
But I don't want to fuck Trump.
You'd do him in a second, and pay for the privilege, fluffer.
Your years of fantasizing about obie's comforting schlong has taken its' toll.
Trump is going to "Rope a Dope" that stupid lying Crooked Hillary bitch.

That Crooked Hillary idiot has never been significantly challenged on her corruption, incompetency and dishonesty.

That will change at the debate.

She won't like it and will probably have a breakdown. After all, she doesn't think her shit stinks.
She might not but Trump has his gold-plated.

And no matter who wins you'll say that Trump did even when she wipes the floor with that useless asshole.
Trump should have Yoko sit in the front. Hillary never denied any of those lesbian affair rumors
Maybe Trump will double down and invite Monica!
We could see the Hildabeast explode right there and seize the moment.

BTW What is Hiliary's favorite pizza?
Little Seizures

dumb donald makes a mockery of our electoral system

how much trumpsters hate this country is mind-boggling.

Sorry as usual you are wrong, it was not Donald that made a mockery of our electoral system but rather it was the DNC that showed just how corrupt it is.
And why not put Bill's mistress in front row at the debate?

If crooked Clinton and her gang of thugs are going to start with shit .....why not put Flowers there too?

I say, brilliant move on Trump's part! :2up:
the idiot democrats for some reason thought it was going to be cute or funny to put Mark Cuban in the front seats of the debate on did Trump respond...did he collapse in a fetal postition like the other Republicans would? No. His response....he may invite one of bill clinton's mistresses to sit in the Front seat.....

No, this is a mistress, not one of the women bill clinton raped or sexually assaulted....

Trump Threatens to Seat Former Bill Clinton Mistress in Front Row at Debate **UPDATE** She Accepts! - Breitbart

Donald Trump responded to news that Hillary Clinton’s campaign was planning to place outspoken Trump critic Mark Cuban — a Clinton supporter — in the front row at Monday’s debate to troll the Republican nominee.
“If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to sit in the front row, perhaps I will put Gennifer Flowers right alongside of him!” Trump responded on Twitter Saturday morning.

and you wondered why i asked if donald was mentally ill or just the internet troll as presidential candidate?

please answer that question....what is it?

is he mentally ill or is he an internet troll like you?
IF my support was not already dialed up to eleven, it would be now.


because he's a mentally deficient internet troll as presidential candidate... just your type of guy
Oh my goodness…as if the crowd at the debate will matter in the least.

This will be reported on.

HIllary will think about the fact that there is a reminder on the screen of every viewers tv of her husband being a sleazeball and her being his enabler.

That will remind the voters that her claim to the WOman Card is completely bogus.

And it will be another issue she has to try to put out of her mind.

This Trumps Cuban, BIG TIME.

(see what I did there?)
IF my support was not already dialed up to eleven, it would be now.


because he's a mentally deficient internet troll as presidential candidate... just your type of guy

Because he is willing to get down in the mud with you ugly people and beat you at your own game.

Which we need if America is to have any hope of surviving you and your kind.

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