Breaking: Trump To Seat Jennifer Flowers On Front Row During Debate

The problem with the Clinton thug machine is that they know how to dish it out but they don't know how to take it!

With Mr Trump, they will have to get used to it, he won't mince words or actions for that matter. :thup: :D
Trump is going to "Rope a Dope" that stupid lying Crooked Hillary bitch.

That Crooked Hillary idiot has never been significantly challenged on her corruption, incompetency and dishonesty.

That will change at the debate.

She won't like it and will probably have a breakdown. After all, she doesn't think her shit stinks.
She might not but Trump has his gold-plated.

And no matter who wins you'll say that Trump did even when she wipes the floor with that useless asshole.

I am not voting for either one so your mindless anti Trump hate doesn't mean anything to me.

However, Trump is much more likely to Rope a Dope this stupid corrupt Crooked Hillary bitch than the other way around.

She is absolutely the biggest piece of shit to ever run for President.

If Trump can't beat that lying corrupt asshole bitch in a debate then he doesn't deserve to be President.

All the TV cameras will be Gennifer Flowers during any lull in the action. That will remind everybody of what filthy lying scumbags the Clintons are.
I doubt if either one of them will have an impact on the candidate's performance. Trump should not respond. Let Cuban show up, it would only make Hillary look desperate. If Trump has Flowers there, that's all the msm will talk about. It's probably a trap. Cuban may not even be there.
I bet these stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat Libtards don't even know that Gennifer Flowers recorded a telephone conversation with Slick Willy where to told her to lie to the press about the affair they were having.

Wonder if there is room for Paula, Kathleen, Juanita, and a dozen others Blow Job knows THAT would be a true Reality Show....lololololol!!!!!!!
I understand the invite just went out to Paula, Kathleen, Juanita, and about a dozen others that Blow Job sexually abused....Anyone up for a real reality show....where's my pop corn?
Since Trump is rolling in the mud...

Let's invite the young woman who is accusing Trump of raping her when she was 13
This would be good news for Hillary.

If she gets REALLY lucky, Trump will rub her nose in it throughout the debate and laugh at her.
And why not put Bill's mistress in front row at the debate?

If crooked Clinton and her gang of thugs are going to start with shit .....why not put Flowers there too?

I say, brilliant move on Trump's part! :2up:

Hopefully seated next to Bill Clinton so they can hold hands for old times' sake.
A billionaire business man who has been trolling Trump and has predictably gotten Trump's panties in a bunch. Trump is a serious pussy
Where did you see that? Sounds like he was going to return the favor.
Just Google it. You'll see.

Mark Cuban offered to donate 10 million of his own money to a charity of Trump's choosing, or a personal check for the same amount made out to Trump, if Trump agrees to a four hour interview with Mark Cuban to explain his policies.

Trump has not responded.

Another billionaire business man - the founder of LinkedIn -- offered to donate 5 million of his own money to a veteran's group if Trump releases his tax returns.

Trump has not responded.

Trump is a charlatan and a serious pussy
He's a pussy because he doesn't let people bully him around?
He's a pussy because he cries when he's called out.

He's a con man.

He has you and millions of potential voters fooled.

If his policies are so great, he should take Cuban up on his offer. That's an easy 10 million.
When was the crying, seems like you would have posted it. What con? Why would he be afraid of Cuban? You make no sense.
Then he should take Cuban up on his offer
Trump just poked a stick at hilly fans and got blood.

sure little kitty, sure. you have learned the art of projection, just like your orange overlord....:popcorn:
Why are you suck a fucking racist?
I mention brown people in a bad way and you would jump all over me for being racist, You put down orange people and somehow thats just perfectly ok in your racist little mind.
You disgust me.

he said perhaps loony toon.

dumb donald is just a troll....

like you are.

but look how upset you freaks are that mark cuban is going to be there.


This I guess is in response to Mark Cuban being seated at the debate.....
So Trump responds because he has to respond like a child....

Can't just shrug it off because it would show a weakness....
Are you Trumpsters friggin kidding..

Imagine how much fun China and N Korea will have poking this guy
to break his balls a bit....

Trump will have the US forces traveling all over the world in response to whatever
he feels is a slight which is everything.

What a baby.
He certainly fell for it, didn't he?
I remember seeing Mark Cuban on FNC waffling about who he was going to support; I'm not surprised that the Clintons won the back door deal sweepstakes.

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