Breaking: Trump Will Skip Fox Debate, Do Town Hall Instead, Give The Money To Wounded Warriors

Well I say good for FOX. Roger Ailes will let Mr. Trump walk rather than replace Megyn Kelley. This makes Donald Trump look like shit. He isn't willing to subject himself to tough questions from moderators. Will this stance carry over into the general election should he get the primary win? That is not going to play well at all.
This wasn't about tough questions, it was about Gotcha Questions which had nothing to do with the role of president
What's a 'Gotcha Question'?
One that has nothing to do with running the country.
What about questions that help to establish a candidate's character or personal beliefs?
After all, he is applying for a job...that's pretty standard practice in job interviews.
Are they 'Gotcha questions' as well?
Nope. Character assassination isn't part of a job interview.
Repeating someone's own statements back to them is character assassination?
Well I say good for FOX. Roger Ailes will let Mr. Trump walk rather than replace Megyn Kelley. This makes Donald Trump look like shit. He isn't willing to subject himself to tough questions from moderators. Will this stance carry over into the general election should he get the primary win? That is not going to play well at all.
This wasn't about tough questions, it was about Gotcha Questions which had nothing to do with the role of president
What's a 'Gotcha Question'?
One that has nothing to do with running the country.
What about questions that help to establish a candidate's character or personal beliefs?
After all, he is applying for a job...that's pretty standard practice in job interviews.
Are they 'Gotcha questions' as well?
Nope. Character assassination isn't part of a job interview.
Like hell if it isn't..If he was treated like corporations treat older folks, he wouldn't be allowed to run for office because of age discrimination....Rich corporate bastards can go to hell and suck demon dicks for all I care......
This wasn't about tough questions, it was about Gotcha Questions which had nothing to do with the role of president
What's a 'Gotcha Question'?
One that has nothing to do with running the country.
What about questions that help to establish a candidate's character or personal beliefs?
After all, he is applying for a job...that's pretty standard practice in job interviews.
Are they 'Gotcha questions' as well?
Nope. Character assassination isn't part of a job interview.
Repeating someone's own statements back to them is character assassination?
Statements taken out of context is character assassination.
Claiming Trump is a clown and will fill his cabinet with Twitter followers is character assassination.

Fuck Fox.
Trump is acting like a liberal doing just like the Democrats has done to their base of voters. Only doing six debates (if that's what you called them) and supposedly doing these town halls (where they can be scripted) on the questions they want asked.
Well I say good for FOX. Roger Ailes will let Mr. Trump walk rather than replace Megyn Kelley. This makes Donald Trump look like shit. He isn't willing to subject himself to tough questions from moderators. Will this stance carry over into the general election should he get the primary win? That is not going to play well at all.
This wasn't about tough questions, it was about Gotcha Questions which had nothing to do with the role of president
What's a 'Gotcha Question'?
"How many women do you plan to insult, call fat sluts?"

Maybe you need to look it up.
Trump is acting like a liberal doing just like the Democrats has done to their base of voters. Only doing six debates (if that's what you called them) and supposedly doing these town halls (where they can be scripted) on the questions they want asked.
Might as well. Only Trump doesn't script his town halls. He wings it.
What's a 'Gotcha Question'?
One that has nothing to do with running the country.
What about questions that help to establish a candidate's character or personal beliefs?
After all, he is applying for a job...that's pretty standard practice in job interviews.
Are they 'Gotcha questions' as well?
Nope. Character assassination isn't part of a job interview.
Repeating someone's own statements back to them is character assassination?
Statements taken out of context is character assassination.
Claiming Trump is a clown and will fill his cabinet with Twitter followers is character assassination.

Fuck Fox.

No, it's just bad spelling.
When they said "Twitter" ---- they meant "twits".
What Fox did to Trump earlier today was dirty, especially prior to the debate.

If Rump can't handle trolling from Fox Noise ---- how in the blue fuck is he going to handle Vlad the Imputiner, DAESH and Dim Dong Un?

And the Democrat Fox News debate? Did I miss it? Oh...wait a minute...they refused to do one.

Trumps a genius...the left will make this argument...and this will be the reply every time.

That uh, doesn't even address the question.

Sure it does...the answer is "the same way the Democrats that refused to do a Fox News Debate would...only better."

And when the Establishment says it...Trump says, "I had no issue doing to debates on enemy territory...NBC, CNBC, CNN...where everyone was on equal footing. But at FOX, the establishment GOP Network..."

I'm actually not familiar with that -- Democrats refusing a Fox debate.

But that wasn't the question. The question was, if Rump can't handle simple trollling from Fox Noise --- then how the hell is he gonna handle the Presidency and all that goes with it?

I mean you can only run away from so many things. Big issues don't wait.
Statement from Trump Campaign just released:

So all you liberals who hate FOX have suddenly decided you'll vote for Trump just "to hurt FOX"!

Or are you just lying as usual?
We have nothing to do with GOP caucuses and primaries. While you're whining about liberals conservatives prefer trump over rubio, jeb, Cruz, Christie, fiorino, kasich, huckabee, carson and whoever else is still in it.

All but one should drop out and take on trump. And if conservatives can't unite behind one of these guys to take the GOP nominee away from trump, what chance do they have in november?
So all you liberals who hate FOX have suddenly decided you'll vote for Trump just "to hurt FOX"!

Or are you just lying as usual?
We have nothing to do with GOP caucuses and primaries. While you're whining about liberals conservatives prefer trump over rubio, jeb, Cruz, Christie, fiorino, kasich, huckabee, carson and whoever else is still in it.

All but one should drop out and take on trump. And if conservatives can't unite behind one of these guys to take the GOP nominee away from trump, what chance do they have in november?
It would be a good thing for the GOP establishment to burn to the ground for the good of the country.

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