Breaking: Trump Will Skip Fox Debate, Do Town Hall Instead, Give The Money To Wounded Warriors

Fox is less credible with each passing day its sad. Kelly unfairly bushwhacked Trump in the first debate, it was planned and deliberate. Fox has since repeatedly attacked Trump and whenever Trump fights back Fox pretends to be the innocent victim its sickening at this point. So good for Trump choosing not to attend, I mean what's the point of showing up knowing you are going to get bushwhacked again by these Fox clowns.
Boo hoo hoo, Megyn Kelly is mean and asks hard questions, boo hoo hoo.
Fox is less credible with each passing day its sad. Kelly unfairly bushwhacked Trump in the first debate, it was planned and deliberate. Fox has since repeatedly attacked Trump and whenever Trump fights back Fox pretends to be the innocent victim its sickening at this point. So good for Trump choosing not to attend, I mean what's the point of showing up knowing you are going to get bushwhacked again by these Fox clowns.
Boo hoo hoo, Megyn Kelly is mean and asks hard questions, boo hoo hoo.

You have my vote for most intelligent post of the day /sarcasm /eyeroll
Fox is less credible with each passing day its sad. Kelly unfairly bushwhacked Trump in the first debate, it was planned and deliberate. Fox has since repeatedly attacked Trump and whenever Trump fights back Fox pretends to be the innocent victim its sickening at this point. So good for Trump choosing not to attend, I mean what's the point of showing up knowing you are going to get bushwhacked again by these Fox clowns.
Boo hoo hoo, Megyn Kelly is mean and asks hard questions, boo hoo hoo.

You have my vote for most intelligent post of the day /sarcasm /eyeroll
This should Donald's new campaign song.
Fox is less credible with each passing day its sad. Kelly unfairly bushwhacked Trump in the first debate, it was planned and deliberate. Fox has since repeatedly attacked Trump and whenever Trump fights back Fox pretends to be the innocent victim its sickening at this point. So good for Trump choosing not to attend, I mean what's the point of showing up knowing you are going to get bushwhacked again by these Fox clowns.
Boo hoo hoo, Megyn Kelly is mean and asks hard questions, boo hoo hoo.

You have my vote for most intelligent post of the day /sarcasm /eyeroll
This should Donald's new campaign song.

Are you starved for attention today?
Fox is less credible with each passing day its sad. Kelly unfairly bushwhacked Trump in the first debate, it was planned and deliberate. Fox has since repeatedly attacked Trump and whenever Trump fights back Fox pretends to be the innocent victim its sickening at this point. So good for Trump choosing not to attend, I mean what's the point of showing up knowing you are going to get bushwhacked again by these Fox clowns.
Boo hoo hoo, Megyn Kelly is mean and asks hard questions, boo hoo hoo.

If Trump can't handle Megan Kelly--there's not a description that I can think of that makes him qualified to be POTUS--LOL

But Trump was never serious about becoming POTUS anyway. NO CANDIDATE is going to miss the debate just prior to Super Tuesday. He's always been in this race to drive it into Hillary Clinton's lap, and he's been very successful at doing that. 17% of population, Hispanics are solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when we needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House. Trump is polling at a Negative 75%, insuring that regardless of who the GOP nominee is, Hispanics have been insulted into Clinton's column. Trump will be gone here very shortly. These numbers are so bad it wouldn't surprise me to see Republicans lose the senate and a ton of seats in the house.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

The right wing--as stupid as they are took the bait and swallowed it hook--line--and sinker. Trump even insulted their intelligence last week by making a comment that if he shot someone right out in the street he wouldn't lose their support. They're so stupid he probably wouldn't--LOL They didn't even know that Trump blasted Republicans in 2012 for losing citing it was because they were too mean spirited toward illegals.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump: I could shoot somebody and not lose voters - CNN Video

Trump is just trying to lose the clingers and get out of this race.


Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
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Fox is less credible with each passing day its sad. Kelly unfairly bushwhacked Trump in the first debate, it was planned and deliberate. Fox has since repeatedly attacked Trump and whenever Trump fights back Fox pretends to be the innocent victim its sickening at this point. So good for Trump choosing not to attend, I mean what's the point of showing up knowing you are going to get bushwhacked again by these Fox clowns.
Boo hoo hoo, Megyn Kelly is mean and asks hard questions, boo hoo hoo.

You have my vote for most intelligent post of the day /sarcasm /eyeroll
This should Donald's new campaign song.

Are you starved for attention today?

A hand job would be good about now. Did you bring lotion?
Fox is less credible with each passing day its sad. Kelly unfairly bushwhacked Trump in the first debate, it was planned and deliberate. Fox has since repeatedly attacked Trump and whenever Trump fights back Fox pretends to be the innocent victim its sickening at this point. So good for Trump choosing not to attend, I mean what's the point of showing up knowing you are going to get bushwhacked again by these Fox clowns.
Boo hoo hoo, Megyn Kelly is mean and asks hard questions, boo hoo hoo.

If Trump can't handle Megan Kelly--there's not a description that I can think of that makes him qualified to be POTUS--LOL

But Trump was never serious about becoming POTUS anyway. NO CANDIDATE is going to miss the debate just prior to Super Tuesday. He's always been in this race to drive it into Hillary Clinton's lap, and he's been very successful at doing that. Trump will be gone here very shortly.

The right wing--as stupid as they are took the bait and swallowed it hook--line--and sinker. Trump even insulted their intelligence last week by making a comment that if he shot someone right out in the street he wouldn't lose any votes.
Trump: I could shoot somebody and not lose voters - CNN Video

He is just trying to lose the clingers and get out of this race.


Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
Unfortunately Trump followers aren't quite smart enough to know when they've been insulted.
do you think is it wise to offer up hand jobs on the net --LOL
I was just being polite, I didn't want to presume that you like to swallow.

you are the one offering hand jobs
Don't be coy, you know you want to stroke it.

not going argue with you all night

it was more then obvious you want to give out hand jobs
You'll probably feel a lot better about yourself when you come all the way out of the closet.
Fox, in the pocket of the corporate establishment.

But Trump still has to be careful...or they'll Howard Dean him.

Democrat, Republican...the establishment will do anything to maintain control.

What we saw in the media:

What really happened:

The media will happily dance to the establishment tune to keep interlopers out and the elites in control. Establishment Democrats, establishment Republican...two sides of the same coin...a coin the main stream media is all too happy to polish.

Only in Conservistan is a white billionaire not considered to be part of the establishment.

The idiocy of the "conservative" republican cannot be underestimated.
If he finds dealing with someone named Megan scary, he will really shit his pants when he deals with Putin, Merkel, and Castro. I guess he can just insult them and call it a day.

You can't run from people as President. Someone tell Donald that if you know where he is...

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