Breaking: Trump Will Skip Fox Debate, Do Town Hall Instead, Give The Money To Wounded Warriors

Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

Why should he submit to unfounded attacks from a news girl whose only qualifications are a nice body and well done hair?

By refusing to participate he is showing character and guts. He is not kowtowing to the media like all the others.

His poll numbers will go up because of this----------watch.
So as President he will never hold a Press Conference. Because it only gets nastier should he be elected. And sad as it is, those press conferences are the only laccess We The People have left to our President.
Breaking Update:

Fox accuses Trump campaign of terrorizing Megyn Kelly.

Fox News Accuses Trump Campaign Manager of Threatening Megyn Kelly

That was hardly a threat. Kelly did have a very rough time after the first Fox Debate. That didn't have anything to do with Trump's actions...only hers. She had such a hard time coping with all the horrible quotes from people about her that she took a week off.
Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

as to negotiation skills, he is demonstrating the first rule of negotiating, take a stand and stick with it. Make the other side give in first.

your comment shows that you have never participated in any form of negotiation.
Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

as to negotiation skills, he is demonstrating the first rule of negotiating, take a stand and stick with it. Make the other side give in first.

your comment shows that you have never participated in any form of negotiation.
Trump simply validates once again he is an egomaniac just like the narracist we have in office now.
Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

as to negotiation skills, he is demonstrating the first rule of negotiating, take a stand and stick with it. Make the other side give in first.

your comment shows that you have never participated in any form of negotiation.

lol, idiocy.

nope, that's how its done. did it for years, made a lot of money by being a good negotiator.
Fox is less credible with each passing day its sad. Kelly unfairly bushwhacked Trump in the first debate, it was planned and deliberate. Fox has since repeatedly attacked Trump and whenever Trump fights back Fox pretends to be the innocent victim its sickening at this point. So good for Trump choosing not to attend, I mean what's the point of showing up knowing you are going to get bushwhacked again by these Fox clowns.
Boo hoo hoo, Megyn Kelly is mean and asks hard questions, boo hoo hoo.

If Trump can't handle Megan Kelly--there's not a description that I can think of that makes him qualified to be POTUS--LOL

But Trump was never serious about becoming POTUS anyway. NO CANDIDATE is going to miss the debate just prior to Super Tuesday. He's always been in this race to drive it into Hillary Clinton's lap, and he's been very successful at doing that. 17% of population, Hispanics are solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when we needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House. Trump is polling at a Negative 75%, insuring that regardless of who the GOP nominee is, Hispanics have been insulted into Clinton's column. Trump will be gone here very shortly. These numbers are so bad it wouldn't surprise me to see Republicans lose the senate and a ton of seats in the house.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

The right wing--as stupid as they are took the bait and swallowed it hook--line--and sinker. Trump even insulted their intelligence last week by making a comment that if he shot someone right out in the street he wouldn't lose their support. They're so stupid he probably wouldn't--LOL They didn't even know that Trump blasted Republicans in 2012 for losing citing it was because they were too mean spirited toward illegals.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump: I could shoot somebody and not lose voters - CNN Video

Trump is just trying to lose the clingers and get out of this race.


Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
Again, Trump IS HANDLING Fox News and Kelly.
Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

as to negotiation skills, he is demonstrating the first rule of negotiating, take a stand and stick with it. Make the other side give in first.

your comment shows that you have never participated in any form of negotiation.
Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

as to negotiation skills, he is demonstrating the first rule of negotiating, take a stand and stick with it. Make the other side give in first.

your comment shows that you have never participated in any form of negotiation.
Trump simply validates once again he is an egomaniac just like the narracist we have in office now.

which of the candidates is not a narcissist and egomaniac? Those two traits apply to virtually all politicians at all levels.
Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

Why should he submit to unfounded attacks from a news girl whose only qualifications are a nice body and well done hair?

By refusing to participate he is showing character and guts. He is not kowtowing to the media like all the others.

His poll numbers will go up because of this----------watch.
So as President he will never hold a Press Conference. Because it only gets nastier should he be elected. And sad as it is, those press conferences are the only laccess We The People have left to our President.

why would he not hold press conferences? you are really off topic.
Fox News really screwed the pooch on this one. They could have had an epic Debate. Megyn Kelly is not a credible Moderator. They could have chosen anyone else. Most will now scramble to find out how to see Trump's Townhall instead. Fox News blew it.
Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

as to negotiation skills, he is demonstrating the first rule of negotiating, take a stand and stick with it. Make the other side give in first.

your comment shows that you have never participated in any form of negotiation.
Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

as to negotiation skills, he is demonstrating the first rule of negotiating, take a stand and stick with it. Make the other side give in first.

your comment shows that you have never participated in any form of negotiation.
Trump simply validates once again he is an egomaniac just like the narracist we have in office now.

which of the candidates is not a narcissist and egomaniac? Those two traits apply to virtually all politicians at all levels.

True, but Moderators of Debates have to be professional and objective. Megyn Kelly is neither. Debates aren't about the Moderators, they're about the Candidates. Fox News should have chosen someone else to moderate. It'll cost em. Most will now seek out how to see Trump's Townhall instead.
Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

Why should he submit to unfounded attacks from a news girl whose only qualifications are a nice body and well done hair?

By refusing to participate he is showing character and guts. He is not kowtowing to the media like all the others.

His poll numbers will go up because of this----------watch.
So as President he will never hold a Press Conference. Because it only gets nastier should he be elected. And sad as it is, those press conferences are the only laccess We The People have left to our President.

why would he not hold press conferences? you are really off topic.
You think the press will be nice to Trump? What about the Iranians? They don't need him.
Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

as to negotiation skills, he is demonstrating the first rule of negotiating, take a stand and stick with it. Make the other side give in first.

your comment shows that you have never participated in any form of negotiation.
Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

as to negotiation skills, he is demonstrating the first rule of negotiating, take a stand and stick with it. Make the other side give in first.

your comment shows that you have never participated in any form of negotiation.
Trump simply validates once again he is an egomaniac just like the narracist we have in office now.

which of the candidates is not a narcissist and egomaniac? Those two traits apply to virtually all politicians at all levels.

True, but Moderators of Debates have to be professional and objective. Megyn Kelly is neither. Debates aren't about the Moderators, they're about the Candidates. Fox News should have chosen someone else to moderate. It'll cost em. Most will now seek out how to see Trump's Townhall instead.

we agree, I was responding to the penguin.
Breaking Update:

Fox accuses Trump campaign of terrorizing Megyn Kelly.

Fox News Accuses Trump Campaign Manager of Threatening Megyn Kelly

That was hardly a threat. Kelly did have a very rough time after the first Fox Debate. That didn't have anything to do with Trump's actions...only hers. She had such a hard time coping with all the horrible quotes from people about her that she took a week off.

Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

as to negotiation skills, he is demonstrating the first rule of negotiating, take a stand and stick with it. Make the other side give in first.

your comment shows that you have never participated in any form of negotiation.
Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

as to negotiation skills, he is demonstrating the first rule of negotiating, take a stand and stick with it. Make the other side give in first.

your comment shows that you have never participated in any form of negotiation.
Trump simply validates once again he is an egomaniac just like the narracist we have in office now.

Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

as to negotiation skills, he is demonstrating the first rule of negotiating, take a stand and stick with it. Make the other side give in first.

your comment shows that you have never participated in any form of negotiation.

lol, idiocy.

nope, that's how its done. did it for years, made a lot of money by being a good negotiator.

REALITY--------> I am leading everyone by double digits, virtually, everywhere. It is a known fact that debates usually help those chasing the front runner as it gives the appearance of them on even footing. It is exactly why a sitting President always wants less debates, and his opponent, more.

Also, I have an EXCUSE that is seen as a reason...........Kelly! And so, as long as I do something charitable with my time; unlike Randy Dandy Paul, I come out with a win-win!

And.........if those Twitter messages were actually posted by Fox, along with any other disparaging messages by the hosts there, you have just made my case for me, most people believe the media is biased, and here it is now proven.

Make America great again, come to my charitable event for veterans, etc.

DJT, your next President of the United States-)
Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

Why should he submit to unfounded attacks from a news girl whose only qualifications are a nice body and well done hair?

By refusing to participate he is showing character and guts. He is not kowtowing to the media like all the others.

His poll numbers will go up because of this----------watch.
So as President he will never hold a Press Conference. Because it only gets nastier should he be elected. And sad as it is, those press conferences are the only laccess We The People have left to our President.

why would he not hold press conferences? you are really off topic.
You think the press will be nice to Trump? What about the Iranians? They don't need him.

Once he becomes president the press will be the press. Don't worry about the Iranians, Trump can handle them just fine.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

Why should he submit to unfounded attacks from a news girl whose only qualifications are a nice body and well done hair?

By refusing to participate he is showing character and guts. He is not kowtowing to the media like all the others.

His poll numbers will go up because of this----------watch.
So as President he will never hold a Press Conference. Because it only gets nastier should he be elected. And sad as it is, those press conferences are the only laccess We The People have left to our President.

why would he not hold press conferences? you are really off topic.
You think the press will be nice to Trump? What about the Iranians? They don't need him.

Once he becomes president the press will be the press. Don't worry about the Iranians, Trump can handle them just fine.
Trump can't even handle Megyn Kelly.
Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

as to negotiation skills, he is demonstrating the first rule of negotiating, take a stand and stick with it. Make the other side give in first.

your comment shows that you have never participated in any form of negotiation.

lol, idiocy.

nope, that's how its done. did it for years, made a lot of money by being a good negotiator.

You've lied about yourself so much that it's getting boring.
Why should he submit to unfounded attacks from a news girl whose only qualifications are a nice body and well done hair?

By refusing to participate he is showing character and guts. He is not kowtowing to the media like all the others.

His poll numbers will go up because of this----------watch.
So as President he will never hold a Press Conference. Because it only gets nastier should he be elected. And sad as it is, those press conferences are the only laccess We The People have left to our President.

why would he not hold press conferences? you are really off topic.
You think the press will be nice to Trump? What about the Iranians? They don't need him.

Once he becomes president the press will be the press. Don't worry about the Iranians, Trump can handle them just fine.
Trump can't even handle Megyn Kelly.

LOL, he has already handled her. He clearly won this exchange.
Why should he submit to unfounded attacks from a news girl whose only qualifications are a nice body and well done hair?

By refusing to participate he is showing character and guts. He is not kowtowing to the media like all the others.

His poll numbers will go up because of this----------watch.
So as President he will never hold a Press Conference. Because it only gets nastier should he be elected. And sad as it is, those press conferences are the only laccess We The People have left to our President.

why would he not hold press conferences? you are really off topic.
You think the press will be nice to Trump? What about the Iranians? They don't need him.

Once he becomes president the press will be the press. Don't worry about the Iranians, Trump can handle them just fine.
Trump can't even handle Megyn Kelly.


he is making more news not going then going to the debate


how many are going to tune into his own special on at the same time as the debate

So as President he will never hold a Press Conference. Because it only gets nastier should he be elected. And sad as it is, those press conferences are the only laccess We The People have left to our President.

why would he not hold press conferences? you are really off topic.
You think the press will be nice to Trump? What about the Iranians? They don't need him.

Once he becomes president the press will be the press. Don't worry about the Iranians, Trump can handle them just fine.
Trump can't even handle Megyn Kelly.

LOL, he has already handled her. He clearly won this exchange.

he has exposed fox news that much is certain
Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

as to negotiation skills, he is demonstrating the first rule of negotiating, take a stand and stick with it. Make the other side give in first.

your comment shows that you have never participated in any form of negotiation.

lol, idiocy.

nope, that's how its done. did it for years, made a lot of money by being a good negotiator.

You've lied about yourself so much that it's getting boring.

Nope, everything I have said is absolutely true. I am sorry that you are an abject failure, but not everyone has the brains or drive to be successful.

have you picked up your new EBT card yet?
One thing I absolutely LOVE about Trump is how he is single-handedly DESTROYING the Republican party. He's hammered Bush II harder than anyone in public sphere. And the self-proclaimed conservatives are taking it and liking it. The very same things that good and honest liberals like myself and others have been preaching about the COLOSAL failure that was the Iraq war that conservatives have been defending to the hilt, all of a sudden because Trump is saying it, they are accepting it.

Now he has FOXNEWS in his sights and it looks like they are going to take a well-deserved and longtime-coming tumble.

Gotta LOVE it!

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