Breaking: Trump Will Skip Fox Debate, Do Town Hall Instead, Give The Money To Wounded Warriors

,,,Maybe if Megyn Kelly agreed to be a host and not wear panties, Donald, and Joe Biden just may show up:boobies:
Don't know about that, but Bubba Clinton would sure-as-hell make an appearance...
oops..i forgot about Bill, he would even bring the cigars and pizza
now if Kathy Griffin agreed to ask the questions in the nude, i am pretty sure all three would show up.

Now that would be scary.
...Only in Conservistan...
The mark of a faithful LibProg talk-radio Normal Goldman minion...

A race-baiting, white-hating wigger-punk who uses labels like Texasistan, Arkanstan, Georgiastan, Alabamastan, etc... a Leftist version of that Rightist piece-of-shit Limpbow...
Clearly a dumbass move by the Trump team.
He didn't like a question Megan Kelley asked, which was a legitimate question, and all week he petitioned to have her removed as a moderator..whine whine whine..and when they refused (obviously) - "I'm not coming...whaaaaaahhh!!!"

If he finds dealing with someone named Megan scary, he will really shit his pants when he deals with Putin, Merkel, and Castro. I guess he can just insult them and call it a day.

You can't run from people as President. Someone tell Donald that if you know where he is...

Hillary ran away from the 2007 Fox News Debate...but you still support her.

Does your hypocrisy know no bounds?

Without Trump R debate will be boring almost as the D debate.

I couldn't care less about hearing the same answers over and over, especially from Kasich, Christie and Bush, but would love to see everyone trying to stump the Trump and his replies to that.

His decision is not about Megyn Kelly, but about Fox playing games with him.

This isn't a reality show. Or is it?

It seems, for Fox, it is.

They think they can do whatever they want, Trump proved them otherwise.


By the way, people seems to be forgetting this...

Google and Fox TV Invite Anti-Trump Muslim Advocate to Join Next GOP TV-Debate
Talk about taking attention away from any other candidate. Trumps a mad marketing genius.
Hillary doesn't like to speak longer than five minutes at this point, maybe she knows that 10 to 20 people out there are holding pies or tomatoes.
do you think is it wise to offer up hand jobs on the net --LOL
I was just being polite, I didn't want to presume that you like to swallow.

you are the one offering hand jobs
Don't be coy, you know you want to stroke it.

not going argue with you all night

it was more then obvious you want to give out hand jobs
You'll probably feel a lot better about yourself when you come all the way out of the closet.
see ya stupid --LOL
Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
Trump is simply continuing his theme of showing how blindly and thoughtlessly his cult of fans adore him.
Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.
Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

Why should he submit to unfounded attacks from a news girl whose only qualifications are a nice body and well done hair?

By refusing to participate he is showing character and guts. He is not kowtowing to the media like all the others.

His poll numbers will go up because of this----------watch.
Fox News shouldn't have Megyn Kelly moderating Debates. She's already proven she isn't capable. She made the previous Debate about herself. And that's exactly what a Moderator shouldn't do. A Moderator is supposed to be objective. And Debates are supposed be about the Candidates.

Fox News should have chosen someone else. I can understand why Trump is gonna pass. He doesn't wanna be a part of another attack sham. He'll be ok, more people will wanna see his townhall. I know i'd rather see it than the Fox News Debate.
Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

as to negotiation skills, he is demonstrating the first rule of negotiating, take a stand and stick with it. Make the other side give in first.

your comment shows that you have never participated in any form of negotiation.
Trump is trying to play a prevent defense. Dodging the debate with an excuse that politically exploits our troops is his way of avoiding some sort of fuck up in the debate that might hurt his lead.
Megyn Kelly has him curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants.

Kelley has lost all credibility. Her show is all about her, not news, politics, or even commentary.

Trump is doing the right thing, the ratings for the debate without him will be terrible, his town hall meeting will get more viewers. Fox needs to dump Kelley or put a muzzle on her.
This is not about Kelly. Like I've said for a long time, Trump is not Presidential in his behavior. The office is supposed to be a place of honor. For a guy who brags about being such a great negotiator, he sure surrenders easily. I don't need another 4 years of a President who thinks it's all about him.

as to negotiation skills, he is demonstrating the first rule of negotiating, take a stand and stick with it. Make the other side give in first.

your comment shows that you have never participated in any form of negotiation.

lol, idiocy.

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