Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
We just need to be nicer to the terrorists. Then they will love the West. Perhaps the networks can make a comedy about terrorists and attempt to humanize them.

It''s not their's our fault.
First of all you should bite your tongue! They aren't terrorists, they're "brave freedom fighters" who had no other way to defend themselves against the colonial white evil Brits who had this coming!
20 years ago London was having terrorist attacks, and they weren't Muslims. It was the IRA.
False comparison alert, unless the IRA was also killing people in France, Spain, India, etc.

That's all these ridiculous regressives can do.

They cannot substantiate their extremely dogmatic attitudes using logic, so have to indulge in these specious equivalencies.

"Oh, yet ANOTHER" terrorist attack for Islam? Who cares, and besides, I just saw this Christian guy jaywalk!! Can't you see they are the same?"
...and here's a list of all the shootings, crimes, and murders that occur in the US. Besides, did you know how many people are now in US prisons? Today's attack is a result of what happens when Trump walks away from the Climate Agreement. It's all Trump's fault!

True dat!

Now, don't you know that you run a greater risk of dying in a car than at the hands of Islam, so that makes all this stuff perfectly copasetic, you know! I mean, really now. I am only capable of thinking about myself, and so don't worry if others are killed by Islam or that the probability that lots of them will lose their life approaches 100%. If I don't think it will happen to me, then I can't be bothered!
1- prayers to the victims.
2-Hell to the terrorists and criminals.
3-why the UK, US, France....? I said it a long time ago, getting involved in the middle east will back fire. Be like Japan, Korea, Brasil....don't get mixed up in a mess in the 1st place. The terrorists needed a reason and the invasions were their Christmas gifts.
We just need to be nicer to the terrorists. Then they will love the West. Perhaps the networks can make a comedy about terrorists and attempt to humanize them.

It''s not their's our fault.
First of all you should bite your tongue! They aren't terrorists, they're "brave freedom fighters" who had no other way to defend themselves against the colonial white evil Brits who had this coming!

They are an oppressed people, you know, and one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter!

Not support them in everything they do is RACIST!
Damn, another conservative religious nut on the loose.
Damn, go ahead and spell it out as it is. Another Muslim on the loose.

Isn't an Isamo-Fascist a conservative? How about Eric Rudolph or Scott Roeder - Christian, Conservative and killers of innocents - also nuts?
A conservative here isn't the same as a conservative in an Islamic state. As always, you are confused and can't draw distinctions.
Much like Hitler was a progressive left wing nut job, Muslims don't know what they are so they just kill everybody they disagree with
^^ Ignorant projection
The IRA wanted autonomy from England. The Muslim immigrated there. Political junky my ass, you know nothing of value.
Probably seven dead and

Welcome to the cultural enrichment of Europe

and despite how many of these incidences occur, the special needs portion of the authoritarian left will still sing the same tune.

For these self-absorbed little narcissist snowflakes, receiving props from their equally stupid peeps for their political correctness is all that matters. They can't be bothered to show compassion for the victims since they are too busy preening.
That's because they don't care about the victims. Never have.

One of their most ardent and steadfast supporters here even has the audacity to talk about compassion in her siggy line.
Did Hillary use the power vacuum she created in Libya and the rise of ISIS whil she was Secretary of State for a reason that she lost the election?
1- prayers to the victims.
2-Hell to the terrorists and criminals.
3-why the UK, US, France....? I said it a long time ago, getting involved in the middle east will back fire. Be like Japan, Korea, Brasil....don't get mixed up in a mess in the 1st place. The terrorists needed a reason and the invasions were their Christmas gifts.

It's nothing more than an engineered plan. " taking over the West" we created them and we fund them.
1- prayers to the victims.
2-Hell to the terrorists and criminals.
3-why the UK, US, France....? I said it a long time ago, getting involved in the middle east will back fire. Be like Japan, Korea, Brasil....don't get mixed up in a mess in the 1st place. The terrorists needed a reason and the invasions were their Christmas gifts.
We should definitely let in more Muslim corksucking terrorist apologists like you. Why not?
A so-called journalist of some kind just said there are over 20,000 filthy, brown, Islamic savages that law enforcement in England have been "tracking" because they made obvious they were terrorists...yet these savages are not rounded up and dumped back to where they are the scum who had them came from, or better yet euthanized.
There is no need for civilians to own vehicles of any kind. Only the government and the military need them, civilians should take buses, trains or walk.......they are simply potential killing machines....why should anyone be allowed to own or rent a killing machine?
We just need to be nicer to the terrorists. Then they will love the West. Perhaps the networks can make a comedy about terrorists and attempt to humanize them.

It''s not their's our fault.
First of all you should bite your tongue! They aren't terrorists, they're "brave freedom fighters" who had no other way to defend themselves against the colonial white evil Brits who had this coming!
Let's all link arms with the terro...err...freedom fighters in solidarity and love.
We need to address Westernphobia...the fear of western beliefs and culture.....the silly idea that islamaphobia is a problem is how the left justifies allowing more unvetted people into their countries.....
We need to address Westernphobia...the fear of western beliefs and culture.....the silly idea that islamaphobia is a problem is how the left justifies allowing more unvetted people into their countries.....
I hope Hannity runs with that.
Muslims definitely should not be allowed to rent a vehicle.

You know those geniuses who said that anyone put on the terrorist watch list shouldn't be allowed to buy a gun.....regardless of any actual due you think those same numb nuts would go with banning all muslims from renting trucks?

That would be funny to find out....

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