Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
1- prayers to the victims.
2-Hell to the terrorists and criminals.
3-why the UK, US, France....? I said it a long time ago, getting involved in the middle east will back fire. Be like Japan, Korea, Brasil....don't get mixed up in a mess in the 1st place. The terrorists needed a reason and the invasions were their Christmas gifts.

Japan and Korea do not allow the filthy bastards in. That is why they are not under attack. I don't know about Brazil. Japan and Korea also do not have wide open borders or American inner city DemWitt breeding grounds.

Edit: I agree with you. We should be out of the ME. Let the savage kill each other till the cows come home. I would love it. Just do NOT venture out of those borders or shot on site.
This is all for Allah

A witness of the London Bridge incident said the attackers were yelling, “This is for Allah.”
They were doing the religious duty... it's a Muslim thing we just don't understand

If we don't understand it very soon, we may as well hand over the UK to Islam and Sharia Law.

They breed like rabbits, in a generation or two all will be lost.

Round up the muslims, at gunpoint and shoot if they move, and ship them back to the hellhole they came from.

Don't let any more refugees or immigrants in.
Shh. I am not keen on religion, but Islam? Crashing planes and beheading people? Not like they are innocent victims or anything. Po' witto victims of a backlash THEY caused? Does Islam have a word for HUBRIS?
Muslims definitely should not be allowed to rent a vehicle.

You know those geniuses who said that anyone put on the terrorist watch list shouldn't be allowed to buy a gun.....regardless of any actual due you think those same numb nuts would go with banning all muslims from renting trucks?

That would be funny to find out....

They would claim to be Indian or something. Try to bog down the courts.
Witness Eric told the BBC he was on the south side of London Bridge when he saw the van on the wrong side of the road.

He said: "It veered to the right and people were trying to run away from it."

When it stopped, he said, three people got out and at first he thought they were going to help the people who had been hit.

But he said: "The three people literally started kicking them, punching them, and took out knives. It was a rampage really."

The three men ran off towards the nearby bars and restaurants and there was a shout of "this is for Allah", he added.

There are muslims on those countries....those countries don't get involved in the middle east.
It's urgent to get down to the problem.
Let's not feed the terrorists by invading countries and creating voids for them to thrive and recruit.

1- prayers to the victims.
2-Hell to the terrorists and criminals.
3-why the UK, US, France....? I said it a long time ago, getting involved in the middle east will back fire. Be like Japan, Korea, Brasil....don't get mixed up in a mess in the 1st place. The terrorists needed a reason and the invasions were their Christmas gifts.

Japan and Korea do not allow the filthy bastards in. That is why they are not under attack. I don't know about Brazil. Japan and Korea also do not have wide open borders or American inner city DemWitt breeding grounds.

Mark White says he has heard two explosions from the London Bridge area, which is the focus of a lot of police activity
I wonder if the Brits are feeling like they need the ability to defend themselves individually? Push for Individual gun rights..
Your chart is wrong. Not by much. But it is. Guy goes Islamo-Beserk in Portland -- kills 2 on train. Because he saw Burkhas. You need an update..

The guardian 31 min ago

My colleague Chris Johnston is at the scene and has been speaking to witnesses:

Gerard Vowls, 47, had been watching the Champions League final at the Ship pub in Borough. He was at the start of the south side of London Bridge and saw a woman being stabbed by three men.

“I want to know if this girl is still alive,” he said. “I’ve been walking around for an hour and a half crying my eyes out. I don’t know what to do.”

Vowls said he was throwing chairs, glasses and bottles at the attackers in a bid to stop them. “They kept coming to try to stab me … they were stabbing everyone. Evil, evil people.”

It took at least 10 minutes for armed police to reach the scene, he added.
I wonder if the Brits are feeling like they need the ability to defend themselves individually? Push for Individual gun rights..
If Britain were awash with firearms like the USA, terrorists would have a turkey shoot.
We need to address Westernphobia...the fear of western beliefs and culture.....the silly idea that islamaphobia is a problem is how the left justifies allowing more unvetted people into their countries.....


Is there any OTHER supremacist ideology, the rejection of which is characterized as if it is a mental illness?

How odd that we have arrived at such Orwellian times when rationality is treated as the problem, whereas blind allegiance to the inimical ideology is encouraged.
The Metropolitan police has issued a statement clarifying the timeline of events:

From 22.08hrs [on] 3 June officers responded to reports of a vehicle in collision with pedestrians on London Bridge.

Officers have then responded to reports of stabbings in Borough Market. Armed officers responded and shots have been fired.

Officers subsequently responded to an incident in the Vauxhall area.

At 00.25hrs [on] 4 June the incidents at London Bridge and Borough Market were declared as terrorist incidents.

The incident at Vauxhall is a stabbing and is not believed connected to the other two incidents.

We will release facts when we can – our info must be accurate.

We urge the public to remain calm, but be alert and vigilant.

To anyone near an incident our advice is RUN – HIDE – TELL.

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