Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
"more unvetted"? Who's been let in unvetted already?
There is no vetting to get into this country, they'll let just about anybody in
Where is there "no vetting" in the United States?
All of it
And where did you get that misinformation?

Ten Facts About U.S. Refugee Resettlement

There is this thing called illegal immigration you might have heard about.
I have....are you saying that's what we are talking about with "no vetting"?
The British, and Europe in general has this left leaning, globalist, kumbahya thing going on.....
Well, they will pay with their lives, just as happened in San Bernadino, Boston and everywhere else the left refuses to understand that fairy dust and unicorns don't bring peace after all.

The left wants open borders and a free ride for the world to come to the West.....never understanding it means their demise. Naive retards.

"I'd like to buy the world a Coke"...the left sang in the 70's......while much of he world was buying a bullet for their skull or knife to slit their throats.
Nature taking it's course may be the only salvation for civilization.

the left is sick! they do it only for VOTES!
And there you go again....calling someone a "little terrorist apologist" because they don't run around screaming in fear like you are doing. At least I'm not triggered as easily as you are.

Screaming in fear? I am opposing Islamic terrorism.

Why don't you?
And what are you actively doing to oppose it?

I'm actively now and in the past supporting the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Are you?
9:59 PM CDT

London police said that at least nine people, including three attackers, were killed in the attacks late Saturday night. Go to and watch Fox News Channel for more

For more news, please go to and watch Fox News Channel.
You ain't gonna get it.
Of course not, you want us to be more like Europe. Well look at them now, plagued with terrorism. Generosity at the expense of human life. That's an unacceptable price to pay. But hey, you're willing to pay it.


You are a lounging, mumbling straw man production facility.

You won't get a ban. There aren't enough chickenshits nor vile bigots to allow it. Put on yer big big boy pants.
Eh, I don't care for your childish insults.

So are we bigots for wanting to ensure safety in our own country? Dude, tell you what, go live in Europe. You seem to like the way they do things over there so much.

Grow a spine and recognize the terrorist threat is real and being conducted in the name of Islam.

But, that's not likely to happen with Eurocentrists like you. You are nothing but brittle spined cowards who are more concerned with their political image rather than the safety of their fellow citizens.

How truly sad.

You have trouble understanding. I ain't skeered.
Yeah you are. You're afraid of being seen as an unwelcoming bigot. More concerned with maintaining the appearance of tolerance than of the safety of the people.

I don't think think it's that.

I think it's more about real risk assessment rather than perceived risk - especially risks who's simplest solutions seem to involve conveniently scapegoating minorities for complex problems.

Every time there is an attack on civilians like this, like Manchester, like Sandy Hook - like many such - it's horrible because innocent ordinary people - families, children - people like you and I are killed senselessly. No one is applauding it. No one is supporting attacks like this. But what is the real risk that you will be involved in something this terrible? Chances are more likely you will be injured by a drunk driver or a random shooting then by a terrorist.

But's it's bad to speak of it like that because I guarantee someone is going to talk to about me being a terrorist supporter and not caring about the victims.

I think we have to be careful. Look at all the rhetoric abounding. Look at people actively calling for totally innocent citizens to be rounded up, shot, expelled (never mind they've lived generations in the land of their citizenship) to foreign nations. People are so scared, and it's understandable because attacks like these vehicular attacks are unpredictable and hard to prevent. Every vehicle could be a weapon.

The attacks heighten anger, fear and the targets of that are more than likely going to be minority groups who are relatively powerless AND who's help we need to uncover radicalization before it turns into action. Remember the Imam reported the Manchester killer to authorities several times because he was concerned.

People are very willing to give up OTHER people's rights in the name of "security" but not their own. Look at Sandy Hook - despite the horrific nature of it, little was changed in terms of gun laws - but then, the gun rights lobby is not a minority religion, it's a very powerful national force.

I think we also need to consider how our actions might end up aiding ISIS, rather than protecting us. Division, distrust, hate, anger, persecution, the rhetoric of being at war AGAINST an entire religion plays to their goals and the more alienated and isolated a community becomes the easier it is to radicalize and we shouldn't be helping that. Their end game is not a caliphate it's an armegeddon.

That's just my opinion - when I see some of what is being said as this attack plays out. Security is important - for all our citizens in our various countries. All of them. But I truly hope we don't take actions that aid ISIS in the long run.
It is very revealing that none of the anti-Muslim bigots started a topic about the terrorist bombing in Kabul which killed many, many more people.

But the people killed were Muslims, and darnit, that just does not fit the narrative!

One person did start a topic about the protests which took place after the bombing, and again, no one commented on it. And the topic got shoved into the Afghanistan section of this forum. Because it just doesn't fit the narrative.

90 percent of the victims of terrorism are Muslims, you ignorant fucks.
Muslims will kill anybody they disagree with, even their own
No one else but muslims do that kind of thing, right?
Jesus never killed anybody, can't say the same about Muhamed
islam is not a religion, but a murderous cult. These muslims could level a major American city and behead babes in their cribs and you sob sisters would rush to their defense.

Coyote has devoted many tens of thousands of postings across multiple boards in her service to the Islamist objective against western liberalism.

No amount of rational discussion will ever dissuade her from her agenda. The only question is whether she is being paid for her support or is doing it voluntarily.
Just as naturalized citizens have to say an oath that they are not and never been a member of the communist party. Any Muslim who wants to get a visa to the US or become a permanent resident should understand that Islam cannot be practiced in the US.

^^^ See??? ^^^

RWNJs want an end to the US Constitution.

In another thread, RWNJs had to admit they did not know that gay marriage is a constitutionally guaranteed right.

In this thread, they're saying others should be able to control what religion they practice.

Willful ignorance.

It isn't a religion if it's killing the citizens the constitution was created to protect, moron. All religions are not the same, just because a faith is labeled as such doesn't mean it is.
So...all those catholic drug't a religion based on your rule of thumb.
Islam and catholic are cults more than anything... The Catholic Church does not represent Christianity
I would say catholics would disagree with you. But I am curious where you got your credential in "What are religions and what are not."
Pope said Catholics are different. Says they are the only Christians.

And since they worship Mary and not Christ, that makes them a cult.

Pope Francis Decrees That Christian Salvation Is Only Through The Roman Catholic Church

Enough is enough. The courts wanted evidence proving the need for Trump's travel ban, well in the United Kingdom there have been three terrorist attacks over the span of less than a month that have killed scores of people. Here's your evidence. Here's the need. Do you want that happening here? Really? Are you so freaking PC to the point of endangering our country's safety for the sake of keeping your arms wide open? Generosity and altruism have limits.

The religion of Islam needs to address this. The world is getting leery of radical Islamic terrorists murdering people for the sake of their twisted interpretation of Islam. I'm done. Through. I want this travel ban upheld in the Supreme Court. I want to be protected from this madness.

You ain't gonna get it.
Of course not, you want us to be more like Europe. Well look at them now, plagued with terrorism. Generosity at the expense of human life. That's an unacceptable price to pay. But hey, you're willing to pay it.


Its past time to bring it home for these assholes.

1)grab their kids, wives, girlfriends, mothers, fathers, and sheep.

Start feeding them pieces of themselves on live TV.

"Oh look another attack?"

Another free faces of death on the Tele.
It isn't a religion if it's killing the citizens the constitution was created to protect, moron. All religions are not the same, just because a faith is labeled as such doesn't mean it is.
So...all those catholic drug't a religion based on your rule of thumb.
Islam and catholic are cults more than anything... The Catholic Church does not represent Christianity
I would say catholics would disagree with you. But I am curious where you got your credential in "What are religions and what are not."
Christianity is not a religion, it's a faith. Religions are man made…
I'm really interested where you got your "What are religions and what are not" credential. However, if we go with what you said for a moment, that "christianity is not a religion"...then we don't have to worry about that pesky 1st Amendment when dealing with christianity, do we?
Christianity is not a religion, because religions are man-made… Come on Sparky keep up
Nuke Mecca and kill anyone that bitches about it, problem solved. :dunno:\

Either that or give any unassimilable Muslims a 1-way ticket to Mecca and let them deal with it.
Insane people aren't granted certain privileges. Voting being among them.
And let me say that liberals are insane....based on your expertise in the field.
Yes. Iive and work amongst mostly lefties.
And they tolerate you. They are everyday heroes then.
They think I'm one of them. I'm like a very light-skinned negro at their Klan rally.
Cool story, son.
There are non-lefties among your circle, too. They just remain closeted because they're aware of how intolerant lefties are and they don't want to be ostracized.
By all means, let's let more unvetted Muslims in.

Where are the libs?
"more unvetted"? Who's been let in unvetted already?
There is no vetting to get into this country, they'll let just about anybody in
Where is there "no vetting" in the United States?
All of it
And where did you get that misinformation?

Ten Facts About U.S. Refugee Resettlement
How's refugee resettlement going in France, Sweden and UK? Outside of the daily terrorist attacks and gang rapes that is?
There you have it....another #RussianWr so terrified he's willing to hand over his civil rights with both trembling hands.

you are full of beans.....shut up lol
Sorry, you can't shut me up. I don't terrify as easily.

verbal diarrhea ??
I heard you may be able to find some medicine for that.

sure sure :itsok: :rolleyes:
Let me know if you have success. Wouldn't want you to suffer long. It could be very awkward for you in social situations...if it isn't already.
I'm trying to find the people from my office. So far not everyone is accounted for yet.

London police are recommending running and hiding.
The time for running and hiding is over. It's time to fight back!

Well, A country could Start by closing all Mosque within its' borders. Ban the Koran and Burka. Simply declare islam is NOT a religion. It is a cult used for political takeover. A Criminal Terrorist organization. Almost Like the DNC? Maybe they will then leave to move to ME countries? If not .............. jail them if found to practice cult in public or organized gatherings. step 1. Or let your Children become Lebanon.

I have a religion too. Church of Golf. Several meetings a week. I am more religious than islam. I don't want you to convert. Can I be tax-exempt also? Where does the IRS draw the line? The religion of shopping?

It's always fascinating to see how people like you and those who agree with you are so willing to take away the rights and freedoms of other people who have done nothing wrong.

Maybe some day some people will decide your religion...isn't. And you can be jailed for practicing it, or gathering with fellow believers, or having scripture....oh wait. That's been done before hasn't it?

And this is exactly what ISIS is aiming for. More blood, more innocent bodies, more religious division and persecutions and Armegeddon and you'll play right in to it.

I don't care what ISIS wants. I don't care what islam wants. The cult of islam is spreading across the globe and killing civilians by 1000s' per month. This enemy is a KNOWN WOLFE not a lone wolf. Take it out.

Right now, ISIS is the group - or cult, which is more apt for ISIS' version of religion - conducting these attacks.

You should care.

Genocide has never worked well as a solution.
"more unvetted"? Who's been let in unvetted already?
There is no vetting to get into this country, they'll let just about anybody in
Where is there "no vetting" in the United States?
All of it
And where did you get that misinformation?

Ten Facts About U.S. Refugee Resettlement
How's refugee resettlement going in France, Sweden and UK? Outside of the daily terrorist attacks and gang rapes that is?
"Daily terrorist attacks"? What was yesterday's?

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