Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
Post 843, which I responded to. And then you go on making retarded comparisons between Soros and Hitler's Germany. Give it up. When you start making comparisons between a rightwing bogeyman and one of the worst human atrocities in the modern world you just come off ignorant.

Factual is not retarded. And there is nothing even remotely "right wing" about a system that has a centrally planned and managed economy, single payer Obamacare, severe suppression of individual rights providing instead privilege to well connected groups such as LGBT and complete restriction of speech using hate speech laws and other mechanisms.
London Bridge attacker said 'this is for Islam' before stabbing my son, mother says.

London Bridge terrorists shouted 'this is for Allah' as they stabbed victims.

How clear can it be?
Time the islamopologist useful idiot dhimmi's quit deflecting, spinning and even lying.
Oh, it can be. No doubt about it here. However, doesn't make me want to give up the Bill of Rights. I'm made of sterner stuff.
And yet gullible fuckers like yourself still say Islam is a religion of peace… What a load of shit:lmao:
I've never called Islam a "religion of peace". Why do you lie so glibly? Islam is a patriarchal religion....never a religion of peace tho these patriachal religions talk the talk. They never ever walk the walk.
Catholics, as well as having a lot of pedophile priests, are historically known for being violent to others.
Historically, like 600 years ago? LOL
The Inquisition was around to the 1800s.
Well it was abolished in the early 19th century that's true, but as far as I know the wide spread practice was over long before it was abolished. Even so that was some 200 years ago whereas Islam's violence is happening right now and intensifying. Not quite the same thing from a current prospective. Also consider that Islam proudly lives in the 7th century as they walk among us. You might say that the end of the inquisition also ended in part, because superstition was being replaced with science and that took Christianity 1800 years. Where are the Muslims now? Still happily sitting in 600 AD where superstition reigns. Now do you really want to be dragged back to 600 AD, thrown in a Burqa and forced to marry a man and bear his children with no form of birth control allowed?
You made a good point, and valid to this day. However birth control is less likely to be an issue as opposed to death control - which is quite openly suggested in the Holly Quran. We can laugh all day long while Muslim population around the world (and in US prisons) is expanding at a very rapid pace. Conquer by demographics is not very bad idea. If that fails there comes a sword of the Prophet.
Post 843, which I responded to. And then you go on making retarded comparisons between Soros and Hitler's Germany. Give it up. When you start making comparisons between a rightwing bogeyman and one of the worst human atrocities in the modern world you just come off ignorant.

Factual is not retarded. And there is nothing even remotely "right wing" about a system that has a centrally planned and managed economy, single payer Obamacare, severe suppression of individual rights providing instead privilege to well connected groups such as LGBT and complete restriction of speech using hate speech laws and other mechanisms.

I'd rate it "funny" except comparisons of stuff like this to Nazi Germany just isn't funny. It's pathetic and ignorant and a long ways from factual. Let me know when they round up people in concentration camps, conduct horrific medical experiments on children. And kill people with poison gas. People who did nothing wrong except they happened to be the wrong race. Now bugger off.
ISIS is standard Sunni Islam.

So you are the one saying that Islam should be outlawed.

Nazi's are standard Christianity.

That's pure unadulterated bullshit.
The Nazis were not Christians, the Party was their religion above all else.
If anything the Nazis aligned themselves with the Islam

It's the same bullshit as equating ISIS with Islam.

No it's not and you'r blatantly lying about it

Once again you trot onto a thread to defend Muslims.

I defend any innocent people.

Thread is dying here as a Current Event. Does it need to close? Because I see mostly Trump derangement memes and personal battles going on..

It's NOT about Trump, Nazis or snake handlers. Read the news -- figure out what it's REALLY about..

Checking back in a hour or so. If it's not on the Current Event -- it's time to close...
That's pure unadulterated bullshit.
The Nazis were not Christians, the Party was their religion above all else.
If anything the Nazis aligned themselves with the Islam

It's the same bullshit as equating ISIS with Islam.

No it's not and you'r blatantly lying about it

Once again you trot onto a thread to defend Muslims.

I defend any innocent people.
So do Trump supporters.
We wish libs would learn and stop creating more victims.

Some do. Some don't. Just like any group of people. I don't know how Trump even got dragged into this.
Then why are you perpetuating the idea of Trump being happy about this attack? Weren't you the one who suggested Trump wanted this attack to happen?
Nazi's are standard Christianity.

That's pure unadulterated bullshit.
The Nazis were not Christians, the Party was their religion above all else.
If anything the Nazis aligned themselves with the Islam

It's the same bullshit as equating ISIS with Islam.

No it's not and you'r blatantly lying about it

Once again you trot onto a thread to defend Muslims.

I defend any innocent people.


Any after birth.
Thread is dying here as a Current Event. Does it need to close? Because I see mostly Trump derangement memes and personal battles going on..

It's NOT about Trump, Nazis or snake handlers. Read the news -- figure out what it's REALLY about..

Checking back in a hour or so. If it's not on the Current Event -- it's time to close...
Or you could move it to badlands? Just a suggestion.
It's the same bullshit as equating ISIS with Islam.

No it's not and you'r blatantly lying about it

Once again you trot onto a thread to defend Muslims.

I defend any innocent people.
So do Trump supporters.
We wish libs would learn and stop creating more victims.

Some do. Some don't. Just like any group of people. I don't know how Trump even got dragged into this.
Then why are you perpetuating the idea of Trump being happy about this attack? Weren't you the one who suggested Trump wanted this attack to happen?

No. I wasn't. And I don't think I've said anything about Trump in this. My argument is that we need to be careful not to demonize an entire group for the actions of extremists and I oppose a lot of what people seem to be calling for - stripping of rights, freedoms, citizenship from innocent people, banning an entire faith and ending religious freedom up to and including mass expulsions, shooting and genocide from some. My argument is also that we should not be aiding ISIS in our reactions to their atrocities.

When have I ever addressed their case. Any religious charity can do what they want AS LONG AS they take no federal funds....or are willing to give up said federal funds if it goes against their religion. I have always taken that stance.

I usually don't do the "Prove water is wet" fallacy, but just to make a point.

Hussein bullies "Little Sisters of the Poor" and no outrage

I believe that if a business gets a business license, they follow the business laws.....or else don't get the business license. It's quite simple. And if people don't like what business laws they have to follow in order to get that license, WORK to get such laws repealed instead of just whining like you're a poor victim for having to follow the laws you agreed to.

Were you just as incensed when the SAME PA laws was used to fine a dentist in Oregon for discriminating against his employee's religion?

So you opposed the 13th amendment.

Christian B&B refuses to back down to homosexual terrorism

Never heard of that obviously, I can't have been ATTACKING something I never heard of.

Never heard of Citizens United?

The Reasons Keep Piling Up

To whomever that said "Muslims are not violent", here is direct quote (I have dozens more): ""There are Hadiths regarding our struggle against the Jews. And it is given: ‘The day of resurrection will not arrive until the Moslems make war against the Jews and kill them, and until a Jew hiding behind a rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: 'Oh Moslem, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!' This Hadith clarifies to us the characteristics of the campaign between us and the Jews. The tree and the rock do not say 'Oh, Palestinian,' 'Oh Arab,' or 'Oh resident of the Middle East.' Rather they say: 'Oh, Moslem, Servant of Allah.'
Thread is dying here as a Current Event. Does it need to close? Because I see mostly Trump derangement memes and personal battles going on..

It's NOT about Trump, Nazis or snake handlers. Read the news -- figure out what it's REALLY about..

Checking back in a hour or so. If it's not on the Current Event -- it's time to close...
Or you could move it to badlands? Just a suggestion.

Ain't going to Badlands just because the event makes you uncomfortable. ANYONE who can't discuss a terrorist attack without adding to the personal battles going on here --- needs to get out...

I'd rate it "funny" except comparisons of stuff like this to Nazi Germany just isn't funny. It's pathetic and ignorant and a long ways from factual. Let me know when they round up people in concentration camps, conduct horrific medical experiments on children. And kill people with poison gas. People who did nothing wrong except they happened to be the wrong race. Now bugger off.

Again, your attempt to promote the big lie that Nazism is "right wing" is disgusting.

FDR rounded up people into concentration camps.
Stalin rounded up people into concentration camps.
Mao rounded up people into concentration camps.
Hitler rounded up people into concentration camps.

You know who has NEVER rounded up people into concentration camps? Conservatives, the right wing. This is a purely leftist act.

And tell us that Soros democrats would not round up Christians in a hot second, try convincing ANYONE on this board of that. IF you ever were able to disarm them, it would get ugly fast.
And, frankly, as ISIS loses territory and funding, I think we WILL see more of these attacks. So it seems that the best way to address it first is at the community level - where people become radicalized might first be recognized. And in the prisons - many of the people who commit these attacks are thugs with substantial criminal records. We need to keep ties strong with the Muslim communities - not label them as the enemy - because they're the ones best able to let us know about radicalization. If a mosque is found to be preaching violence or violent jihad then they should be put under observation. Muslim groups and authorities in western countries should consider whether they should be importing foreign imams who might not share western values instead of bringing Imam's up from their own. Above all - Muslims are not a singular group but a group of diverse cultures from many different countries.
Simple fact. When you can argue ideas and you can't attack the argument, you turn to attacking the posters and bringing in the Nazi's.

The idea that you support radical Islam is what I am arguing. The fact that you support a fascist agenda in America is what I am arguing. I am directly arguing the ideas that form this thread.

That you are getting your ass kicked, and badly does not change this fact.

Of course having Bode on your side really damages your arguments... :eusa_whistle:

Having Hairy Back as an ally is like throwing gasoline on a forest fire

So you're going to degenerate into attacking other posters? That's it? You can't make a better argument?

:lmao:I fully expect to see you intervene on any personal attack from here on out.

You won't
No it's not and you'r blatantly lying about it

Once again you trot onto a thread to defend Muslims.

I defend any innocent people.
So do Trump supporters.
We wish libs would learn and stop creating more victims.

Some do. Some don't. Just like any group of people. I don't know how Trump even got dragged into this.
Then why are you perpetuating the idea of Trump being happy about this attack? Weren't you the one who suggested Trump wanted this attack to happen?

No. I wasn't. And I don't think I've said anything about Trump in this. My argument is that we need to be careful not to demonize an entire group for the actions of extremists and I oppose a lot of what people seem to be calling for - stripping of rights, freedoms, citizenship from innocent people, banning an entire faith and ending religious freedom up to and including mass expulsions, shooting and genocide from some. My argument is also that we should not be aiding ISIS in our reactions to their atrocities.
We're on the same page with respecting people for who they are. I get that.

However; you most certainly did make a comment about Trump wanting an attack to happen. You insuated it was for political reasons.
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I defend any innocent people.
So do Trump supporters.
We wish libs would learn and stop creating more victims.

Some do. Some don't. Just like any group of people. I don't know how Trump even got dragged into this.
Then why are you perpetuating the idea of Trump being happy about this attack? Weren't you the one who suggested Trump wanted this attack to happen?

No. I wasn't. And I don't think I've said anything about Trump in this. My argument is that we need to be careful not to demonize an entire group for the actions of extremists and I oppose a lot of what people seem to be calling for - stripping of rights, freedoms, citizenship from innocent people, banning an entire faith and ending religious freedom up to and including mass expulsions, shooting and genocide from some. My argument is also that we should not be aiding ISIS in our reactions to their atrocities.
We're on the same page with respecting people for who they are. I get that.

However; you most certainly did make a comment about Trump wanting an attack to happen. You said it was for political reasons.

No - that post was commenting on the POSTER - not Trump, and the poster's desire to have an attack happen close to election time.

I do not think Trump wants any attack to happen.
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That's pure unadulterated bullshit.
The Nazis were not Christians, the Party was their religion above all else.
If anything the Nazis aligned themselves with the Islam

It's the same bullshit as equating ISIS with Islam.

No it's not and you'r blatantly lying about it

Once again you trot onto a thread to defend Muslims.

I defend any innocent people.


Any after birth.

Thought you were conditional on that stance.

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