Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters

I'd rate it "funny" except comparisons of stuff like this to Nazi Germany just isn't funny. It's pathetic and ignorant and a long ways from factual. Let me know when they round up people in concentration camps, conduct horrific medical experiments on children. And kill people with poison gas. People who did nothing wrong except they happened to be the wrong race. Now bugger off.

Again, your attempt to promote the big lie that Nazism is "right wing" is disgusting.

FDR rounded up people into concentration camps.
Stalin rounded up people into concentration camps.
Mao rounded up people into concentration camps.
Hitler rounded up people into concentration camps.

You know who has NEVER rounded up people into concentration camps? Conservatives, the right wing. This is a purely leftist act.

And tell us that Soros democrats would not round up Christians in a hot second, try convincing ANYONE on this board of that. IF you ever were able to disarm them, it would get ugly fast.

I didn't say anything about left or rightwing. Only that making comparisons of this magnitude is ignorant. You need to get your lies straight.

If you want to make a valid comparison to the Nazi's - make it with ISIS.
It's the same bullshit as equating ISIS with Islam.

No it's not and you'r blatantly lying about it

Once again you trot onto a thread to defend Muslims.

I defend any innocent people.


Any after birth.

Thought you were conditional on that stance.


Do you defend all innocent people?
And, frankly, as ISIS loses territory and funding, I think we WILL see more of these attacks. So it seems that the best way to address it first is at the community level - where people become radicalized might first be recognized. And in the prisons - many of the people who commit these attacks are thugs with substantial criminal records. We need to keep ties strong with the Muslim communities - not label them as the enemy - because they're the ones best able to let us know about radicalization. If a mosque is found to be preaching violence or violent jihad then they should be put under observation. Muslim groups and authorities in western countries should consider whether they should be importing foreign imams who might not share western values instead of bringing Imam's up from their own. Above all - Muslims are not a singular group but a group of diverse cultures from many different countries.

^Now this was a good post.

Some others, eh...

I'd say this is still a current event being it's a nasty terrorist attack that happened only yesterday.
No it's not and you'r blatantly lying about it

Once again you trot onto a thread to defend Muslims.

I defend any innocent people.


Any after birth.

Thought you were conditional on that stance.


Do you defend all innocent people?

All? That is a word I avoid, I never agree with "all" or "never" statements.

I like you would say "most."
Honey, the ones lost in fear are the ones denying. And those muslims that have changed most won't speak out, because they also live in fear.
Do you really think that nobody notices how you, Coyote and the rest of your repulsive ilk never spend so much as a nanosecond expressing any disapproval at all for the actions, yet have endless time devoted to posting reams of invective against those who do?

You are even less intelligent than I imagined.
You don't pay attention much do you. Well, being lost in your own fear to the point of getting tunnel vision will do that to you.
Not because they live in fear...because they sympathize.

Reminder: Study Finds Two-Thirds Of British Muslims WOULD NOT Report A Terror Plot – MILO NEWS
The article says there was a study, but never cited that study.

Here is the study:

And again --- I asked you this in the other thread and you ran away ---- exactly WHERE in that link is this finding?

tick... tick.... tick.....
Polls on American muslims show their views are in line with most other American religious groups in terms of homosexuals, women's rights and violence. In fact in one poll evangelicals had a rate of support for saying that targeting civilians could sometimes be justified.

Provide that poll. The majority of US Muslims are theocratic and 25% are ok with violence.
Shock Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia; 25% Okay with Violence Against Americans - Breitbart
Polls on American muslims show their views are in line with most other American religious groups in terms of homosexuals, women's rights and violence. In fact in one poll evangelicals had a rate of support for saying that targeting civilians could sometimes be justified.

Provide that poll. The majority of US Muslims are theocratic and 25% are ok with violence.
Shock Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia; 25% Okay with Violence Against Americans - Breitbart

The poll he links to has been broadly discredited.
They have Muslims in Japan but they are very restricted.

Actually - that's a myth, they aren't restricted at all.

There's like ten of them and they do not offer the pedophile worshipping murder monkeys asylum or citizenship so gfys lying scum.
Viral graphic says Japan keeps out radical Islam through strong restrictions on Muslims

All Muslims in Japan are under surveillance:
Japan has ruled to spy on all Muslims – after living there, this is no surprise

There is no such thing as a foreign Muslim citizen of Japan, the only Muslim citizens of Japan are converts, death to Islam, Je Suis Breivik! are recommending that all muslims be put under surveillance....put listening devices in homes....places of business...mosques...?

No I am advocating that Muslims should be kicked out and shouldn't have been allowed in in the first place.
Polls on American muslims show their views are in line with most other American religious groups in terms of homosexuals, women's rights and violence. In fact in one poll evangelicals had a rate of support for saying that targeting civilians could sometimes be justified.

Provide that poll. The majority of US Muslims are theocratic and 25% are ok with violence.
Shock Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia; 25% Okay with Violence Against Americans - Breitbart

The poll he links to has been broadly discredited.
Polls on American muslims show their views are in line with most other American religious groups in terms of homosexuals, women's rights and violence. In fact in one poll evangelicals had a rate of support for saying that targeting civilians could sometimes be justified.

Provide that poll. The majority of US Muslims are theocratic and 25% are ok with violence.
Shock Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia; 25% Okay with Violence Against Americans - Breitbart

The poll he links to has been broadly discredited.

Politifact has been widely discredited.
Actually - that's a myth, they aren't restricted at all.

There's like ten of them and they do not offer the pedophile worshipping murder monkeys asylum or citizenship so gfys lying scum.
Viral graphic says Japan keeps out radical Islam through strong restrictions on Muslims

All Muslims in Japan are under surveillance:
Japan has ruled to spy on all Muslims – after living there, this is no surprise

There is no such thing as a foreign Muslim citizen of Japan, the only Muslim citizens of Japan are converts, death to Islam, Je Suis Breivik! are recommending that all muslims be put under surveillance....put listening devices in homes....places of business...mosques...?

No I am advocating that Muslims should be kicked out and shouldn't have been allowed in in the first place.

So you are advocating that American citizens should be kicked out of a country that in many cases they've lived for generations?
Polls on American muslims show their views are in line with most other American religious groups in terms of homosexuals, women's rights and violence. In fact in one poll evangelicals had a rate of support for saying that targeting civilians could sometimes be justified.

Provide that poll. The majority of US Muslims are theocratic and 25% are ok with violence.
Shock Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia; 25% Okay with Violence Against Americans - Breitbart

The poll he links to has been broadly discredited.
Polls on American muslims show their views are in line with most other American religious groups in terms of homosexuals, women's rights and violence. In fact in one poll evangelicals had a rate of support for saying that targeting civilians could sometimes be justified.

Provide that poll. The majority of US Muslims are theocratic and 25% are ok with violence.
Shock Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia; 25% Okay with Violence Against Americans - Breitbart

The poll he links to has been broadly discredited.

Politifact has been widely discredited.

It's not just Politifact :lol:

Pew is a well respected non partisan group, see what they have to say instead of a crap CSP poll: Chapter 4: Social and Political Attitudes
Actually - that's a myth, they aren't restricted at all.

There's like ten of them and they do not offer the pedophile worshipping murder monkeys asylum or citizenship so gfys lying scum.
Viral graphic says Japan keeps out radical Islam through strong restrictions on Muslims

All Muslims in Japan are under surveillance:
Japan has ruled to spy on all Muslims – after living there, this is no surprise

There is no such thing as a foreign Muslim citizen of Japan, the only Muslim citizens of Japan are converts, death to Islam, Je Suis Breivik! are recommending that all muslims be put under surveillance....put listening devices in homes....places of business...mosques...?

No I am advocating that Muslims should be kicked out and shouldn't have been allowed in in the first place. are signing up to do the "kicking out", right?
Polls on American muslims show their views are in line with most other American religious groups in terms of homosexuals, women's rights and violence. In fact in one poll evangelicals had a rate of support for saying that targeting civilians could sometimes be justified.

Provide that poll. The majority of US Muslims are theocratic and 25% are ok with violence.
Shock Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia; 25% Okay with Violence Against Americans - Breitbart

The poll he links to has been broadly discredited.
Polls on American muslims show their views are in line with most other American religious groups in terms of homosexuals, women's rights and violence. In fact in one poll evangelicals had a rate of support for saying that targeting civilians could sometimes be justified.

Provide that poll. The majority of US Muslims are theocratic and 25% are ok with violence.
Shock Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia; 25% Okay with Violence Against Americans - Breitbart

The poll he links to has been broadly discredited.

Politifact has been widely discredited.

It's not just Politifact :lol:

Pew is a well respected non partisan group, see what they have to say instead of a crap CSP poll: Chapter 4: Social and Political Attitudes

There were PEW POLLS cited in the links to "muslim attitudes" --- did you or Politifact Miss those?

Politifact has no credibility on ANY "partisan" issues...
No need to kick anyone out. Just ban Islam as an official religion, which means it doesn't get treated the same as other religions. No tax shelter or other benefits. Eventually they will get the message.

Islam and Democracy / freedom / human rights / Western civilization are incompatible. Italy did it and they are far better off than UK and France:

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion — Denied Religious Tax Status

There are over 1.6 million Muslims in Italy—and only eight mosques

Muslims stage mass prayer in protest over closure of mosques in Italy

‘Anti-mosque’ law passed in northern Italy

The Push to Ban Arabic Sermons in Europe's Mosques
Provide that poll. The majority of US Muslims are theocratic and 25% are ok with violence.
Shock Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia; 25% Okay with Violence Against Americans - Breitbart

The poll he links to has been broadly discredited.
Provide that poll. The majority of US Muslims are theocratic and 25% are ok with violence.
Shock Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia; 25% Okay with Violence Against Americans - Breitbart

The poll he links to has been broadly discredited.

Politifact has been widely discredited.

It's not just Politifact :lol:

Pew is a well respected non partisan group, see what they have to say instead of a crap CSP poll: Chapter 4: Social and Political Attitudes

There were PEW POLLS cited in the links to "muslim attitudes" --- did you or Politifact Miss those?

Politifact has no credibility on ANY "partisan" issues...

I was referring to a SPECIFIC poll on American Muslim attitudes - the poll by CPS that he linked to in his post. Did you miss that?

Politifact is not the only source that discredited CPS' methodology and it linked to some of those sources. Did you read it or automatically discard it because you feel it "has no credibility"?
UK's Labour Party led by Tony Blair pushed through a law allowing asylum seekers to stay until they’d exhausted every possible appeal.

The good news about ‘tolerant’ Britain spread, encouraging Kurds, Tamils & Sri Lankans to enter & claim asylum.

Blair ruefully admitted years later, Britain was becoming known as the asylum capital of Europe.

What happened to Britain was not an accident, not a natural process. As in US, it was government policy

Least of all did Labour question whether the immigrants would have any effect on lives of the British working class.

The poll he links to has been broadly discredited.

The poll he links to has been broadly discredited.

Politifact has been widely discredited.

It's not just Politifact :lol:

Pew is a well respected non partisan group, see what they have to say instead of a crap CSP poll: Chapter 4: Social and Political Attitudes

There were PEW POLLS cited in the links to "muslim attitudes" --- did you or Politifact Miss those?

Politifact has no credibility on ANY "partisan" issues...

I was referring to a SPECIFIC poll on American Muslim attitudes - the poll by CPS that he linked to in his post. Did you miss that?

Politifact is not the only source that discredited CPS' methodology and it linked to some of those sources. Did you read it or automatically discard it because you feel it "has no credibility"?

Polls told you the hag would win....worthless
The blood of these dead Britons is on Tony Blair's hands. Dumped millions of Muslims on UK for "multiculturalism"

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