BREAKING: White Marine Vet To Be Charged In Death of Jordan Neely

That will be the case one day. You have no idea what the liberals are doing to our area. We have had three squatters (all black of course) in empty houses over the winter when the owners were away, and the liberals fought charging them with any crimes. And they trashed the places, too.
The wife and I will pray for you and your mother. You think I am a "bad guy lefty" I am not. I am a Republican. I believe in the Constitution and the law.
I defend this dead man because he deserves that the accused face justice. Every US Citizen deserves that.
To not face justice would be Anarchy. Anarchy is not acceptable.
The wife and I will pray for you and your mother. You think I am a "bad guy lefty" I am not. I am a Republican. I believe in the Constitution and the law.
I defend this dead man because he deserves that the accused face justice. Every US Citizen deserves that.
To not face justice would be Anarchy. Anarchy is not acceptable.
Then you should recognize the inequitable application of justice the NY DA places depending on the race of those involved, and how he has reduced half of all felonies down to misdemeanors in the pursuit of “racial equity.”

To refuse to recognize that this Good Samaritan Marine is being demonized because the dangerous thug he subdued was BLACK is anarchy. And if you think race has nothing to do with this case, why did the NY mayor emphasize how it was a black man who is dead?
Then you should recognize the inequitable application of justice the NY DA places depending on the race of those involved, and how he has reduced half of all felonies down to misdemeanors in the pursuit of “racial equity.”

To refuse to recognize that this Good Samaritan Marine is being demonized because the dangerous thug he subdued was BLACK is anarchy. And if you think race has nothing to do with this case, why did the NY mayor emphasize how it was a black man who is dead?
Happy Mothers Day to you and your Mother.
I am on my way to Church.
Were you charged with attempted murder? Throwing someone down two flights of concrete stairs could easily result in death?

Also, what does AIT stand for?
No. I lied like a rug with a straight face, saying I was walking up, and they were running down, and he tripped, but I had the rail in hand so I didn't fall. Drill Sergeant had talked to others in the platoon. He probably knew the score, that I had intentionally taken the two on one scenario keeping my friends (one them 6'2"/240) Western Golden Gloves Champion) out of the coming fight on the stairs, to avoid a race riot in the bay/company area. He tapped drummed his fingers on the desk a couple of times, slid the report across the desk to be signed, saying "That's a good story PFC. Me saying "Thank You Drill Sergeant." Him replying "You stick to that story." Me replying "Yes, Drill Sergeant." And, that was it. I was pretty sure it would not be disputed as by the guy in the hospital, as before he passed out, and I had to treat his injuries, I twisted his shirt around his neck and told him I was reporting he tripped going down the stairs and if he said anything different, I would see to it he and his partner were charged with assault and attempted murder, and if he ever came near me again, I would finish the job, next time. Then Golden Gloves and I had a talk with the other asshole, telling the story and letting know if not supported charges would definitely be brought, and with him having been joining because a New York judge had given him the option of joining instead of facing assault charges in New York, I would be believed and reminding that New York Jails aren't shit compared to a stay in Levonworth. It is like what you have heard. Anything is believable and becomes a matter of record. All you have to do is tell the story right.
The tongue is the sharpest tool in the human body. Anyone can use their tongue to warrant a defensive stance or stand by another, otherwise against threats that are coming from a deranged man with a history of making good on his threats. If I walk up and tell you that I'm fixing to kill you, and I don't give a dam if I go back to jail, then you are going to find yourself trying to subdue me in order to make sure I'm not going to be successful in my words spoken. If you claim otherwise then you are a liar.

Well said.

That’s excellent. It also gave him the money to get out on bail.

I wish I had his address. I’d send him a nice note with a personal check. Also, my niece would love to meet such a brave patriot who steps up to protect people. (That he’s a cutie doesn’t hurt.)

I would love to personally enrich the man too.

Was he attacking anyone? Yes or no.

No, I don't believe he did. But if someone comes within inches of your face and acts aggressively, for example, you can ask the same question and you'll inevitably will get the same answer. It's not technically an attack, but does it imply intent and the threat of potential violence? Yes, and that deserves a response. You knocking him out or subduing him would be considered self defense. There's no way, all Neeley did was act out and yelled. There's a lot more that happened on that train.
I'll defend it right now: What racist thing did Bongino ever say?

The problem is leftists are born liars and make them up willy-nilly, and expect people to just believe the lies without question. Anybody Republican is a racist, xenophobe, phobic........ What you don't know is we laugh at you because weak minds are so easy to brainwash. You just repeat what your string pullers tell you to repeat without thinking.
Bongino and the truth have never been seen in the same place.
You want to defend a clown who's to poisonous even for FOX?

Bongino and the truth have never been seen in the same place.
You want to defend a clown who's to poisonous even for FOX?

In corner 1, we have an upstanding citizen who served in the military, was a Secret Service Agent, and a police officer in NYC saving many from harm.

In corner 2, we have a deranged lunatic with dozens of arrests, a history of violent behavior, three incidents of subway attacks, and had threatened and terrorized a subway car of innocent people.

Guess which one the lefty is criticizing?
I’m sure many would. But I suspect that they aren’t releasing his address for his own safety. He can defend himself against a dangerous criminal, as we‘ve seen, but a hoard of angry BLM savages could spell the end of him.

Very true.

Maybe some day it will be safe for all of us to be able to meet heroes like this man openly, without feeling we're endangering them.

In corner 1, we have an upstanding citizen who served in the military, was a Secret Service Agent, and a police officer in NYC saving many from harm.

In corner 2, we have a deranged lunatic with dozens of arrests, a history of violent behavior, three incidents of subway attacks, and had threatened and terrorized a subway car of innocent people.

Guess which one the lefty is criticizing?

I hope I'm still alive to see the day when these losers actually learn to be human.

"I would kill a motherfucker" is not a direct threat

"I WILL KILL YOU motherfucker" is a direct threat
I'm not fighting with anyone today,'s Sunday.

I'll just say, I don't agree with your assessment.

The people on the train took it as a direct threat taken within the context of his actions.

I don't believe Sgt. Penny has any intention of killing Neely. I think his intention was to end a threat.

With the mass shootings and and mass stabbings, many perpetrated by metally ill have to err on the side of caution. If a man is acting threatening and belligerent...and then starts saying things like he would kill other human beings, he's not afraid to die, face the police, or go to prison...and you're locked in a metal cylinder with him...I think Sgt.Penny's actions were justified.

I'll just ask you one question.

If Neely had NOT died... should Sgt. Penny been arrested?
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In corner 1, we have an upstanding citizen who served in the military, was a Secret Service Agent, and a police officer in NYC saving many from harm.

In corner 2, we have a deranged lunatic with dozens of arrests, a history of violent behavior, three incidents of subway attacks, and had threatened and terrorized a subway car of innocent people.

Guess which one the lefty is criticizing?
The one who went from your description to becoming a lying sack of shit for money.

Bongino and the truth have never been seen in the same place.
You want to defend a clown who's to poisonous even for FOX?


You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face. Like now you're trying to convince me that you ever listened or watched Bongino. Contract negotiations breaking down is not poison, it's a business disagreement.
I'm not fighting with anyone today,'s Sunday.

I'll just say, I don't agree with your assessment.

The people on the train took it as a direct threat taken within the context of his actions.

I don't believe Sgt. Penny has any intention of killing Neely. I think his intention was to end a threat.

With the mass shootings and and mass stabbings, many perpetrated by metally ill have to err on the side of caution. If a man is acting threatening and belligerent...and then starts saying things like he would kill other human beings, he's not afraid to die, face the police, or go to prison...and you're locked in a metal cylinder with him...I think Sgt.Penny's actions were justified.

I'll just ask you one question.

If Neely had NOT died... should Sgt. Penny been arrested?

Did he physically attack anyone?
The tongue is the sharpest tool in the human body. Anyone can use their tongue to warrant a defensive stance or stand by another, otherwise against threats that are coming from a deranged man with a history of making good on his threats. If I walk up and tell you that I'm fixing to kill you, and I don't give a dam if I go back to jail, then you are going to find yourself trying to subdue me in order to make sure I'm not going to be successful in my words spoken. If you claim otherwise then you are a liar.
If the tongue is the sharpest tool, the trained Marine should have used that tool.
But I stand firm, I see no mention of any physical altercation other than the Marine choking a man to death.

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