Breitbart on Trudeau and etc

Cutting off the financing to terrorists is SOP when fighting terrorism.
In Florida yesterday, Pro Abortion protestors entered the State Politicians Chambers while they were in debates. By your words these people are insurrectionists. To prison with no due process is their fate by your words. As you change the bar of that living document constitution it will eventually hang you by the balls.
In Florida yesterday, Pro Abortion protestors entered the State Politicians Chambers while they were in debates. By your words these people are insurrectionists. To prison with no due process is their fate by your words. As you change the bar of that living document constitution it will eventually hang you by the balls.
Yeah, but that's DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God, they're such hypocrites!
In Florida yesterday, Pro Abortion protestors entered the State Politicians Chambers while they were in debates. By your words these people are insurrectionists.

First, if someone interrupted the session illegally, then have them arrested.

Second, since they're not trying to overthrow the government, it's not an insurrection. The "truckers" stated they were trying to overthrow the government, as did the 1/6 insurrectionists. Those who aren't cult imbeciles immediately see the difference.

So, what prompted you to say such a stupid thing? Was is butthurt, stupidity, FOX brainwashing, or just a burning need to run cover for your insurrectionist pals with a phony equivalence story?

Remember, you lying about us doesn't make us hypocrites. It just makes you a liar.
First, if someone interrupted the session illegally, then have them arrested.

Second, since they're not trying to overthrow the government, it's not an insurrection. The truckers flat out stated they were trying to overthrow the government, as did the 1/6 insurrectionists. Those who aren't cult imbeciles immeidately see the difference.

So, what prompted you to say such a stupid thing? Was is butthurt, stupidity, or just a burning need to run cover for your insurrectionist pals with a phony equivalence story?

Remember, you lying about us doesn't make us hypocrites. It just makes you a liar.
Share with us a video of a single trucker stating that they wanted to overthrow the government.

When you can't do it, it's time for you to admit that you are just ignorantly flapping your lips in an attempt to make yourself feel better about what a loser you are.
Share with us a video of a single trucker stating that they wanted to overthrow the government.
In their original Memorandum of Understanding, the truckers demanded that a whole slew of government officials resign their positions. THey've since taken that document down. It didn't look good. Using force to get a change the government is an attempted overthrow.
When you can't do it, it's time for you to admit that you are just ignorantly flapping your lips in an attempt to make yourself feel better about what a loser you are.
Please proceed.
In their original Memorandum of Understanding, the truckers demanded that a whole slew of government officials resign their positions. THey've since taken that document down. It didn't look good. Using force to get a change the government is an attempted overthrow.

Please proceed.
So you can't prove shit. Conveniently.

Yet those lips just keep on flapping.

And flapping.

And flapping.

And flapping.
Shutting down whole cities isn't civil disobedience.

Harrassing people isn't civil disobedience.

Nor is planning to murder cops.

Civil disobedience is knowingly breaking the law, then instantly allowing yourself to be arrested for it.

Actually yes, it is. MLK shut down an entire transit network with a bus boycott.

Your last two are just baseless accusations.

At the end the protesters remaining on the ambassador bridge let themselves be arrested.
Practitioners of civil disobedience are not terrorists.

So Gandhi and MLK were terrorists?
I find it atonishing that you can compare a bunch of neo nazi thugs with MLK and Gandhi. Not all protests are valid or justified. This one has little popular support and is being stoked by neo nazi trash from the US.

Better men than me might claim that your white privilege is shining through like a tiki torch. But I couldnt possibly comment.
Cutting off the financing to terrorists is SOP when fighting terrorism.

Ah, another poster that just says things to be inflammatory. Or you simply have no idea what a terrorist actually is.

Youre probably the same kind of person that if someone disagreed with you that youd say they are being violent towards you.
I find it atonishing that you can compare a bunch of neo nazi thugs with MLK and Gandhi. Not all protests are valid or justified. This one has little popular support and is being stoked by neo nazi trash from the US.

Better men than me might claim that your white privilege is shining through like a tiki torch. But I couldnt possibly comment.

Again, where is proof that the protests are "neo-nazi"

Shove the whole privilege thing up your old Maoist British ass.

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