Brennan Notes

By Sean Davis
OCTOBER 6, 2020

Top U.S. intelligence officials were so concerned heading into the 2016 election that the Russians were aware of and potentially manipulating Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s plans to smear Donald Trump as a Russian agent that they personally briefed President Barack Obama on the matter, newly declassified Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents show. CIA officials also requested that the FBI investigate Russian knowledge of the Clinton campaign’s collusion smear operation.

(seems as if decent people would think that's bad, not Democrats mind you, decent people.)
This is evidence that the Russia-Collusion failed coup attempt was based on a fake scandal created by Hillary to distract Americans away from the fact that she was a proven criminal, treasonous lying skank who should have been in prison instead of on a ballot in 2016.

Any thinking American knows this. The problem is, most Biden supporters don't think.
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?

Um...ok. I guess you didn't read the notes.

Read it. Says Clinton’s campaign was trying to tie Trump to Russians. I thought we already knew that.


Stirring up a scandal...LOL, yeah, that isn't damning at all. Are you not a native English speaker? We all know what stirring up means. It doesn't imply obtaining actual facts to investigate, it implies creating facts that produce a scandal. What do you know, that is EXACTLY what they did with the fake dossier. You guys are sad and a bit dumb.

So what? Trump attempted to stir up lots of scandals. Remember when he tried to stir up a scandal by tying Cruz's dad to the assassination of JFK?

So you are cool with the CIA director and the President being on board with a plan to "stir up a scandal" about an opposing parties candidate? Wow, nothing more needs to be said. Corruption a-ok for you guys as long as it supports your point of view.

That's Coleytroll
That's him.
By Sean Davis
OCTOBER 6, 2020

Top U.S. intelligence officials were so concerned heading into the 2016 election that the Russians were aware of and potentially manipulating Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s plans to smear Donald Trump as a Russian agent that they personally briefed President Barack Obama on the matter, newly declassified Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents show. CIA officials also requested that the FBI investigate Russian knowledge of the Clinton campaign’s collusion smear operation.

(seems as if decent people would think that's bad, not Democrats mind you, decent people.)

Yeah, its crazy just how corrupt the Democratic Party is, but even more astounding is these fruit-loops that support them.
the Russians were aware of and potentially manipulating Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s plans to smear Donald Trump as a Russian agent

Manipulating = Colluding with.

Hillary was colluding with the Russians.

Outside of The Bubble this isn't even news.
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?

Um...ok. I guess you didn't read the notes.

Read it. Says Clinton’s campaign was trying to tie Trump to Russians. I thought we already knew that.


Stirring up a scandal...LOL, yeah, that isn't damning at all. Are you not a native English speaker? We all know what stirring up means. It doesn't imply obtaining actual facts to investigate, it implies creating facts that produce a scandal. What do you know, that is EXACTLY what they did with the fake dossier. You guys are sad and a bit dumb.

So what? Trump attempted to stir up lots of scandals. Remember when he tried to stir up a scandal by tying Cruz's dad to the assassination of JFK?

So you are cool with the CIA director and the President being on board with a plan to "stir up a scandal" about an opposing parties candidate? Wow, nothing more needs to be said. Corruption a-ok for you guys as long as it supports your point of view.

Let me know when you have evidence of the CIA director and Obama being on board with the "plan". Now you're just grasping at straws.
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...

“We’re getting additional insight into Russian activities from [REDACTED],” Brennan notes read. “CITE [summarizing] alleged approved by Hillary Clinton a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security service,” Brennan’s notes read.

The notes state “on 28 of July." In the margin, Brennan writes "POTUS," but that section of the notes is redacted.

“Any evidence of collaboration between Trump campaign + Russia,” the notes read.

DNI declassifies Brennan notes, CIA memo on Hillary Clinton 'stirring up' scandal between Trump, Russia

Only Fox News reporting it. Ratcliffe doing the dishing because he's impartial. :) Check. Sure, let's get right on that.

Only Fox News reporting it

Prolly not true, but if it actually is -
Wouldn't you want to know why Your Bubble Media keeps you so uninformed?

They don't want to be informed. They want their ideology to be supported at all costs. They have fragile egos and can't stand to be proven wrong. There is literally nothing you can do to make these sheep believe that Obama nor the Clintons did anything wrong. It just isn't in their DNA to admit fault.

No. It's just desperation time so you are flinging as much poo at the wall as you can. Face it, you lost your shit the day a black man got elected to the White House and it's been a smear fest ever since....and the guy hasn't been President for 3.5 years. :)
Why don't you just focus on the fact that the guy you support is just a narcissistic, corrupt, incompetent fool? He's led the Republican party to the cusp of destruction. And here we are still focusing on things that wouldn't matter....if the guy wasn't corrupt.
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?

Um...ok. I guess you didn't read the notes.

Read it. Says Clinton’s campaign was trying to tie Trump to Russians. I thought we already knew that.


Stirring up a scandal...LOL, yeah, that isn't damning at all. Are you not a native English speaker? We all know what stirring up means. It doesn't imply obtaining actual facts to investigate, it implies creating facts that produce a scandal. What do you know, that is EXACTLY what they did with the fake dossier. You guys are sad and a bit dumb.

So what? Trump attempted to stir up lots of scandals. Remember when he tried to stir up a scandal by tying Cruz's dad to the assassination of JFK?

So you are cool with the CIA director and the President being on board with a plan to "stir up a scandal" about an opposing parties candidate? Wow, nothing more needs to be said. Corruption a-ok for you guys as long as it supports your point of view.

Let me know when you have evidence of the CIA director and Obama being on board with the "plan". Now you're just grasping at straws.

It was about 3 years ago.
You are welcome.
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?

Um...ok. I guess you didn't read the notes.

Read it. Says Clinton’s campaign was trying to tie Trump to Russians. I thought we already knew that.


Stirring up a scandal...LOL, yeah, that isn't damning at all. Are you not a native English speaker? We all know what stirring up means. It doesn't imply obtaining actual facts to investigate, it implies creating facts that produce a scandal. What do you know, that is EXACTLY what they did with the fake dossier. You guys are sad and a bit dumb.

So what? Trump attempted to stir up lots of scandals. Remember when he tried to stir up a scandal by tying Cruz's dad to the assassination of JFK?

So you are cool with the CIA director and the President being on board with a plan to "stir up a scandal" about an opposing parties candidate? Wow, nothing more needs to be said. Corruption a-ok for you guys as long as it supports your point of view.

Let me know when you have evidence of the CIA director and Obama being on board with the "plan". Now you're just grasping at straws.

You gotta luv trolls like Coleytroll

4 years of it never happened .
No way
Then -

Okay it happened but it wasn't these 2 guys -
I just ordered Brennan's book. Thanks for the reminder!

Undaunted: My Fight Against America's Enemies, At Home and Abroad: Brennan, John O.: 9781250241771: Books

PS: RATcliffe is an political hack with NO national intel background. This BS will continue.

Newly declassified handwritten notes from former CIA Director John Brennan show that the U.S. intelligence community knew in 2016 that Russian intelligence was actively monitoring, and potentially injecting disinformation into, Clinton’s anti-Trump collusion narrative. The intelligence concerning Russia’s knowledge of Clinton’s campaign plans was so concerning to Brennan and other national security officials that they personally informed Obama of the matter in the Oval Office in the summer of 2016. The handwritten notes from Brennan were declassified by Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe and provided to Congress on Tuesday afternoon.

Hey Doctor -

Hand written Brennan notes, there Doctor.
This is evidence that the Russia-Collusion failed coup attempt was based on a fake scandal created by Hillary to distract Americans away from the fact that she was a proven criminal, treasonous lying skank who should have been in prison instead of on a ballot in 2016.

Any thinking American knows this. The problem is, most Biden supporters don't think.

There are no Biden supporters, only TDS sufferers.
It was about 3 years ago.
You are welcome.
I'm referring to actual evidence, not the ramblings of fringe internet conspiracy theorists.

The intelligence concerning Russia’s knowledge of Clinton’s campaign plans was so concerning to Brennan and other national security officials that they personally informed Obama of the matter in the Oval Office in the summer of 2016.

Tell me which of these words have you confused and I will do my best to un-confuse you.
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...

“We’re getting additional insight into Russian activities from [REDACTED],” Brennan notes read. “CITE [summarizing] alleged approved by Hillary Clinton a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security service,” Brennan’s notes read.

The notes state “on 28 of July." In the margin, Brennan writes "POTUS," but that section of the notes is redacted.

“Any evidence of collaboration between Trump campaign + Russia,” the notes read.

DNI declassifies Brennan notes, CIA memo on Hillary Clinton 'stirring up' scandal between Trump, Russia

Only Fox News reporting it. Ratcliffe doing the dishing because he's impartial. :) Check. Sure, let's get right on that.

Only Fox News reporting it

Prolly not true, but if it actually is -
Wouldn't you want to know why Your Bubble Media keeps you so uninformed?

They don't want to be informed. They want their ideology to be supported at all costs. They have fragile egos and can't stand to be proven wrong. There is literally nothing you can do to make these sheep believe that Obama nor the Clintons did anything wrong. It just isn't in their DNA to admit fault.

No. It's just desperation time so you are flinging as much poo at the wall as you can. Face it, you lost your shit the day a black man got elected to the White House and it's been a smear fest ever since....and the guy hasn't been President for 3.5 years. :)
Why don't you just focus on the fact that the guy you support is just a narcissistic, corrupt, incompetent fool? He's led the Republican party to the cusp of destruction. And here we are still focusing on things that wouldn't matter....if the guy wasn't corrupt.

The White House and the CIA allowed for a political candidate to use federal resources to "stir up" a scandal against the opposition. You seriously don't see anything wrong with this?
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...

“We’re getting additional insight into Russian activities from [REDACTED],” Brennan notes read. “CITE [summarizing] alleged approved by Hillary Clinton a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security service,” Brennan’s notes read.

The notes state “on 28 of July." In the margin, Brennan writes "POTUS," but that section of the notes is redacted.

“Any evidence of collaboration between Trump campaign + Russia,” the notes read.

DNI declassifies Brennan notes, CIA memo on Hillary Clinton 'stirring up' scandal between Trump, Russia

Only Fox News reporting it. Ratcliffe doing the dishing because he's impartial. :) Check. Sure, let's get right on that.

Only Fox News reporting it

Prolly not true, but if it actually is -
Wouldn't you want to know why Your Bubble Media keeps you so uninformed?

They don't want to be informed. They want their ideology to be supported at all costs. They have fragile egos and can't stand to be proven wrong. There is literally nothing you can do to make these sheep believe that Obama nor the Clintons did anything wrong. It just isn't in their DNA to admit fault.

No. It's just desperation time so you are flinging as much poo at the wall as you can. Face it, you lost your shit the day a black man got elected to the White House and it's been a smear fest ever since....and the guy hasn't been President for 3.5 years. :)
Why don't you just focus on the fact that the guy you support is just a narcissistic, corrupt, incompetent fool? He's led the Republican party to the cusp of destruction. And here we are still focusing on things that wouldn't matter....if the guy wasn't corrupt.

The White House and the CIA allowed for a political candidate to use federal resources to "stir up" a scandal against the opposition. You seriously don't see anything wrong with this?

They don't
I promise.
It was about 3 years ago.
You are welcome.
I'm referring to actual evidence, not the ramblings of fringe internet conspiracy theorists.

The intelligence concerning Russia’s knowledge of Clinton’s campaign plans was so concerning to Brennan and other national security officials that they personally informed Obama of the matter in the Oval Office in the summer of 2016.

Tell me which of these words have you confused and I will do my best to un-confuse you.

They just don't care. The country be damned, they don't care. All that matters is that their guy wins. This is what happens when you have a party that is amoral at best. Do whatever works for them whether it is moral or immoral or whether it ruins the country, they don't care.
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...

“We’re getting additional insight into Russian activities from [REDACTED],” Brennan notes read. “CITE [summarizing] alleged approved by Hillary Clinton a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security service,” Brennan’s notes read.

The notes state “on 28 of July." In the margin, Brennan writes "POTUS," but that section of the notes is redacted.

“Any evidence of collaboration between Trump campaign + Russia,” the notes read.

DNI declassifies Brennan notes, CIA memo on Hillary Clinton 'stirring up' scandal between Trump, Russia

The DNI is reporting Russian disinformation and propaganda. The DNI has not actually produced or shown anyone these amazing emails.

Brennan has asked him to publish the actual emails. So far crickets.

Get back to us when he produces them.

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