Breonna Taylor, Brett Hankinson not guilty!!!

Do you argue that every time a Black person shoots another Black person it is justified??? At the very least you IGNORE it!!!


When anyone shoots another person and are caught they are legally held accountable. The issue is less that a cop unjustifiably killed another person. It's that so often they were never held accountable.
Twitter chastised me for saying all pedophiles should get the death penalty.
I once heard that in psychology there is no known cure for pedophilia. The FBI agent did say that there is a cure outside of psychology. The only one: death.
When anyone shoots another person and are caught they are legally held accountable. The issue is less that a cop unjustifiably killed another person. It's that so often they were never held accountable.
Maybe back in DemoKKKrat strongholds when no one was held accountable for lynchings either!!!Cops RARELY shoot Blacks and when they do it is IN THE VAST MAJORITY OF CASES open and shut book justified. BTW; Floyd wasn't shot.

Maybe back in DemoKKKrat strongholds when no one was held accountable for lynchings either!!!Cops RARELY shoot Blacks and when they do it is IN THE VAST MAJORITY OF CASES open and shut book justified. BTW; Floyd wasn't shot.


This thread isn't about Floyd but a few years ago no one would have been held accountable for his murder either.
Wow…you drank that koolaide, dumb shit about police and slave patrols……too bad they didn’t program you to think unicorns are real…that would at least be funny…….you sitting there posting that unicorns are real would be hilarious….
Yea, yea, yea we know it is all just fake knows according to right wing, racist. The slave owners and Confederacy treated black folks as equals. Everything in the South was great since black folks first arrived to these shores as guests.
Seems the ones putting drugs and guns in the hoods are Black.
Yea because we own all those poppy fields and there are endless black gun manufacturers. Damn what was I thinking.
See a pattern here liar skkkumbag; Blacks supporting KKK lying propaganda by their actions. But hey; what do you expect when you support the DemoKKKrat party!!!

You can't make this shit up folks.
An innocent women was killed, neighbors were endangered, and the suspect they were after wasn't even there and yet the racists here celebrate this as good policing. Their racism is transparent.
Truth. The decision shows that we have a long way to go in terms of justice. I doubt we'll ever get there.
See this is where your argument goes to stupid, now you care about folks being murdered but I don't. Smfh.
Crime stats is not just "interesting".....they affect real people. Who knows; one day I might like to visit the US. I will be checking out the crime spots and avoiding them. Now tell me; what are YOU doing about Black on Black murders?? Nothing?? No TVs in it for you??

Crime stats is not just "interesting".....they affect real people. Who knows; one day I might like to visit the US. I will be checking out the crime spots and avoiding them. Now tell me; what are YOU doing about Black on Black murders?? Nothing?? No TVs in it for you??


Those who murder others are caught and prosecuted. Some of us also realize that poverty is a large driver of crime and we seek to address that.
He was found not guilty of trying to murder the neighbor but this is why I support everyone owning a gun to protect themselves inside their own homes,
And machine guns to keep our governments in check

And an end to no-knock warrants

And an end to the "war on drugs"
Is it justified every time someone white murders another white person. You racist could careless about that, as long as, the person doing the killing isn't black.
Likewise for you. You give not one single fuck about the negro wars in Chicago which makes up a HUGE percentage of America's violent crime.

You only give a fuck when a jigaboo starts unnecessarily chimping out with cops and get shot.
An innocent women was killed, neighbors were endangered, and the suspect they were after wasn't even there and yet the racists here celebrate this as good policing. Their racism is transparent.
Yes, but several drug dealers enabling bitch is dead. Now they will have to look for some other very very stupid women to mooch off of for a living place and drug den.
Likewise for you. You give not one single fuck about the negro wars in Chicago which makes up a HUGE percentage of America's violent crime.

You only give a fuck when a jigaboo starts unnecessarily chimping out with cops and get shot.

Has anyone here ever argued to not prosecute anyone that shot someone else not in self defense?
Crime stats is not just "interesting".....they affect real people. Who knows; one day I might like to visit the US. I will be checking out the crime spots and avoiding them. Now tell me; what are YOU doing about Black on Black murders?? Nothing?? No TVs in it for you??

What are you doing about white on white crime?

Keep your racist ass wherever you are, we already have enough racist trash here.

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