Brexit busted.

As far as I can understand, migration is one of the main reasons for Brexiters to leave the EU. In this thread migrants from Eastern Europe have been mentioned. But except of the East-Europeans, there are a big number of immigrants from the Commonwealth, particularly from India and Pakistan. These immigrants have nothing to do with the EU’s requirements, do they? They also should face those restrictions which would be imposed on the East-Europeans?
Immigration issues figure strongly in BREXIT but there's more. Various labor regulations play a part. Tampering with agricultural issues plays another. The EU's "Ever Closer Union" agenda rankles - seen in Britain as a call for ending sovereignty and submission to barking mad bureaucrats holed up in Brussels.

Sorry, folks, it's not a simple single issue.
That visa doesn't allow you to work or stay over 3 month. So much for your retirement condo. Hehehe.

From personal experience.

The standard tourist visa, granted upon arrival in The UK, indeed is valid for 90 days. However, once there, one can apply for an additional 90 days and so stay for six months.

There seems to be no limit on the number of 90 day visits one can make in a year though surely there must be something along that line. I've never bumped into it though I make frequent trips to The UK. In more than one instance I've made two or more 2-3 week visits in rapid succession. Once even arriving for the second time within the 90 day period encompassed by the earlier one.

But, yes, 90-days is simple; 180 days becomes a procedural quagmire and beyond that, unless a full-time student, very difficult. Of course no fair working during the time.

And, in other news, Tony Blair has come out for "Remain". That, accompanied by Our Kenyan President's meddling in foreign elections, make it plain that BREXIT is essential!
No, because you need to consider that most Brits have property, jobs, and a life outside Britain, except those inbred uneducated thugs who are now manipulated with this brexit idiotism. It is only the national banks of the U.K. that can benefit from brexit, because they can isolate their debtors and immobilize them that way, but even that is a questionable strategy, in banking terms. American logic doesn't work here because Britain is much smaller.

Er'm .... this has WHAT to do with any objective study of the pros and cons of 'Brexit' .. ???

I'd suggest that you debate without these examples of sheer bias (which are unconnected with the veracity of either argument) being offered !

Its isnt the central issue. But its worth taking a look at the brexit cheerleaders. They make my skin crawl and the only place I would follow them is the edge of a cliff where I could push them over.

Chris Grayling
How can Chris Grayling apologise to MPs while ignoring the prisons crisis? | Eric Allison

Sacked as Justice Minister
Is Chris Grayling the most incompetent member of the government?

Expenses fraud
Top Tory claims £100,000 for flat he is 'rarely seen in'

The mystery of Chris Grayling's expenses


Expenses fraud
Iain Duncan Smith claimed £39 breakfast on expenses (that'd leave him £14 for the rest of the week)

Duncan Smith's expenses card suspended after running up debt

Over 56,000 people demand Iain Duncan Smith resigns over fake sanctions quotes

Use of fake quotes in benefits leaflet 'quite wrong', Iain Duncan Smith admits

CV Lies
BBC - Press Office - Iain Duncan Smith CV

Policies lead to suicides
At last, a report that skewers Iain Duncan Smith' welfare policies | Alex Andreou

Michael Gove

Expenses fraud
Michael Gove to pay back £7,000: MPs' expenses

More expenses fraud

And again

Sacked “toxic”

Anti science agenda

Liam Fox

Anti gay

Sacked for taking boyfriend on official trips.

Expenses fraud


More expense scandal
That visa doesn't allow you to work or stay over 3 month. So much for your retirement condo. Hehehe.

From personal experience.

The standard tourist visa, granted upon arrival in The UK, indeed is valid for 90 days. However, once there, one can apply for an additional 90 days and so stay for six months.

There seems to be no limit on the number of 90 day visits one can make in a year though surely there must be something along that line. I've never bumped into it though I make frequent trips to The UK. In more than one instance I've made two or more 2-3 week visits in rapid succession. Once even arriving for the second time within the 90 day period encompassed by the earlier one.

But, yes, 90-days is simple; 180 days becomes a procedural quagmire and beyond that, unless a full-time student, very difficult. Of course no fair working during the time.

And, in other news, Tony Blair has come out for "Remain". That, accompanied by Our Kenyan President's meddling in foreign elections, make it plain that BREXIT is essential!
No, because you need to consider that most Brits have property, jobs, and a life outside Britain, except those inbred uneducated thugs who are now manipulated with this brexit idiotism. It is only the national banks of the U.K. that can benefit from brexit, because they can isolate their debtors and immobilize them that way, but even that is a questionable strategy, in banking terms. American logic doesn't work here because Britain is much smaller.

Understood .. you've said that 'Brexiters' being 'manipulated' by 'Brexit idiotism' are, I quote, 'uneducated thugs'. Yes ?

I am no 'uneducated thug' ... and since those pro EU, versus those anti-EU, are so evenly matched in their views, numerically speaking ... aren't you seeking to insult a sizeable proportion of the British people ?

Is this what the people of the UK can expect to be subject to, just for thinking it worthwhile to fight for their own sovereignty ??

Perhaps the truth is that the pro-EU side really can't have a good regard for the welfare of the British people ? It's not as though the EU is run to serve our interests ... just its OWN .....

Er'm .... this has WHAT to do with any objective study of the pros and cons of 'Brexit' .. ???

I'd suggest that you debate without these examples of sheer bias (which are unconnected with the veracity of either argument) being offered !

Its isnt the central issue. But its worth taking a look at the brexit cheerleaders. They make my skin crawl and the only place I would follow them is the edge of a cliff where I could push them over.

Chris Grayling
How can Chris Grayling apologise to MPs while ignoring the prisons crisis? | Eric Allison

Sacked as Justice Minister
Is Chris Grayling the most incompetent member of the government?

Expenses fraud
Top Tory claims £100,000 for flat he is 'rarely seen in'

The mystery of Chris Grayling's expenses


Expenses fraud
Iain Duncan Smith claimed £39 breakfast on expenses (that'd leave him £14 for the rest of the week)

Duncan Smith's expenses card suspended after running up debt

Over 56,000 people demand Iain Duncan Smith resigns over fake sanctions quotes

Use of fake quotes in benefits leaflet 'quite wrong', Iain Duncan Smith admits

CV Lies
BBC - Press Office - Iain Duncan Smith CV

Policies lead to suicides
At last, a report that skewers Iain Duncan Smith' welfare policies | Alex Andreou

Michael Gove

Expenses fraud
Michael Gove to pay back £7,000: MPs' expenses

More expenses fraud
Michael Gove 'flipped' homes: MPs' expenses

And again
Latest MPs expenses scandal - Nick Clegg and Michael Gove claim rent for office space

Sacked “toxic”
David Cameron axes Michael Gove in reshuffle after toxic poll warning

Anti science agenda
Michael Gove is concerned about teachers promoting science in schools. Yes, really

Liam Fox

Anti gay
Liam Fox: Gays should be treated with respect – but banned from marrying

Sacked for taking boyfriend on official trips.
Defence Secretary Liam Fox resigns over links with friend Adam Werrity

Expenses fraud
Defence Secretary Liam Fox used expenses to pay his best man Adam Werritty

Tory MP Liam Fox claims 3p on expenses for 100-metre car journey

More expense scandal
Conservative MPs repay expenses claimed for room service, hotels and late-payment charges

Good God. Is this what the pro-EU camp are reduced to ? A concentrated bout of smearing / mudslinging ? You've run out of ways, have you, to show us there's something 'good' about remaining in the EU ?

To what extent are the EU bureaucrats elected ? To what extent are they extremely happy recipients of one whopping 'gravy train' ... the likes of which Nigel Farage made us all privy to, years ago ??

Since you're into mudslinging, let me reciprocate ... just a little. Try and excuse the following .. !!! .......

Up to €2.2bn of public funds stolen in eight EU states

Up to €2.2 billion was stolen in public and EU funds in eight member states in 2010, according to a report commissioned by the EU anti-fraud agency Olaf.

The figures, released on Tuesday (1 October) at a European Parliament conference on corruption, represent the estimated overall direct costs of corruption in public procurement in five major sectors like construction and water treatment.

The results of the study, conducted jointly by accountancy firm PwC EU Services and Ecorys with the support of the University of Utrecht, is based on a methodology that allows for the probability of corruption to be estimated for the product groups.
France, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Spain were selected at random for the study.

Speaking at the conference, EU anti-fraud commissioner Algirdas Semeta, said the study proposes a new approach that focuses on calculating the costs of corruption.

“The study puts concrete figures to what we have long recognised as a threat to public finances and it confirms that once a procurement project is affected by corruption, the public losses increase substantially,” he said.

The study said the cost of corruption is equivalent to 3 to 4 percent of the total procurement budget.

Happy, now, to want to argue for us remaining under the jackboot of such a corrupt institution (according to the link) .. ?? How come all of this wasn't nipped in the bud ... LONG AGO ? Are you busily working out what cliff to push the corrupt ones over ?

... NO .. ????

Remaining in the EU means we continue to pay our 'share' into it. Are we paying this into an entity which - at minimum - casts a blind eye towards corruption, for as long as it reasonably can ??
Last edited:
While I understand and respect the Britons that want to remain in the EU, I think the EU will be far better without the UK. The people in the U.K., particularly the English, watch too much U.S. television and think they are Americans, despite living on a small island with far different resources than the U.S. We can afford to be insular, pardon the pun, because we have an E.U. of our own. The U.S. Scotland can leave the U.K. and join the E.U. and England and maybe Wales can form some kind of alliance with the U.S. I think that the English would be happier surrendering far more sovereignty to the U.S. than to the E.U. for some strange reason.
If Scotland goes independent before BREXIT then Scotland is OUT of The EU and would have to reapply, a lengthy process filled with traps.

If Britain leaves the EU and subsequently Scotland goes independent it's the same thing.

Scotland will have to kiss a lot of ass to even be considered....either way.

Of course that IS part or the reason they're so big on kilts. See, it's not just because sheep can hear a zipper at 100 yards!

Er'm .... this has WHAT to do with any objective study of the pros and cons of 'Brexit' .. ???

I'd suggest that you debate without these examples of sheer bias (which are unconnected with the veracity of either argument) being offered !

Its isnt the central issue. But its worth taking a look at the brexit cheerleaders. They make my skin crawl and the only place I would follow them is the edge of a cliff where I could push them over.

Chris Grayling
How can Chris Grayling apologise to MPs while ignoring the prisons crisis? | Eric Allison

Sacked as Justice Minister
Is Chris Grayling the most incompetent member of the government?

Expenses fraud
Top Tory claims £100,000 for flat he is 'rarely seen in'

The mystery of Chris Grayling's expenses


Expenses fraud
Iain Duncan Smith claimed £39 breakfast on expenses (that'd leave him £14 for the rest of the week)

Duncan Smith's expenses card suspended after running up debt

Over 56,000 people demand Iain Duncan Smith resigns over fake sanctions quotes

Use of fake quotes in benefits leaflet 'quite wrong', Iain Duncan Smith admits

CV Lies
BBC - Press Office - Iain Duncan Smith CV

Policies lead to suicides
At last, a report that skewers Iain Duncan Smith' welfare policies | Alex Andreou

Michael Gove

Expenses fraud
Michael Gove to pay back £7,000: MPs' expenses

More expenses fraud
Michael Gove 'flipped' homes: MPs' expenses

And again
Latest MPs expenses scandal - Nick Clegg and Michael Gove claim rent for office space

Sacked “toxic”
David Cameron axes Michael Gove in reshuffle after toxic poll warning

Anti science agenda
Michael Gove is concerned about teachers promoting science in schools. Yes, really

Liam Fox

Anti gay
Liam Fox: Gays should be treated with respect – but banned from marrying

Sacked for taking boyfriend on official trips.
Defence Secretary Liam Fox resigns over links with friend Adam Werrity

Expenses fraud
Defence Secretary Liam Fox used expenses to pay his best man Adam Werritty

Tory MP Liam Fox claims 3p on expenses for 100-metre car journey

More expense scandal
Conservative MPs repay expenses claimed for room service, hotels and late-payment charges

Good God. Is this what the pro-EU camp are reduced to ? A concentrated bout of smearing / mudslinging ? You've run out of ways, have you, to show us there's something 'good' about remaining in the EU ?

To what extent are the EU bureaucrats elected ? To what extent are they extremely happy recipients of one whopping 'gravy train' ... the likes of which Nigel Farage made us all privy to, years ago ??

Since you're into mudslinging, let me reciprocate ... just a little. Try and excuse the following .. !!! .......

Up to €2.2bn of public funds stolen in eight EU states

Up to €2.2 billion was stolen in public and EU funds in eight member states in 2010, according to a report commissioned by the EU anti-fraud agency Olaf.

The figures, released on Tuesday (1 October) at a European Parliament conference on corruption, represent the estimated overall direct costs of corruption in public procurement in five major sectors like construction and water treatment.

The results of the study, conducted jointly by accountancy firm PwC EU Services and Ecorys with the support of the University of Utrecht, is based on a methodology that allows for the probability of corruption to be estimated for the product groups.
France, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Spain were selected at random for the study.

Speaking at the conference, EU anti-fraud commissioner Algirdas Semeta, said the study proposes a new approach that focuses on calculating the costs of corruption.

“The study puts concrete figures to what we have long recognised as a threat to public finances and it confirms that once a procurement project is affected by corruption, the public losses increase substantially,” he said.

The study said the cost of corruption is equivalent to 3 to 4 percent of the total procurement budget.

Happy, now, to want to argue for us remaining under the jackboot of such a corrupt institution (according to the link) .. ?? How come all of this wasn't nipped in the bud ... LONG AGO ? Are you busily working out what cliff to push the corrupt ones over ?

... NO .. ????

Remaining in the EU means we continue to pay our 'share' into it. Are we paying this into an entity which - at minimum - casts a blind eye towards corruption, for as long as it reasonably can ??

You cant point to one brexiter with integrity.

Richard Dirty Desmond is a pornographer.He makes his money out of Jazz mags and the Adult Channel.

Lord Rothermere owns the Daily Mail and lives in France - The Daily Mail pays no UK tax.

Murdoch is a New York based American and again the Sun and Times pay no UK tax.

The Barclay brothers live in tax exile in the Channel Islands,again the Telegraph group pay no tax.

Dont you see a pattern emerging here.

A lot of rich people who dont pay our taxes,dont live here and dont vote here - and they are telling us what to do.

Shocking stuff.
Immigration issues figure strongly in BREXIT but there's more. Various labor regulations play a part. Tampering with agricultural issues plays another. The EU's "Ever Closer Union" agenda rankles - seen in Britain as a call for ending sovereignty and submission to barking mad bureaucrats holed up in Brussels.

Sorry, folks, it's not a simple single issue.

No one says that immigration is a simple single issue. But it is mentioned as one of the most important, isn’t it? Much was said about immigration from Eastern Europe, but saying that the EU is the main reason of migration troubles in Britain is half-truth.
No one says that immigration is a simple single issue. But it is mentioned as one of the most important, isn’t it? Much was said about immigration from Eastern Europe, but saying that the EU is the main reason of migration troubles in Britain is half-truth.

Facile to try to paint immigration as the single issue driving the move toward Brexit. One of the tools of the "Remain" crowd who'd like to label all those against domination by a continental elite as somehow racist.

But that boat simply does not float and all the huffing and puffing into the sail isn't going to make a sale.

Immigration may be the straw that broke the camel's back. But it was the other bales, tons of bales of straw that made the addition of a single, very small, very light straw destructive. Wisely is it said that before one can hang a hat on a nail there must first have been a nail and a lot of work to pound it into the wall.
That visa doesn't allow you to work or stay over 3 month. So much for your retirement condo. Hehehe.

From personal experience.

The standard tourist visa, granted upon arrival in The UK, indeed is valid for 90 days. However, once there, one can apply for an additional 90 days and so stay for six months.

There seems to be no limit on the number of 90 day visits one can make in a year though surely there must be something along that line. I've never bumped into it though I make frequent trips to The UK. In more than one instance I've made two or more 2-3 week visits in rapid succession. Once even arriving for the second time within the 90 day period encompassed by the earlier one.

But, yes, 90-days is simple; 180 days becomes a procedural quagmire and beyond that, unless a full-time student, very difficult. Of course no fair working during the time.

And, in other news, Tony Blair has come out for "Remain". That, accompanied by Our Kenyan President's meddling in foreign elections, make it plain that BREXIT is essential!
No, because you need to consider that most Brits have property, jobs, and a life outside Britain, except those inbred uneducated thugs who are now manipulated with this brexit idiotism. It is only the national banks of the U.K. that can benefit from brexit, because they can isolate their debtors and immobilize them that way, but even that is a questionable strategy, in banking terms. American logic doesn't work here because Britain is much smaller.

Understood .. you've said that 'Brexiters' being 'manipulated' by 'Brexit idiotism' are, I quote, 'uneducated thugs'. Yes ?

I am no 'uneducated thug' ... and since those pro EU, versus those anti-EU, are so evenly matched in their views, numerically speaking ... aren't you seeking to insult a sizeable proportion of the British people ?

Is this what the people of the UK can expect to be subject to, just for thinking it worthwhile to fight for their own sovereignty ??

Perhaps the truth is that the pro-EU side really can't have a good regard for the welfare of the British people ? It's not as though the EU is run to serve our interests ... just its OWN .....
Yes, the EUhas been called a Franco-German empire many times. But Britain will be less sovereign, not more, if it gives up its decision power and influence in the dealings of its neighbors. Plus the EU can easily be a lifeboat for many British, as those countries has always served as each other's lifeboats, for a 1000 years. It is suicideous for the British citizen to give up that fallback. Or will the citizens suddenly have decision power over their government at home, over the banks and other special interest if they ditch Europe? Ridiculous.

Er'm .... this has WHAT to do with any objective study of the pros and cons of 'Brexit' .. ???

I'd suggest that you debate without these examples of sheer bias (which are unconnected with the veracity of either argument) being offered !

Its isnt the central issue. But its worth taking a look at the brexit cheerleaders. They make my skin crawl and the only place I would follow them is the edge of a cliff where I could push them over.

Chris Grayling
How can Chris Grayling apologise to MPs while ignoring the prisons crisis? | Eric Allison

Sacked as Justice Minister
Is Chris Grayling the most incompetent member of the government?

Expenses fraud
Top Tory claims £100,000 for flat he is 'rarely seen in'

The mystery of Chris Grayling's expenses


Expenses fraud
Iain Duncan Smith claimed £39 breakfast on expenses (that'd leave him £14 for the rest of the week)

Duncan Smith's expenses card suspended after running up debt

Over 56,000 people demand Iain Duncan Smith resigns over fake sanctions quotes

Use of fake quotes in benefits leaflet 'quite wrong', Iain Duncan Smith admits

CV Lies
BBC - Press Office - Iain Duncan Smith CV

Policies lead to suicides
At last, a report that skewers Iain Duncan Smith' welfare policies | Alex Andreou

Michael Gove

Expenses fraud
Michael Gove to pay back £7,000: MPs' expenses

More expenses fraud
Michael Gove 'flipped' homes: MPs' expenses

And again
Latest MPs expenses scandal - Nick Clegg and Michael Gove claim rent for office space

Sacked “toxic”
David Cameron axes Michael Gove in reshuffle after toxic poll warning

Anti science agenda
Michael Gove is concerned about teachers promoting science in schools. Yes, really

Liam Fox

Anti gay
Liam Fox: Gays should be treated with respect – but banned from marrying

Sacked for taking boyfriend on official trips.
Defence Secretary Liam Fox resigns over links with friend Adam Werrity

Expenses fraud
Defence Secretary Liam Fox used expenses to pay his best man Adam Werritty

Tory MP Liam Fox claims 3p on expenses for 100-metre car journey

More expense scandal
Conservative MPs repay expenses claimed for room service, hotels and late-payment charges

Good God. Is this what the pro-EU camp are reduced to ? A concentrated bout of smearing / mudslinging ? You've run out of ways, have you, to show us there's something 'good' about remaining in the EU ?

To what extent are the EU bureaucrats elected ? To what extent are they extremely happy recipients of one whopping 'gravy train' ... the likes of which Nigel Farage made us all privy to, years ago ??

Since you're into mudslinging, let me reciprocate ... just a little. Try and excuse the following .. !!! .......

Up to €2.2bn of public funds stolen in eight EU states

Up to €2.2 billion was stolen in public and EU funds in eight member states in 2010, according to a report commissioned by the EU anti-fraud agency Olaf.

The figures, released on Tuesday (1 October) at a European Parliament conference on corruption, represent the estimated overall direct costs of corruption in public procurement in five major sectors like construction and water treatment.

The results of the study, conducted jointly by accountancy firm PwC EU Services and Ecorys with the support of the University of Utrecht, is based on a methodology that allows for the probability of corruption to be estimated for the product groups.
France, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Spain were selected at random for the study.

Speaking at the conference, EU anti-fraud commissioner Algirdas Semeta, said the study proposes a new approach that focuses on calculating the costs of corruption.

“The study puts concrete figures to what we have long recognised as a threat to public finances and it confirms that once a procurement project is affected by corruption, the public losses increase substantially,” he said.

The study said the cost of corruption is equivalent to 3 to 4 percent of the total procurement budget.

Happy, now, to want to argue for us remaining under the jackboot of such a corrupt institution (according to the link) .. ?? How come all of this wasn't nipped in the bud ... LONG AGO ? Are you busily working out what cliff to push the corrupt ones over ?

... NO .. ????

Remaining in the EU means we continue to pay our 'share' into it. Are we paying this into an entity which - at minimum - casts a blind eye towards corruption, for as long as it reasonably can ??

You cant point to one brexiter with integrity.

Richard Dirty Desmond is a pornographer.He makes his money out of Jazz mags and the Adult Channel.

Lord Rothermere owns the Daily Mail and lives in France - The Daily Mail pays no UK tax.

Murdoch is a New York based American and again the Sun and Times pay no UK tax.

The Barclay brothers live in tax exile in the Channel Islands,again the Telegraph group pay no tax.

Dont you see a pattern emerging here.

A lot of rich people who dont pay our taxes,dont live here and dont vote here - and they are telling us what to do.

Shocking stuff.

I do see a pattern ... of sorts. The 'pattern' here is that you're reduced to piling on any smears you can, just to make it appear that there's any absolute justice to your side of the EU fence. In fact, it's evidently true that this is all you have left.

Who pays what tax, where, is NOT relevant to what serves as ultimate justice to the peoples of the UK concerning an in v out EU vote !! It's what the people NEED to have happen,to realise their OWN chosen destiny !!
But none of them contribute.
Why should they have a voice ?
Why should we believe anything they say ?
You and your mates are just Murdochs puppets.
But none of them contribute.
Why should they have a voice ?
Why should we believe anything they say ?
You and your mates are just Murdochs puppets.

Oh, that's rich !! Calling me a 'puppet' ....

What you apparently just don't get, is that continued membership of the EU makes us ALL 'puppets' of a power that is NOT our OWN. We will never know stand-alone autonomy in our affairs, until the strings which bind us to EU diktats are cut, once and for all.

I refuse to be a puppet ... of any power, or authority, which isn't 'my own' ... so very much the case for that bunch of foreigners comprising the rest of the EU .... and it's YOU who's so intent on continuing to be one.
But none of them contribute.
Why should they have a voice ?
Why should we believe anything they say ?
You and your mates are just Murdochs puppets.

Oh, that's rich !! Calling me a 'puppet' ....

What you apparently just don't get, is that continued membership of the EU makes us ALL 'puppets' of a power that is NOT our OWN. We will never know stand-alone autonomy in our affairs, until the strings which bind us to EU diktats are cut, once and for all.

I refuse to be a puppet ... of any power, or authority, which isn't 'my own' ... so very much the case for that bunch of foreigners comprising the rest of the EU .... and it's YOU who's so intent on continuing to be one.
Don't worry, if you don't want to be the EU's puppet, you can be America's puppet or Russia's puppet. Is it better?
But none of them contribute.
Why should they have a voice ?
Why should we believe anything they say ?
You and your mates are just Murdochs puppets.

Oh, that's rich !! Calling me a 'puppet' ....

What you apparently just don't get, is that continued membership of the EU makes us ALL 'puppets' of a power that is NOT our OWN. We will never know stand-alone autonomy in our affairs, until the strings which bind us to EU diktats are cut, once and for all.

I refuse to be a puppet ... of any power, or authority, which isn't 'my own' ... so very much the case for that bunch of foreigners comprising the rest of the EU .... and it's YOU who's so intent on continuing to be one.
Because Murdoch has always had the best interests of Britain close to where his heart should be.
But none of them contribute.
Why should they have a voice ?
Why should we believe anything they say ?
You and your mates are just Murdochs puppets.

Oh, that's rich !! Calling me a 'puppet' ....

What you apparently just don't get, is that continued membership of the EU makes us ALL 'puppets' of a power that is NOT our OWN. We will never know stand-alone autonomy in our affairs, until the strings which bind us to EU diktats are cut, once and for all.

I refuse to be a puppet ... of any power, or authority, which isn't 'my own' ... so very much the case for that bunch of foreigners comprising the rest of the EU .... and it's YOU who's so intent on continuing to be one.
Don't worry, if you don't want to be the EU's puppet, you can be America's puppet or Russia's puppet. Is it better?

Gee, thanks ...

I fail to see why there's any expectation that the UK must be, should be, is liable to be, anyone's 'puppet'. The EU Referendum, if it's to serve any purpose, is to show the world that we will willingly throw off any shackles that makes us THEIR puppets. Why would we do that, if we didn't have pride in ourselves as a power wanting to govern - shock, horror !!! - OURSELVES ?
But none of them contribute.
Why should they have a voice ?
Why should we believe anything they say ?
You and your mates are just Murdochs puppets.

Oh, that's rich !! Calling me a 'puppet' ....

What you apparently just don't get, is that continued membership of the EU makes us ALL 'puppets' of a power that is NOT our OWN. We will never know stand-alone autonomy in our affairs, until the strings which bind us to EU diktats are cut, once and for all.

I refuse to be a puppet ... of any power, or authority, which isn't 'my own' ... so very much the case for that bunch of foreigners comprising the rest of the EU .... and it's YOU who's so intent on continuing to be one.
Because Murdoch has always had the best interests of Britain close to where his heart should be.

Sounds reasonable.

Regardless of your weak attempt at sarcasm ... tell me why you think he's motivated to work against Britain's interests ? Preferably do more than just say 'oh, we all know he's against us, for x, y, z reasons' that are probably pure fiction .... show us some evidence backing up such suppositions ...

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