Brexit busted.

It certainly will.
Scotand will hold another referendum and vote out of the UK.

This will cause Wales to question its position.

The UK will disintegrate.

What will Northern Ireland do in this case? Will it join the Republic of Ireland?
Probably not. The left footers would move in an instant but the proddys wear union jack underpants.

So, if Scotland and Wales are out, England and Northern Ireland will form a new union or something like that?
The likelihood is that the demographics will eventually see the catholics outnumber the protestants and they will push for reunification. That will be a messy prospect.
The province is interesting as it shares an actual border with the Republic. With the 20% devaluation in the pound mooted it will be interesting to see how it plays.

Catholics now outnumber Protestants in Belfast

Catholics now outnumber Protestants in Belfast - BBC News
Both Wales and Scotland will bring access to the EU through English speaking countries. Just like the Irish do.
Stop trying to rain on his parade. He is dreaming of Rorkes Drift and Agincourt and Waterloo.

Overlooking that Wales and Scotland are presently "in" The EU because they are part of The United Kingdom - a (for now) member. Should either of them vote independence they're out and would have to apply to get in. What's left of The UK (should only one of them depart) OR England (should both take a hike) surely will veto the membership of such proven enemies of peace and democracy....after all, they are Labour (type) enclaves and therefore more closely aligned to The Soviet Orbit.

This scenario has one significant flaw - if the UK or England leave the EU, then London won’t have a right to block Wales’ or Scotland’s joining to the EU.

Why not? These are part of the UK, the govt in London controls the UK.
I see, now, that Germany exercised a 'blocking' veto over us, preventing us from making any headway with the EU in getting border control concessions ? Germany STOPPED us from having our border control !!

Incredible ...

Tommy ... answer this, if you can. What would your grandfather have thought of GERMANY dictating to us what control we can be allowed over our borders !!

Iain Duncan Smith: EU favours 'haves over the have-nots' - BBC News

Mr Duncan Smith's speech came after he told the Sun Germany had a "de facto veto" over David Cameron's EU renegotiations, with Angela Merkel blocking the PM's plans for an "emergency brake" on EU migration.

I think, if Cameron had come back with the deal he should have, none of this furore would be happening.

Well, of course. However, that wasn't really on the cards ... the EU as a whole would've never allowed him, or us, that degree of latitude. You see ... the EU isn't abut TAKING orders ... it's about GIVING them. The EU wants to rule all of its Member States ... it's ultimately that simple.

What's wrong with a strong, united Europe? The UK could equally end up giving orders to Germany; just needs a bit of diplomacy and engagement...Oh, forgot, we've a tory government, so that's not going to happen anytime soon.
Yeah but.....yeah but.................

The real fantasy is this. Cameron cant get a deal he wants when the rest of Europe want us in.

So some clown like Boris will get us an even better deal once we have left.

Somebody join the dots for me as I dont do fairy tales.

Don't you understand that by leaving we gain control of our borders and the immigration numbers will drop. The cost associated to being a member to our NHS and Education will also drop, and the forecast is costs to the consumers will also drop by quite a large sum. Can you see the picture yet, and when you colour it in you find the subsidy given to the other members of the Union will also be slashed and they will have to generate their own taxes
Gee, thanks ...

I fail to see why there's any expectation that the UK must be, should be, is liable to be, anyone's 'puppet'. The EU Referendum, if it's to serve any purpose, is to show the world that we will willingly throw off any shackles that makes us THEIR puppets. Why would we do that, if we didn't have pride in ourselves as a power wanting to govern - shock, horror !!! - OURSELVES ?
This is a very good answer, and I like the style. Too bad it is incorrect. :) The problem is that nobody is self governing. The last one to try this was the Soviet Union, with all its resources, and failed. So, newsflash, every country is a puppet. What matters is how much say you have in the brokering of power over your head. Separatism doesn't help this.

Subsuming your powers of Government DEFINITELY doesn't help !!

You're trying to make the point of political interdependence ? No doubt that's a Globalist's position, but I see nothing to stop the UK gaining independence from the EU, and so a new-found ability to pass its own laws unfettered by 'other masters'. True and total freedom may be illusory, BUT, we can gain a new and remarkably complete taste of it, if ONLY we snap the chain binding us to EU diktats.
Then you can check out the country of Iceland, practically a Russian colony. With a British "independence", the pound will be devalued enough to make purchase prices much higher, but not enough to make British exports cheap enough. That is a banking equation that absolutely must hold. The real problem is though, that you remove the roaming privileges of the ordinary working people of Britain. That is like 1000 years ago, the small feudal lords removed the roaming privileges of serfs. Or more recently the Soviet Union. A terrible idea. By the way, it will cause the fast break away of Scotland and Wales too, and you will see the EU border signs on the bridge to Cardiff, that you will need a visa for to use.

Eh ? You think Iceland's 'practically' a Russian colony ? Since when ? I remember the days when Keflavik airport, Iceland's international airport, was co-run by the American airforce ... I recall the AWACS planes parked nearby,when I visited once !!

Anyway .. to all those still wanting to push the pro-EU argument, this might be of interest ...
Okay, then you may want to consider why the UK joined the European Union in the first place. It was 1956, and the USA told the UK to get out of Suez. So much for the independent UK wet dream. The British Empire committed suicide when it entered ww1-2 against Germany. But if you don't care for historic reasons, that's fine, because most recently too, tony Blair earned nothing for the UK when he sent UK soldiers to Iraq. So, why would you want to put all your eggs in one basket, especially that that basket is not even yours but American?

You really should read the proper history books for once, then you might get your facts right. As for Blair he was hamstrung by the FBI/CIA into going into Iraq, and then the US proceeded to murder British troops in "friendly fire" accidents.
This is a very good answer, and I like the style. Too bad it is incorrect. :) The problem is that nobody is self governing. The last one to try this was the Soviet Union, with all its resources, and failed. So, newsflash, every country is a puppet. What matters is how much say you have in the brokering of power over your head. Separatism doesn't help this.

Subsuming your powers of Government DEFINITELY doesn't help !!

You're trying to make the point of political interdependence ? No doubt that's a Globalist's position, but I see nothing to stop the UK gaining independence from the EU, and so a new-found ability to pass its own laws unfettered by 'other masters'. True and total freedom may be illusory, BUT, we can gain a new and remarkably complete taste of it, if ONLY we snap the chain binding us to EU diktats.
Then you can check out the country of Iceland, practically a Russian colony. With a British "independence", the pound will be devalued enough to make purchase prices much higher, but not enough to make British exports cheap enough. That is a banking equation that absolutely must hold. The real problem is though, that you remove the roaming privileges of the ordinary working people of Britain. That is like 1000 years ago, the small feudal lords removed the roaming privileges of serfs. Or more recently the Soviet Union. A terrible idea. By the way, it will cause the fast break away of Scotland and Wales too, and you will see the EU border signs on the bridge to Cardiff, that you will need a visa for to use.

Hardly likely as far too many nations rely on the UK exports to survive.

The EU has already said that there is no straight forward way of entry by Scotland or any other union nation. They will have to come to the table with something positive, and having water and sheep is not positive.
There is more than one way to skin a rabbit. Considering that the EU is currently pumping unlimited amount of cash into Slovakia, for the past 15 years or so, and not about to slow down, theEU will have it just as easy to do the same in Scotland and Wales, for any kind of insignificant reason, amongst which is the division of peripheral countries.
Both Wales and Scotland will bring access to the EU through English speaking countries. Just like the Irish do.
Stop trying to rain on his parade. He is dreaming of Rorkes Drift and Agincourt and Waterloo.

Didn't you read the report from the EU then regarding membership

It would be 'extremely difficult' for independent Scotland to join EU,

It would be 'extremely difficult' for independent Scotland to join EU, says European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso

Keep on with your fantasy

Well, this is the funny thing about them there people in Brexit camp.

"Hey, we'll just do the Norway option" "You do realize the Norway option involves being in the Schengen Zone right" "Oh, no, we'll just do it without the Schengen Zone" "But that's not the Norway option".

Why not we will just make trade treaties that work in our favour and close the doors to anymore immigration. Stop all welfare to those who have not worked in the UK and deport any that show the slightest violence.
Both Wales and Scotland will bring access to the EU through English speaking countries. Just like the Irish do.
Stop trying to rain on his parade. He is dreaming of Rorkes Drift and Agincourt and Waterloo.

Overlooking that Wales and Scotland are presently "in" The EU because they are part of The United Kingdom - a (for now) member. Should either of them vote independence they're out and would have to apply to get in. What's left of The UK (should only one of them depart) OR England (should both take a hike) surely will veto the membership of such proven enemies of peace and democracy....after all, they are Labour (type) enclaves and therefore more closely aligned to The Soviet Orbit.

This scenario has one significant flaw - if the UK or England leave the EU, then London won’t have a right to block Wales’ or Scotland’s joining to the EU.

Why not? These are part of the UK, the govt in London controls the UK.

Not if they vote to leave, and put themselves in the deep doo-doo. But it is not a foregone conclusion that they will be accepted
Both Wales and Scotland will bring access to the EU through English speaking countries. Just like the Irish do.
Stop trying to rain on his parade. He is dreaming of Rorkes Drift and Agincourt and Waterloo.

Overlooking that Wales and Scotland are presently "in" The EU because they are part of The United Kingdom - a (for now) member. Should either of them vote independence they're out and would have to apply to get in. What's left of The UK (should only one of them depart) OR England (should both take a hike) surely will veto the membership of such proven enemies of peace and democracy....after all, they are Labour (type) enclaves and therefore more closely aligned to The Soviet Orbit.

This scenario has one significant flaw - if the UK or England leave the EU, then London won’t have a right to block Wales’ or Scotland’s joining to the EU.

What do you mean, the UK OR England?

As far as I can understand, if Brexiters win, the odds will be very high that a country called the United Kingdom will cease to exist (at least in today’s shape).

Not quite, what will happen is the various assemblies will vote on whether to hold a referendum to come out of the union. If the referendum votes yes then the nations will have to agree terms. The EU has already stated that it is not a foregone conclusion that they will be accepted, and because the results will be freely available the EU can see just what percentage from each nation voted to leave. Get the drift yet ?
Both Wales and Scotland will bring access to the EU through English speaking countries. Just like the Irish do.
Stop trying to rain on his parade. He is dreaming of Rorkes Drift and Agincourt and Waterloo.

Overlooking that Wales and Scotland are presently "in" The EU because they are part of The United Kingdom - a (for now) member. Should either of them vote independence they're out and would have to apply to get in. What's left of The UK (should only one of them depart) OR England (should both take a hike) surely will veto the membership of such proven enemies of peace and democracy....after all, they are Labour (type) enclaves and therefore more closely aligned to The Soviet Orbit.

This scenario has one significant flaw - if the UK or England leave the EU, then London won’t have a right to block Wales’ or Scotland’s joining to the EU.

What do you mean, the UK OR England?

As far as I can understand, if Brexiters win, then the odds will be very high that a country called the United Kingdom will cede to exist (at least in today’s shape).
It certainly will.
Scotand will hold another referendum and vote out of the UK.

This will cause Wales to question its position.

The UK will disintegrate.

And you can bet the farm that they will be crying to get back in when they are bankrupt. What does wales have to offer the EU that it does not already have in abundance, what goods will wales trade on the International markets. Can the EU afford to take on massive debts from unproven nations when they are already awash with other nations debts. Finally who will foot the bill for all the unemployed forced out of jobs by their own governments closing down UK armed services depots. Remember that with the Scots and Faslane that looked to putting 100,000 on the unemployment register, and the idiot in charge of Scotland said that they would take over as employers of a Nuclear Sub base that was to be destroyed.
It certainly will.
Scotand will hold another referendum and vote out of the UK.

This will cause Wales to question its position.

The UK will disintegrate.

What will Northern Ireland do in this case? Will it join the Republic of Ireland?

More Protestants who will vote against the move, So the Catholics will be able to move south before the EU exit is finalised. They will need a fair sum of money to do so as the economy in Eire is floundering
It certainly will.
Scotand will hold another referendum and vote out of the UK.

This will cause Wales to question its position.

The UK will disintegrate.

What will Northern Ireland do in this case? Will it join the Republic of Ireland?
Probably not. The left footers would move in an instant but the proddys wear union jack underpants.

So, if Scotland and Wales are out, England and Northern Ireland will form a new union or something like that?
The likelihood is that the demographics will eventually see the catholics outnumber the protestants and they will push for reunification. That will be a messy prospect.
The province is interesting as it shares an actual border with the Republic. With the 20% devaluation in the pound mooted it will be interesting to see how it plays.

Very messy indeed as the UK/England will no longer subsidise the Irish and they will fid it hard to balance the books
Both Wales and Scotland will bring access to the EU through English speaking countries. Just like the Irish do.
Stop trying to rain on his parade. He is dreaming of Rorkes Drift and Agincourt and Waterloo.

Overlooking that Wales and Scotland are presently "in" The EU because they are part of The United Kingdom - a (for now) member. Should either of them vote independence they're out and would have to apply to get in. What's left of The UK (should only one of them depart) OR England (should both take a hike) surely will veto the membership of such proven enemies of peace and democracy....after all, they are Labour (type) enclaves and therefore more closely aligned to The Soviet Orbit.

This scenario has one significant flaw - if the UK or England leave the EU, then London won’t have a right to block Wales’ or Scotland’s joining to the EU.

What do you mean, the UK OR England?

As far as I can understand, if Brexiters win, then the odds will be very high that a country called the United Kingdom will cede to exist (at least in today’s shape).
It certainly will.
Scotand will hold another referendum and vote out of the UK.

This will cause Wales to question its position.

The UK will disintegrate.

What's fascinating about this scenario is the utter absurdity it contains. So ... the UK leaves the EU, 'disenfranchising' Scotland from the EU at the same time. So, 'in the name of national independence', they'll push to have another Referendum on that subject (.. having said before that the previous such vote was, at minimum, a 'once in a generation' one !). If they vote for their own independence, and let's say having 'got it', they'll then, again 'in the name of independence', immediately try to sign up to the control-freaking EU, complete with its own Parliament, complete with its own diktats and demands on its Members !!!

Scotland will gain 'independence', in order to lose it again, just as soon as it can contrive to !!!

Anyone care to tell me what's wrong with this picture ???!?
Should BREXIT happen before any internal vote on who's in/out of The UK then out means out. England out. Scotland out. Wales out. Northern Ireland out. All out.

Should BREXIT fail it is not impossible that the suicidal urges of Scotland and perhaps Wales might prevail and one or both will go it alone. However what's left of the UK will, having so voted, remain in The EU. The "new" country or countries do not automatically become EU members. They have to apply. Under those circumstances what's left of The United Kingdom....perhaps that might be just England...would still be in The EU and positioned to veto any former UK member wishing to get in.

I hope that' enough elaboration to overcome certain reading comprehension issues earlier displayed.

But, not to worry, there will be no Brexit because America's Kenyan President has already told The Brits that he'll launch an economic war if they go against His Imperial will and jump ship.

Good to know that Obama's running the show (our show !) ... FOR us ...
Both Wales and Scotland will bring access to the EU through English speaking countries. Just like the Irish do.
Stop trying to rain on his parade. He is dreaming of Rorkes Drift and Agincourt and Waterloo.

Overlooking that Wales and Scotland are presently "in" The EU because they are part of The United Kingdom - a (for now) member. Should either of them vote independence they're out and would have to apply to get in. What's left of The UK (should only one of them depart) OR England (should both take a hike) surely will veto the membership of such proven enemies of peace and democracy....after all, they are Labour (type) enclaves and therefore more closely aligned to The Soviet Orbit.

This scenario has one significant flaw - if the UK or England leave the EU, then London won’t have a right to block Wales’ or Scotland’s joining to the EU.

The UK is the UK. It currently includes Wales and Scotland. Each country would first have to arrange its independence from the UK before either could rejoin the EU on its own terms (.. always assuming the EU would take them). As I basically posted before .. to fight for independence, in order to fight to lose it again ... is downright insane. Hypocritical at minimum ...
Both Wales and Scotland will bring access to the EU through English speaking countries. Just like the Irish do.
Stop trying to rain on his parade. He is dreaming of Rorkes Drift and Agincourt and Waterloo.

Overlooking that Wales and Scotland are presently "in" The EU because they are part of The United Kingdom - a (for now) member. Should either of them vote independence they're out and would have to apply to get in. What's left of The UK (should only one of them depart) OR England (should both take a hike) surely will veto the membership of such proven enemies of peace and democracy....after all, they are Labour (type) enclaves and therefore more closely aligned to The Soviet Orbit.

This scenario has one significant flaw - if the UK or England leave the EU, then London won’t have a right to block Wales’ or Scotland’s joining to the EU.

Why not? These are part of the UK, the govt in London controls the UK.

Basically true, though not entirely so. Both Wales and Scotland have their on Parliaments ... each with limited governing powers. But then, if Wales or Scotland become fully independent, why would London even seek to try and block them ?? It wouldn't be London's business to try ....

Well, this is the funny thing about them there people in Brexit camp.

"Hey, we'll just do the Norway option" "You do realize the Norway option involves being in the Schengen Zone right" "Oh, no, we'll just do it without the Schengen Zone" "But that's not the Norway option".

Why not we will just make trade treaties that work in our favour and close the doors to anymore immigration. Stop all welfare to those who have not worked in the UK and deport any that show the slightest violence.
You are living in a fantasy world.
Overlooking that Wales and Scotland are presently "in" The EU because they are part of The United Kingdom - a (for now) member. Should either of them vote independence they're out and would have to apply to get in. What's left of The UK (should only one of them depart) OR England (should both take a hike) surely will veto the membership of such proven enemies of peace and democracy....after all, they are Labour (type) enclaves and therefore more closely aligned to The Soviet Orbit.

This scenario has one significant flaw - if the UK or England leave the EU, then London won’t have a right to block Wales’ or Scotland’s joining to the EU.

What do you mean, the UK OR England?

As far as I can understand, if Brexiters win, then the odds will be very high that a country called the United Kingdom will cede to exist (at least in today’s shape).
It certainly will.
Scotand will hold another referendum and vote out of the UK.

This will cause Wales to question its position.

The UK will disintegrate.

What's fascinating about this scenario is the utter absurdity it contains. So ... the UK leaves the EU, 'disenfranchising' Scotland from the EU at the same time. So, 'in the name of national independence', they'll push to have another Referendum on that subject (.. having said before that the previous such vote was, at minimum, a 'once in a generation' one !). If they vote for their own independence, and let's say having 'got it', they'll then, again 'in the name of independence', immediately try to sign up to the control-freaking EU, complete with its own Parliament, complete with its own diktats and demands on its Members !!!

Scotland will gain 'independence', in order to lose it again, just as soon as it can contrive to !!!

Anyone care to tell me what's wrong with this picture ???!?
This is basically gibberish.Scotland voted no for several reasons but one of them was the possible difficulty with the rejoining the EU. That being removed they are more than entitled to ask te question again.
Your vision of independence is bizarre.Fundamentally I think it is just about keeping out foreigners but of course you cant do that without signing up to free movement.Just like everybody else.

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