Brexit busted.

Well, this is the funny thing about them there people in Brexit camp.

"Hey, we'll just do the Norway option" "You do realize the Norway option involves being in the Schengen Zone right" "Oh, no, we'll just do it without the Schengen Zone" "But that's not the Norway option".

Why not we will just make trade treaties that work in our favour and close the doors to anymore immigration. Stop all welfare to those who have not worked in the UK and deport any that show the slightest violence.
You are living in a fantasy world.

Am I, is the latest report showing 800,000 E.U. migrants last year a fantasy then. That is 3 times the actual number admitted by the government, meaning 3 times the strain on our resources. Maybe we should only let them come if they want to go and live in wales.
Telegraph grossly distorts migrant figures - InFacts
Here you go dummy. Caught lying again.

Two points:

1. If the data the Telegraph reported was indeed false, then surely they could be sued for it ? Do you seriously think they WILL be ?

Don't hold your breath on that one.

2. Your 'InFacts' link ... it always helps to see what biases might be in play, whether an agenda is being played out. Well ... InFacts, the people who gave you your 'means' of replying to me, say this about THEMSELVES ...

Mission Statement - InFacts

InFacts is a journalistic enterprise making the fact-based case for Britain to remain in the European Union. We are founded by a group of editors who believe it is in our interest to stay in the EU despite its imperfections.

So .. 'no bias there, then' ... eh ?? They're hardly neutral arbiters ...
Well, this is the funny thing about them there people in Brexit camp.

"Hey, we'll just do the Norway option" "You do realize the Norway option involves being in the Schengen Zone right" "Oh, no, we'll just do it without the Schengen Zone" "But that's not the Norway option".

Why not we will just make trade treaties that work in our favour and close the doors to anymore immigration. Stop all welfare to those who have not worked in the UK and deport any that show the slightest violence.
You are living in a fantasy world.

Am I, is the latest report showing 800,000 E.U. migrants last year a fantasy then. That is 3 times the actual number admitted by the government, meaning 3 times the strain on our resources. Maybe we should only let them come if they want to go and live in wales.
Telegraph grossly distorts migrant figures - InFacts
Here you go dummy. Caught lying again.

Don't read the Telegraph, and infacts being a left wing communist outlet is not very trustworthy is it. Unless you are a left wing dummy.......................

From the site

InFacts is a journalistic enterprise making the fact-based case for Britain to remain in the European Union.


My apologies ! I posted my piece before seeing yours, which already makes the same point.
Why not we will just make trade treaties that work in our favour and close the doors to anymore immigration. Stop all welfare to those who have not worked in the UK and deport any that show the slightest violence.
You are living in a fantasy world.

Am I, is the latest report showing 800,000 E.U. migrants last year a fantasy then. That is 3 times the actual number admitted by the government, meaning 3 times the strain on our resources. Maybe we should only let them come if they want to go and live in wales.
Telegraph grossly distorts migrant figures - InFacts
Here you go dummy. Caught lying again.

Don't read the Telegraph, and infacts being a left wing communist outlet is not very trustworthy is it. Unless you are a left wing dummy.......................

From the site

InFacts is a journalistic enterprise making the fact-based case for Britain to remain in the European Union.


My apologies ! I posted my piece before seeing yours, which already makes the same point.

The drafters and signers of the Treaty of Rome in 1957 were intent on achieving political integration. The big mistake that was made, was to accede to the UK's request to join. France resisted UK entry until 1973 when the pressure from Germany and Italy, the other EU powers forced France's hand. The French, correctly, feared that the UK would be a Trojan Horse for the U.S. and that the UK would resist the political integration that the founding members wanted.

If the UK leaves, the EU will be better off as the political integration the founders of the EEC contemplated can continue. Europe cannot survive without political integration. The U.S., China, and now India will have too much power over a individual European states negotiating on their own. The UK will happily tie its future (and interests) to the U.S. Both parties, the UK and the EU will come out of this better off with a British exit, even if it means that Scotland and maybe Wales decide to go their own way as EU states.
Bank of England warns about recession.
Mark Carney makes momentous intervention on Brexit -

This is momentous. Mr Carney is not the first influential economist to say that Brexit is a costly move from an economic point of view — indeed almost every influential economist known to the public, and many more who are not, have already issued the same warning.

But the BoE uniquely combines the authority of a venerable government institution with a well-deserved reputation for independence and competence. To top it off, the governor said all the members of the Financial and Monetary Policy Committees agree that Brexit is the greatest risk to the bank’s remit.

The Leave campaign will not be able to swat Mr Carney away as politically biased, as it attempted to do, with some success, with the Treasury’s report on the long-term costs of Brexit to the UK economy last month. It is now fair to say that the debate on the economics has been won by the Remain side.

Still, we might be able to keep out a few "darkies" eh ?

Since when was Carney - in his position - permitted to ally it to a political cause, or position ???

That he has done so, and not been penalised for it, shows that in fact he is obeying someone else's political imperative. Someone showing some desperation by using Carney in the first place ... ?
It is now fair to say that the debate on the economics has been won by the Remain side.
From that well known Marxist rag - The Financial Times

You guys keep chundering on about foreigners on benefits. It doesnt mean a thing.

Jobs are what people will vote for and the evidence only points one way.
Bank of England warns about recession.
Mark Carney makes momentous intervention on Brexit -

This is momentous. Mr Carney is not the first influential economist to say that Brexit is a costly move from an economic point of view — indeed almost every influential economist known to the public, and many more who are not, have already issued the same warning.

But the BoE uniquely combines the authority of a venerable government institution with a well-deserved reputation for independence and competence. To top it off, the governor said all the members of the Financial and Monetary Policy Committees agree that Brexit is the greatest risk to the bank’s remit.

The Leave campaign will not be able to swat Mr Carney away as politically biased, as it attempted to do, with some success, with the Treasury’s report on the long-term costs of Brexit to the UK economy last month. It is now fair to say that the debate on the economics has been won by the Remain side.

Still, we might be able to keep out a few "darkies" eh ?

Since when was Carney - in his position - permitted to ally it to a political cause, or position ???

That he has done so, and not been penalised for it, shows that in fact he is obeying someone else's political imperative. Someone showing some desperation by using Carney in the first place ... ?

They even had Christine Lagarde weighing in on the matter.

Maybe the Eurovision Song Contest will decide it.

Bank of England warns about recession.
Mark Carney makes momentous intervention on Brexit -

This is momentous. Mr Carney is not the first influential economist to say that Brexit is a costly move from an economic point of view — indeed almost every influential economist known to the public, and many more who are not, have already issued the same warning.

But the BoE uniquely combines the authority of a venerable government institution with a well-deserved reputation for independence and competence. To top it off, the governor said all the members of the Financial and Monetary Policy Committees agree that Brexit is the greatest risk to the bank’s remit.

The Leave campaign will not be able to swat Mr Carney away as politically biased, as it attempted to do, with some success, with the Treasury’s report on the long-term costs of Brexit to the UK economy last month. It is now fair to say that the debate on the economics has been won by the Remain side.

Still, we might be able to keep out a few "darkies" eh ?

Since when was Carney - in his position - permitted to ally it to a political cause, or position ???

That he has done so, and not been penalised for it, shows that in fact he is obeying someone else's political imperative. Someone showing some desperation by using Carney in the first place ... ?

They even had Christine Lagarde weighing in on the matter.

Maybe the Eurovision Song Contest will decide it.


Hope not !!! Word has it that Russia's being tipped to win ........
Bank of England warns about recession.
Mark Carney makes momentous intervention on Brexit -

This is momentous. Mr Carney is not the first influential economist to say that Brexit is a costly move from an economic point of view — indeed almost every influential economist known to the public, and many more who are not, have already issued the same warning.

But the BoE uniquely combines the authority of a venerable government institution with a well-deserved reputation for independence and competence. To top it off, the governor said all the members of the Financial and Monetary Policy Committees agree that Brexit is the greatest risk to the bank’s remit.

The Leave campaign will not be able to swat Mr Carney away as politically biased, as it attempted to do, with some success, with the Treasury’s report on the long-term costs of Brexit to the UK economy last month. It is now fair to say that the debate on the economics has been won by the Remain side.

Still, we might be able to keep out a few "darkies" eh ?

Since when was Carney - in his position - permitted to ally it to a political cause, or position ???

That he has done so, and not been penalised for it, shows that in fact he is obeying someone else's political imperative. Someone showing some desperation by using Carney in the first place ... ?

They even had Christine Lagarde weighing in on the matter.

Maybe the Eurovision Song Contest will decide it.


Hope not !!! Word has it that Russia's being tipped to win ........

I heard that too.
It is now fair to say that the debate on the economics has been won by the Remain side.
From that well known Marxist rag - The Financial Times

You guys keep chundering on about foreigners on benefits. It doesnt mean a thing.

Jobs are what people will vote for and the evidence only points one way.

You're blind to whatever you'd rather not see.

Even without getting into specific pros and cons ... a pro-EU membership vote signs away our capacity to control our fate. EVERY issue which European membership has an effect on, does and will be decided BY THE FOREIGN POWERS MAKING UP THE EU AS A WHOLE. We have ONE vote amongst a couple of DOZEN.

You name the issue - we lose control of it. UNLESS we get OUT of the EU ....
It is now fair to say that the debate on the economics has been won by the Remain side.
From that well known Marxist rag - The Financial Times

You guys keep chundering on about foreigners on benefits. It doesnt mean a thing.

Jobs are what people will vote for and the evidence only points one way.

You're blind to whatever you'd rather not see.

Even without getting into specific pros and cons ... a pro-EU membership vote signs away our capacity to control our fate. EVERY issue which European membership has an effect on, does and will be decided BY THE FOREIGN POWERS MAKING UP THE EU AS A WHOLE. We have ONE vote amongst a couple of DOZEN.

You name the issue - we lose control of it. UNLESS we get OUT of the EU ....
What would you like to do that you cant do because of the EU ?
It is now fair to say that the debate on the economics has been won by the Remain side.
From that well known Marxist rag - The Financial Times

You guys keep chundering on about foreigners on benefits. It doesnt mean a thing.

Jobs are what people will vote for and the evidence only points one way.

You're blind to whatever you'd rather not see.

Even without getting into specific pros and cons ... a pro-EU membership vote signs away our capacity to control our fate. EVERY issue which European membership has an effect on, does and will be decided BY THE FOREIGN POWERS MAKING UP THE EU AS A WHOLE. We have ONE vote amongst a couple of DOZEN.

You name the issue - we lose control of it. UNLESS we get OUT of the EU ....
What would you like to do that you cant do because of the EU ?

Deport violent criminals and enforce laws cutting welfare to immigrants
It is now fair to say that the debate on the economics has been won by the Remain side.
From that well known Marxist rag - The Financial Times

You guys keep chundering on about foreigners on benefits. It doesnt mean a thing.

Jobs are what people will vote for and the evidence only points one way.

You're blind to whatever you'd rather not see.

Even without getting into specific pros and cons ... a pro-EU membership vote signs away our capacity to control our fate. EVERY issue which European membership has an effect on, does and will be decided BY THE FOREIGN POWERS MAKING UP THE EU AS A WHOLE. We have ONE vote amongst a couple of DOZEN.

You name the issue - we lose control of it. UNLESS we get OUT of the EU ....
What would you like to do that you cant do because of the EU ?

Deport violent criminals and enforce laws cutting welfare to immigrants
We are always doing the first and Cameron has just negotiated the second.
It is now fair to say that the debate on the economics has been won by the Remain side.
From that well known Marxist rag - The Financial Times

You guys keep chundering on about foreigners on benefits. It doesnt mean a thing.

Jobs are what people will vote for and the evidence only points one way.

You're blind to whatever you'd rather not see.

Even without getting into specific pros and cons ... a pro-EU membership vote signs away our capacity to control our fate. EVERY issue which European membership has an effect on, does and will be decided BY THE FOREIGN POWERS MAKING UP THE EU AS A WHOLE. We have ONE vote amongst a couple of DOZEN.

You name the issue - we lose control of it. UNLESS we get OUT of the EU ....
What would you like to do that you cant do because of the EU ?

Deport violent criminals and enforce laws cutting welfare to immigrants
We are always doing the first and Cameron has just negotiated the second.

WRONG AGAIN as we have been stopped from deporting violent criminals because it is against their human right to a family life and children. Cameron negotiated nothing as the EU just flatly refused his requests, and we are paying through the nose once more.

Latest EU cash cow £3.2 billion destined for new schools and upgraded school books has been used to educate migrant children who cant read, write or speak a word of English. That is £3.2 billion every year, and rising. That is the cost of the EU to the tax payers. We want this to stop and the only way to do so is to leave the EU, they need our money more than we need their criminals and unemployables
It is now fair to say that the debate on the economics has been won by the Remain side.
From that well known Marxist rag - The Financial Times

You guys keep chundering on about foreigners on benefits. It doesnt mean a thing.

Jobs are what people will vote for and the evidence only points one way.

You're blind to whatever you'd rather not see.

Even without getting into specific pros and cons ... a pro-EU membership vote signs away our capacity to control our fate. EVERY issue which European membership has an effect on, does and will be decided BY THE FOREIGN POWERS MAKING UP THE EU AS A WHOLE. We have ONE vote amongst a couple of DOZEN.

You name the issue - we lose control of it. UNLESS we get OUT of the EU ....
What would you like to do that you cant do because of the EU ?

Deport violent criminals and enforce laws cutting welfare to immigrants
We are always doing the first and Cameron has just negotiated the second.

WRONG AGAIN as we have been stopped from deporting violent criminals because it is against their human right to a family life and children. Cameron negotiated nothing as the EU just flatly refused his requests, and we are paying through the nose once more.

Latest EU cash cow £3.2 billion destined for new schools and upgraded school books has been used to educate migrant children who cant read, write or speak a word of English. That is £3.2 billion every year, and rising. That is the cost of the EU to the tax payers. We want this to stop and the only way to do so is to leave the EU, they need our money more than we need their criminals and unemployables
Coming out of the EU doesnt mean we come out of the human rights part. That isnt part of the EU and everyone,pretty much, is signed up to it. It was written by erm British lawyers. We will still be bound to it thank God.

Any other claims you make need to be referenced because you lie as easily as you breathe.
You're blind to whatever you'd rather not see.

Even without getting into specific pros and cons ... a pro-EU membership vote signs away our capacity to control our fate. EVERY issue which European membership has an effect on, does and will be decided BY THE FOREIGN POWERS MAKING UP THE EU AS A WHOLE. We have ONE vote amongst a couple of DOZEN.

You name the issue - we lose control of it. UNLESS we get OUT of the EU ....
What would you like to do that you cant do because of the EU ?

Deport violent criminals and enforce laws cutting welfare to immigrants
We are always doing the first and Cameron has just negotiated the second.

WRONG AGAIN as we have been stopped from deporting violent criminals because it is against their human right to a family life and children. Cameron negotiated nothing as the EU just flatly refused his requests, and we are paying through the nose once more.

Latest EU cash cow £3.2 billion destined for new schools and upgraded school books has been used to educate migrant children who cant read, write or speak a word of English. That is £3.2 billion every year, and rising. That is the cost of the EU to the tax payers. We want this to stop and the only way to do so is to leave the EU, they need our money more than we need their criminals and unemployables
Coming out of the EU doesnt mean we come out of the human rights part. That isnt part of the EU and everyone,pretty much, is signed up to it. It was written by erm British lawyers. We will still be bound to it thank God.

Any other claims you make need to be referenced because you lie as easily as you breathe.

BULLSHIT that is the biggest cause of the problems, and if we leave we leave the EHRC and will no longer be stopped from deporting violent criminals. This is what started the whole sorry business in the first place violent child rapists from eastern Europe being allowed to walk free and rape as many children as they want. All we wanted was a fair application of the Human rights laws and the EHRC stopped this from happening. Now it is set to cost the EU £trillions when we leave. No other EU nation is as prosperous as the UK and they rely on the UK recovery to prop up the failing EU.
It is now fair to say that the debate on the economics has been won by the Remain side.
From that well known Marxist rag - The Financial Times

You guys keep chundering on about foreigners on benefits. It doesnt mean a thing.

Jobs are what people will vote for and the evidence only points one way.

You're blind to whatever you'd rather not see.

Even without getting into specific pros and cons ... a pro-EU membership vote signs away our capacity to control our fate. EVERY issue which European membership has an effect on, does and will be decided BY THE FOREIGN POWERS MAKING UP THE EU AS A WHOLE. We have ONE vote amongst a couple of DOZEN.

You name the issue - we lose control of it. UNLESS we get OUT of the EU ....
What would you like to do that you cant do because of the EU ?

To be governed by a power that doesn't consist of a whole collection of foreigners, who make laws and insist they're implemented HERE, whether or not I happen to like it ? How about that ?

To live in a territory that exercises the control over its borders, its own Parliamentary setup, just as it sees fit ? How about that ?

To have AUTONOMY, not to be subsumed within a bigger power bloc ? How about that ?

Do you consider that too much to ask for ? OR, do we instead have the right, which hopefully we're about to use, to unshackle ourselves from power-mad bureaucratic foreigners ??
Nope, you are off on one of your fantasies again.
Read this and improve your kowledge.

Six things you should know about the ECHR

I would rather read the truth

102 foreign criminals and illegal immigrants we can't deport

Theresa May, the Home Secretary, had ordered that the violent drug dealer, known only as AP because his identity was kept secret by the judges, should be sent back to Trinidad. Article Eight is the number one reason criminals or immigrants, who either entered Britain illegally or breached their visa conditions, managed to defeat deportation, the figures from HM Courts Service show.

There were 233 appeals against deportation in 2010, of which 149 were successful under human rights laws – 102 of them solely citing Article Eight.

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