Brian Kemp responds to Donald Trump on Twitter (8-15-2023)

The Governor did everything but call the Orange Flim-Flam Man a lying sack of $hit... (which would still have been more charitable than Rump deserves)...

We are now in the opening hours and days of a mad scramble by Republicans to distance themselves from the Orange Albatross... understandably so...

Better late than never...

Brian Kemp

truly a Faux "News" Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican" who billed GA taxpayers $100 million for voting machines that Maricopa County admits can be programmed to cheat, and amazingly has not lost an election since...
Brian Kemp

truly a Faux "News" Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican" who billed GA taxpayers $100 million for voting machines that Maricopa County admits can be programmed to cheat, and amazingly has not lost an election since...
Irrelevant to the point being made that we are in the opening hours and days of a mad stampede of Republicans to distance themselves from Rump.
a mad stampede of Republicans to distance themselves from Rump

The Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" "distance(d) themselves" in November of 2020 by cheering on Traitor Joe's heist of the election...

There is nothing "new" there.

Are you a Zionist Fascist?
Fair enough, but you have always supported the Democrat party and that is just repeating that perspective.

Have you ever considered the consequences if it turns out the Republicans cheat better than you do and they finally fight back over the election fraud you're supporting in the DNC?

Democrats aren't cheating. Democrats don't have to cheat to win elections. More people are voting for the Democrats, especially since Republicans ran a known criminal for President, and he won.

And every Republican President since 1980 has crashed the economy except Bush 41.
Democrats aren't cheating. Democrats don't have to cheat to win elections. More people are voting for the Democrats, especially since Republicans ran a known criminal for President, and he won.

And every Republican President since 1980 has crashed the economy except Bush 41.
He had a war to keep the economy booming.
Since Israel is the only country you've ever cared about, why don't you MOVE THERE....
LOL ya Idiot.

Find me any quote where I've even mentioned Israel.

Where did you come up with that ^^^^ generalization?
Your perception is not my problem. Whatever social issue you think makes me a Democrat, I am more conservative by far.

Democrats always play that game. You aren't a Democrat. No examples, just believe you. No, I believe the Democrat posts I've read from you for years. If you weren't a Democrat, I'd notice. But I don't see those posts. That's on you, proving you aren't a Democrat is the easiest thing in the world. Yet you can't do it
Democrats always play that game. You aren't a Democrat. No examples, just believe you. No, I believe the Democrat posts I've read from you for years. If you weren't a Democrat, I'd notice. But I don't see those posts. That's on you, proving you aren't a Democrat is the easiest thing in the world. Yet you can't do it

First of all, I do not post to prove anything to anyone. If you want to call me a democrat, that is on you. I simply tried to provide you with accurate info on my beliefs and posts.

And you still have not provided any examples of my posts that "prove" I am a democrat. If it happens all the time, and you have seen it for years, it shouldn't be difficult.

Aside from providing "proof", how about you stick to the actual topic and so will I. M'kay?
I said that's all I've seen. I can't speak for what I haven't seen, but I didn't, drama queen. Time to catch the school bus, little guy, you better run!

If it is all you have seen from me over the years, then it shouldn't be hard to provide examples.
The question was:

"When is Trump going to provide his earth shattering evidence of Voter Fraud in Georgia?"

Wow, I never stop being amazed at how stupid leftists are. Think about it and see if you can figure out what my OBVIOUS point was. Or don't.

On another subject, here's a term for having lower standards for yourself than others, hypocrite. Hey, interestingly that was another hint!

You still don't get it, do you? Be honest
Democrats aren't cheating. Democrats don't have to cheat to win elections. More people are voting for the Democrats, especially since Republicans ran a known criminal for President, and he won.

And every Republican President since 1980 has crashed the economy except Bush 41.

You realize you're Canadian, right, bimbo? Worry about your own elections. Why would anyone here give a shit what you say?
First of all, I do not post to prove anything to anyone. If you want to call me a democrat, that is on you. I simply tried to provide you with accurate info on my beliefs and posts.

And you still have not provided any examples of my posts that "prove" I am a democrat. If it happens all the time, and you have seen it for years, it shouldn't be difficult.

Aside from providing "proof", how about you stick to the actual topic and so will I. M'kay?

It's amazing how many Democrats can scream No I'm Not but can't come up with any examples of how you're not a Democrat.

You know the political situation in this country and if you weren't a Democrat why. You also know lots of Democrats, like dblack are pretending to not be a Democrat. Screaming you're not a Democrat means nothing when you can't think of any examples, just like every other fake non-Democrat on the board

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