Brianna Taylor grand jury in

So will the city now burn?

More than likely they will... No matter the decision by the Grand Jury, BLM planned to riot.
Breonna Taylor chose her boy friend (a convicted drug dealer poorly) and died because her boy friend shot at the police and was caught in the firefight. The Grand Jury found that the Police involved did in fact follow procedure knock and announce themselves before the shooting.
Kenneth Walker is and was involved in the drug trade and is basically responsible for her death. He should be charged with her death.

Her boyfriend wasn't a convicted drug dealer, that is a lie. Neither Taylor nor Kenneth Walker has any drug offenses on their records. What neighbor claimed they heard them announce themselves again? Her ex boyfriend was already in custody, so why were they are her apartment again? Why weren't any of these officers wearing body cameras? Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron is a disgrace.

Simple, they had a warrant, and Kenneth Walker fired at them, injuring one officer...Not gonna end well when you shoot at police....

I am shocked that you right wingers are defending Mr Walker's actions, you claim if someone kicks your door in you have a right to defend yourself and your family.

Except that they knocked, and announced....So when he shot, he knew who it was that he was shooting at...

A person is legally allowed to protect his home.
Not from police officers who have a legal warrant. You’re such a leftist.

The warrant was granted based upon lies.
What lies? Maybe it was incorrect but the police officers did knock, no response, gave fair warning before entering, no response, came in and were shot at first. If you are a police officer following orders (you have no idea if the warrant is based on "lies") how is that your fault?

The cops presented the lies (which I already posted a link) so they did know.
If they did then shame on them but if they are honest and the suspect did say he shot first, then they didn't do anything wrong. And Taylor was no longer an EMT. She was fired as has been reported and was a known associate of the drug dealers in question. Problem is the media lies so much we may never know the truth.

She wasn't fired. That is the lie. She quit an earlier job to take another. Those who will create lies to defend corrupt police actions know no lengths they will not go to, to defend that.

Its obvious that you don't know shit. You're the pot calling the kettle black. While a simple search shows that Taylor did "resign", unchallenged information also states that the termination form has a box checked stating do not rehire. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that there was more to the story than she just quit.

Yes, the employer was upset she quit. It happens. She had no problem getting another job but thanks for enforcing the idea that she was fired was a lie. Why would people do something like this?

What a desperate attempt to recover your failed argument. LOL You know as well as I do that "the employer was upset", is more conjecture and disinformation.

While "she was fired" was an outright lie. Why would someone do this?

I would be willing to concede that she wasn't necessarly 'fired' from her job as an EMT, but rather called and quit with no notice...Many employers take offens to that sort of behavior, and often will brand the employee as not re hireable....either way it is insignificant to the larger questions about her relationship, and actions with the drug dealers named on the warrants with her....

Why would someone create this lie?

I think it is as much speculation, as what you liberals are doing by creating the 'angel' narrative about her....BOTH sides of the argument are doing their fair share of shading the truth to further their narrative...

The argument is that she did nothing to deserve getting killed, especially based upon a lie.
Police returned fire. Maybe her boyfriend should not shoot at police officers? Tragic.

You are allowed to protect your home.....unless of course to some, you are black.
Against intruders not against police officers with a warrant. But you knew that and decided to be a dick anyway. People like you this country can do without. Very dishonest.

Was he charged for protecting his home?


Did Taylor's family get $12 million? Yes.
He was charged but they were later dropped.
It isn't his home. He's not on the paperwork for the residence.
That means nothing.
Funny that they didn't find any drugs in the home of someone who is a part of the illegal drug trade. What a moron.
I think they just visited on the wrong night

and in the end she done her single, welfare mom proud by gifting her with $12 million dollars

or roughly $7.4 million after taxes

so like the man said, all‘s well that ends well

Settlements aren't taxed.
Its income

if you win the lottery its taxed and thats what Taylor’s survivors did

After you collect a settlement, the IRS typically regards that money as income, and taxes it accordingly. However, every rule has exceptions. The IRS does not tax award settlements for personal injury cases.

How Are Lawsuit Settlements Taxed?.
Police returned fire. Maybe her boyfriend should not shoot at police officers? Tragic.

And it WAS tragic. It appears that the only thing Breonna did wrong was pick thug gangbangers for boyfriends. She was shot because she held up a blanket - due to being naked, which most people would do, and since her boyfriend was shooting the police, they assumed she had a gun behind the blanket. She should have just let the cops see her tits and empty hands, and she'd still be alive. But what she did was natural, we would all cover up.

So will the city now burn?

More than likely they will... No matter the decision by the Grand Jury, BLM planned to riot.
Breonna Taylor chose her boy friend (a convicted drug dealer poorly) and died because her boy friend shot at the police and was caught in the firefight. The Grand Jury found that the Police involved did in fact follow procedure knock and announce themselves before the shooting.
Kenneth Walker is and was involved in the drug trade and is basically responsible for her death. He should be charged with her death.

Her boyfriend wasn't a convicted drug dealer, that is a lie. Neither Taylor nor Kenneth Walker has any drug offenses on their records. What neighbor claimed they heard them announce themselves again? Her ex boyfriend was already in custody, so why were they are her apartment again? Why weren't any of these officers wearing body cameras? Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron is a disgrace.

Simple, they had a warrant, and Kenneth Walker fired at them, injuring one officer...Not gonna end well when you shoot at police....

I am shocked that you right wingers are defending Mr Walker's actions, you claim if someone kicks your door in you have a right to defend yourself and your family.

Except that they knocked, and announced....So when he shot, he knew who it was that he was shooting at...

A person is legally allowed to protect his home.
Not from police officers who have a legal warrant. You’re such a leftist.

The warrant was granted based upon lies.
What lies? Maybe it was incorrect but the police officers did knock, no response, gave fair warning before entering, no response, came in and were shot at first. If you are a police officer following orders (you have no idea if the warrant is based on "lies") how is that your fault?

The cops presented the lies (which I already posted a link) so they did know.
If they did then shame on them but if they are honest and the suspect did say he shot first, then they didn't do anything wrong. And Taylor was no longer an EMT. She was fired as has been reported and was a known associate of the drug dealers in question. Problem is the media lies so much we may never know the truth.

She wasn't fired. That is the lie. She quit an earlier job to take another. Those who will create lies to defend corrupt police actions know no lengths they will not go to, to defend that.

Its obvious that you don't know shit. You're the pot calling the kettle black. While a simple search shows that Taylor did "resign", unchallenged information also states that the termination form has a box checked stating do not rehire. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that there was more to the story than she just quit.

Yes, the employer was upset she quit. It happens. She had no problem getting another job but thanks for enforcing the idea that she was fired was a lie. Why would people do something like this?

What a desperate attempt to recover your failed argument. LOL You know as well as I do that "the employer was upset", is more conjecture and disinformation.

While "she was fired" was an outright lie. Why would someone do this?

I would be willing to concede that she wasn't necessarly 'fired' from her job as an EMT, but rather called and quit with no notice...Many employers take offens to that sort of behavior, and often will brand the employee as not re hireable....either way it is insignificant to the larger questions about her relationship, and actions with the drug dealers named on the warrants with her....

Why would someone create this lie?

I think it is as much speculation, as what you liberals are doing by creating the 'angel' narrative about her....BOTH sides of the argument are doing their fair share of shading the truth to further their narrative...

The argument is that she did nothing to deserve getting killed, especially based upon a lie.
Police returned fire. Maybe her boyfriend should not shoot at police officers? Tragic.

You are allowed to protect your home.....unless of course to some, you are black.
Against intruders not against police officers with a warrant. But you knew that and decided to be a dick anyway. People like you this country can do without. Very dishonest.

Was he charged for protecting his home?


Did Taylor's family get $12 million? Yes.
He was charged but they were later dropped.
It isn't his home. He's not on the paperwork for the residence.
That means nothing.

Lol. No charges and a 12 million dollar settlement.

So will the city now burn?

More than likely they will... No matter the decision by the Grand Jury, BLM planned to riot.
Breonna Taylor chose her boy friend (a convicted drug dealer poorly) and died because her boy friend shot at the police and was caught in the firefight. The Grand Jury found that the Police involved did in fact follow procedure knock and announce themselves before the shooting.
Kenneth Walker is and was involved in the drug trade and is basically responsible for her death. He should be charged with her death.

Her boyfriend wasn't a convicted drug dealer, that is a lie. Neither Taylor nor Kenneth Walker has any drug offenses on their records. What neighbor claimed they heard them announce themselves again? Her ex boyfriend was already in custody, so why were they are her apartment again? Why weren't any of these officers wearing body cameras? Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron is a disgrace.

Simple, they had a warrant, and Kenneth Walker fired at them, injuring one officer...Not gonna end well when you shoot at police....

I am shocked that you right wingers are defending Mr Walker's actions, you claim if someone kicks your door in you have a right to defend yourself and your family.

Except that they knocked, and announced....So when he shot, he knew who it was that he was shooting at...

A person is legally allowed to protect his home.
Not from police officers who have a legal warrant. You’re such a leftist.

The warrant was granted based upon lies.
What lies? Maybe it was incorrect but the police officers did knock, no response, gave fair warning before entering, no response, came in and were shot at first. If you are a police officer following orders (you have no idea if the warrant is based on "lies") how is that your fault?

The cops presented the lies (which I already posted a link) so they did know.
If they did then shame on them but if they are honest and the suspect did say he shot first, then they didn't do anything wrong. And Taylor was no longer an EMT. She was fired as has been reported and was a known associate of the drug dealers in question. Problem is the media lies so much we may never know the truth.

She wasn't fired. That is the lie. She quit an earlier job to take another. Those who will create lies to defend corrupt police actions know no lengths they will not go to, to defend that.

Its obvious that you don't know shit. You're the pot calling the kettle black. While a simple search shows that Taylor did "resign", unchallenged information also states that the termination form has a box checked stating do not rehire. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that there was more to the story than she just quit.

Yes, the employer was upset she quit. It happens. She had no problem getting another job but thanks for enforcing the idea that she was fired was a lie. Why would people do something like this?

What a desperate attempt to recover your failed argument. LOL You know as well as I do that "the employer was upset", is more conjecture and disinformation.

While "she was fired" was an outright lie. Why would someone do this?

I would be willing to concede that she wasn't necessarly 'fired' from her job as an EMT, but rather called and quit with no notice...Many employers take offens to that sort of behavior, and often will brand the employee as not re hireable....either way it is insignificant to the larger questions about her relationship, and actions with the drug dealers named on the warrants with her....

What drug dealers would that be?
There is no such thing as self defense while committing a crime.
No "crime"committed, Pee Knob. You know better. You really don't give a shit as long as you
get to say what you want to say.

No crime.

Shooting a cop isn't a crime in the nest of maggots that substitutes for a brain in you?

View attachment 392582

In this situation it isn't a crime anywhere.

The situation of being arrested on warrants?

Good to know.

If a cop is about to arrest you, you have the "right" to shoot the cop. (as long as you're black, whitey gots no rights)

So will the city now burn?

More than likely they will... No matter the decision by the Grand Jury, BLM planned to riot.
Breonna Taylor chose her boy friend (a convicted drug dealer poorly) and died because her boy friend shot at the police and was caught in the firefight. The Grand Jury found that the Police involved did in fact follow procedure knock and announce themselves before the shooting.
Kenneth Walker is and was involved in the drug trade and is basically responsible for her death. He should be charged with her death.

Her boyfriend wasn't a convicted drug dealer, that is a lie. Neither Taylor nor Kenneth Walker has any drug offenses on their records. What neighbor claimed they heard them announce themselves again? Her ex boyfriend was already in custody, so why were they are her apartment again? Why weren't any of these officers wearing body cameras? Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron is a disgrace.

Simple, they had a warrant, and Kenneth Walker fired at them, injuring one officer...Not gonna end well when you shoot at police....

I am shocked that you right wingers are defending Mr Walker's actions, you claim if someone kicks your door in you have a right to defend yourself and your family.

Except that they knocked, and announced....So when he shot, he knew who it was that he was shooting at...

A person is legally allowed to protect his home.
Not from police officers who have a legal warrant. You’re such a leftist.

The warrant was granted based upon lies.
What lies? Maybe it was incorrect but the police officers did knock, no response, gave fair warning before entering, no response, came in and were shot at first. If you are a police officer following orders (you have no idea if the warrant is based on "lies") how is that your fault?

The cops presented the lies (which I already posted a link) so they did know.
If they did then shame on them but if they are honest and the suspect did say he shot first, then they didn't do anything wrong. And Taylor was no longer an EMT. She was fired as has been reported and was a known associate of the drug dealers in question. Problem is the media lies so much we may never know the truth.

She wasn't fired. That is the lie. She quit an earlier job to take another. Those who will create lies to defend corrupt police actions know no lengths they will not go to, to defend that.

Its obvious that you don't know shit. You're the pot calling the kettle black. While a simple search shows that Taylor did "resign", unchallenged information also states that the termination form has a box checked stating do not rehire. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that there was more to the story than she just quit.

Yes, the employer was upset she quit. It happens. She had no problem getting another job but thanks for enforcing the idea that she was fired was a lie. Why would people do something like this?

What a desperate attempt to recover your failed argument. LOL You know as well as I do that "the employer was upset", is more conjecture and disinformation.

While "she was fired" was an outright lie. Why would someone do this?

I would be willing to concede that she wasn't necessarly 'fired' from her job as an EMT, but rather called and quit with no notice...Many employers take offens to that sort of behavior, and often will brand the employee as not re hireable....either way it is insignificant to the larger questions about her relationship, and actions with the drug dealers named on the warrants with her....

Why would someone create this lie?

I think it is as much speculation, as what you liberals are doing by creating the 'angel' narrative about her....BOTH sides of the argument are doing their fair share of shading the truth to further their narrative...

The argument is that she did nothing to deserve getting killed, especially based upon a lie.
Police returned fire. Maybe her boyfriend should not shoot at police officers? Tragic.

He didn't know they were police officers, smfh.
So if you were in the same situation you would have waited to see who was kicking in your door. Unbelievable.

Well they DID use a bullhorn to announce "POLICE _ OPEN UP" as proven by the bodycam footage and confirmed by the FBI.

But the thug didn't open up, instead opened fire.

Do police have "duty to die," Herr Himmler?

More right wing lies. This is getting old listening to you racist fools who keep repeating the same lies over and over and over.

It is an interesting technique by this Benjamin Crump, he has a lot in common with Heinrich Himmler.

Crump, who is professional riot inciter and behind the Floyd riots as well as the Brooks riots, feeds his willing accomplices in the CCP press all sorts of lies, which they uncritically repeat - they have the same agenda, violence. Crump told all sorts of lies that shitbags like you repeat to this day, 3 weeks after the FBI report which proved everything Crump and the media said was a flat out lie. Plain clothes? Well, not so much.
View attachment 392579
Crump is a fucking liar - as you are.

No knock warrant? Well, not so much;

{ The New York Times later reported that before the raid, the order had been changed to "knock and announce", meaning that the police were required to identify themselves.[13] }

See, you plant a lie and then continue with it long after it's been refuted - and continue even in the face of the facts, because you're a pile of shit, a scumbag with an agenda and no integrity.

Why are you speaking of Trump in that manner.

So will the city now burn?
Apparently, anything cops do provokes these morons. Breonna lost her job as a EMT because she was linked to a homicide. And a poor little victim she WASN'T, she was shacking up with a drug dealer/boyfriend as a money handler when the po-pos came knocking up at her boyfriends door, her boy friend responded by friendly shooting at the police announcing them selves . Apparently, if you shoot at the cops blindly, they kind of sort a respond in kind.
The police were fired at and acted in self defense

So if you were in the same situation you would have waited to see who was kicking in your door. Unbelievable.

On that i agree with you. More then a few states allow people to shoot under such circumstances. What about "stand your ground"? I feel the cops were justly charged here. Let the trial happen and see what happens.

Only one is indicted and that's for shooting in the next door apt.

Like I said, let the trial happen before freaking out. The process hasn't worked out yet.

Come on man!!! Penelope has bern soaking the rope since Walker used Breonna for his human shield. Se's aching to lynch a cop....

So will the city now burn?

More than likely they will... No matter the decision by the Grand Jury, BLM planned to riot.
Breonna Taylor chose her boy friend (a convicted drug dealer poorly) and died because her boy friend shot at the police and was caught in the firefight. The Grand Jury found that the Police involved did in fact follow procedure knock and announce themselves before the shooting.
Kenneth Walker is and was involved in the drug trade and is basically responsible for her death. He should be charged with her death.

Her boyfriend wasn't a convicted drug dealer, that is a lie. Neither Taylor nor Kenneth Walker has any drug offenses on their records. What neighbor claimed they heard them announce themselves again? Her ex boyfriend was already in custody, so why were they are her apartment again? Why weren't any of these officers wearing body cameras? Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron is a disgrace.

Simple, they had a warrant, and Kenneth Walker fired at them, injuring one officer...Not gonna end well when you shoot at police....

I am shocked that you right wingers are defending Mr Walker's actions, you claim if someone kicks your door in you have a right to defend yourself and your family.

Except that they knocked, and announced....So when he shot, he knew who it was that he was shooting at...

A person is legally allowed to protect his home.
Not from police officers who have a legal warrant. You’re such a leftist.

The warrant was granted based upon lies.
What lies? Maybe it was incorrect but the police officers did knock, no response, gave fair warning before entering, no response, came in and were shot at first. If you are a police officer following orders (you have no idea if the warrant is based on "lies") how is that your fault?

The cops presented the lies (which I already posted a link) so they did know.
If they did then shame on them but if they are honest and the suspect did say he shot first, then they didn't do anything wrong. And Taylor was no longer an EMT. She was fired as has been reported and was a known associate of the drug dealers in question. Problem is the media lies so much we may never know the truth.

She wasn't fired. That is the lie. She quit an earlier job to take another. Those who will create lies to defend corrupt police actions know no lengths they will not go to, to defend that.

Its obvious that you don't know shit. You're the pot calling the kettle black. While a simple search shows that Taylor did "resign", unchallenged information also states that the termination form has a box checked stating do not rehire. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that there was more to the story than she just quit.

Yes, the employer was upset she quit. It happens. She had no problem getting another job but thanks for enforcing the idea that she was fired was a lie. Why would people do something like this?

What a desperate attempt to recover your failed argument. LOL You know as well as I do that "the employer was upset", is more conjecture and disinformation.

While "she was fired" was an outright lie. Why would someone do this?

I would be willing to concede that she wasn't necessarly 'fired' from her job as an EMT, but rather called and quit with no notice...Many employers take offens to that sort of behavior, and often will brand the employee as not re hireable....either way it is insignificant to the larger questions about her relationship, and actions with the drug dealers named on the warrants with her....

Why would someone create this lie?

I think it is as much speculation, as what you liberals are doing by creating the 'angel' narrative about her....BOTH sides of the argument are doing their fair share of shading the truth to further their narrative...

The argument is that she did nothing to deserve getting killed, especially based upon a lie.
Police returned fire. Maybe her boyfriend should not shoot at police officers? Tragic.

You are allowed to protect your home.....unless of course to some, you are black.
Against intruders not against police officers with a warrant. But you knew that and decided to be a dick anyway. People like you this country can do without. Very dishonest.

Was he charged for protecting his home?


Did Taylor's family get $12 million? Yes.
Why would someone be charged for protecting their home. The $12mil was a pity reward to go away.

So will the city now burn?

More than likely they will... No matter the decision by the Grand Jury, BLM planned to riot.
Breonna Taylor chose her boy friend (a convicted drug dealer poorly) and died because her boy friend shot at the police and was caught in the firefight. The Grand Jury found that the Police involved did in fact follow procedure knock and announce themselves before the shooting.
Kenneth Walker is and was involved in the drug trade and is basically responsible for her death. He should be charged with her death.

Her boyfriend wasn't a convicted drug dealer, that is a lie. Neither Taylor nor Kenneth Walker has any drug offenses on their records. What neighbor claimed they heard them announce themselves again? Her ex boyfriend was already in custody, so why were they are her apartment again? Why weren't any of these officers wearing body cameras? Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron is a disgrace.

Simple, they had a warrant, and Kenneth Walker fired at them, injuring one officer...Not gonna end well when you shoot at police....

I am shocked that you right wingers are defending Mr Walker's actions, you claim if someone kicks your door in you have a right to defend yourself and your family.

Except that they knocked, and announced....So when he shot, he knew who it was that he was shooting at...

A person is legally allowed to protect his home.
Not from police officers who have a legal warrant. You’re such a leftist.

The warrant was granted based upon lies.
What lies? Maybe it was incorrect but the police officers did knock, no response, gave fair warning before entering, no response, came in and were shot at first. If you are a police officer following orders (you have no idea if the warrant is based on "lies") how is that your fault?

The cops presented the lies (which I already posted a link) so they did know.
If they did then shame on them but if they are honest and the suspect did say he shot first, then they didn't do anything wrong. And Taylor was no longer an EMT. She was fired as has been reported and was a known associate of the drug dealers in question. Problem is the media lies so much we may never know the truth.

She wasn't fired. That is the lie. She quit an earlier job to take another. Those who will create lies to defend corrupt police actions know no lengths they will not go to, to defend that.

Its obvious that you don't know shit. You're the pot calling the kettle black. While a simple search shows that Taylor did "resign", unchallenged information also states that the termination form has a box checked stating do not rehire. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that there was more to the story than she just quit.

Yes, the employer was upset she quit. It happens. She had no problem getting another job but thanks for enforcing the idea that she was fired was a lie. Why would people do something like this?

What a desperate attempt to recover your failed argument. LOL You know as well as I do that "the employer was upset", is more conjecture and disinformation.

While "she was fired" was an outright lie. Why would someone do this?

I would be willing to concede that she wasn't necessarly 'fired' from her job as an EMT, but rather called and quit with no notice...Many employers take offens to that sort of behavior, and often will brand the employee as not re hireable....either way it is insignificant to the larger questions about her relationship, and actions with the drug dealers named on the warrants with her....

Why would someone create this lie?

I think it is as much speculation, as what you liberals are doing by creating the 'angel' narrative about her....BOTH sides of the argument are doing their fair share of shading the truth to further their narrative...

The argument is that she did nothing to deserve getting killed, especially based upon a lie.
Police returned fire. Maybe her boyfriend should not shoot at police officers? Tragic.

He didn't know they were police officers, smfh.
So he is deaf? They said police seven times. You’re playing coy. Cute.
There is no such thing as self defense while committing a crime.
No "crime"committed, Pee Knob. You know better. You really don't give a shit as long as you
get to say what you want to say.

No crime.

Shooting a cop isn't a crime in the nest of maggots that substitutes for a brain in you?

View attachment 392582

In this situation it isn't a crime anywhere.

The situation of being arrested on warrants?

Good to know.

If a cop is about to arrest you, you have the "right" to shoot the cop. (as long as you're black, whitey gots no rights)

No, you can be any color.
There is no such thing as self defense while committing a crime.
No "crime"committed, Pee Knob. You know better. You really don't give a shit as long as you
get to say what you want to say.

No crime.

Shooting a cop isn't a crime in the nest of maggots that substitutes for a brain in you?

View attachment 392582

In this situation it isn't a crime anywhere.

The situation of being arrested on warrants?

Good to know.

If a cop is about to arrest you, you have the "right" to shoot the cop. (as long as you're black, whitey gots no rights)

Jurors explain why they acquitted man of officer involved shooting

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