Bribery is a loser

i did. Don’t see anything that shows that the Biden’s are being investigated at the highest level of our government. Can you quote the part that you think shows that?
what is the highest level of our government???
for investigations? That would be the DOJ, CIA or FBI

that wasnt my question,,,
Highest levels are POTUS, Senate/house leaders and SCOTUS. What’s your point?
thank you,,,case closed,,,
Really? You think because POTUS is the highest elected official in the country, he is not subject to little legal considerations like probable cause? And that simply asking ANOTHER country to investigate a political rival is therefore justified?

I will explain something to you. Remember how you guys keep on trying to hammer on the belief that the FISA warrants for Gates were issued without sufficient reason? That is you guys saying that career law enforcement officers having SEVERAL indications for foreign interference in the elections, don't have the right to ask a court of law in a counter-espionage case, ( which, in general, has pretty lenient conditions for starting an investigation) to start an investigation in the US. But you are arguing here that POTUS without ANY law enforcement experience or knowledge has the right to ask a FOREIGN government to investigate 2 US citizens? Without any oversight? One of which just happens to be his main political rival for the upcoming election?
thank you,,,case closed,,,
What is it you think you proved? State the conclusion
you wanted proof of an investigation and I proved there was,,at the highest level of our government,,,
what did you show that proves it?

II told you if you want me to walk you through it all to offset your ignorance that it would cost you money,,,
are you ready to send me a credit card #??
since you are too insecure in your intellect to present a complete argument how about I sum it up and you can correct anything I get wrong...

You think that a phone transcript of Trump asking the Ukraine president to investigate the Biden’s proves that there is a legitimate ongoing investigation into the Biden’s.

did I get that right?
Mine was a bit less concise. Thank you
What is it you think you proved? State the conclusion
you wanted proof of an investigation and I proved there was,,at the highest level of our government,,,
what did you show that proves it?

II told you if you want me to walk you through it all to offset your ignorance that it would cost you money,,,
are you ready to send me a credit card #??
since you are too insecure in your intellect to present a complete argument how about I sum it up and you can correct anything I get wrong...

You think that a phone transcript of Trump asking the Ukraine president to investigate the Biden’s proves that there is a legitimate ongoing investigation into the Biden’s.

did I get that right?
Mine was a bit less concise. Thank you
yours was fine, PH is just embarrassing himself at this point.
what is the highest level of our government???
for investigations? That would be the DOJ, CIA or FBI

that wasnt my question,,,
Highest levels are POTUS, Senate/house leaders and SCOTUS. What’s your point?
thank you,,,case closed,,,
Really? You think because POTUS is the highest elected official in the country, he is not subject to little legal considerations like probable cause? And that simply asking ANOTHER country to investigate a political rival is therefore justified?

I will explain something to you. Remember how you guys keep on trying to hammer on the belief that the FISA warrants for Gates were issued without sufficient reason? That is you guys saying that career law enforcement officers having SEVERAL indications for foreign interference in the elections, don't have the right to ask a court of law in a counter-espionage case, ( which, in general, has pretty lenient conditions for starting an investigation) to start an investigation in the US. But you are arguing here that POTUS without ANY law enforcement experience or knowledge has the right to ask a FOREIGN government to investigate 2 US citizens? Without any oversight? One of which just happens to be his main political rival for the upcoming election?

sorry but your deflection is being ignored,,,
you wanted proof of an investigation and I proved there was,,at the highest level of our government,,,
what did you show that proves it?

II told you if you want me to walk you through it all to offset your ignorance that it would cost you money,,,
are you ready to send me a credit card #??
since you are too insecure in your intellect to present a complete argument how about I sum it up and you can correct anything I get wrong...

You think that a phone transcript of Trump asking the Ukraine president to investigate the Biden’s proves that there is a legitimate ongoing investigation into the Biden’s.

did I get that right?
Mine was a bit less concise. Thank you
yours was fine, PH is just embarrassing himself at this point.
I love it when people say 'case closed.' In my experience that's usually a pretty good indication they just have said something dumb.
I am far from a Trump supporter, however I need to call out yet another misstep from the Democrats. I posted about how Obstruction was a losing argument after the Mueller Report was released and now I see them doing it again with the Bribery claim.

I get that Bribery is in the constitution so they want to draw a simple and direct line with their charges for impeachment but what Trump did and what the context of bribery in the constitution is are two different things. By their definition, politicians and all past presidents commit bribery in the course of their foreign affairs. What Trump did was an abuse of office by dealing for personal gain, that should be the focus, not bribery. What the constitution was trying to protect from was politicians being paid to make policy... of course the lines are blurred with all the lobbying that goes on in Washington, a system that I’d happily like to see reformed, but that’s another story.

Best thing for Dems to do is wrap up the hearings. Get all the facts out with as little hyperbole as possible and then not file for impeachment but rather leave it up to the voters in next years election. Trump is as swampy as they come and he cares more about the fight than the future. I think enough people see that and will vote to end the drama and embarrassment. Let’s not make a martyr out of him by driving this impeachment train off a cliff.
I agree...
Bribing voters with free stuff is criminal.
I am far from a Trump supporter, however I need to call out yet another misstep from the Democrats. I posted about how Obstruction was a losing argument after the Mueller Report was released and now I see them doing it again with the Bribery claim.

I get that Bribery is in the constitution so they want to draw a simple and direct line with their charges for impeachment but what Trump did and what the context of bribery in the constitution is are two different things. By their definition, politicians and all past presidents commit bribery in the course of their foreign affairs. What Trump did was an abuse of office by dealing for personal gain, that should be the focus, not bribery. What the constitution was trying to protect from was politicians being paid to make policy... of course the lines are blurred with all the lobbying that goes on in Washington, a system that I’d happily like to see reformed, but that’s another story.

Best thing for Dems to do is wrap up the hearings. Get all the facts out with as little hyperbole as possible and then not file for impeachment but rather leave it up to the voters in next years election. Trump is as swampy as they come and he cares more about the fight than the future. I think enough people see that and will vote to end the drama and embarrassment. Let’s not make a martyr out of him by driving this impeachment train off a cliff.
I agree...
Bribing voters with free stuff is criminal.
is that what you thought I said in my OP? Wow
I am far from a Trump supporter, however I need to call out yet another misstep from the Democrats. I posted about how Obstruction was a losing argument after the Mueller Report was released and now I see them doing it again with the Bribery claim.

I get that Bribery is in the constitution so they want to draw a simple and direct line with their charges for impeachment but what Trump did and what the context of bribery in the constitution is are two different things. By their definition, politicians and all past presidents commit bribery in the course of their foreign affairs. What Trump did was an abuse of office by dealing for personal gain, that should be the focus, not bribery. What the constitution was trying to protect from was politicians being paid to make policy... of course the lines are blurred with all the lobbying that goes on in Washington, a system that I’d happily like to see reformed, but that’s another story.

Best thing for Dems to do is wrap up the hearings. Get all the facts out with as little hyperbole as possible and then not file for impeachment but rather leave it up to the voters in next years election. Trump is as swampy as they come and he cares more about the fight than the future. I think enough people see that and will vote to end the drama and embarrassment. Let’s not make a martyr out of him by driving this impeachment train off a cliff.
I agree...
Bribing voters with free stuff is criminal.
wouldnt that end the democrat party???
for investigations? That would be the DOJ, CIA or FBI

that wasnt my question,,,
Highest levels are POTUS, Senate/house leaders and SCOTUS. What’s your point?
thank you,,,case closed,,,
Really? You think because POTUS is the highest elected official in the country, he is not subject to little legal considerations like probable cause? And that simply asking ANOTHER country to investigate a political rival is therefore justified?

I will explain something to you. Remember how you guys keep on trying to hammer on the belief that the FISA warrants for Gates were issued without sufficient reason? That is you guys saying that career law enforcement officers having SEVERAL indications for foreign interference in the elections, don't have the right to ask a court of law in a counter-espionage case, ( which, in general, has pretty lenient conditions for starting an investigation) to start an investigation in the US. But you are arguing here that POTUS without ANY law enforcement experience or knowledge has the right to ask a FOREIGN government to investigate 2 US citizens? Without any oversight? One of which just happens to be his main political rival for the upcoming election?

sorry but your deflection is being ignored,,,
It's not a deflection at all. What it is, is me showing how you guys can't make a consistent argument if your lives would depend on it. You claim POTUS has the right to do something that falls way outside established procedure in a court of law. In fact, that memo he released would be sufficient to dismiss the case without prejudice in any US court. At the same time, your party, and unless I'm very much mistaking you to want to claim that the FBI following established legal procedure violated the rights of Gates and by extension Trump.
for investigations? That would be the DOJ, CIA or FBI

that wasnt my question,,,
Highest levels are POTUS, Senate/house leaders and SCOTUS. What’s your point?
thank you,,,case closed,,,
What is it you think you proved? State the conclusion
you wanted proof of an investigation and I proved there was,,at the highest level of our government,,,
Even the news thinks you're an imbecile... they say an investigation is "needed."

'Investigation' of the Bidens needed, Gregg Jarrett says

How could an investigation be needed if it's already underway?? :cuckoo:
that wasnt my question,,,
Highest levels are POTUS, Senate/house leaders and SCOTUS. What’s your point?
thank you,,,case closed,,,
Really? You think because POTUS is the highest elected official in the country, he is not subject to little legal considerations like probable cause? And that simply asking ANOTHER country to investigate a political rival is therefore justified?

I will explain something to you. Remember how you guys keep on trying to hammer on the belief that the FISA warrants for Gates were issued without sufficient reason? That is you guys saying that career law enforcement officers having SEVERAL indications for foreign interference in the elections, don't have the right to ask a court of law in a counter-espionage case, ( which, in general, has pretty lenient conditions for starting an investigation) to start an investigation in the US. But you are arguing here that POTUS without ANY law enforcement experience or knowledge has the right to ask a FOREIGN government to investigate 2 US citizens? Without any oversight? One of which just happens to be his main political rival for the upcoming election?

sorry but your deflection is being ignored,,,
It's not a deflection at all. What it is, is me showing how you guys can't make a consistent argument if your lives would depend on it. You claim POTUS has the right to do something that falls way outside established procedure in a court of law. In fact, that memo he released would be sufficient to dismiss the case without prejudice in any US court. At the same time, your party, and unless I'm very much mistaking you to want to claim that the FBI following established legal procedure violated the rights of Gates and by extension Trump.
He knows he lost the argument. That’s why he’s not replying to me anymore. You are wasting your time. Logic doesn’t register with this guy
that wasnt my question,,,
Highest levels are POTUS, Senate/house leaders and SCOTUS. What’s your point?
thank you,,,case closed,,,
Really? You think because POTUS is the highest elected official in the country, he is not subject to little legal considerations like probable cause? And that simply asking ANOTHER country to investigate a political rival is therefore justified?

I will explain something to you. Remember how you guys keep on trying to hammer on the belief that the FISA warrants for Gates were issued without sufficient reason? That is you guys saying that career law enforcement officers having SEVERAL indications for foreign interference in the elections, don't have the right to ask a court of law in a counter-espionage case, ( which, in general, has pretty lenient conditions for starting an investigation) to start an investigation in the US. But you are arguing here that POTUS without ANY law enforcement experience or knowledge has the right to ask a FOREIGN government to investigate 2 US citizens? Without any oversight? One of which just happens to be his main political rival for the upcoming election?

sorry but your deflection is being ignored,,,
It's not a deflection at all. What it is, is me showing how you guys can't make a consistent argument if your lives would depend on it. You claim POTUS has the right to do something that falls way outside established procedure in a court of law. In fact, that memo he released would be sufficient to dismiss the case without prejudice in any US court. At the same time, your party, and unless I'm very much mistaking you to want to claim that the FBI following established legal procedure violated the rights of Gates and by extension Trump.

sorry but the topic is biden,,,
that wasnt my question,,,
Highest levels are POTUS, Senate/house leaders and SCOTUS. What’s your point?
thank you,,,case closed,,,
What is it you think you proved? State the conclusion
you wanted proof of an investigation and I proved there was,,at the highest level of our government,,,
Even the news thinks you're an imbecile... they say an investigation is "needed."

'Investigation' of the Bidens needed, Gregg Jarrett says

How could an investigation be needed if it's already underway?? :cuckoo:
so the transcript is a lie??? and trump wasnt looking into the bidens when he asked ukraine for help???
Highest levels are POTUS, Senate/house leaders and SCOTUS. What’s your point?
thank you,,,case closed,,,
Really? You think because POTUS is the highest elected official in the country, he is not subject to little legal considerations like probable cause? And that simply asking ANOTHER country to investigate a political rival is therefore justified?

I will explain something to you. Remember how you guys keep on trying to hammer on the belief that the FISA warrants for Gates were issued without sufficient reason? That is you guys saying that career law enforcement officers having SEVERAL indications for foreign interference in the elections, don't have the right to ask a court of law in a counter-espionage case, ( which, in general, has pretty lenient conditions for starting an investigation) to start an investigation in the US. But you are arguing here that POTUS without ANY law enforcement experience or knowledge has the right to ask a FOREIGN government to investigate 2 US citizens? Without any oversight? One of which just happens to be his main political rival for the upcoming election?

sorry but your deflection is being ignored,,,
It's not a deflection at all. What it is, is me showing how you guys can't make a consistent argument if your lives would depend on it. You claim POTUS has the right to do something that falls way outside established procedure in a court of law. In fact, that memo he released would be sufficient to dismiss the case without prejudice in any US court. At the same time, your party, and unless I'm very much mistaking you to want to claim that the FBI following established legal procedure violated the rights of Gates and by extension Trump.
He knows he lost the argument. That’s why he’s not replying to me anymore. You are wasting your time. Logic doesn’t register with this guy

I havent seen anything to reply too,,,youve been talking to others,,,
Highest levels are POTUS, Senate/house leaders and SCOTUS. What’s your point?
thank you,,,case closed,,,
What is it you think you proved? State the conclusion
you wanted proof of an investigation and I proved there was,,at the highest level of our government,,,
Even the news thinks you're an imbecile... they say an investigation is "needed."

'Investigation' of the Bidens needed, Gregg Jarrett says

How could an investigation be needed if it's already underway?? :cuckoo:
so the transcript is a lie??? and trump wasnt looking into the bidens when he asked ukraine for help???
No, the transcript doesn't say there is an investigation -- which is why you flat out refuse to quote the transcript saying there is -- because you can't.

Exactly who do you think you're fooling with this nonsense of yours?

And why no answer to my question? Why would the news say ab investigation needed if you were lucid and there was already an investigation ongoing?
Why have Dems jumped past censure to the extreme of impeachment? Trump is not a politician, he's not a lawyer, no quid pro quo actually took place. We don't want to intimidate citizens from running for president. This is an election year, the American people will have a chance to choose a new president in a few months. Why the extreme of impeachment Dems when there is clearly a more appropriate penalty? How is impeachment not election interference against your opponent hmmm?
thank you,,,case closed,,,
Really? You think because POTUS is the highest elected official in the country, he is not subject to little legal considerations like probable cause? And that simply asking ANOTHER country to investigate a political rival is therefore justified?

I will explain something to you. Remember how you guys keep on trying to hammer on the belief that the FISA warrants for Gates were issued without sufficient reason? That is you guys saying that career law enforcement officers having SEVERAL indications for foreign interference in the elections, don't have the right to ask a court of law in a counter-espionage case, ( which, in general, has pretty lenient conditions for starting an investigation) to start an investigation in the US. But you are arguing here that POTUS without ANY law enforcement experience or knowledge has the right to ask a FOREIGN government to investigate 2 US citizens? Without any oversight? One of which just happens to be his main political rival for the upcoming election?

sorry but your deflection is being ignored,,,
It's not a deflection at all. What it is, is me showing how you guys can't make a consistent argument if your lives would depend on it. You claim POTUS has the right to do something that falls way outside established procedure in a court of law. In fact, that memo he released would be sufficient to dismiss the case without prejudice in any US court. At the same time, your party, and unless I'm very much mistaking you to want to claim that the FBI following established legal procedure violated the rights of Gates and by extension Trump.
He knows he lost the argument. That’s why he’s not replying to me anymore. You are wasting your time. Logic doesn’t register with this guy

I havent seen anything to reply too,,,youve been talking to others,,,
Ok I’ll post it again...

since you are too insecure in your intellect to present a complete argument how about I sum it up and you can correct anything I get wrong...

You think that a phone transcript of Trump asking the Ukraine president to investigate the Biden’s proves that there is a legitimate ongoing investigation into the Biden’s.

did I get that right?
Highest levels are POTUS, Senate/house leaders and SCOTUS. What’s your point?
thank you,,,case closed,,,
Really? You think because POTUS is the highest elected official in the country, he is not subject to little legal considerations like probable cause? And that simply asking ANOTHER country to investigate a political rival is therefore justified?

I will explain something to you. Remember how you guys keep on trying to hammer on the belief that the FISA warrants for Gates were issued without sufficient reason? That is you guys saying that career law enforcement officers having SEVERAL indications for foreign interference in the elections, don't have the right to ask a court of law in a counter-espionage case, ( which, in general, has pretty lenient conditions for starting an investigation) to start an investigation in the US. But you are arguing here that POTUS without ANY law enforcement experience or knowledge has the right to ask a FOREIGN government to investigate 2 US citizens? Without any oversight? One of which just happens to be his main political rival for the upcoming election?

sorry but your deflection is being ignored,,,
It's not a deflection at all. What it is, is me showing how you guys can't make a consistent argument if your lives would depend on it. You claim POTUS has the right to do something that falls way outside established procedure in a court of law. In fact, that memo he released would be sufficient to dismiss the case without prejudice in any US court. At the same time, your party, and unless I'm very much mistaking you to want to claim that the FBI following established legal procedure violated the rights of Gates and by extension Trump.

sorry but the topic is biden,,,
I'm on topic. That doesn't mean I can't use comparisons to show inconsistencies. I'm not talking about climate change, socialism or anything. I'm talking about your claim that the president by virtue of his position can ask or conduct I guess, any investigation he wants. Which violates all manners of due process. While at the same time the administration is going after people for not following due process or that's what they believe

It also underscores the assertion that this was a legitimate investigation into corruption is inherently flawed. Trump by not following the channels that are in place to get foreign governments to investigate crimes would have made pursuing such a case impossible.
thank you,,,case closed,,,
What is it you think you proved? State the conclusion
you wanted proof of an investigation and I proved there was,,at the highest level of our government,,,
Even the news thinks you're an imbecile... they say an investigation is "needed."

'Investigation' of the Bidens needed, Gregg Jarrett says

How could an investigation be needed if it's already underway?? :cuckoo:
so the transcript is a lie??? and trump wasnt looking into the bidens when he asked ukraine for help???
No, the transcript doesn't say there is an investigation -- which is why you flat out refuse to quote the transcript saying there is -- because you can't.

Exactly who do you think you're fooling with this nonsense of yours?

And why no answer to my question? Why would the news say ab investigation needed if you were lucid and there was already an investigation ongoing?
it doesnt have to say there was it was two people have a conversation not a PSA,,,but the fact that why would trump ask for help if he wasnt already looking into it,,,
thank you,,,case closed,,,
Really? You think because POTUS is the highest elected official in the country, he is not subject to little legal considerations like probable cause? And that simply asking ANOTHER country to investigate a political rival is therefore justified?

I will explain something to you. Remember how you guys keep on trying to hammer on the belief that the FISA warrants for Gates were issued without sufficient reason? That is you guys saying that career law enforcement officers having SEVERAL indications for foreign interference in the elections, don't have the right to ask a court of law in a counter-espionage case, ( which, in general, has pretty lenient conditions for starting an investigation) to start an investigation in the US. But you are arguing here that POTUS without ANY law enforcement experience or knowledge has the right to ask a FOREIGN government to investigate 2 US citizens? Without any oversight? One of which just happens to be his main political rival for the upcoming election?

sorry but your deflection is being ignored,,,
It's not a deflection at all. What it is, is me showing how you guys can't make a consistent argument if your lives would depend on it. You claim POTUS has the right to do something that falls way outside established procedure in a court of law. In fact, that memo he released would be sufficient to dismiss the case without prejudice in any US court. At the same time, your party, and unless I'm very much mistaking you to want to claim that the FBI following established legal procedure violated the rights of Gates and by extension Trump.

sorry but the topic is biden,,,
I'm on topic. That doesn't mean I can't use comparisons to show inconsistencies. I'm not talking about climate change, socialism or anything. I'm talking about your claim that the president by virtue of his position can ask or conduct I guess, any investigation he wants. Which violates all manners of due process. While at the same time the administration is going after people for not following due process or that's what they believe

It also underscores the assertion that this was a legitimate investigation into corruption is inherently flawed. Trump by not following the channels that are in place to get foreign governments to investigate crimes would have made pursuing such a case impossible.

I would like to know why you think you are so much better than the rest of us to think you can tell the POTUS how to do his job???

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