Bribery is a loser

That reason is because of the economic and military power we have obtain through our world alliances...
Sorry, but we had the military and economic power FIRST. That is why people wanted an alliance with us. Not the other way around.

He has the guts to show humility and compassion and act with character in the gave of opposition.
Obama is a professional actor, a performer, a bullshitter. And you buy it hook line and sinker. Trump is like a truck driver at a bar. No embellishment. He just tells you how it is. What he really thinks and feels. He's not there to hold your hand or make you feel good.
Yes Obama is a showman, but that doesn’t mean he is disingenuous and Trump is a blunt shit talker, but just because he ain’t PC doesn’t mean he is t full of shit.

you didn’t answer my question. Which type of guy would you want marrying your daughter?

Trump. I always respect a guy who makes it on his own by forging ahead and overcoming adversity in a free market than a guy who plays the rules to game the system into exploiting others into paying his way through life for him, and that is exactly what most career politicians do.
thats wonderful... put your daughter with an ego maniac that’s gonna run off and bang pornstars when he’s on golf trips. But I guess as long as he has a fat bank account and acts like a real man it’s all good. She’s a lucky girl

Yep. Most every great leader and mega-successful person is an ego maniac. Success breeds confidence. And while Donald is off banging some stewardess like Bill Clinton, your daughter will have billions of dollars and gold mansions to go bang or do anyone she wants! At least it will all be with money and possessions that Domald went out there and all earned in the free market and didn't rob off the taxpayers.
see, that’s where we are different. Appreciate your honesty though
I am far from a Trump supporter, however I need to call out yet another misstep from the Democrats. I posted about how Obstruction was a losing argument after the Mueller Report was released and now I see them doing it again with the Bribery claim.

I get that Bribery is in the constitution so they want to draw a simple and direct line with their charges for impeachment but what Trump did and what the context of bribery in the constitution is are two different things. By their definition, politicians and all past presidents commit bribery in the course of their foreign affairs. What Trump did was an abuse of office by dealing for personal gain, that should be the focus, not bribery. What the constitution was trying to protect from was politicians being paid to make policy... of course the lines are blurred with all the lobbying that goes on in Washington, a system that I’d happily like to see reformed, but that’s another story.

Best thing for Dems to do is wrap up the hearings. Get all the facts out with as little hyperbole as possible and then not file for impeachment but rather leave it up to the voters in next years election. Trump is as swampy as they come and he cares more about the fight than the future. I think enough people see that and will vote to end the drama and embarrassment. Let’s not make a martyr out of him by driving this impeachment train off a cliff.

With all due respect, Slade..."abuse of office by dealing for personal gain" is as big a loser as "bribery"! Trump was doing what all Presidents do. Why anyone on the left thinks Joe Biden being knocked out of the race is some huge "personal gain" for Trump mystifies me! What is "Hair Plugs" polling at now...fifth? He's been an abysmal candidate who's run for President so often it's become a running joke guessing at what point he'll put his foot in his mouth with an incredibly stupid comment that knocks him out of the race! It's who he's what he does!
Uh, no, Biden is polling first against all other Democrats...

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination

... and first against Trump ...

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest National General Election Polls

"What is "Hair Plugs"..."


Just how fucking rightarded do you have to be to attack Biden's hair when you're a Trump supporter?? You know, the guy who takes a hair-growth drug and dyes his hair blond ... while he spray tans the rest of himself orange .


That isn't Biden polling first against other Democrats...that's Biden polling better than other Democrats AGAINST TRUMP! Who's leading the polls amongst the Democrats AGAINST OTHER DEMOCRATS! Who cares if Biden polls the best against Trump if he can't get the nomination from his own Party?
Lying con tool.... do you ever stop lying??

Yes, Biden is out in front of every Democrat...

Screenshot_20191118-021813_Samsung Internet.jpg
Even when the president of Ukraine told Trump he was almost ready to buy more Javelin missiles from us, Trump made that contingent upon personal favors to help him with his re-election.

Do you have a quote of Trump establishing this "personal" contingency, or is this just your personal opinion?

Sure... starts with, "I would like you to do us a favor though," and becomes...

    • "I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

    • "The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
No, this is not a quote that establishes the "personal" contingency. I would like you to do "us" a favor is not personal, since he did not say "me". "Us" is not personal. Do you have a quote of Trump establishing this personal contingency? You are the one who specified "personal" so don't use references to "us".
Going after Biden serves him personally.
You think I’m ignorant because I don’t watch wingnuts videos. Well I guess you have a point there but my ignorance would them only apply to distorted propaganda. We are talking about verifyable facts though. Do you have any of those to share or are propaganda videos all you got

dont you think FOIA documents are credible???

because most of them are,,,

its your choice to remain ignorant not mine,,,
Well post them then... Jesus. Why do you waste so much time with these pointless posts with zero substance. It just makes you look like you got nothing. Prove me wrong, post the documents

wrong about what???
youve asked and said a lot of crazy stuff and its hard to keep it all straight,,,
I dont think you have documents proving there is a legit investigation into the Biden’s. You said you posted them. I don’t remember seeing them so post them right now and prove me wrong.

faun already did,,,

Liar, I posted no links to your supposed "documents."
What makes THAT an illegal act? The President makes foreign policy. If he wants to hold up foreign aid because he's concerned about rampant corruption in a country he's about to give billions of dollars to...then he has every authority to do just that! It isn't his "place"? It's EXACTLY his place!

Except the DoD had already certified that the money was going to go where it was earmarked to go. So the whole, "I was concerned about corruption that happened 4 years ago" doesn't pass the laugh test.

He wasn't looking for corruption. He was looking for someone to smear a rival.

Jimmy Carter was a "good guy with a good heart", Slade! He was also a rather bad President. Let's be honest here...Joe Biden's clueless. He was never that sharp to begin with (had to cheat to get through law school!) but as he's gotten older he's become more and more of a buffoon! You want to hang out with a "good person"? Fine...hang out with Joe! Go for a few beers...check out a game and have some wings! You want a President who's working to fix some serious problems we still have? It's not Joe Biden! I don't think it's any of the other twenty Democrats running for President either to be blunt. Surely there must be some Democrats out there SOMEWHERE who know how to do the hard work of being an effective leader?

You think Trump is fixing the problems? TRUMP IS THE PROBLEM. I mean, I know he indulges your hate of brown people by building a wall that can be foiled with some tools from the Home Depot.... but he isn't fixing any problems.
Even when the president of Ukraine told Trump he was almost ready to buy more Javelin missiles from us, Trump made that contingent upon personal favors to help him with his re-election.

Do you have a quote of Trump establishing this "personal" contingency, or is this just your personal opinion?

Sure... starts with, "I would like you to do us a favor though," and becomes...

    • "I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

    • "The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
No, this is not a quote that establishes the "personal" contingency. I would like you to do "us" a favor is not personal, since he did not say "me". "Us" is not personal. Do you have a quote of Trump establishing this personal contingency? You are the one who specified "personal" so don't use references to "us".
Going after Biden serves him personally.
And every other American. You also forgot to wrap quote marks around what Trump said.
And every other American.

Only if you think getting Trump re-elected "serves the American people".

Because THAT is what this was always about.

Forcing Ukraine to help get Trump reelected
Bribery is a specific act of abuse of office.
Bribery is a pay for play which happens all the time. It takes the focus off the corruption which is where it should have stayed. The messaging needs to stay simple, this is going to complicate it.
Bribery is not pay for play. Bribery is bribery.
Pay for play is Trump donors being rewarded with positions in the administration like Sondland and DeVos.

Corrupt intent is simple.
The legal definition of bribery is as follows... the corrupt intent is not there so the lines are fuzzy


Bribery refers to the offering, giving, soliciting, or receiving of any item of value as a means of influencing the actions of an individual holding a public or legal duty. ... Solicitation of a bribealso constitutes a crime and is completed regardless of whether the solicitation results in the receipt of a valuable gift.
View attachment 289969
Cornell University › law › wex › bri...
Bribery | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

Corrupt intent is required.

18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses

U.S. Code § 201.Bribery of public officials and witnesses
(1)directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public official or person who has been selected to be a public official, or offers or promises any public official or any person who has been selected to be a public official to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent—
Here’s the problem with that definition:

public official
(1) the term “public official” means Member of Congress, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner, either before or after such official has qualified, or an officer or employee or person acting for or on behalf of the United States, or any department, agency or branch of Government thereof, including the District of Columbia, in any official function, under or by authority of any such department, agency, or branch of Government, or a juror;
18 USC § 201(a)(1)

I was simply showing that corrupt intent is required.
Only if you think getting Trump re-elected "serves the American people".

Because THAT is what this was always about.

Forcing Ukraine to help get Trump reelected

You are entitled to your opinion on this, but your opinion is not evidence that Trump established a personal contingency.
Even when the president of Ukraine told Trump he was almost ready to buy more Javelin missiles from us, Trump made that contingent upon personal favors to help him with his re-election.

Do you have a quote of Trump establishing this "personal" contingency, or is this just your personal opinion?

Sure... starts with, "I would like you to do us a favor though," and becomes...

    • "I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

    • "The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
No, this is not a quote that establishes the "personal" contingency. I would like you to do "us" a favor is not personal, since he did not say "me". "Us" is not personal. Do you have a quote of Trump establishing this personal contingency? You are the one who specified "personal" so don't use references to "us".
Going after Biden serves him personally.
And every other American. You also forgot to wrap quote marks around what Trump said.
Oh? How does America benefit to learn that several countries (including Ukraine) and international bodies wanted Shokin removed from office and had been pushing for that for about 6 months or more until Biden used American aid as leverage to get the Ukrainian president to finally keep his word to push Shokin out?
Only if you think getting Trump re-elected "serves the American people".

Because THAT is what this was always about.

Forcing Ukraine to help get Trump reelected

You are entitled to your opinion on this, but your opinion is not evidence that Trump established a personal contingency.
That's not opinion. It's fact
dont you think FOIA documents are credible???

because most of them are,,,

its your choice to remain ignorant not mine,,,
Well post them then... Jesus. Why do you waste so much time with these pointless posts with zero substance. It just makes you look like you got nothing. Prove me wrong, post the documents

wrong about what???
youve asked and said a lot of crazy stuff and its hard to keep it all straight,,,
I dont think you have documents proving there is a legit investigation into the Biden’s. You said you posted them. I don’t remember seeing them so post them right now and prove me wrong.

faun already did,,,
so you got nothing? You won’t post your documentation? Ok, that’s what I expected. Thanks for playing.

already posted and its you that refused to look at it,,,

but like I said for a fee I will be more than happy to walk you through it
Even when the president of Ukraine told Trump he was almost ready to buy more Javelin missiles from us, Trump made that contingent upon personal favors to help him with his re-election.

Do you have a quote of Trump establishing this "personal" contingency, or is this just your personal opinion?

Sure... starts with, "I would like you to do us a favor though," and becomes...

    • "I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

    • "The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
No, this is not a quote that establishes the "personal" contingency. I would like you to do "us" a favor is not personal, since he did not say "me". "Us" is not personal. Do you have a quote of Trump establishing this personal contingency? You are the one who specified "personal" so don't use references to "us".
Going after Biden serves him personally.

thats secondary to how it serves the country to expose a corrupt politician,,,
Bribery is a pay for play which happens all the time. It takes the focus off the corruption which is where it should have stayed. The messaging needs to stay simple, this is going to complicate it.
Bribery is not pay for play. Bribery is bribery.
Pay for play is Trump donors being rewarded with positions in the administration like Sondland and DeVos.

Corrupt intent is simple.
The legal definition of bribery is as follows... the corrupt intent is not there so the lines are fuzzy


Bribery refers to the offering, giving, soliciting, or receiving of any item of value as a means of influencing the actions of an individual holding a public or legal duty. ... Solicitation of a bribealso constitutes a crime and is completed regardless of whether the solicitation results in the receipt of a valuable gift.
View attachment 289969
Cornell University › law › wex › bri...
Bribery | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

Corrupt intent is required.

18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses

U.S. Code § 201.Bribery of public officials and witnesses
(1)directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public official or person who has been selected to be a public official, or offers or promises any public official or any person who has been selected to be a public official to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent—
Here’s the problem with that definition:

public official
(1) the term “public official” means Member of Congress, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner, either before or after such official has qualified, or an officer or employee or person acting for or on behalf of the United States, or any department, agency or branch of Government thereof, including the District of Columbia, in any official function, under or by authority of any such department, agency, or branch of Government, or a juror;
18 USC § 201(a)(1)

I was simply showing that corrupt intent is required.

thats already been done,,,
Only if you think getting Trump re-elected "serves the American people".

Because THAT is what this was always about.

Forcing Ukraine to help get Trump reelected

You are entitled to your opinion on this, but your opinion is not evidence that Trump established a personal contingency.
That's not opinion. It's fact
Substantiate it then. Simply claiming something is a fact does not make it a fact. keep in mind that Trump is on record on the Ukraine call asking the president to do "us" a favor, which points away from doing a personal favor. "Us" is not personal.
No, this is not a quote that establishes the "personal" contingency. I would like you to do "us" a favor is not personal, since he did not say "me". "Us" is not personal. Do you have a quote of Trump establishing this personal contingency? You are the one who specified "personal" so don't use references to "us".


It looked as if Schiff were to be the Grand Master of Impeachment - and now he has found his master, because "us". Everyone, literally, including Trump's mendacious smear artists and sleazy lawyers overlooked it, because "us" demonstrates that Trump's state of mind was one of complete innocence, and "us" demonstrates that Trump would not personally benefit from the announcement of an investigation into his main political rival, and wouldn't hope to benefit. Genius!

"'Us' is not personal." Because Trump and his campaign isn't "us", Trump and his corrupt henchmen isn't "us", and Trump and the abominable Giuliani isn't "us", and "us" isn't personal.

Say, EvMetro, where did you find that crap? And what made you ... "think", there would be any validity to torturing grammar in order to demonstrate the Dear Leader's splendid innocence?
Even when the president of Ukraine told Trump he was almost ready to buy more Javelin missiles from us, Trump made that contingent upon personal favors to help him with his re-election.

Do you have a quote of Trump establishing this "personal" contingency, or is this just your personal opinion?

Sure... starts with, "I would like you to do us a favor though," and becomes...

    • "I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

    • "The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
No, this is not a quote that establishes the "personal" contingency. I would like you to do "us" a favor is not personal, since he did not say "me". "Us" is not personal. Do you have a quote of Trump establishing this personal contingency? You are the one who specified "personal" so don't use references to "us".
Going after Biden serves him personally.

thats secondary to how it serves the country to expose a corrupt politician,,,
The corrupt politician is Trump and the law says he's not legally allowed to solicit campaign help from a foreign national.
Do you have a quote of Trump establishing this "personal" contingency, or is this just your personal opinion?

Sure... starts with, "I would like you to do us a favor though," and becomes...

    • "I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

    • "The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
No, this is not a quote that establishes the "personal" contingency. I would like you to do "us" a favor is not personal, since he did not say "me". "Us" is not personal. Do you have a quote of Trump establishing this personal contingency? You are the one who specified "personal" so don't use references to "us".
Going after Biden serves him personally.

thats secondary to how it serves the country to expose a corrupt politician,,,
The corrupt politician is Trump and the law says he's not legally allowed to solicit campaign help from a foreign national.

but the law does require him to expose corruption,,,

and as I said many times,, this is about DNC/Ukraine collusion and biden was an after thought because he shot his mouth off
No, this is not a quote that establishes the "personal" contingency. I would like you to do "us" a favor is not personal, since he did not say "me". "Us" is not personal. Do you have a quote of Trump establishing this personal contingency? You are the one who specified "personal" so don't use references to "us".


It looked as if Schiff were to be the Grand Master of Impeachment - and now he has found his master, because "us". Everyone, literally, including Trump's mendacious smear artists and sleazy lawyers overlooked it, because "us" demonstrates that Trump's state of mind was one of complete innocence, and "us" demonstrates that Trump would not personally benefit from the announcement of an investigation into his main political rival, and wouldn't hope to benefit. Genius!

"'Us' is not personal." Because Trump and his campaign isn't "us", Trump and his corrupt henchmen isn't "us", and Trump and the abominable Giuliani isn't "us", and "us" isn't personal.

Say, EvMetro, where did you find that crap? And what made you ... "think", there would be any validity to torturing grammar in order to demonstrate the Dear Leader's splendid innocence?
"Us," as in Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, John Barron, John Miller & David Dennison.

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