Brilliant strategy

Talk about paranoid!

Paranoid? lol The bills have been introduced. Do you think, once the EPA is gone, that big companies will work to keep the water and air clean out of the goodness of their hearts? Do you think they will be honest about what they do with their toxic waste?

They sure did before the EPA, huh?
Do you even know whats in the bills?


1st Session

H. R. 861

To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.

February 3, 2017
Mr. Gaetz (for himself, Mr. Massie, Mr. Palazzo, and Mr. Loudermilk) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committees on Agriculture, Transportation and Infrastructure, and Science, Space, and Technology, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned

To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
SECTION 1. Termination of the Environmental Protection Agency.

The Environmental Protection Agency shall terminate on December 31, 2018"
I doubt they will completely terminate it.
Congressman introduce crazy bills all the time. Like reparations and shit. There is no limit to their stupidity.
I am no fan of Trump. But I have to hand it to him where his strategy is concerned. It is absolutely brilliant.

When he put someone in charge of the Dept of Ed, when her only qualification was that she donated millions to politicians, it was obvious that there was not going to be any pretense that our current administration was not all about assisting the rich and the corporate interests. But it has gone much, much farther.

The outrage and craziness over Trump's cabinet, the travel bans, building the wall, talking about using the military to track down and deport illegal immigrants, and the huge increase in military spending have gained so much attention that the real dangers have gone unnoticed.

While people march in protest and throw hissy fits over the above items, the GOP controlled House has introduced bills to terminate the EPA, terminate the Dept of Ed, repeal the rule protecting wildlife, and written a National Right to Work bill (so much for state's rights here).

Does anyone doubt that these bills were written by ALEC? Or that they are expressly written to help corporations make more with fewer liabilities and problems?

And even if Trump is impeached, the only things that will be rolled back are the funding for the wall, the travel bans, and possibly the increased funding for the military.

The general population will be so proud that they helped defeat the wall, travel bans, using the military to deport immigrants, and stopping the huge increase in military spending. None of that was a real goal of this administration anyway. But the corporations will be free from the burden of being held responsible for polluting the air and water, free from having to worry about a project causing the extinction of some inconsequential animal, free from having to deal with any unions (or state officials who disagree with a Right to Work rule) and free from worrying about a well educated population. I expect OSHA and the Dept of Labor will soon find themselves in the crosshairs.

The result is a disaster. But the strategy is brilliant.

The corporations will be happy. The population will be happy. And the only changes will be negative ones.
HTF do you know the result is a disaster? Did you get that from a CNN crystal ball?
Talk about paranoid!

Paranoid? lol The bills have been introduced. Do you think, once the EPA is gone, that big companies will work to keep the water and air clean out of the goodness of their hearts? Do you think they will be honest about what they do with their toxic waste?

They sure did before the EPA, huh?
Do you even know whats in the bills?


1st Session

H. R. 861

To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.

February 3, 2017
Mr. Gaetz (for himself, Mr. Massie, Mr. Palazzo, and Mr. Loudermilk) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committees on Agriculture, Transportation and Infrastructure, and Science, Space, and Technology, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned

To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
SECTION 1. Termination of the Environmental Protection Agency.

The Environmental Protection Agency shall terminate on December 31, 2018"
I doubt they will completely terminate it.
Congressman introduce crazy bills all the time. Like reparations and shit. There is no limit to their stupidity.

A bill only has any viability once it gets out of committee. Before that, its just a mental exercise on the part of the writer and sponsor of the bill.
Talk about paranoid!

Paranoid? lol The bills have been introduced. Do you think, once the EPA is gone, that big companies will work to keep the water and air clean out of the goodness of their hearts? Do you think they will be honest about what they do with their toxic waste?

They sure did before the EPA, huh?
Yeah, paranoid. The EPA is a wasteful bureaucracy. Laws can be passed without having to have their own department to accompany them.

And prior to the EPA being created, what was the trend in the quality of our air, water or in the dumping of toxic wastes?

And if there are wasteful parts of the EPA, go after them. Change them. Terminating the entire agency is not the answer.
The trend was quite good actually.....we've yet to achieve the innovation of that era under EPAs regressive environmental destruction policies....
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  • #25
Talk about paranoid!

Paranoid? lol The bills have been introduced. Do you think, once the EPA is gone, that big companies will work to keep the water and air clean out of the goodness of their hearts? Do you think they will be honest about what they do with their toxic waste?

They sure did before the EPA, huh?
Yeah, paranoid. The EPA is a wasteful bureaucracy. Laws can be passed without having to have their own department to accompany them.

And prior to the EPA being created, what was the trend in the quality of our air, water or in the dumping of toxic wastes?

And if there are wasteful parts of the EPA, go after them. Change them. Terminating the entire agency is not the answer.

If you guys cared about that, maybe you shouldn't have been abusing the agency.

"You guys"? Are you somehow operating under the mistaken impression that I am, or ever have been, a democrat? Sorry to disappoint you, but everyone who disagrees with you is not some liberal looney tune.

The EPA was setup under Nixon. And for good reason. Research the amount of water pollution, air pollution, and hazardous chemical waste that was floating around prior to that. Look up the sites leaned by the Super Fund. Was there waste? No doubt. Did the agency make a huge impact on the amount of pollution? You betcha.
Talk about paranoid!

Paranoid? lol The bills have been introduced. Do you think, once the EPA is gone, that big companies will work to keep the water and air clean out of the goodness of their hearts? Do you think they will be honest about what they do with their toxic waste?

They sure did before the EPA, huh?
Yeah, paranoid. The EPA is a wasteful bureaucracy. Laws can be passed without having to have their own department to accompany them.

And prior to the EPA being created, what was the trend in the quality of our air, water or in the dumping of toxic wastes?

And if there are wasteful parts of the EPA, go after them. Change them. Terminating the entire agency is not the answer.
Your logic is simplistic. If I tell you to do something you would have done anyway, does that mean you did it because I told you to?
The EPA has to go. The Dept of Ed only serves teacher's unions. So far so good Mr. President.
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  • #28
Talk about paranoid!

Paranoid? lol The bills have been introduced. Do you think, once the EPA is gone, that big companies will work to keep the water and air clean out of the goodness of their hearts? Do you think they will be honest about what they do with their toxic waste?

They sure did before the EPA, huh?
Yeah, paranoid. The EPA is a wasteful bureaucracy. Laws can be passed without having to have their own department to accompany them.

And prior to the EPA being created, what was the trend in the quality of our air, water or in the dumping of toxic wastes?

And if there are wasteful parts of the EPA, go after them. Change them. Terminating the entire agency is not the answer.
The trend was quite good actually.....we've yet to achieve the innovation of that era under EPAs regressive environmental destruction policies....

Good?? LMAO!!!

Tell that to the residents of the Love Canal.
Talk about paranoid!

Paranoid? lol The bills have been introduced. Do you think, once the EPA is gone, that big companies will work to keep the water and air clean out of the goodness of their hearts? Do you think they will be honest about what they do with their toxic waste?

They sure did before the EPA, huh?
Yeah, paranoid. The EPA is a wasteful bureaucracy. Laws can be passed without having to have their own department to accompany them.

And prior to the EPA being created, what was the trend in the quality of our air, water or in the dumping of toxic wastes?

And if there are wasteful parts of the EPA, go after them. Change them. Terminating the entire agency is not the answer.
The trend was quite good actually.....we've yet to achieve the innovation of that era under EPAs regressive environmental destruction policies....

Good?? LMAO!!!

Tell that to the residents of the Love Canal.
The EPA was in existence for 7 years before the problem at Love Canal was uncovered. Another completely useless bureaucratic organization, today with over 15,000 employees.
Talk about paranoid!

Paranoid? lol The bills have been introduced. Do you think, once the EPA is gone, that big companies will work to keep the water and air clean out of the goodness of their hearts? Do you think they will be honest about what they do with their toxic waste?

They sure did before the EPA, huh?
Yeah, paranoid. The EPA is a wasteful bureaucracy. Laws can be passed without having to have their own department to accompany them.

And prior to the EPA being created, what was the trend in the quality of our air, water or in the dumping of toxic wastes?

And if there are wasteful parts of the EPA, go after them. Change them. Terminating the entire agency is not the answer.

If you guys cared about that, maybe you shouldn't have been abusing the agency.

"You guys"? Are you somehow operating under the mistaken impression that I am, or ever have been, a democrat? Sorry to disappoint you, but everyone who disagrees with you is not some liberal looney tune.

The EPA was setup under Nixon. And for good reason. Research the amount of water pollution, air pollution, and hazardous chemical waste that was floating around prior to that. Look up the sites leaned by the Super Fund. Was there waste? No doubt. Did the agency make a huge impact on the amount of pollution? You betcha.

None of that addressed my point from the post that you hit the "reply" button to. Here it is again.

If you guys cared about that, maybe you shouldn't have been abusing the agency.
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  • #31
Paranoid? lol The bills have been introduced. Do you think, once the EPA is gone, that big companies will work to keep the water and air clean out of the goodness of their hearts? Do you think they will be honest about what they do with their toxic waste?

They sure did before the EPA, huh?
Yeah, paranoid. The EPA is a wasteful bureaucracy. Laws can be passed without having to have their own department to accompany them.

And prior to the EPA being created, what was the trend in the quality of our air, water or in the dumping of toxic wastes?

And if there are wasteful parts of the EPA, go after them. Change them. Terminating the entire agency is not the answer.

If you guys cared about that, maybe you shouldn't have been abusing the agency.

"You guys"? Are you somehow operating under the mistaken impression that I am, or ever have been, a democrat? Sorry to disappoint you, but everyone who disagrees with you is not some liberal looney tune.

The EPA was setup under Nixon. And for good reason. Research the amount of water pollution, air pollution, and hazardous chemical waste that was floating around prior to that. Look up the sites leaned by the Super Fund. Was there waste? No doubt. Did the agency make a huge impact on the amount of pollution? You betcha.

None of that addressed my point from the post that you hit the "reply" button to. Here it is again.

If you guys cared about that, maybe you shouldn't have been abusing the agency.

I addressed your accusation that I was somehow part of abusing the situation. That should have been clear.
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  • #32
Paranoid? lol The bills have been introduced. Do you think, once the EPA is gone, that big companies will work to keep the water and air clean out of the goodness of their hearts? Do you think they will be honest about what they do with their toxic waste?

They sure did before the EPA, huh?
Yeah, paranoid. The EPA is a wasteful bureaucracy. Laws can be passed without having to have their own department to accompany them.

And prior to the EPA being created, what was the trend in the quality of our air, water or in the dumping of toxic wastes?

And if there are wasteful parts of the EPA, go after them. Change them. Terminating the entire agency is not the answer.
The trend was quite good actually.....we've yet to achieve the innovation of that era under EPAs regressive environmental destruction policies....

Good?? LMAO!!!

Tell that to the residents of the Love Canal.
The EPA was in existence for 7 years before the problem at Love Canal was uncovered. Another completely useless bureaucratic organization, today with over 15,000 employees.

The existing laws certainly did not do anything to fix the problem.

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