Bring back the draft


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
The House of Representatives is heading in the right direction. Make those lazy youngsters go through boot camp. It's a shame something like this is necessary to make them love America.

---House passes defense bill automatically registering men 18-26 for draft---

Indentured servitude for the military-industrial complex!

The House of Representatives is heading in the right direction. Make those lazy youngsters go through boot camp. It's a shame something like this is necessary to make them love America.

---House passes defense bill automatically registering men 18-26 for draft---

This will be the shortest thread in the history of USMB. The OP doesn't have the stones to argue with his fellow neanderthals.

In all seriousness (for a moment) - my preliminary understanding is that a plurality of Republicans voted against this - but the slim majority allowed Democrats to skew the vote.
Registration is not the draft. It is paperwork, intended to make yoots think they have a vested interest in their country. I doubt that it will happen. Women should also have to sign up. Every woman would make another man available for real soldiering.

What percentage of today's yoots would even be eligible to serve...intellectually, physically, drug free, emotionally? I hesitate even to guess.
Registration is not the draft. It is paperwork, intended to make yoots think they have a vested interest in their country. I doubt that it will happen. Women should also have to sign up. Every woman would make another man available for real soldiering.

What percentage of today's yoots would even be eligible to serve...intellectually, physically, drug free, emotionally? I hesitate even to guess.
Don't care.

We're not chattel property of The State, to be registered, numbered, and stuffed into bureaucrat files.
Well, if you were to look at the topic through an apolitical lens, there is some merit to the idea of a compulsory national service plan. If the kids of those who voted to go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan were on the front lines, perhaps some of those votes would have gone a different way.

What would make more sense is to expand the geometry of the plan. I would seriously doubt that the current crop of splendid volunteer soldiers would feel great about someone who is forced to be there, doesn't want to be there, doesn't take it seriously being next to them in a firefight. In fact, it would likely weaken the unit, lower morale, and result in more deaths. So why not keep that unit--the finest in the world by any measure--intact. Make the offer this: You spend six weeks at an army or navy base learning weapons, basic tactics, terminology (what a platoon, company, battalion, etc... is--I admit I don't know precisely) etc... Get exposed to what gunfire sounds like; wound care, some survival fundamentals.

Would it really hurt that much?

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