Bring back the draft

The House of Representatives is heading in the right direction. Make those lazy youngsters go through boot camp. It's a shame something like this is necessary to make them love America.

---House passes defense bill automatically registering men 18-26 for draft---

You think making them die for cheaper oil will make them love America?

What they need is SKY TV. That'll make them love the country, won't it Rishi?
You think making them die for cheaper oil will make them love America?

What they need is SKY TV. That'll make them love the country, won't it Rishi?
The former Congressman from New York Charles Rangel was more than in favor of bringing back the draft.
There are many Democrats in Congress that would differ with your conclusion. In fact some would go as far as having women register in the Selective Service System.
The former Congressman from New York Charles Rangel was more than in favor of bringing back the draft.
There are many Democrats in Congress that would differ with your conclusion. In fact some would go as far as having women register in the Selective Service System.

Just because they're Democrats, just because they've been in Congress, doesn't mean they're actually in it for the good of the country.

They say stuff they think will make them popular. Things that stupid people find easy to accept.
Registration is not the draft. It is paperwork, intended to make yoots think they have a vested interest in their country. I doubt that it will happen. Women should also have to sign up. Every woman would make another man available for real soldiering.

What percentage of today's yoots would even be eligible to serve...intellectually, physically, drug free, emotionally? I hesitate even to guess.

They can be herded up front and take hits, using up the enemy's ammo. The Soviets used that tactic to great effect in WW II. Don't have to give them weapons or train them, save that for the real troops.
I was drafted during the Vietnam war.
None of us draftees were happy about it.
But many of our fathers and uncles had served in WWll and the Korean war. So we sucked it up and did our two years of service.
I can't imagine that happening today.
I can’t imagine most of the kids today surviving basic training. It would have to be a lot longer than the eight weeks I went through during Vietnam. It would take four weeks just to get them into something resembling decent physical condition with even a modicum of discipline.

I think two years of national service would do modern kids good. Two years away from home, learning discipline, life skills and cooperation with people unlike themselves. They could even have a choice, military, VISTA (something like the depression era CCC) or some kind of auxiliary fire or medical service.
I can’t imagine most of the kids today surviving basic training. It would have to be a lot longer than the eight weeks I went through during Vietnam. It would take four weeks just to get them into something resembling decent physical condition with even a modicum of discipline.

I think two years of national service would do modern kids good. Two years away from home, learning discipline, life skills and cooperation with people unlike themselves. They could even have a choice, military, VISTA (something like the depression era CCC) or some kind of auxiliary fire or medical service.
You're legendary for having stupid opinions and ridiculous ideas. Good to see you've broken that trend with this post.
The House of Representatives is heading in the right direction. Make those lazy youngsters go through boot camp. It's a shame something like this is necessary to make them love America.

---House passes defense bill automatically registering men 18-26 for draft---

must register women as well to be constitutional. but go for it.

\these young men will join the army or the proud boys. i'd rather they die for our country than die as hastages to trump's lies and ego in the dc jail

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