Bring back the draft

At gunpoint, if necessary. :icon_rolleyes:

So much for being the party of “freedom”.

Taking a vaccine was an “assault on your personal freedom”.

But forcing someone into war against their will is their “duty”.

Republicans are still trying and failing to suck and blow at the same time
The House of Representatives is heading in the right direction. Make those lazy youngsters go through boot camp. It's a shame something like this is necessary to make them love America.

---House passes defense bill automatically registering men 18-26 for draft---

Getting registered for the draft is not getting drafted. It is a lot easier to register than go through boot camp. They are already required to register at 18. It is felony to not register.
Getting registered for the draft is not getting drafted. It is a lot easier to register than go through boot camp. They are already required to register at 18. It is felony to not register.
The only thing this new law will do is allow 18 y/o guys to be registered without having to go there in person.
That's all folks!
The party that didn't want to be mandated to get a vaccine, is now mandating 2 years of involuntary military service?

This oughtta be good.

Work on reading comprehension. Yours sucks rocks, as usual.

If you tried to draft people today there would be protests and riots in the streets.

As there should be-ideally, culminating in the ones responsible being dragged to the nearest trees and strung up!

Honorable service to the Republic... with everybody doing their fair share and everybody sharing the risks in our defense.

There are a lot of bad guys out there and defending ourselves on a global scale sometimes requires more than volunteers.

Yes, it's so important that you will use slaves!

Hell fucking no.
I can’t imagine most of the kids today surviving basic training. It would have to be a lot longer than the eight weeks I went through during Vietnam. It would take four weeks just to get them into something resembling decent physical condition with even a modicum of discipline.

I think two years of national service would do modern kids good. Two years away from home, learning discipline, life skills and cooperation with people unlike themselves. They could even have a choice, military, VISTA (something like the depression era CCC) or some kind of auxiliary fire or medical service.

So, you want a return to slavery.

Putin wants WWIII. Biden is trying to stop him. Of course YOU support Putin, so YOU want Biden gone.

You need your medication adjusted.

So much for being the party of “freedom”.

Taking a vaccine was an “assault on your personal freedom”.

But forcing someone into war against their will is their “duty”.

Republicans are still trying and failing to suck and blow at the same time

No, that's wrong. The ONLY thing this does is eliminate the need to fill out and mail a Selective Service card at age 18.
Yes, it's so important that you will use slaves!

Hell fucking no.
Same as it ever was........Between 17 and 45, most all guys could be draft fodder.

The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and

(2)the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

So much for being the party of “freedom”.

Taking a vaccine was an “assault on your personal freedom”.

But forcing someone into war against their will is their “duty”.

Republicans are still trying and failing to suck and blow at the same time
What the actual fuck are you blabbering about?....I'm foursquare against the draft.
Putin wants WWIII. Biden is trying to stop him. Of course YOU support Putin, so YOU want Biden gone.
So, you want a return to slavery.

You need your medication adjusted.

No, that's wrong. The ONLY thing this does is eliminate the need to fill out and mail a Selective Service card at age 18.

The only medication I take is for my allergies. The poster I was responding to has openly called Putin a "great leader" praising his policies regarding gays, and Muslims.

Sure, that's all it does. What's the point of having everyone register if you're not going to be drafting them, and you're not planning for war.

And Republicans aren't going to ban abortion nationwide, and then go after birth control.
Sure, that's all it does. What's the point of having everyone register if you're not going to be drafting them, and you're not planning for war.

I feel like I'm trying to explain this to a mental patient: everyone is ALREADY REQUIRED to register, and has been for fifty years!
Lol, no Biden wants a war. If Trump was president there would be no war. Trump will end it next year.

If Trump was President, Putin would be invading Poland by now. If Trump is President, there will be a war, because Trump will do NOTHING to stop him. Trump will simply hand the Ukraine over to Russia.

Trump has already said he'll pull out of NATO, and he openly encouraged Putin to invade Europe saying he wouldn't defend NATO allies. "Putin can do whatever he wants".

Trump will GUARANTEE that there will be another war in Europe. China can have Taiwan.
I feel like I'm trying to explain this to a mental patient: everyone is ALREADY REQUIRED to register, and has been for fifty years!

I realize that, but that's not what is being discussed here by the posters, and that seems to be going right over your head. These right wingers, who are all about "personal freedom" are saying that the draft SHOULD be brought back.

I'm responding to posts saying the USA SHOULD go back to the draft. TALK ABOUT TALKING TO MENTAL PATIENT.
If Trump was President, Putin would be invading Poland by now. If Trump is President, there will be a war, because Trump will do NOTHING to stop him. Trump will simply hand the Ukraine over to Russia.

Trump has already said he'll pull out of NATO, and he openly encouraged Putin to invade Europe saying he wouldn't defend NATO allies. "Putin can do whatever he wants".

Trump will GUARANTEE that there will be another war in Europe. China can have Taiwan.
You're an idiot. You do realize that Biden personally went to the floor of the house and pleaded to get approval for Putin's pipeline? The only president in history to do so. That gave Putin the money to fund his war. Even Obama wouldn't give Putin that. So yes Biden wanted this war, oh and Hunter recieved 2 million dollars from russia. Trump had Putin under control, Biden screwed it up, like everything else he does.

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