Britain's Newspapers Prepare Citizens for Nuclear War

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Two of the biggest newspapers in Britain are urging their citizens to locate their nearest nuclear bunker indicating that they suspect a possible nuclear war is on the horizon. Threats from NK leader are creating a wave of panic.

Britain’s Two Biggest Newspapers Urge Citizens to Locate Their Nearest Nuclear Bunker
With tensions between the United States and North Korea once again on the rise, Britain’s two biggest newspapers are warning citizens in the UK how to prepare for nuclear war.

The Metro and the Sun both published feature length articles today advising the public on what measures to take in the event of “World War III”.

The Sun notes that, “The UK Government is now working on a new alert system to prepare Brits for the horror of a nuclear war,” before advising Brits to build an emergency supply kit and find out where their nearest nuclear fallout shelter is located.

The article also advises people what to do during and after a nuclear blast and how to avoid nuclear fallout.

The Metro article points to Department of Homeland Security guidelines on “how to react in a nuclear strike,” adding, “It might be worth familiarising yourself with it.”
Idiocy that Trump drew a big red line in the sand that left him no choices.

Hopefully, the two spoiled children won't get their nice little war (that would kill millions of innocent people) and cooler heads will prevail.

There is no way to "prepare" for nuclear war.
Idiocy that Trump drew a big red line in the sand that left him no choices.

Hopefully, the two spoiled children won't get their nice little war (that would kill millions of innocent people) and cooler heads will prevail.

There is no way to "prepare" for nuclear war.
sure there crawl under the nearest desk....
"Metro" is a freebie most often found abandoned on the seats of tube trains.

"The Sun" is not read. Only the Page 3 nudes are oogled before the copies are dropped on the floor.

No survey; just observation which I'm sure Tainted Tommy would confirm were he ever allowed into London.
UK is watching NK because US is eyeing SK and JP as DZ's? RU and CH are PO'd at US for Ur and Pl as well? Un in NK is PO'd because M&M's not UPS'd to NK.

This is an abbreviated observation of course.
Two of the biggest newspapers in Britain are urging their citizens to locate their nearest nuclear bunker indicating that they suspect a possible nuclear war is on the horizon. Threats from NK leader are creating a wave of panic.

Britain’s Two Biggest Newspapers Urge Citizens to Locate Their Nearest Nuclear Bunker
With tensions between the United States and North Korea once again on the rise, Britain’s two biggest newspapers are warning citizens in the UK how to prepare for nuclear war.

The Metro and the Sun both published feature length articles today advising the public on what measures to take in the event of “World War III”.

The Sun notes that, “The UK Government is now working on a new alert system to prepare Brits for the horror of a nuclear war,” before advising Brits to build an emergency supply kit and find out where their nearest nuclear fallout shelter is located.

The article also advises people what to do during and after a nuclear blast and how to avoid nuclear fallout.

The Metro article points to Department of Homeland Security guidelines on “how to react in a nuclear strike,” adding, “It might be worth familiarising yourself with it.”

already posted this. LOL
Sorry about that Mindwars.

Oh it's ok, at least the information gets out there , besides more ppl see your post and comment more since you are much better at not going off on them bahahah.

It's not like i've done it before , you know how it goes sometimes an article ends up on page 2 or 3 and we don't see it.
Two of the biggest newspapers in Britain are urging their citizens to locate their nearest nuclear bunker indicating that they suspect a possible nuclear war is on the horizon. Threats from NK leader are creating a wave of panic.

Britain’s Two Biggest Newspapers Urge Citizens to Locate Their Nearest Nuclear Bunker
With tensions between the United States and North Korea once again on the rise, Britain’s two biggest newspapers are warning citizens in the UK how to prepare for nuclear war.

The Metro and the Sun both published feature length articles today advising the public on what measures to take in the event of “World War III”.

The Sun notes that, “The UK Government is now working on a new alert system to prepare Brits for the horror of a nuclear war,” before advising Brits to build an emergency supply kit and find out where their nearest nuclear fallout shelter is located.

The article also advises people what to do during and after a nuclear blast and how to avoid nuclear fallout.

The Metro article points to Department of Homeland Security guidelines on “how to react in a nuclear strike,” adding, “It might be worth familiarising yourself with it.”

While others panic, I'll be investing in stocks for duct tape and plastic sheeting companies.

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