Britain's Suicide Note[/


Nov 9, 2013
Britain's Suicide Note

Friday, 22 January 2010

This appeared in my email inbox this morning. It puts our position Vis-à-vis the EU succinctly.

Printed and Published by James Carver, Mill House, Nayland, Suffolk, CO6 4HU 01.01.10

Britain is to cease to exist as an independent nation and this has come about on a voluntary basis.
In other words, we, as a nation, are effectively committing suicide.


Can We Leave The European Union? Yes We Can !

Under the British Constitution no Parliament can bind its successors, so a new Parliament can quickly overturn all the EU treaties signed to date and repeal the European Communities Act 1972, which gave Parliamentary approval for joining the then EEC.

The Lisbon Treaty, for the first time, defines a mechanism for withdrawal in Article 50.2
However the terms would be set by the EU to make things as difficult as possible for the applicant state.

The likely arrangements for leaving would be:

1. The UK Parliament would rescind all previous EU treaties under the basic rule of our Constitution that "No Parliament Can Bind Its Successors."
2. Parliament would therefore repeal the European Communities Act 1972, and all subsequent EU legislation, thereby returning to the people the power to appoint our government.
3. Having repealed the European Communities Act of 1972, the British Government, being sovereign, would inform the European Commission that Britain is leaving the EU immediately and would, henceforth, no longer be subject to any EU Directives, or Regulations.
This action would no doubt cause considerable fury, and dire threats, from the European Commission but it could do nothing about it as Britain would no longer be a member.
Any action such as imposing trade tariffs would be illegal under World Trade Organisation ( WTO ) guidelines.
4. Having officially left the European Union, Parliament could at last govern this country as it was elected to do. Probably its first task would be to negotiate a trade deal with the EU from a position of strength and independence.
5. Parliament's next task would be to unravel all the unnecessary directives, and regulations, from the 120,000 laws imposed on us by the European Commission.
This would release an enormous amount of energy, and enterprise, that is stifled by current legislation. It would get Britain going again, and allow considerable cuts in red tape on businesses and lower taxes for citizens and businesses alike.

The Australian League of Rights LINK


This one was a bit dated but has resufaced.

Contray to opinions of some, the British people have never given up with fight on-going. I, for one, have far from given up. The number of headlines coming out of Britain should support my views, and note there was a time when even UKIP did not get a mention in press. Now there is hardly a day that goes past where uKIP does not get a mention, and the same goes for back bench Tory MPs fighting for in/out EU referendum. The fight to get to where we are today took years, and is far from over.

We, the British people, intend to regain control of our own Parliament, and exercise our right to govern ourselves.

Another area Britain is working on is regaining and strengthening Commonwealth ties and trade. Note the Commonwealth possesses twice the members of EU and four times its population.
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The EU TRADING BLOCK is a really good idea.
Capitalism can thrive, creating jobs for the masses.

The European union as a political entity is a pile of total crud and Britain should have no part of it.
No vote, no referendum, no say.
It's a fucking dictatorship.

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