Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

I don't take advice from racists especially for things that are totally unnecessary.
You’ve been warned repeatedly that we are in Zone 1, and your false ans inflammatory attacks are against the rules.

And you are so intent on “proving” me racist that you even said I am am a racist for criticizing the pro-Palestinians screaming “Death to Jews!“

According to your deluded thinking, I am a racisr because I have said bad things about Hitler.
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Well what those like YOU need to learn is that reparations would be paid out of taxes already paid. Whites have recieved at least 8 handouts from the government that blacks helped pay for but did not get to use. So your opposition to reparations is not about equal protectiion, it is about the racist belief that we should be happy whitey brought us here from Africa.

And please don't try using the woman card again. White women were the number 1 beneficiary of Affirmative action.
You sure are twisting into a pretzel to convince whites that the cost of reparations would not be in their backs.

So it’s paid out of taxes already paid? So what? Those taxes could have gone to something valid, and now whites will have to kick in MORE taxes to pay for what the “already-paid taxes” went to,
That sounds like the EEOC paid her to go away. If she had a case, she would have gone to trial and got millions from the EEOC, she certainly wouldn’t have settled out of court.

In the two cases I personally knew of, in which less qualified blacks were promoted over the better qualified whites - based on skin color - the two whites won their cases, were put into the higher-level jobs they deserved, and the blacks promoted due to racism were sent back to the lower-level jobs. The cases both went on for about two years, and the whites were awarded the differential in pay as well.
It's constitutional for descendants of American slaves.

If you're a descendant of an American slave, then it's constitutional to repair the harm done to them and their descendants.
/---/ Any Black can say they are descended from slaves. How do you prove it? How about those who are only partially Black, say 10%? What about other races held in slavery?
Sheesh .. Blacks have been under the boot of the Democrat Party since the Democrat Party was founded.

The reparations scheme is just the latest farce under-educated and simp witted blacks are falling for.

Over 200 years and Black are still owned by the empty (throw them a bone) Democrat Party.. it’s pathetic but the race pimps are doing just fine, beloved heroes if fact.. 🤔
Really? Even if the "price of admissions" means thousands of tax dollars out of YOUR pocket?
Wouldn't be out of my pocket. It will be out of the pockets of rich people, as it should be.
There are at least 3 problems with the concept of paying "reparations" to Black Americans who were unaffected by slavery:

1. Paying reparations to individuals not affected by slavery is on it's face absurd.

Except every black person in this country is STILL affected by slavery. It's a stain that won't scrub clean.

2. How would you even determine which Black individuals were eligible? Ex. Should Kamala Harris, Jamaican descendant of slave owners, receive reparations?

I would say any non-immigrant black would qualify, which would exclude Harris and Obama, if that makes you happy.

3. Anyone who challenges the validity of reparations is immediately labeled a racist which is total nonsense and un-American.

Yet the people who scream loudest about it like you, Hector and Lisa are racists.
The Jews who survived the Holocaust got a few hundred a month, just to establish a benchmark.

Well, that and they got Palestine, which they didn't deserve.

Apparently, if a Jew criticizes the pro-Palestinians and thugs who screaming they want to kill Jews, the Jew is the racist one.

Pretty much. Zionism is another form of racism, full stop.
I am quite sure no one living in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government made the Fort Laramie treaty with the Sioux Nation or were participants in Custers violation of that treaty. Nor were they alive when President Grant decided it was OK to let settlers and people prospecting for gold tresspass into land promised to the Sioux thereby violating the treaty. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to take the land from the Sioux by military force. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to cut off supplies they promised the Sioux as condition for their surrender after whipping the U.S. Army at The Battle of Little Bighorn. But in 1980, the government of the United States decided reparations were due to the Sioux Nation for what was done to them in the 1800’s. They awarded the Sioux nation 105 million dollars.

105 Million dollars is hardly worth the value of the land that was taken from them. The key point is, something was taken from them.

Former slaves were given their freedom. They were given decades of social welfare through the Great Society programs. There is a point where you say, "enough", especially when it can be argued that government spending is actually doing more harm than good.

So let's say, for argument, we give every black person $100,000 in reparations. Most of them haven't learned the skills you need to manage money. So after they wasted all that money on Hi-tops and gold teeth, then what? Do they come back for more reparations?

What we need are job programs, not reparations. We need to replace welfare with workfare.
So what? By every objective, measurable criterion whites tend to be more intelligent than blacks. Women are usually less motivated to succeed because women prefer successful men, but men do not prefer successful women.

Ah, this explains why you are single. (That and you say creepy things like, "I prefer Oriental women," which usually causes most Asian women to run screaming in a serpentine pattern.)

The disparity in test scores can be explained by a disparity in resources dedicated to education. Shit, I'll admit I benefited from white privilege. I went to fairly elite Catholic schools, where I never even saw a black person until High School. Fun fact. The Valedictorian of my class was a Filipino, and the Salutadictorian was a black guy. So much for your racist garbage.

Requiring job applicants to pass mental aptitude tests are said to have "desperate impact" impacts, because whites and Orientals tend to perform better than Negroes. The aptitude tests accurate predict performance levels.

I've been working in the civilian world for 32 years after leaving the Army in 1992. I've never been given a 'mental aptitude test", not once. (I did have a lady who gave me a Rorschach test once. At that point, I realized I didn't want to work for those people and described images as "Someone getting his head blown off" and equally lurid descriptions. For some reason, I didn't get the job!)

The reason why companies don't give these kinds of tests is they are a waste of time. Especially now that we have a labor shortage.

Here's the ugly truth about hiring. 1) All the resume process does is determine who hired the best resume writer. 2) All the interview process does is prove who is best at answering questions. There are so many factors that go into success and failure in a job, and intelligence is at best a minor one. I've worked for some real fucking idiots who got the job because they were related to the boss, drinking buddies with the boss, or sleeping with the boss.

Blacks have higher poverty rates than whites because they have lower IQ averages. They have higher incarceration rates than whites because they have higher crime rates.
Blacks have higher poverty rate because of 400 years of institutionalized racism Anti-Black racism is written into the DNA of this country since the first black person was brought over as a slave in 1619.
Come on Mariyam, exactly how much do white people owe you in reparations? And what is your justification for that number?
A lot of numbers and ways of determine it have been thrown around including whether it should be cash, programs etc. When it was done by Germany, for the Jews and the US for Japanese American survivors of internment, the cash amount was a token amount, intended to reflect a sincere intent and apology by the government, rather than the actual costs of the harm done which could, in some cases be incalculable.

Also…how do you quantify non-material damages? For example, the GI bill was credited with creating the greatest expansion of the middle class in America ever. It provided free college and cheap home loans boosting the rate of home ownership (and generational wealth) exponentially. For White veterans. For Black veterans, returning to a segregated America, those benefits didn’t exist. White owned banks still wouldn’t provide a mortgage, housing was still redlined forcing them to buy homes in poorer districts worth less, many universities still wouldn’t accept Blacks.
institutional racism and white privileged are just liberal buzzwords that cannot be demonstrated in any meaningful way because they are not a reflection of reality.

The idea that blacks are still suffering the effects of slavery is just the soft bigotry of lower expectations.

None of these things will ever be resolved because they do not reflect reality. The grievance class is a social parasite that will never be satisfied. If we give these cry babies reparations, the next generation will claim to have suffered even worse and demand twice as much.
What a repulsive thing to say about the men who gave their lives to end slavery. Guess those poor rubes died for nothing. Your emancipated ancestors would be ashamed of your lack of gratitud.
Reality check: those “poor rubes” also enslaved them…and then allowed legal discrimination to be put into law to ensure that the culture that supported slavery continued. Gratitude is a messy demand here, perhaps it should be dropped from the argument?
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You sure are twisting into a pretzel to convince whites that the cost of reparations would not be in their backs.

So it’s paid out of taxes already paid? So what? Those taxes could have gone to something valid, and now whites will have to kick in MORE taxes to pay for what the “already-paid taxes” went to,
What constitutes “valid”?
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For White veterans. For Black veterans, returning to a segregated America, those benefits didn’t exist. White owned banks still wouldn’t provide a mortgage, housing was still redlined forcing them to buy homes in poorer districts worth less, many universities still wouldn’t accept Blacks.

Yeah, 70 years ago. The scale has titled in the opposite direction now. Now colleges bend over backwards to recruit and subsidize black applicants. Corporate America spends billions on DEI and hires applicants who will bolster their “diversity”. Being black is an advantage to your success in America today. Even our VP was chosen not on their merit but the foremost criteria was that they be black.
Reality check: those “poor rubes” also enslaved them…and then allowed legal discrimination to be put into law to ensure that the culture that supported slavery continued. Gratitude is a messy demand here, perhaps it should be dropped from the argument?
Nope. Stop stereotyping white people based on the color of their skin. Those poor rubes never enslaved anyone. They gave their lives to end slavery. But today bigots call them oppressors.
Blacks have higher poverty rate because of 400 years of institutionalized racism Anti-Black racism is written into the DNA of this country since the first black person was brought over as a slave in 1619.
Baloney. There is no where in the world were blacks are better off. Yet, somehow they are being “held back” here. The only people holding blacks back are the people who promote ideas like racism being written into the DNA of this country.
Nope. Stop stereotyping white people based on the color of their skin. Those poor rubes never enslaved anyone. They gave their lives to end slavery. But today bigots call them oppressors.
As a group, you are insisting Blacks should be grateful to Whites, as a group. Yet Whites also perpetrated and benefitted from slavery and then imposed or allowed the imposition of Jim Crowe.

If you categorize Blacks as a group…why not Whites then?
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I have deleted personal attacks from members on both sides of this conversation.

I understand this can be a heated debate, please, do not make this personal.

I am not going to do this again, it will just be moved to the Bad Lands if I am requested back
As a group, you are insisting Blacks should be grateful to Whites, as a group. Yet Whites also perpetrated and benefitted from slavery and then imposed or allowed the imposition of Jim Crowe.

If you categorize Blacks as a group…why not Whites then?
Speakimg for myself, I said that the blacks in Dad’s college and Mom’s college, back in the 1940s and 1950s, all of whom received a free education paid for by the government, should be grateful to AMERICA for providing that life-changing opportunity.

And I don’t state that as a DEMAND. I state it as an EXPECTATION. I fully expect blacks in the 40s and 50s who got a free college education, courtesy of America’s taxpayers, are indeed grateful for that.

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