BRUTAL! New Trump Campaign Ad ‘Joe Biden is Giving You the Finger’ (Video)

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
If this doesn't light a fire under your rear end to get out and vote for Trump, nothing will. This ad is catastrophic to the Usurper. There's zero damage control the Biden team can do to counter this ad.

If this doesn't light a fire under your rear end to get out and vote for Trump, nothing will. This ad is catastrophic to the Usurper. There's zero damage control the Biden team can do to counter this ad.

This just proves the posters at this site that hate trump are paid shills for the Demonrats and they hate America.
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If this doesn't light a fire under your rear end to get out and vote for Trump, nothing will. This ad is catastrophic to the Usurper. There's zero damage control the Biden team can do to counter this ad.

Biden will allow anything to happen, to bring illegal aliens into the country. He sees their VOTES as the only way he can win in 2024. He cares about nothing else.
This will be repeated and over again in ads. There are even many interviews with black Americans who are fed up, I anticipate some of those clips making it to attacks ads. I heard one black woman on MSNBC just let it rip, the reporter tried to end the segment fast but this lady basically told MSNBC "Green Party, Independents, GOP, come to Chicago because our vote is available".

I was shocked and the comments stated the same that they were surprised MSNBC let her finish her sentence.
This will be repeated and over again in ads. There are even many interviews with black Americans who are fed up, I anticipate some of those clips making it to attacks ads. I heard one black woman on MSNBC just let it rip, the reporter tried to end the segment fast but this lady basically told MSNBC "Green Party, Independents, GOP, come to Chicago because our vote is available".

I was shocked and the comments stated the same that they were surprised MSNBC let her finish her sentence.
Being "black" is now associated with being "democrat".

Being "democrat" is now associated with all kinds of sick shit. Like sex changes for children.

If I was a black American, I'd sport a maga hat
You have a great point.
Thank god trump got elected and foiled the plans of the deep state,the plan was for hitlery to get elected and the lockdowns would last for five years which would destroy the livlihoods of almost every American and the ones it did not would have to conform to getting the vaccine to get’s been going around they will try another lockdown this year before the election again.if this happens again at some point patrotic policemen are going to have to get off thier asses and arrest their superiors as well as the politicians in Washington.
If this doesn't light a fire under your rear end to get out and vote for Trump, nothing will. This ad is catastrophic to the Usurper. There's zero damage control the Biden team can do to counter this ad.

Biden hates Americans? Biden puts Americans last? Biden wants Americans poor and dependent on government? Yup, Yup, Yup. The truth hurts and Biden is on the wrong side of everything. MAGA
If this doesn't light a fire under your rear end to get out and vote for Trump, nothing will. This ad is catastrophic to the Usurper. There's zero damage control the Biden team can do to counter this ad.

This morning.

He took it a step further on Sunday, suggesting casting a vote for him would be worth dying for.

"You can't sit home," Trump said. "If you're sick as a dog, you say 'Darling, I gotta make it.' Even if you vote and then pass away, it's worth it."
He took it a step further on Sunday, suggesting casting a vote for him would be worth dying for.

"You can't sit home," Trump said. "If you're sick as a dog, you say 'Darling, I gotta make it.' Even if you vote and then pass away, it's worth it."
He’s right…there is no excuse to not vote this year, unless you’re a prog dem…
Being "black" is now associated with being "democrat".

Being "democrat" is now associated with all kinds of sick shit. Like sex changes for children.

If I was a black American, I'd sport a maga hat
You’d be beaten up by intolerant leftist blacks.
He took it a step further on Sunday, suggesting casting a vote for him would be worth dying for.

"You can't sit home," Trump said. "If you're sick as a dog, you say 'Darling, I gotta make it.' Even if you vote and then pass away, it's worth it."
And none of that will make one iota of a difference in the outcome of the election.

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