Bubonic Plague to Hit California

That open border and 3rd worldism sure keeps on giving in California.

"Talk show host/doctor Drew Pinsky, who predicted the current typhus outbreak infecting Los Angeles residents is now warning bubonic plague could soon sweep through Los Angeles and push out into the rest of the country.

Pinsky was been taking to the airways trying to alert the public to the incredible danger politicians have allowed to let grow out of control on the streets of Los Angeles where homeless encampments, human feces, and hundreds of thousands of tons of garbage now litter the streets."

California Doctors warn Bubonic Plague could hit Los Angeles after Typhus Outbreaks
Dr. Drew Pinsky: Entire Population of California Could Fall Victim To Bubonic Plague Due To Homelessness

Build that wall, deport the illegals and end the 1965 invasion act. That's how to defeat the black plague and make America great again.
This comes to mind when I see a epidemic on the border, and the demonrats doing nothing to stem the tide. In Californication, there are several international airports that if the plague did enter the country could be spread worldwide in hours. If you dont think it can affect you, you have another thing coming. The liberal elites dont give a "proverbial" rats ass about you.

NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
Plans are underway now, implemented by the New World Order Elite, to depopulate the planet's 6-7 billion people to a manageable level of between 500 million and 2 billion.
There are many means and methods of depopulation that are being employed today, the 3 primary of which include; unsustainable/exploitative international development, which leads to massive hunger, starvation and famine worldwide (at least 40 million deaths annually), the fomentation of war, hatred and military procurements throughout the nations leading to millions of deaths worldwide, and finially, the creation and spread of infectious diseases leading to global pandemic, plague and pestilence on an unprecedented scale.

What is funny is the floodidcrap will die before California does.
So you are saying that because there is only water mostly surrounding Floor E Da, that the disease would enter it before it does at the porous border of Californication?
Well, there have been cases of the plague here in the US, but they weren't caused by immigrants....................

Bubonic Plague Still Kills Thousands

In the United States during that time period, 56 people contracted the plague and seven died. The cases occurred mainly because plague has become endemic in squirrels and wild rodents in the American West. Two of the fatalities were scientists: one who had conducted an autopsy on a wild mountain lion, and another who worked with plague bacteria in the lab.
Specifically, we are not talking about the plague in the context of immigrants. It's not clear that the mere photographs of the problem are enough to convey the enormity of the seminal cause of a plague vector.

It's not immigrants except as they add to the number of homeless or as they add to the number of people dumping household, business or restaurant garbage in the streets. Last year we only had homeless. This year we have homeless and huge garbage piles. The garbage is relatively new. Are people dumping in the streets because they are immigrants who don't have a concept of trash collection or because they can't or won't pay for trash collection?

All of this trash, rotting food, garbage, feces and dead animals has attracted legions of rats. The rats carry untold billions of fleas and that is where disease is developed.

We had typhus and got assurances that it was nothing to worry about. Any complaints was at least borderline racist. Then typhoid fever closed city hall. Liberals address bubonic plague by saying it is nothing more than a mild cold easily cleared up with antibiotics.
Hmm, sitting here trying to think of the negative consequences of most of the population of California being killed by disease..........oh..got one- most of their politicians will be in DC and thus be spared. So there is one drawback.
Well, there have been cases of the plague here in the US, but they weren't caused by immigrants....................

Bubonic Plague Still Kills Thousands

In the United States during that time period, 56 people contracted the plague and seven died. The cases occurred mainly because plague has become endemic in squirrels and wild rodents in the American West. Two of the fatalities were scientists: one who had conducted an autopsy on a wild mountain lion, and another who worked with plague bacteria in the lab.
Specifically, we are not talking about the plague in the context of immigrants. It's not clear that the mere photographs of the problem are enough to convey the enormity of the seminal cause of a plague vector.

It's not immigrants except as they add to the number of homeless or as they add to the number of people dumping household, business or restaurant garbage in the streets. Last year we only had homeless. This year we have homeless and huge garbage piles. The garbage is relatively new. Are people dumping in the streets because they are immigrants who don't have a concept of trash collection or because they can't or won't pay for trash collection?

All of this trash, rotting food, garbage, feces and dead animals has attracted legions of rats. The rats carry untold billions of fleas and that is where disease is developed.

We had typhus and got assurances that it was nothing to worry about. Any complaints was at least borderline racist. Then typhoid fever closed city hall. Liberals address bubonic plague by saying it is nothing more than a mild cold easily cleared up with antibiotics.
I read a book by Tom Clancy that talked about a super disease, totally immune to our antibiotics, if the new strains of diseases end up with others, we could see such a plague. At the end of the book only about 500,000 people were left in the US of A. Those that had a trade were most valuable, those that weren't ended up in gangs, and they didnt last long.
That open border and 3rd worldism sure keeps on giving in California.

That attitude is a serious problem when it comes to martial law.

homeless encampments, human feces, and hundreds of thousands of tons of garbage now litter the streets

Marijuana is legal, drug use is encouraged if not required under some High California mental health court order, guns are banned, and people are shitlisted for life without recourse on National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) — FBI.

Oh. The Silicon Valley tech cartel is not hiring. The unemployed need not apply.
That open border and 3rd worldism sure keeps on giving in California.

"Talk show host/doctor Drew Pinsky, who predicted the current typhus outbreak infecting Los Angeles residents is now warning bubonic plague could soon sweep through Los Angeles and push out into the rest of the country.

Pinsky was been taking to the airways trying to alert the public to the incredible danger politicians have allowed to let grow out of control on the streets of Los Angeles where homeless encampments, human feces, and hundreds of thousands of tons of garbage now litter the streets."

California Doctors warn Bubonic Plague could hit Los Angeles after Typhus Outbreaks
Dr. Drew Pinsky: Entire Population of California Could Fall Victim To Bubonic Plague Due To Homelessness

Build that wall, deport the illegals and end the 1965 invasion act. That's how to defeat the black plague and make America great again.
This comes to mind when I see a epidemic on the border, and the demonrats doing nothing to stem the tide. In Californication, there are several international airports that if the plague did enter the country could be spread worldwide in hours. If you dont think it can affect you, you have another thing coming. The liberal elites dont give a "proverbial" rats ass about you.

NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
Plans are underway now, implemented by the New World Order Elite, to depopulate the planet's 6-7 billion people to a manageable level of between 500 million and 2 billion.
There are many means and methods of depopulation that are being employed today, the 3 primary of which include; unsustainable/exploitative international development, which leads to massive hunger, starvation and famine worldwide (at least 40 million deaths annually), the fomentation of war, hatred and military procurements throughout the nations leading to millions of deaths worldwide, and finially, the creation and spread of infectious diseases leading to global pandemic, plague and pestilence on an unprecedented scale.

What is funny is the floodidcrap will die before California does.
So you are saying that because there is only water mostly surrounding Floor E Da, that the disease would enter it before it does at the porous border of Californication?
No. I am saying floodidcrap is a better shithole of disease to fester. Republicans are the majority in that crappy place so not much to overcome to spread disease.
That open border and 3rd worldism sure keeps on giving in California.

That attitude is a serious problem when it comes to martial law.

homeless encampments, human feces, and hundreds of thousands of tons of garbage now litter the streets

Marijuana is legal, drug use is encouraged if not required under some High California mental health court order, guns are banned, and people are shitlisted for life without recourse on National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) — FBI.

Oh. The Silicon Valley tech cartel is not hiring. The unemployed need not apply.
San Jose is where the work is!!!
Hmm, sitting here trying to think of the negative consequences of most of the population of California being killed by disease..........oh..got one- most of their politicians will be in DC and thus be spared. So there is one drawback.
You have no idea of the value of Californians to you.
Hmm, sitting here trying to think of the negative consequences of most of the population of California being killed by disease..........oh..got one- most of their politicians will be in DC and thus be spared. So there is one drawback.
You have no idea of the value of Californians to you.

They do put illegals over their citizens, don't they?
That open border and 3rd worldism sure keeps on giving in California.

"Talk show host/doctor Drew Pinsky, who predicted the current typhus outbreak infecting Los Angeles residents is now warning bubonic plague could soon sweep through Los Angeles and push out into the rest of the country.

Pinsky was been taking to the airways trying to alert the public to the incredible danger politicians have allowed to let grow out of control on the streets of Los Angeles where homeless encampments, human feces, and hundreds of thousands of tons of garbage now litter the streets."

California Doctors warn Bubonic Plague could hit Los Angeles after Typhus Outbreaks
Dr. Drew Pinsky: Entire Population of California Could Fall Victim To Bubonic Plague Due To Homelessness

Build that wall, deport the illegals and end the 1965 invasion act. That's how to defeat the black plague and make America great again.
This comes to mind when I see a epidemic on the border, and the demonrats doing nothing to stem the tide. In Californication, there are several international airports that if the plague did enter the country could be spread worldwide in hours. If you dont think it can affect you, you have another thing coming. The liberal elites dont give a "proverbial" rats ass about you.

NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
Plans are underway now, implemented by the New World Order Elite, to depopulate the planet's 6-7 billion people to a manageable level of between 500 million and 2 billion.
There are many means and methods of depopulation that are being employed today, the 3 primary of which include; unsustainable/exploitative international development, which leads to massive hunger, starvation and famine worldwide (at least 40 million deaths annually), the fomentation of war, hatred and military procurements throughout the nations leading to millions of deaths worldwide, and finially, the creation and spread of infectious diseases leading to global pandemic, plague and pestilence on an unprecedented scale.

What is funny is the floodidcrap will die before California does.
So you are saying that because there is only water mostly surrounding Floor E Da, that the disease would enter it before it does at the porous border of Californication?
No. I am saying floodidcrap is a better shithole of disease to fester. Republicans are the majority in that crappy place so not much to overcome to spread disease.
Bwaaaaahhhaaaaaa. Yeah we have some inner cities that are run by liberals, and yes, there are some people living on the streets, but they arent shitting on the streets and rats arent in abundance, nor illegals since this "isnt" a sanctuary state.
Again....................for those of you who didn't read post 15 about the cases of plague that have resulted in death here in the USA.....................

Well, there have been cases of the plague here in the US, but they weren't caused by immigrants....................

Bubonic Plague Still Kills Thousands

In the United States during that time period, 56 people contracted the plague and seven died. The cases occurred mainly because plague has become endemic in squirrels and wild rodents in the American West. Two of the fatalities were scientists: one who had conducted an autopsy on a wild mountain lion, and another who worked with plague bacteria in the lab.

Not only has it infected rats, but it has also managed to cross over to squirrels. And, two of the fatalities were scientists, one working in a lab, and one doing an autopsy on a MOUNTAIN LION, not a rat.
I was down a month with a case of hantavirus last January....pest inspection of a workshed full of ground squirrel droppings....I was sleeping 12 hours a day...believe me, a homeless person doesn't make it through that.
You should see Nevada now. California & south of the border have spilled into our State, and we're beginning to resemble the Zombie apocalypse of disrespect, diversity, laziness and poor. Fair chance I'll be moving to a small town, they've ruined the place I've lived since 1972.
LA is closing in on recalling the mayor over this homeless issue....CA has a good chance of turning red over this problem and the free stuff for illegals.....
California turning red? Loooool. We are too diverse ethnically we cant join racists and bigots.
LA is closing in on recalling the mayor over this homeless issue....CA has a good chance of turning red over this problem and the free stuff for illegals.....
California turning red? Loooool. We are too diverse ethnically we cant join racists and bigots.

You are too diverse and Mexican to be considered Americans.

We will need to extend the wall in the future.

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