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Building the wall is the most critical political issue in America, we must do it

Will you vote for Trump in 2020? This is best guess only

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  • Voted for Trump in 2016 but won't in 2020

  • Didn't vote for Trump in 2016 but will in 2020

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Your rhetorical tone screams ā€œletā€™s play semanticsā€...Iā€™ll play along...The wall reduces expense on thirdworld human cockroaches. The ROI is in the savings....TA-DA!

Thank you for that. Now that we have that settled, my plan also reduces expenses from illegal immigration and does so in a manner that saves money instead of spending money, as it is cheaper to have troops stationed on our home soil than in foreign countries.

So, my plan saves the country even more in the long run. Why are you so opposed to the military defending our country vice Europe?

ā€œThe wall is forever.ā€
No Mexicrat POTUS would ever demo a $25 billion dollar wall..the wall is forever.

Further, Iā€™ll go out on a limb and bet youā€™re not privy to ā€œrealā€ costs and expense. My guess is; people far smarter than you and I and privy to more information have the math worked out.

So, tell me again how the wall will generate revenue...

Your rhetorical tone screams ā€œletā€™s play semanticsā€...Iā€™ll play along...The wall reduces expense on thirdworld human cockroaches. The ROI is in the savings....TA-DA!

so tell everyone exactly how you plan to go about building a wall on private land in Texas?

news flash -- wont happen in your lifetime you dumbass.

These statist have no problem with the Govt taking land from private owners.

southern border Texans have oil and gas wells sitting at their front gate ... they have enough free $$ to keep the courts in knots for decades.

Awesome...build around them for now and stick border patrol agents in the gaping holes...TA-DA!
In the end, if we don't build the wall, the Democrats will smother us. They have already flipped California and New Mexico into solid blue States. Illegal voters have turned Nevada light blue. And they have turned Texas and Arizona from solid to light red.

Some bigot like you said the same thing about the Irish 150 years ago.

And the Germans 100 years ago.

And the Poles 50 years ago.

The issue of illegal immigration has been an endless game of kick the can for decades. But this is it. The authoritarian leftist Democrat party is on the verge of a stranglehold on the country and the end of our freedom. That's why the Democrats fight so hysterically against the wall. They don't think it won't work, they know it will.

Yes, the right wing cares about the freedom of rich people to exploit working folks.

We are against the wall because it's a waste of money and it presents an ugly image of our country. (Most undocumented workers actually entered the country legally or through another route.)

The reason this is THE issue is that for that reason, every other issue is dependent on the wall. If we don't build the wall, then Texas will eventually flip and with that alone we're done. Hispanics over time like all other Americans become more conservative as they become more successful. But that takes time and a million illegals coming here a year floods that.

Yeah, um.... funny thing about that.. the blacks have been waiting a lot longer than the Hispanics have...

Okay, here's the real problem you guys have. You've spent the last few decades scaring white people into voting against their own economic interests by telling them the Darkies are out to get them.... which worked fine up until the 1980's, but really doesn't work now because there are too many of them, and some white people aren't really comfortable with racism.

The ironic thing is, Hispanics SHOULD be a conservative block now. religious, hard working and pro-family. They'll probably drag the Democrats closer to the center. But you guys have so thoroughly alienated them you've probably lost them for generations.

that's true of black people, too, for the most part -- church-going, religious, have little sympathy for gays and reproductive choice. if the GOP didn't fly the bigot flag, they'd still be republicans because it was the party of Lincoln. (now perverted by white supremacists).
In the end, if we don't build the wall, the Democrats will smother us. They have already flipped California and New Mexico into solid blue States. Illegal voters have turned Nevada light blue. And they have turned Texas and Arizona from solid to light red.

The issue of illegal immigration has been an endless game of kick the can for decades. But this is it. The authoritarian leftist Democrat party is on the verge of a stranglehold on the country and the end of our freedom. That's why the Democrats fight so hysterically against the wall. They don't think it won't work, they know it will.

The reason this is THE issue is that for that reason, every other issue is dependent on the wall. If we don't build the wall, then Texas will eventually flip and with that alone we're done. Hispanics over time like all other Americans become more conservative as they become more successful. But that takes time and a million illegals coming here a year floods that.

I didn't vote for Trump last time for two main reasons. First, I'm a capitalist and he isn't. Free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. Second, he has been a pig to women. Unlike Democrats who voted twice for a sexual predator and again for his hoe who attacked his victims again, that does matter to me.

But now it's down to this. We must end the endless flow now. And for me, my decision of whether I will vote for him comes down to this. Build the wall and I'll vote for him. Don't, and I won't. I can't imagine what would make me flip from that. This is THE political question in our country. We must build the wall, and build it now.

I voted that I did not vote for 2016 but I will in 2020 because I believe/hope he'll actually do it.

Please explain your vote if you voted you will change your vote regarding Trump either way.

Man...you sure do have some pent up hatred for brown people.

You won't see a wall built. And it won't matter because American FREE CAPITALIST corporations want them some Mexican labor. And they will have it.
No wall will stop them.
Your rhetorical tone screams ā€œletā€™s play semanticsā€...Iā€™ll play along...The wall reduces expense on thirdworld human cockroaches. The ROI is in the savings....TA-DA!

Thank you for that. Now that we have that settled, my plan also reduces expenses from illegal immigration and does so in a manner that saves money instead of spending money, as it is cheaper to have troops stationed on our home soil than in foreign countries.

So, my plan saves the country even more in the long run. Why are you so opposed to the military defending our country vice Europe?

ā€œThe wall is forever.ā€

so is being a broke loser
So, tell me again how the wall will generate revenue...

Your rhetorical tone screams ā€œletā€™s play semanticsā€...Iā€™ll play along...The wall reduces expense on thirdworld human cockroaches. The ROI is in the savings....TA-DA!

so tell everyone exactly how you plan to go about building a wall on private land in Texas?

news flash -- wont happen in your lifetime you dumbass.

These statist have no problem with the Govt taking land from private owners.

southern border Texans have oil and gas wells sitting at their front gate ... they have enough free $$ to keep the courts in knots for decades.

Awesome...build around them for now and stick border patrol agents in the gaping holes...TA-DA!

BP is aready there .. TA DA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your rhetorical tone screams ā€œletā€™s play semanticsā€...Iā€™ll play along...The wall reduces expense on thirdworld human cockroaches. The ROI is in the savings....TA-DA!

Thank you for that. Now that we have that settled, my plan also reduces expenses from illegal immigration and does so in a manner that saves money instead of spending money, as it is cheaper to have troops stationed on our home soil than in foreign countries.

So, my plan saves the country even more in the long run. Why are you so opposed to the military defending our country vice Europe?

ā€œThe wall is forever.ā€

So is our military.
Your rhetorical tone screams ā€œletā€™s play semanticsā€...Iā€™ll play along...The wall reduces expense on thirdworld human cockroaches. The ROI is in the savings....TA-DA!

Thank you for that. Now that we have that settled, my plan also reduces expenses from illegal immigration and does so in a manner that saves money instead of spending money, as it is cheaper to have troops stationed on our home soil than in foreign countries.

So, my plan saves the country even more in the long run. Why are you so opposed to the military defending our country vice Europe?

ā€œThe wall is forever.ā€

So is our military.

Military usage is appropriated by POTUS...a Mexicrat POTUS wouldnā€™t keep troops on the border...they need to grow their constituency, they love illegals...you know this.
How doesnā€™t the wall pay for itself over time?
You must be doing different math than we are...would you mind walking us through your arithmetic?

When you spend twenty billion bucks, plus future maintenance which is considerable, on a fantasy wall that ignores the reality of where illicit immigration comes from in the first place and therefore has little effect --- where exactly is your ROI on that?

Remember the mantra: "You don't sell products, benefits or solutions ---- you sell FEELINGS". That's what the wall is. It's already been sold, and you lot bought it. The wall isn't an actual wall, it's a fantasy sold to the gullible And Mexico didn't pay for it -- the rest of us in this country did.

O spent a trillion on shovel ready jobs that fleeced the taxpayers and loaded his buds pockets. We got some stimulus signs. You were down with wasting a trillion and now screaming like a child over 20billion. Lol. Go pound sand. Your concerns fall on deaf ears.

Actually I've never posted on the stimulus. You pulled this post out of your ass just to draw a comparison that never existed.

Now remember to put your shit back where it belongs.

Its a great comparison. O wasted a trillion. Why are you concerned with 20 billion now?

Here's the difference, Spunknoid:

The stimulus was invested directly in this country. Infrastructure, stuff that would actually affect and improve everyday activity.

The "wall" by comparison is a fantasy tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, representing nothing but a cheap way to mine emotions for votes from the chronically gullible. The latter were identified by Cambridge Analytica, and y'all freaks who live in a fantasy comic book, as profusely demonstrated up and down this thread, bought that snake oil hook line and sinker, to mix a metaphor. It's based on the equally comic-book idea that "Mexicans" (read: rapists) are scurrying across the wide open spaces of a border that exists only on paper, like a stream of cucarachas. That too, is bullshit, and that too was bought up like it was water in a desert.

All of this is an ages-old tactic of exploiting fear. That of course is despicably dishonest, but it takes a buyer to complete the transaction. Doesn't it.

Hope this helps. Considering the frank confession of "deaf ears" --- I doubt it will.

The stimulus was sold as an investment but in reality didn't help the economy recover. Mexicans are scurrying across the border and some are killers and rapists. Many want a better life...I don't blame them. I've watched a family swim across the rio grande and escape into the US while border patrol was just across the road. The real reason the mexicans are coming across is that mexico is a dump in regards to its horrid economy which is due to a lawless govt that caters to the drug industry. Eliminate the corrupt govt, and kill the drug gangs and mexico turns into a wonderful oasis. I'd love to move down there. It's beautiful but its too dangerous and corrupt.
Your rhetorical tone screams ā€œletā€™s play semanticsā€...Iā€™ll play along...The wall reduces expense on thirdworld human cockroaches. The ROI is in the savings....TA-DA!

Thank you for that. Now that we have that settled, my plan also reduces expenses from illegal immigration and does so in a manner that saves money instead of spending money, as it is cheaper to have troops stationed on our home soil than in foreign countries.

So, my plan saves the country even more in the long run. Why are you so opposed to the military defending our country vice Europe?

ā€œThe wall is forever.ā€

So is our military.

Military usage is appropriated by POTUS...a Mexicrat POTUS wouldnā€™t keep troops on the border...they need to grow their constituency, they love illegals...you know this.

The same POTUS could just stop monitoring or defending or repairing the wall and the wall become nothing but a albatross.
The stimulus was sold as an investment but in reality didn't help the economy recover.

Uh HUH. So it was just a happy coincidence huh. Yeah that's the ticket --- the economy righted itself IN SPITE OF a stimulus. Just shook it off like a case of fleas. You run with that.
The stimulus was sold as an investment but in reality didn't help the economy recover. Mexicans are scurrying across the border and some are killers and rapists. Many want a better life...I don't blame them. I've watched a family swim across the rio grande and escape into the US while border patrol was just across the road. The real reason the mexicans are coming across is that mexico is a dump in regards to its horrid economy which is due to a lawless govt that caters to the drug industry. Eliminate the corrupt govt, and kill the drug gangs and mexico turns into a wonderful oasis. I'd love to move down there. It's beautiful but its too dangerous and corrupt.

I pretty much agree with most of this. That is why I wish we as a country would go after the companies that hire the illegals. Make it so painful to hire them that no company would dare do it, and the reason to come stops.

Then implement a true guest worker program and let those that just want a better life come provide the labor that so many companies want.
The stimulus was sold as an investment but in reality didn't help the economy recover.

Uh HUH. So it was just a happy coincidence huh. Yeah that's the ticket --- the economy righted itself IN SPITE OF a stimulus. Just shook it off like a case of fleas. You run with that.

It has taken the country 10 years to right itself.

Think so huh.


See that deep notch? That's where the stimulus went in.

You gotta admit, for a pure coincidence that has no causal relationhip, The O'bama sure knew how to set it up to make it look good. Huh.
In the end, if we don't build the wall, the Democrats will smother us. They have already flipped California and New Mexico into solid blue States. Illegal voters have turned Nevada light blue. And they have turned Texas and Arizona from solid to light red.

Some bigot like you said the same thing about the Irish 150 years ago.

And the Germans 100 years ago.

And the Poles 50 years ago.

The issue of illegal immigration has been an endless game of kick the can for decades. But this is it. The authoritarian leftist Democrat party is on the verge of a stranglehold on the country and the end of our freedom. That's why the Democrats fight so hysterically against the wall. They don't think it won't work, they know it will.

Yes, the right wing cares about the freedom of rich people to exploit working folks.

We are against the wall because it's a waste of money and it presents an ugly image of our country. (Most undocumented workers actually entered the country legally or through another route.)

The reason this is THE issue is that for that reason, every other issue is dependent on the wall. If we don't build the wall, then Texas will eventually flip and with that alone we're done. Hispanics over time like all other Americans become more conservative as they become more successful. But that takes time and a million illegals coming here a year floods that.

Yeah, um.... funny thing about that.. the blacks have been waiting a lot longer than the Hispanics have...

Okay, here's the real problem you guys have. You've spent the last few decades scaring white people into voting against their own economic interests by telling them the Darkies are out to get them.... which worked fine up until the 1980's, but really doesn't work now because there are too many of them, and some white people aren't really comfortable with racism.

The ironic thing is, Hispanics SHOULD be a conservative block now. religious, hard working and pro-family. They'll probably drag the Democrats closer to the center. But you guys have so thoroughly alienated them you've probably lost them for generations.

Wanting an end to illegal immigration is not racist. The Wall is a racist euphemism for Mexicans. And illegal immigration for Mexico has already lessened. I'm all for deporting illegal immigrants and splitting up families and doing all kinds of unpleasant things to them ... legally. They need to be dissuaded.
  • Thanks
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For some reason, Trumpettes seem to think that Mexicans don't know how to operate shovels and ladders. Not that they have to, since half of all illegal aliens simply overstayed their visas.
A tiny fraction of Americans killed or murdered by illegals...

Edwin Jackson, 26
Grant Ronnebeck, 21
Kristopher Eggle, 28
Terry Wendover, 45
Daniel Durden, 30
Kenneth Mahr, 18
Jamica Williams, 42
Michael Furlow, 49
Kaybrin Ingoldsby, 8
Halle Ingoldsby, 8
Kevin Will, 38
Brandon Mendoza, 32
LaDonna Brady, 45
Robin Shelhammer, 60
Barbara Shelhammer, 56
Whitney Meinke, 33
Brandy Lee Thorne, 22
Corey Wride, 44
Dennielle Schermock, 25
Joshua Wilkerson, 18
Eric Zepeda
Shayley Estes, 22
Jamiel Shaw, 17
Jesse Benavides, 33
Emily Cortez, 7 weeks
Sviatlana Dranko, 30
Spencer Golvach, 25
Margaret Kostelnik, 60
Kate Steinle, 32
Bob Barry, 58
Michael Grubbs, 63
Jamie Oxendine, 43
Mary Oxendine, 40
Shane Oxendine, 17
Parker Moore, 20
Amos Jones, 54
Naomi Mercury, 18
Brittany Williams, 24
Michael Davis, 42
Daniel Oliver, 47
Delilah McDaniel, 61
Daryl Raetz, 29
Diann Jones, 55
Arnett Chandler, 58
A'Janae Jones, 12
Wanda Beach, 68
Leone Turpin, 28
Jose Chavez, 26
Lauren Bump, 24
Lenny Shay, 37
Abigail Robinson, 11
Anna Eckert, 6
Heather Coble, 25
Madison Coble, 24
Louise Sollowin, 93
Chad Nelson, 29
Serenity Reedy, 9 months
Dwayne Polk, 47
Blake Cohorn, 5
Jasmine Owens, 20
Dimitri Smith, infant
Drew Rosenberg, 25
Joe Storie
Vanessa Pham, 19
Terrell Horne, 34
Kenneth Carroll, 72
Kyle Wible, 20
Brandon Sullivan, 16
Clarisse Grime, 16
Jacqueline Walsh, 59
Olivia Wilson, 17
Ryan Scholz, 9
Jean McCarthy, 71
Alexander Atkin, 22
Jerry Laury, 61
Kathleen Byham, 45
Daniel Pollack, 31
In the end, if we don't build the wall, the Democrats will smother us. They have already flipped California and New Mexico into solid blue States. Illegal voters have turned Nevada light blue. And they have turned Texas and Arizona from solid to light red.

Some bigot like you said the same thing about the Irish 150 years ago.

And the Germans 100 years ago.

And the Poles 50 years ago.

The issue of illegal immigration has been an endless game of kick the can for decades. But this is it. The authoritarian leftist Democrat party is on the verge of a stranglehold on the country and the end of our freedom. That's why the Democrats fight so hysterically against the wall. They don't think it won't work, they know it will.

Yes, the right wing cares about the freedom of rich people to exploit working folks.

We are against the wall because it's a waste of money and it presents an ugly image of our country. (Most undocumented workers actually entered the country legally or through another route.)

The reason this is THE issue is that for that reason, every other issue is dependent on the wall. If we don't build the wall, then Texas will eventually flip and with that alone we're done. Hispanics over time like all other Americans become more conservative as they become more successful. But that takes time and a million illegals coming here a year floods that.

Yeah, um.... funny thing about that.. the blacks have been waiting a lot longer than the Hispanics have...

Okay, here's the real problem you guys have. You've spent the last few decades scaring white people into voting against their own economic interests by telling them the Darkies are out to get them.... which worked fine up until the 1980's, but really doesn't work now because there are too many of them, and some white people aren't really comfortable with racism.

The ironic thing is, Hispanics SHOULD be a conservative block now. religious, hard working and pro-family. They'll probably drag the Democrats closer to the center. But you guys have so thoroughly alienated them you've probably lost them for generations.

Wanting an end to illegal immigration is not racist. The Wall is a racist euphemism for Mexicans. And illegal immigration for Mexico has already lessened. I'm all for deporting illegal immigrants and splitting up families and doing all kinds of unpleasant things to them ... legally. They need to be dissuaded.

That's because you don't understand that we need them for our economy to flourish....and that is the best possible scenario.
In the end, if we don't build the wall, the Democrats will smother us. They have already flipped California and New Mexico into solid blue States. Illegal voters have turned Nevada light blue. And they have turned Texas and Arizona from solid to light red.

Some bigot like you said the same thing about the Irish 150 years ago.

And the Germans 100 years ago.

And the Poles 50 years ago.

The issue of illegal immigration has been an endless game of kick the can for decades. But this is it. The authoritarian leftist Democrat party is on the verge of a stranglehold on the country and the end of our freedom. That's why the Democrats fight so hysterically against the wall. They don't think it won't work, they know it will.

Yes, the right wing cares about the freedom of rich people to exploit working folks.

We are against the wall because it's a waste of money and it presents an ugly image of our country. (Most undocumented workers actually entered the country legally or through another route.)

The reason this is THE issue is that for that reason, every other issue is dependent on the wall. If we don't build the wall, then Texas will eventually flip and with that alone we're done. Hispanics over time like all other Americans become more conservative as they become more successful. But that takes time and a million illegals coming here a year floods that.

Yeah, um.... funny thing about that.. the blacks have been waiting a lot longer than the Hispanics have...

Okay, here's the real problem you guys have. You've spent the last few decades scaring white people into voting against their own economic interests by telling them the Darkies are out to get them.... which worked fine up until the 1980's, but really doesn't work now because there are too many of them, and some white people aren't really comfortable with racism.

The ironic thing is, Hispanics SHOULD be a conservative block now. religious, hard working and pro-family. They'll probably drag the Democrats closer to the center. But you guys have so thoroughly alienated them you've probably lost them for generations.

Wanting an end to illegal immigration is not racist. The Wall is a racist euphemism for Mexicans. And illegal immigration for Mexico has already lessened. I'm all for deporting illegal immigrants and splitting up families and doing all kinds of unpleasant things to them ... legally. They need to be dissuaded.

That's because you don't understand that we need them for our economy to flourish....and that is the best possible scenario.

I've never said I was against legal immigration.
A tiny fraction of Americans killed or murdered by illegals...

Edwin Jackson, 26
Grant Ronnebeck, 21
Kristopher Eggle, 28
Terry Wendover, 45
Daniel Durden, 30
Kenneth Mahr, 18
Jamica Williams, 42
Michael Furlow, 49
Kaybrin Ingoldsby, 8
Halle Ingoldsby, 8
Kevin Will, 38
Brandon Mendoza, 32
LaDonna Brady, 45
Robin Shelhammer, 60
Barbara Shelhammer, 56
Whitney Meinke, 33
Brandy Lee Thorne, 22
Corey Wride, 44
Dennielle Schermock, 25
Joshua Wilkerson, 18
Eric Zepeda
Shayley Estes, 22
Jamiel Shaw, 17
Jesse Benavides, 33
Emily Cortez, 7 weeks
Sviatlana Dranko, 30
Spencer Golvach, 25
Margaret Kostelnik, 60
Kate Steinle, 32
Bob Barry, 58
Michael Grubbs, 63
Jamie Oxendine, 43
Mary Oxendine, 40
Shane Oxendine, 17
Parker Moore, 20
Amos Jones, 54
Naomi Mercury, 18
Brittany Williams, 24
Michael Davis, 42
Daniel Oliver, 47
Delilah McDaniel, 61
Daryl Raetz, 29
Diann Jones, 55
Arnett Chandler, 58
A'Janae Jones, 12
Wanda Beach, 68
Leone Turpin, 28
Jose Chavez, 26
Lauren Bump, 24
Lenny Shay, 37
Abigail Robinson, 11
Anna Eckert, 6
Heather Coble, 25
Madison Coble, 24
Louise Sollowin, 93
Chad Nelson, 29
Serenity Reedy, 9 months
Dwayne Polk, 47
Blake Cohorn, 5
Jasmine Owens, 20
Dimitri Smith, infant
Drew Rosenberg, 25
Joe Storie
Vanessa Pham, 19
Terrell Horne, 34
Kenneth Carroll, 72
Kyle Wible, 20
Brandon Sullivan, 16
Clarisse Grime, 16
Jacqueline Walsh, 59
Olivia Wilson, 17
Ryan Scholz, 9
Jean McCarthy, 71
Alexander Atkin, 22
Jerry Laury, 61
Kathleen Byham, 45
Daniel Pollack, 31

Not a single person in this thread seems to be against stopping illegal immigration.

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