Bullying Pulpit: Racism, Barack Obama and the Selective Call for Personal Responsibil


Jun 2, 2011

"..... if the President thought it necessary to upbraid this year’s Morehouse graduates about not being lazy or using racism as an excuse for their shortcomings, because he thinks (or perhaps knows) that white folks love that shit — then that too is pitiable.
First, that Barack Obama sometimes seems to think he still needs to go out of his way to please white people is maddening. The white folks open to liking him don’t need him to serve as black folks’ moral scold, and the ones who need that will never be satisfied until he does the full Herman Cain: which is to say, until he is prepared to basically lay all the problems of the nation at the feet of folks of color and sing Negro spirituals in white churches while little old white ladies, either literally or figuratively, rub his head.
To the extent the president no longer needs white folks to like him for the sake of re-election, that he regularly panders to our biases about the black community — as with his repeated lectures to black men, but only black men, on multiple father’s days to be better dads (cuz God knows white men need no similar instruction!) — suggests that perhaps it is he whose views of the black community are to blame here. Perhaps it is he who has internalized the idea that black people, even highly educated ones, are would-be malingerers, just waiting for a reason to go soft and “blame the world for trying to keep a black man down” (yes, he actually used that phrase in his speech).
Needless to say, Barack Obama will never tell white people at a traditionally white college or university to stop blaming affirmative action for every job we didn’t get, or every law school we didn’t get into, though we’ve been known to use both of these excuses on more than a few occasions.
He won’t tell white graduates at a traditionally white college or university to stop blaming Latino/a immigrants, for “taking our jobs,” which excuse we’ve also been known to float from time to time.
He would never tell graduates at a mostly white college to stop blaming immigrants, or so-called welfare for our supposedly high tax burdens, even though these remain popular, albeit incorrect, scapegoats for whatever taxes we pay.
He won’t tell white grads at white colleges to reject the entreaties of their right-wing radio hosts and talking heads, who keep blaming the Community Reinvestment Act and other fair housing laws for the mortgage and larger economic meltdown, even though such things were not to blame. In short, to Barack Obama, it is only black people who need lectures about personal responsibility. Only they who make excuses when things don’t go their way. Only they who need to be reminded to do their best, because white graduates — like the majority of the grads at Ohio State to whom he also spoke recently — have got all that on lock. Their work ethics are unassailable. They would never make excuses for their failings. They would never blame a 35 percent tax rate, or capital gains taxes, for instance, for causing them to not invest their money, or create jobs. They would never blame gay marriage for threatening their own heterosexual marriage.
Because white people never make excuses for anything."

Ain't that some shit? And the reality is that I am not totally enamored with President Obama. I'm absolutely tired and over the coddling he seems to think is necessary for "white America". They don't like his ass, no way, and Stephin Fetchit-like, he caters to them, as if he needed their blessing to do any mf'ing thing. Nothing boils my blood or ass, more. They are not going to willingly lay flowers on your grave. Get over it. And be the fucking president, with no excuses.
Who cares? Can you answer that question definitively? Who on God's creation cares? You are trapped in the Civil Rights era bud. Instead of being racially discriminated against, you are doing the discrimination.
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Your world view is black and white and has the breadth and depth of the average sidewalk puddle. Congratulations.
Who cares? Can you answer that question definitively? Who on God's creation cares? You are trapped in the Civil Rights era bud. Instead of being racially discriminated against, you are doing the discrimination.

Stupid Bitch....I'm more progressive than you'll ever be. I'm 60 years old, with a 35 year old persona. You better ask somebody.
I'm doing the discrimination? Well then, that would make you the perennial victim, now wouldn't it? Poor white people. Who's gonna save 'em?
Your world view is black and white and has the breadth and depth of the average sidewalk puddle. Congratulations.

No, darling....it's your limited perception that has you thinking that way. I'm a progressive, and a world citizen. And your avatar looks like an escapee from a mental institution, who is late for his medication. LOL
Poet are you so shallow that you're incapable of posting about things BEYOND race? Every fucking post you make is grounded in race in some fashion.

You're black, we get it.
I agree with you, Poet. Obama needs to stand for something, I had hoped he'd end the damned wars and at least close the travesty that is Guantanamo. I had hoped that with his election the country might actually start to get over the racial divide that has plagued us for 200 years.

See what I get for hoping?

No hope. No change. No nothing.
I agree with you, Poet. Obama needs to stand for something, I had hoped he'd end the damned wars and at least close the travesty that is Guantanamo. I had hoped that with his election the country might actually start to get over the racial divide that has plagued us for 200 years.

See what I get for hoping?

No hope. No change. No nothing.

That's what you get for believing the lying POS.
I agree with you, Poet. Obama needs to stand for something, I had hoped he'd end the damned wars and at least close the travesty that is Guantanamo. I had hoped that with his election the country might actually start to get over the racial divide that has plagued us for 200 years.

See what I get for hoping?

No hope. No change. No nothing.

That's what you get for believing the lying POS.

I had hope when he was elected. Mostly for the idea that he could usher in a post racial attitude.

Poet is proof of that failure.
I agree with you, Poet. Obama needs to stand for something, I had hoped he'd end the damned wars and at least close the travesty that is Guantanamo. I had hoped that with his election the country might actually start to get over the racial divide that has plagued us for 200 years.

See what I get for hoping?

No hope. No change. No nothing.

That's what you get for believing the lying POS.

I had hope when he was elected. Mostly for the idea that he could usher in a post racial attitude.

Poet is proof of that failure.

I knew even before he was elected he could not be trusted. He's a typical leftist liberal that is incapable of being honest.
Who cares? Can you answer that question definitively? Who on God's creation cares? You are trapped in the Civil Rights era bud. Instead of being racially discriminated against, you are doing the discrimination.

Stupid Bitch....I'm more progressive than you'll ever be. I'm 60 years old, with a 35 year old persona. You better ask somebody.
I'm doing the discrimination? Well then, that would make you the perennial victim, now wouldn't it? Poor white people. Who's gonna save 'em?

a decimal between the 3 and 5 is in order
Who cares? Can you answer that question definitively? Who on God's creation cares? You are trapped in the Civil Rights era bud. Instead of being racially discriminated against, you are doing the discrimination.

Stupid Bitch....I'm more progressive than you'll ever be. I'm 60 years old, with a 35 year old persona. You better ask somebody.
I'm doing the discrimination? Well then, that would make you the perennial victim, now wouldn't it? Poor white people. Who's gonna save 'em?

Unlike people with your mentality most whites will save themselves rather than waiting around crying like a child Hoping someone else will do Iit for them.

And your persona is what others perceive of you. I think bitter old relic of the past is a better description
Yup and he's another one who thinks anyone who disagrees with the current jackass in the WH is a racist.

Shit. I don't care what color jackass is. He's still a jackass.
Your world view is black and white and has the breadth and depth of the average sidewalk puddle. Congratulations.

No, darling....it's your limited perception that has you thinking that way. I'm a progressive, and a world citizen. And your avatar looks like an escapee from a mental institution, who is late for his medication. LOL

Using the pigment of your skin as a bully pulpit is childish and shallow.

Obama's mother was WHITE. In your racist mind, that makes Obama only 50% black, which means that only HALF of Obama has been discriminated against, right?

Grow up, old man.
Tim Wise » Bullying Pulpit: Racism, Barack Obama and the Selective Call for Personal Responsibility

"..... if the President thought it necessary to upbraid this year’s Morehouse graduates about not being lazy or using racism as an excuse for their shortcomings, because he thinks (or perhaps knows) that white folks love that shit — then that too is pitiable.
First, that Barack Obama sometimes seems to think he still needs to go out of his way to please white people is maddening. The white folks open to liking him don’t need him to serve as black folks’ moral scold, and the ones who need that will never be satisfied until he does the full Herman Cain: which is to say, until he is prepared to basically lay all the problems of the nation at the feet of folks of color and sing Negro spirituals in white churches while little old white ladies, either literally or figuratively, rub his head.
To the extent the president no longer needs white folks to like him for the sake of re-election, that he regularly panders to our biases about the black community — as with his repeated lectures to black men, but only black men, on multiple father’s days to be better dads (cuz God knows white men need no similar instruction!) — suggests that perhaps it is he whose views of the black community are to blame here. Perhaps it is he who has internalized the idea that black people, even highly educated ones, are would-be malingerers, just waiting for a reason to go soft and “blame the world for trying to keep a black man down” (yes, he actually used that phrase in his speech).
Needless to say, Barack Obama will never tell white people at a traditionally white college or university to stop blaming affirmative action for every job we didn’t get, or every law school we didn’t get into, though we’ve been known to use both of these excuses on more than a few occasions.
He won’t tell white graduates at a traditionally white college or university to stop blaming Latino/a immigrants, for “taking our jobs,” which excuse we’ve also been known to float from time to time.
He would never tell graduates at a mostly white college to stop blaming immigrants, or so-called welfare for our supposedly high tax burdens, even though these remain popular, albeit incorrect, scapegoats for whatever taxes we pay.
He won’t tell white grads at white colleges to reject the entreaties of their right-wing radio hosts and talking heads, who keep blaming the Community Reinvestment Act and other fair housing laws for the mortgage and larger economic meltdown, even though such things were not to blame. In short, to Barack Obama, it is only black people who need lectures about personal responsibility. Only they who make excuses when things don’t go their way. Only they who need to be reminded to do their best, because white graduates — like the majority of the grads at Ohio State to whom he also spoke recently — have got all that on lock. Their work ethics are unassailable. They would never make excuses for their failings. They would never blame a 35 percent tax rate, or capital gains taxes, for instance, for causing them to not invest their money, or create jobs. They would never blame gay marriage for threatening their own heterosexual marriage.
Because white people never make excuses for anything."

Ain't that some shit? And the reality is that I am not totally enamored with President Obama. I'm absolutely tired and over the coddling he seems to think is necessary for "white America". They don't like his ass, no way, and Stephin Fetchit-like, he caters to them, as if he needed their blessing to do any mf'ing thing. Nothing boils my blood or ass, more. They are not going to willingly lay flowers on your grave. Get over it. And be the fucking president, with no excuses.

Why aren't you totally enamored with the Hussein? Is it because he is Mulatto?

You are right about one thing, white people don't need to be "coddled" by him, just the liberal white people do. The rest of us certainly don't need a politician, much less a Marxist loving D-bag like Obama, to tell us anything. As far as I am concerned, we'd all be better off if he just shut the doors and went back to snorting coke the rest of his term.

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