Bureaucrats bring 500 refugees into country one day before Trump's expected ban

The refugees who come to this country do NOT stay on the public dime for the rest of their lives. That is a piss poor excuse for not allowing them into the country. If the President says no more, so be it. I'd like to point out that not a SINGLE terrorist event in this country has been conducted by an immigrant from Syria, however.

Oh. You think they are all going to learn English, get a job and earn money???

I think they will be living off the taxpayers for years.

We taxpayers have enough to pay for without bringing in refugee's from other countries so we can pay for them as well.

You're piss poor excuse is more than enough for me. Let em stay in Syria.

This is an industry relocating refugees. Catholic and Lutheran charities and all get money from the feds for bringing them here.

Feds spend nearly $20,000 to settle every refugee

53% of Americans and 31 States didn't want those refugee's brought here.

Douchebag didn't care because his ass is supported by we the taxpayer for the rest of his miserable life so whats a few thousand non American refugee's added into that mix.

I hope Trump kicks every one of these Syrians right back to Syria.

Are you skeered of the brown people, snowflake?

Nope. Are you??

I just don't want to pay for them. I also don't want terrorists brought into this country disguised as refugee's.

There is no way these people can be vetted coming from a war torn country and anyone who thinks they can is one dumb fuck.

Oh and you can stick your Islamaphob bullshit right up your stupid ass.
The refugees who come to this country do NOT stay on the public dime for the rest of their lives. That is a piss poor excuse for not allowing them into the country. If the President says no more, so be it. I'd like to point out that not a SINGLE terrorist event in this country has been conducted by an immigrant from Syria, however.

Oh. You think they are all going to learn English, get a job and earn money???

I think they will be living off the taxpayers for years.

We taxpayers have enough to pay for without bringing in refugee's from other countries so we can pay for them as well.

You're piss poor excuse is more than enough for me. Let em stay in Syria.

This is an industry relocating refugees. Catholic and Lutheran charities and all get money from the feds for bringing them here.

Feds spend nearly $20,000 to settle every refugee

53% of Americans and 31 States didn't want those refugee's brought here.

Douchebag didn't care because his ass is supported by we the taxpayer for the rest of his miserable life so whats a few thousand non American refugee's added into that mix.

I hope Trump kicks every one of these Syrians right back to Syria.

Are you skeered of the brown people, snowflake?
Not skeered......just not stupid.

If you weren't stupid (or uninformed), you'd know that refugees are the most well-vetted immigrants we'll ever get in this country. It takes YEARS to enter the U.S. as a refugee. No terrorist plotting to kill here would ever choose that option to get in.
The refugees who come to this country do NOT stay on the public dime for the rest of their lives. That is a piss poor excuse for not allowing them into the country. If the President says no more, so be it. I'd like to point out that not a SINGLE terrorist event in this country has been conducted by an immigrant from Syria, however.

Oh. You think they are all going to learn English, get a job and earn money???

I think they will be living off the taxpayers for years.

We taxpayers have enough to pay for without bringing in refugee's from other countries so we can pay for them as well.

You're piss poor excuse is more than enough for me. Let em stay in Syria.

This is an industry relocating refugees. Catholic and Lutheran charities and all get money from the feds for bringing them here.

Feds spend nearly $20,000 to settle every refugee

53% of Americans and 31 States didn't want those refugee's brought here.

Douchebag didn't care because his ass is supported by we the taxpayer for the rest of his miserable life so whats a few thousand non American refugee's added into that mix.

I hope Trump kicks every one of these Syrians right back to Syria.

Are you skeered of the brown people, snowflake?

Nope. Are you??

I just don't want to pay for them. I also don't want terrorists brought into this country disguised as refugee's.

There is no way these people can be vetted coming from a war torn country and anyone who thinks they can is one dumb fuck.

Oh and you can stick your Islamaphob bullshit right up your stupid ass.

Immigrants -- including refugees -- have consistently been proven to be a net economic positive for America, going back to the 18th century.

Ignorant, nativist hate of said immigrants has also been a constant. History has not treated those people well, and neither will it you.
The refugees who come to this country do NOT stay on the public dime for the rest of their lives. That is a piss poor excuse for not allowing them into the country. If the President says no more, so be it. I'd like to point out that not a SINGLE terrorist event in this country has been conducted by an immigrant from Syria, however.


problem is, as they've found out in Belgium, that many times enclaves develop. people are poor, feel as if they're ignored or scorned in their nation. this breeds contempt and is a breeding ground to radicalize young, PO'd men. Those can be first generation immigrants or somewhere down the line. I seem to recall that some of those involved in the France strikes were al European nationals, some of which grew up together in the same areas in Belgium.

I'm not worried about a couple/few hundred. Hundreds of thousands, on the other hand, I think is a mistake. We've seen what happens and I don't know how it makes sense to go down that same road.

this is one issue in which I'm in total agreement with Trump. lock it down.
Oh. You think they are all going to learn English, get a job and earn money???

I think they will be living off the taxpayers for years.

We taxpayers have enough to pay for without bringing in refugee's from other countries so we can pay for them as well.

You're piss poor excuse is more than enough for me. Let em stay in Syria.

This is an industry relocating refugees. Catholic and Lutheran charities and all get money from the feds for bringing them here.

Feds spend nearly $20,000 to settle every refugee

53% of Americans and 31 States didn't want those refugee's brought here.

Douchebag didn't care because his ass is supported by we the taxpayer for the rest of his miserable life so whats a few thousand non American refugee's added into that mix.

I hope Trump kicks every one of these Syrians right back to Syria.

Are you skeered of the brown people, snowflake?
Not skeered......just not stupid.

If you weren't stupid (or uninformed), you'd know that refugees are the most well-vetted immigrants we'll ever get in this country. It takes YEARS to enter the U.S. as a refugee. No terrorist plotting to kill here would ever choose that option to get in.

If you weren't stupid you'd know that refugee's coming from a war torn country are impossible to vet.

Oh and I think they would jump all over that option since there is no way anyone could vet them.
This is an industry relocating refugees. Catholic and Lutheran charities and all get money from the feds for bringing them here.

Feds spend nearly $20,000 to settle every refugee

53% of Americans and 31 States didn't want those refugee's brought here.

Douchebag didn't care because his ass is supported by we the taxpayer for the rest of his miserable life so whats a few thousand non American refugee's added into that mix.

I hope Trump kicks every one of these Syrians right back to Syria.

Are you skeered of the brown people, snowflake?
Not skeered......just not stupid.

If you weren't stupid (or uninformed), you'd know that refugees are the most well-vetted immigrants we'll ever get in this country. It takes YEARS to enter the U.S. as a refugee. No terrorist plotting to kill here would ever choose that option to get in.

If you weren't stupid you'd know that refugee's coming from a war torn country are impossible to vet.

Oh and I think they would jump all over that option since there is no way anyone could vet them.

They're not impossible to vet, and they are, in fact, vetted.

Infographic: The Screening Process for Refugee Entry into the United States
Oh. You think they are all going to learn English, get a job and earn money???

I think they will be living off the taxpayers for years.

We taxpayers have enough to pay for without bringing in refugee's from other countries so we can pay for them as well.

You're piss poor excuse is more than enough for me. Let em stay in Syria.

This is an industry relocating refugees. Catholic and Lutheran charities and all get money from the feds for bringing them here.

Feds spend nearly $20,000 to settle every refugee

53% of Americans and 31 States didn't want those refugee's brought here.

Douchebag didn't care because his ass is supported by we the taxpayer for the rest of his miserable life so whats a few thousand non American refugee's added into that mix.

I hope Trump kicks every one of these Syrians right back to Syria.

Are you skeered of the brown people, snowflake?
Not skeered......just not stupid.

If you weren't stupid (or uninformed), you'd know that refugees are the most well-vetted immigrants we'll ever get in this country. It takes YEARS to enter the U.S. as a refugee. No terrorist plotting to kill here would ever choose that option to get in.
Speaking of being uninformed.....you're not up on the facts on this issue. Many of these folks are first generation Merkins who became radicalized,. All of the sudden they had a bad day and decided to kill some infidels. But many are refugees that have been here for years. Many left their country because they were wanted men and women:

Muslim 'Refugees' and Terrorism in America

Accepting terrorists as refugees leads to terrorist attacks on America.

While the World Trade Center bombing and the Boston Marathon bombing cases are the most famous terrorist attacks by Muslim refugees, there are numerous other cases of Muslim refugee terror.

America has been resettling huge numbers of Somali Muslim refugees. One of them, Nuradin Abdi, was an illegal alien who wanted to bomb a shopping mall in Columbus, Ohio after using his refugee travel document to fly back to Africa for terrorism training while claiming that he wanted to visit Mecca.

Mohamed Osman Mohamud, a Somali refugee, plotted to bomb a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland in 2010. "I want whoever is attending that event to leave, to leave dead or injured," he said.

The family had been settled in Oregon by the Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. The Ecumenical Ministries had nearly caused an ecumenical Somali Muslim massacre of Christians.

Numerous other Somali refugees have also left the United States to become terrorists abroad, joining Boko Haram and pledging to the Jihadist campaign of Islam against the non-Muslim free world.

And they aren’t the only ones.

Mir Qazi, a Pakistani using a fake passport, applied for political asylum and then got amnesty. A year later he murdered two CIA employees and fled to Pakistan. Hesham Mohamed Hadayet walked into Los Angeles International Airport and opened fire. Like the Blind Sheikh, Hadayet was a “refugee” from Egypt because of his Islamic religious beliefs. This refugee killed two people before he was stopped.

Devout Muslims who claim asylum because of religious persecution in a Muslim country should be considered highly suspect. It most likely means that their Islamic practices are more violent than usual.

But that wasn’t the only Muslim refugee terrorist plot targeting Los Angeles International Airport.

Abdel Hakim Tizegha, a member of the Millennium plot to bomb the airport, had applied for political asylum in the United States. Ahmed Ressam, another of the bombers, had applied for political asylum in Canada claiming that he was fleeing persecution in Algeria. He was caught entering the United States and the plot was averted.​
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Oh. You think they are all going to learn English, get a job and earn money???

I think they will be living off the taxpayers for years.

We taxpayers have enough to pay for without bringing in refugee's from other countries so we can pay for them as well.

You're piss poor excuse is more than enough for me. Let em stay in Syria.

This is an industry relocating refugees. Catholic and Lutheran charities and all get money from the feds for bringing them here.

Feds spend nearly $20,000 to settle every refugee

53% of Americans and 31 States didn't want those refugee's brought here.

Douchebag didn't care because his ass is supported by we the taxpayer for the rest of his miserable life so whats a few thousand non American refugee's added into that mix.

I hope Trump kicks every one of these Syrians right back to Syria.

Are you skeered of the brown people, snowflake?

Nope. Are you??

I just don't want to pay for them. I also don't want terrorists brought into this country disguised as refugee's.

There is no way these people can be vetted coming from a war torn country and anyone who thinks they can is one dumb fuck.

Oh and you can stick your Islamaphob bullshit right up your stupid ass.

Immigrants -- including refugees -- have consistently been proven to be a net economic positive for America, going back to the 18th century.

Ignorant, nativist hate of said immigrants has also been a constant. History has not treated those people well, and neither will it you.

Sure and how much is that going to cost we the taxpayer there bright boy??

Muslims don't assimilate in any country they land in. Wonder how long it will take for a Paris or Nice to occur??

I hope history shows that our POTUS throws them all right back to Syria.
53% of Americans and 31 States didn't want those refugee's brought here.

Douchebag didn't care because his ass is supported by we the taxpayer for the rest of his miserable life so whats a few thousand non American refugee's added into that mix.

I hope Trump kicks every one of these Syrians right back to Syria.

Are you skeered of the brown people, snowflake?
Not skeered......just not stupid.

If you weren't stupid (or uninformed), you'd know that refugees are the most well-vetted immigrants we'll ever get in this country. It takes YEARS to enter the U.S. as a refugee. No terrorist plotting to kill here would ever choose that option to get in.

If you weren't stupid you'd know that refugee's coming from a war torn country are impossible to vet.

Oh and I think they would jump all over that option since there is no way anyone could vet them.

They're not impossible to vet, and they are, in fact, vetted.

Infographic: The Screening Process for Refugee Entry into the United States

So you buy that people can be properly vetted coming from a war torn country. That they have a paper trail that can be followed??

Just shows what a gullible fool you are.
This is an industry relocating refugees. Catholic and Lutheran charities and all get money from the feds for bringing them here.

Feds spend nearly $20,000 to settle every refugee

53% of Americans and 31 States didn't want those refugee's brought here.

Douchebag didn't care because his ass is supported by we the taxpayer for the rest of his miserable life so whats a few thousand non American refugee's added into that mix.

I hope Trump kicks every one of these Syrians right back to Syria.

Are you skeered of the brown people, snowflake?
Not skeered......just not stupid.

If you weren't stupid (or uninformed), you'd know that refugees are the most well-vetted immigrants we'll ever get in this country. It takes YEARS to enter the U.S. as a refugee. No terrorist plotting to kill here would ever choose that option to get in.
Speaking of being uninformed.....you're not up on the facts on this issue. Many of these folks are first generation Merkins who became radicalized and all of the sudden had a bad day and decided to kill some infidels. But many are refugees that have been here for years:

Muslim 'Refugees' and Terrorism in America

Accepting terrorists as refugees leads to terrorist attacks on America.

While the World Trade Center bombing and the Boston Marathon bombing cases are the most famous terrorist attacks by Muslim refugees, there are numerous other cases of Muslim refugee terror.

America has been resettling huge numbers of Somali Muslim refugees. One of them, Nuradin Abdi, was an illegal alien who wanted to bomb a shopping mall in Columbus, Ohio after using his refugee travel document to fly back to Africa for terrorism training while claiming that he wanted to visit Mecca.

Mohamed Osman Mohamud, a Somali refugee, plotted to bomb a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland in 2010. "I want whoever is attending that event to leave, to leave dead or injured," he said.

The family had been settled in Oregon by the Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. The Ecumenical Ministries had nearly caused an ecumenical Somali Muslim massacre of Christians.

Numerous other Somali refugees have also left the United States to become terrorists abroad, joining Boko Haram and pledging to the Jihadist campaign of Islam against the non-Muslim free world.

And they aren’t the only ones.

Mir Qazi, a Pakistani using a fake passport, applied for political asylum and then got amnesty. A year later he murdered two CIA employees and fled to Pakistan. Hesham Mohamed Hadayet walked into Los Angeles International Airport and opened fire. Like the Blind Sheikh, Hadayet was a “refugee” from Egypt because of his Islamic religious beliefs. This refugee killed two people before he was stopped.

Devout Muslims who claim asylum because of religious persecution in a Muslim country should be considered highly suspect. It most likely means that their Islamic practices are more violent than usual.

But that wasn’t the only Muslim refugee terrorist plot targeting Los Angeles International Airport.

Abdel Hakim Tizegha, a member of the Millennium plot to bomb the airport, had applied for political asylum in the United States. Ahmed Ressam, another of the bombers, had applied for political asylum in Canada claiming that he was fleeing persecution in Algeria. He was caught entering the United States and the plot was averted.​

Wait. Do you not know what a refugee is?

The Boston bombers were not refugees. They arrived with tourist visas and applied for political asylum. That, and they were children, which destroys the idea that they came here with intent to kill.
This is an industry relocating refugees. Catholic and Lutheran charities and all get money from the feds for bringing them here.

Feds spend nearly $20,000 to settle every refugee

53% of Americans and 31 States didn't want those refugee's brought here.

Douchebag didn't care because his ass is supported by we the taxpayer for the rest of his miserable life so whats a few thousand non American refugee's added into that mix.

I hope Trump kicks every one of these Syrians right back to Syria.

Are you skeered of the brown people, snowflake?

Nope. Are you??

I just don't want to pay for them. I also don't want terrorists brought into this country disguised as refugee's.

There is no way these people can be vetted coming from a war torn country and anyone who thinks they can is one dumb fuck.

Oh and you can stick your Islamaphob bullshit right up your stupid ass.

Immigrants -- including refugees -- have consistently been proven to be a net economic positive for America, going back to the 18th century.

Ignorant, nativist hate of said immigrants has also been a constant. History has not treated those people well, and neither will it you.

Sure and how much is that going to cost we the taxpayer there bright boy??

Muslims don't assimilate in any country they land in. Wonder how long it will take for a Paris or Nice to occur??

I hope history shows that our POTUS throws them all right back to Syria.
That Muslims don't assimilate is an Alternative Fact, Claudette. The rest, an opinion. In this country, they do assimilate and they have and they will. First generation immigrants from any foreign country frequently don't assimilate as readily--they were raised in a different culture and it is more difficult to learn a foreign language when you're older. But their kids will be Americans, as long as they haven't been marginalized by society, which SO FAR America has not done to Muslims. They come here and try to build another life. It must be incredibly hard, but they do it. No one would go through all that for measly welfare benefits and food stamps.
This is all tied to the fake idea that immigrants have a higher propensity for committing crimes. They do not. In fact, common sense plainly dictates that they are the LEAST likely to commit crimes, as even a relatively minor offense could send them packing, in addition to sending them to jail.

The Mythical Connection Between Immigrants and Crime
53% of Americans and 31 States didn't want those refugee's brought here.

Douchebag didn't care because his ass is supported by we the taxpayer for the rest of his miserable life so whats a few thousand non American refugee's added into that mix.

I hope Trump kicks every one of these Syrians right back to Syria.

Are you skeered of the brown people, snowflake?
Not skeered......just not stupid.

If you weren't stupid (or uninformed), you'd know that refugees are the most well-vetted immigrants we'll ever get in this country. It takes YEARS to enter the U.S. as a refugee. No terrorist plotting to kill here would ever choose that option to get in.
Speaking of being uninformed.....you're not up on the facts on this issue. Many of these folks are first generation Merkins who became radicalized and all of the sudden had a bad day and decided to kill some infidels. But many are refugees that have been here for years:

Muslim 'Refugees' and Terrorism in America

Accepting terrorists as refugees leads to terrorist attacks on America.

While the World Trade Center bombing and the Boston Marathon bombing cases are the most famous terrorist attacks by Muslim refugees, there are numerous other cases of Muslim refugee terror.

America has been resettling huge numbers of Somali Muslim refugees. One of them, Nuradin Abdi, was an illegal alien who wanted to bomb a shopping mall in Columbus, Ohio after using his refugee travel document to fly back to Africa for terrorism training while claiming that he wanted to visit Mecca.

Mohamed Osman Mohamud, a Somali refugee, plotted to bomb a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland in 2010. "I want whoever is attending that event to leave, to leave dead or injured," he said.

The family had been settled in Oregon by the Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. The Ecumenical Ministries had nearly caused an ecumenical Somali Muslim massacre of Christians.

Numerous other Somali refugees have also left the United States to become terrorists abroad, joining Boko Haram and pledging to the Jihadist campaign of Islam against the non-Muslim free world.

And they aren’t the only ones.

Mir Qazi, a Pakistani using a fake passport, applied for political asylum and then got amnesty. A year later he murdered two CIA employees and fled to Pakistan. Hesham Mohamed Hadayet walked into Los Angeles International Airport and opened fire. Like the Blind Sheikh, Hadayet was a “refugee” from Egypt because of his Islamic religious beliefs. This refugee killed two people before he was stopped.

Devout Muslims who claim asylum because of religious persecution in a Muslim country should be considered highly suspect. It most likely means that their Islamic practices are more violent than usual.

But that wasn’t the only Muslim refugee terrorist plot targeting Los Angeles International Airport.

Abdel Hakim Tizegha, a member of the Millennium plot to bomb the airport, had applied for political asylum in the United States. Ahmed Ressam, another of the bombers, had applied for political asylum in Canada claiming that he was fleeing persecution in Algeria. He was caught entering the United States and the plot was averted.​

Wait. Do you not know what a refugee is?

The Boston bombers were not refugees. They arrived with tourist visas and applied for political asylum. That, and they were children, which destroys the idea that they came here with intent to kill.
Sorry my point went over your head. Lol.

My point was it really doesn't seem to matter how they got here or why. My point is every Muslim is a threat. It only takes the right incentive to push them over the edge because Islam isn't inclusive, especially Sharia Law practitioners.
53% of Americans and 31 States didn't want those refugee's brought here.

Douchebag didn't care because his ass is supported by we the taxpayer for the rest of his miserable life so whats a few thousand non American refugee's added into that mix.

I hope Trump kicks every one of these Syrians right back to Syria.

Are you skeered of the brown people, snowflake?

Nope. Are you??

I just don't want to pay for them. I also don't want terrorists brought into this country disguised as refugee's.

There is no way these people can be vetted coming from a war torn country and anyone who thinks they can is one dumb fuck.

Oh and you can stick your Islamaphob bullshit right up your stupid ass.

Immigrants -- including refugees -- have consistently been proven to be a net economic positive for America, going back to the 18th century.

Ignorant, nativist hate of said immigrants has also been a constant. History has not treated those people well, and neither will it you.

Sure and how much is that going to cost we the taxpayer there bright boy??

Muslims don't assimilate in any country they land in. Wonder how long it will take for a Paris or Nice to occur??

I hope history shows that our POTUS throws them all right back to Syria.
That Muslims don't assimilate is an Alternative Fact, Claudette. The rest, an opinion. In this country, they do assimilate and they have and they will. First generation immigrants from any foreign country frequently don't assimilate as readily--they were raised in a different culture and it is more difficult to learn a foreign language when you're older. But their kids will be Americans, as long as they haven't been marginalized by society, which SO FAR America has not done to Muslims. They come here and try to build another life. It must be incredibly hard, but they do it. No one would go through all that for measly welfare benefits and food stamps.

Tell that to the dead in Paris, Nice, San Bernardino and other countries in Europe.

Tell them how great it is to have Muslims in their countries.

Oh and I'm sure they would find welfare wonderful.

Imagine. Getting food, housing and medical care and never have to pay for it.
Are you skeered of the brown people, snowflake?
Not skeered......just not stupid.

If you weren't stupid (or uninformed), you'd know that refugees are the most well-vetted immigrants we'll ever get in this country. It takes YEARS to enter the U.S. as a refugee. No terrorist plotting to kill here would ever choose that option to get in.
Speaking of being uninformed.....you're not up on the facts on this issue. Many of these folks are first generation Merkins who became radicalized and all of the sudden had a bad day and decided to kill some infidels. But many are refugees that have been here for years:

Muslim 'Refugees' and Terrorism in America

Accepting terrorists as refugees leads to terrorist attacks on America.

While the World Trade Center bombing and the Boston Marathon bombing cases are the most famous terrorist attacks by Muslim refugees, there are numerous other cases of Muslim refugee terror.

America has been resettling huge numbers of Somali Muslim refugees. One of them, Nuradin Abdi, was an illegal alien who wanted to bomb a shopping mall in Columbus, Ohio after using his refugee travel document to fly back to Africa for terrorism training while claiming that he wanted to visit Mecca.

Mohamed Osman Mohamud, a Somali refugee, plotted to bomb a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland in 2010. "I want whoever is attending that event to leave, to leave dead or injured," he said.

The family had been settled in Oregon by the Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. The Ecumenical Ministries had nearly caused an ecumenical Somali Muslim massacre of Christians.

Numerous other Somali refugees have also left the United States to become terrorists abroad, joining Boko Haram and pledging to the Jihadist campaign of Islam against the non-Muslim free world.

And they aren’t the only ones.

Mir Qazi, a Pakistani using a fake passport, applied for political asylum and then got amnesty. A year later he murdered two CIA employees and fled to Pakistan. Hesham Mohamed Hadayet walked into Los Angeles International Airport and opened fire. Like the Blind Sheikh, Hadayet was a “refugee” from Egypt because of his Islamic religious beliefs. This refugee killed two people before he was stopped.

Devout Muslims who claim asylum because of religious persecution in a Muslim country should be considered highly suspect. It most likely means that their Islamic practices are more violent than usual.

But that wasn’t the only Muslim refugee terrorist plot targeting Los Angeles International Airport.

Abdel Hakim Tizegha, a member of the Millennium plot to bomb the airport, had applied for political asylum in the United States. Ahmed Ressam, another of the bombers, had applied for political asylum in Canada claiming that he was fleeing persecution in Algeria. He was caught entering the United States and the plot was averted.​

Wait. Do you not know what a refugee is?

The Boston bombers were not refugees. They arrived with tourist visas and applied for political asylum. That, and they were children, which destroys the idea that they came here with intent to kill.
Sorry my point went over your head. Lol.

My point was it really doesn't seem to matter how they got here or why. My point is every Muslim is a threat. It only takes the right incentive to push them over the edge because Islam isn't inclusive, especially Sharia Law practitioners.

I agree. The shooter at San Bernardino knew and worked with the people he killed. Hell they called him friend.

Islam is a death cult and those practicing that barbaric religion have no problem killing.

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