Burqa'd woman told to leave shop ....

I'd like to point out that there is no religious requirement for a Moslem woman to cover her face or wear a burka so if you hear that it is a requirement, you're being lied to.[/QUOTE

Different people INTERPRET ----***THEIR RELIGIONS*** differently. Mormons wear weird underwear. ----HOWEVER
muslims should be reminded that in SHARIAH ADHERENT LANDS----not only are muslims subjected to dress codes---but
non-muslims have it WORSE--(re dress codes) I would suggest to a person who cites his "beliefs" as a reason to break US law-----to face the issue of dress codes IMPOSED
on non-muslims in classical shariah shit holes. The lady who SOBBED about being mistreated in reference to HER particular belief SHOULD be willing to deal with the facts of
mistreatment of "others" as a matter consistent with HER BELIEFS----it might help her to put matters into perspective

It's NOT an interpretation dummy. It comes from Muhammad himself. Wise up.
I have a terrific idea----people should be allowed to wear a mask in public if they are LICENSED to do so. They could have a badge number easily visible and their fingerprints on file---for purposes of security. Unlicensed "concealment" would be
something like a misdemeanor. Anyone from CAIR care to
No. We don't want their inferior culture to take root here. Let them be Americans, let them dress like Americans, let them talk and act like Americans. They can go to whatever mosque they please, but we can't have them using Shariah law, beating their wives, wearing hijabs,honor killing rape victims, and genital mutilating their daughters.

you miss the point-----I will help you understand. Muslims have their own way of GETTING RID of that which they do not want. One of the ways is by MARKING the "lesser" people. A reality that some people do not know and lots of muslims DENY is that according to shariah law-----non muslims are REQUIRED to be identifiable as such by special and specific markings -----related to dress. A non-muslim--in
classic shariah shit holes---CANNOT DRESS LIKE A MUSLIM--but MUST dress according to laws created by muslim scholars. The classic designation for Christians is blue
insignia besides restrictions against "muslim stuff" ---for jews it is yellow insignia and some other--sometimes bizarre requirements. Zoroastrians get red----I believe hindus get orange. Being forced to be MARKED----is an effective way to
encourage people TO LEAVE
I'd like to point out that there is no religious requirement for a Moslem woman to cover her face or wear a burka so if you hear that it is a requirement, you're being lied to.[/QUOTE

Different people INTERPRET ----***THEIR RELIGIONS*** differently. Mormons wear weird underwear. ----HOWEVER
muslims should be reminded that in SHARIAH ADHERENT LANDS----not only are muslims subjected to dress codes---but
non-muslims have it WORSE--(re dress codes) I would suggest to a person who cites his "beliefs" as a reason to break US law-----to face the issue of dress codes IMPOSED
on non-muslims in classical shariah shit holes. The lady who SOBBED about being mistreated in reference to HER particular belief SHOULD be willing to deal with the facts of
mistreatment of "others" as a matter consistent with HER BELIEFS----it might help her to put matters into perspective

It's NOT an interpretation dummy. It comes from Muhammad himself. Wise up.

wrong----muhummad did not insist on covering the face----read the koran-----he had some other idea about lots of rags but not particularly the face-----nose and eyeballs and mouth could be exposed. In different places there have been different laws over the past miserable 1400 years of islam. Some muslim women wear GLOVES in public----feet seem to be ok all over.
wrong----muhummad did not insist on covering the face----read the koran

That's what I said. Helloooo.... anyone home.....?

You really should try READING the comments you're responding to.

I read your not so precise posts----nor did I deny the fact that MUHUMMAD did not demand that the face be covered------
however you to be working under the misapprehension---that
Muhummad described ALL OF SHARIAH LAW---that is wrong---shariah law evolved over many years and is based on that which muslim scholars believe to be consistent with that which
muhummad-----"wanted" things to be. Muhummad's opinion
is based on things HE DID----and things his close buddies did and his successors. Covering one's face ----is part and parcel of the Islamic scholar generated Islamic law----she shariah which Mr Khizr Khan has suddenly decide --"does not exist"
I have a terrific idea----people should be allowed to wear a mask in public if they are LICENSED to do so. They could have a badge number easily visible and their fingerprints on file---for purposes of security. Unlicensed "concealment" would be
something like a misdemeanor. Anyone from CAIR care to
And a really cool green crescent moon sewn on their clothes.....
Folks, this is not a black white issue, its not a us against muslim issue, its an issue of safety. I personally do not feel comfortable with someone dressed from head to toe with only a fuckin eye identifying you. In this day an age, no one should. Do not enter countries that have laws that you don't like, just stay the fuck home, its that simple. When you think of all the hell these people have to go through, especially the black ones, who are the one's that wear this shit, you'd think they'd want to adjust to our laws and become citizens....it just doesn't make sense to me to come here and still want to be apart of the shit you left?????
I'd like to point out that there is no religious requirement for a Moslem woman to cover her face or wear a burka so if you hear that it is a requirement, you're being lied to.
I agree....just like there is no religious requirement for a Christian to not bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding reception.....so if you hear it is a requirement, you're being lied to.
I have a terrific idea----people should be allowed to wear a mask in public if they are LICENSED to do so. They could have a badge number easily visible and their fingerprints on file---for purposes of security. Unlicensed "concealment" would be
something like a misdemeanor. Anyone from CAIR care to
And a really cool green crescent moon sewn on their clothes.....

that would be nice----a kinda gall bladder green with a matching pointy hat
Folks, this is not a black white issue, its not a us against muslim issue, its an issue of safety. I personally do not feel comfortable with someone dressed from head to toe with only a fuckin eye identifying you. In this day an age, no one should. Do not enter countries that have laws that you don't like, just stay the fuck home, its that simple. When you think of all the hell these people have to go through, especially the black ones, who are the one's that wear this shit, you'd think they'd want to adjust to our laws and become citizens....it just doesn't make sense to me to come here and still want to be apart of the shit you left?????

wrong-----the shit is not at all confined to the black ones----arabs and Pakistanis are considered to be of the caucasion '
Muslim Woman Told to Leave Dollar Store After Refusing to Remove Veil

Unless she uncovered her face.

The store manager made it clear they are in a high crime area. (Gary Indiana)

The CAIR response is ridiculous as usual.
Where I stand, its a 101 outside....she should want to leave. Listen, I will never understand cultures that come to the US but want to remain locked in their way of living, why leave your own effin country?
aint that the truth....
Muslim Woman Told to Leave Dollar Store After Refusing to Remove Veil

Unless she uncovered her face.

The store manager made it clear they are in a high crime area. (Gary Indiana)

The CAIR response is ridiculous as usual.
Where I stand, its a 101 outside....she should want to leave. Listen, I will never understand cultures that come to the US but want to remain locked in their way of living, why leave your own effin country?
aint that the truth....
Where I live, Catholic Charities are dumping these black muslims all over the effin place....and I'm not mad or anything, but seeing these women dressed in all this shit when its 100 fuckin degrees outside.....I'm like why come to this country and still stick with this stupid shit. Put on some shorts and have at it.....
I have a terrific idea----people should be allowed to wear a mask in public if they are LICENSED to do so. They could have a badge number easily visible and their fingerprints on file---for purposes of security. Unlicensed "concealment" would be
something like a misdemeanor. Anyone from CAIR care to
And a really cool green crescent moon sewn on their clothes.....

that would be nice----a kinda gall bladder green with a matching pointy hat
Well....there you go!

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