Bush, Obama jobs chart


How many times is this worthless chart going to be posted? Basically, the chart says "Look at me! I have no idea what I'm talking about! I'm an idiot! I'm posting this to make Bush look bad and Obama look good, but people who know better tell me it's just a bunch of crap! That's okay because ignorance is bliss!!!!"
gotta love false charts/comparisons....as if bush became president in 07...

By December 2008, when it became "official" that the country was in a recession, manufacturing output had dropped to a 26-year low, with two consecutive quarters seeing major drops. Housing construction was already on the decline, and credit was already becoming tight for small businesses. With the collapse in March of 2008 of Bear Stearns, the stench of economic meltdown of other Wall Street investment institutions was felt throughout the banking industry. Businesses big and small began laying off or standing still.

Unemployment began rising as a result of all of the above, starting in the summer of 2008. To selectively "blame" either Bush or Obama is to not understand what happened at all.
Which part of the constitution talks about how the executive branch should have anything to do with overall "jobs" in the country?


Nothing specifically, but ironically, those on the far right continue to clamor that Obama doesn't do enough to "provide jobs." Imagine that.
Gubmint hiring a bunch of new bureaucrats aren't "jobs gained" in any meaningful sense.

When there's some verifiable evidence that any "jobs gained" are in the sector of the workforce that produces things of value for the free economy, come back and tell us about it.

I told you, the right wing narrative would change.
While you're entitled to your opinions, you're not entitled to your own set of skewed facts.

Now, if you want to show some verifiable evidence that a good share of that "increased employment" aren't bureaucrats and temps sitting on their asses under the pretense that they're collecting census data, I'm all ears.

Since you're the one who made the accusation, it's up to you to provide the evidence. I can't wait.

How many times is this worthless chart going to be posted? Basically, the chart says "Look at me! I have no idea what I'm talking about! I'm an idiot! I'm posting this to make Bush look bad and Obama look good, but people who know better tell me it's just a bunch of crap! That's okay because ignorance is bliss!!!!"

If I were you, I wouldn't want to see this chart either...because it DOES make Bush look bad and Obama look good. The Stimulus Bill and other economic measures the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress implemented WORKED...

Gee, doesn't Fox News report this stuff?
Democrat Congress Elected, Job Losses Resulted. Obama Elected, Major Huge Job Losses Resulted!!! Obama drops in the polls, Jobs Try to Recover.

Congratulations! That's the "new" conservative banner. It's simple and concise and in Dick & Jane language so that the entire Idiot Brigade can parrot its truthiness. :lol:
If I were you, I wouldn't want to see this chart either...because it DOES make Bush look bad and Obama look good. The Stimulus Bill and other economic measures the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress implemented WORKED...

Gee, doesn't Fox News report this stuff?

I don't know if it was the Stimulus Act or what, but things are shaping up.

And after the horrible state our economy has been in for the past 2 1/2 years, I for one am happy about it.

Oh, and as far as the Unemployment rate goes, Feb 2009 was Obama's first full month in office. The rate at that point was 8.2%, which means it's increased 1.7% since he's been in office.

That's opposed to the 3.8% increase in unemployment in the year-and-a-half preceding Obama's first month in office.

And, as we can see from the chart, things have definitely bottomed out and improved in the past few months.

Now, I'm not saying that's because of any policy from either party, but it certainly doesn't reflect well on Bush.
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Not exactly an official site. ReaganBushDebt.org Now there's a non biased site if I ever saw one.

Nice try though.

Do you dipute the numbers? I have seen this posted in other places. Classic. No diputing the truth, just say you dont like the numbers.

It's hilarious that they're all so frantic that the economy may actually be improving. These are our new "patriots." Fucking amazing.

How many times is this worthless chart going to be posted? Basically, the chart says "Look at me! I have no idea what I'm talking about! I'm an idiot! I'm posting this to make Bush look bad and Obama look good, but people who know better tell me it's just a bunch of crap! That's okay because ignorance is bliss!!!!"

If I were you, I wouldn't want to see this chart either...because it DOES make Bush look bad and Obama look good. The Stimulus Bill and other economic measures the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress implemented WORKED...

Gee, doesn't Fox News report this stuff?

Of course not!

They are a wholly owned subsidiary of the Republican Party!

How many times is this worthless chart going to be posted? Basically, the chart says "Look at me! I have no idea what I'm talking about! I'm an idiot! I'm posting this to make Bush look bad and Obama look good, but people who know better tell me it's just a bunch of crap! That's okay because ignorance is bliss!!!!"

If I were you, I wouldn't want to see this chart either...because it DOES make Bush look bad and Obama look good. The Stimulus Bill and other economic measures the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress implemented WORKED...

Gee, doesn't Fox News report this stuff?

:lol: You think I care if Bush looks bad? I blame him directly for allowing dimwits like Obama to get elected. And, yes, the stimulus bill worked if you consider paying $300,000 to save a $50k/year job for a year.

Jeez, does the idiocy never stop? You Obamabots will buy anything. It's really pathetic.

At what point did the Big 0 spend the Trillion dollars to keep the jobless rate below 8%?

If the losses during the Big 0's term had dropped from the zero point, this might be meaningful, but they start from the bottom of the pit and then descend.

Nice try though. Putting lip stick on a pig is always a tricky job.

How was your date?
How many times is this worthless chart going to be posted? Basically, the chart says "Look at me! I have no idea what I'm talking about! I'm an idiot! I'm posting this to make Bush look bad and Obama look good, but people who know better tell me it's just a bunch of crap! That's okay because ignorance is bliss!!!!"

If I were you, I wouldn't want to see this chart either...because it DOES make Bush look bad and Obama look good. The Stimulus Bill and other economic measures the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress implemented WORKED...

Gee, doesn't Fox News report this stuff?

:lol: You think I care if Bush looks bad? I blame him directly for allowing dimwits like Obama to get elected. And, yes, the stimulus bill worked if you consider paying $300,000 to save a $50k/year job for a year.

Jeez, does the idiocy never stop? You Obamabots will buy anything. It's really pathetic.

Well here's what you REALLY need to do...blame Bush directly for making TARP and the Stimulus necessary.

AND, for the worst job creation performance of any president.

Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record

Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ

The Bush administration created about three million jobs (net) over its eight years, a fraction of the 23 million jobs created under President Bill Clinton’s administration and only slightly better than President George H.W. Bush did in his four years in office.


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