Bush Tax Cuts: The New Middle-Class Norm


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Now that Obama wants to drop the Bush tax cuts for those making over 250000 what does that say about what we have been hearing for 10 years? We have been hearing that the Bush tax cuts were only for the rich. Yet here we are, now Obama wants to just drop the cuts for the rich, which means of course the cuts WAS NOT for just the rich.

Bush Tax Cuts: The New Middle-Class Norm

Bush Tax Cuts: The New Middle-Class Norm | WBUR & NPR
Dems can't be held responsible for anything they have said in the past.
Now that Obama wants to drop the Bush tax cuts for those making over 250000 what does that say about what we have been hearing for 10 years? We have been hearing that the Bush tax cuts were only for the rich. Yet here we are, now Obama wants to just drop the cuts for the rich, which means of course the cuts WAS NOT for just the rich.

Bush Tax Cuts: The New Middle-Class Norm

Bush Tax Cuts: The New Middle-Class Norm | WBUR & NPR

It has been a bullshit political talking point all along that the Bush cuts were "for the rich"

As a percentage of their income the "rich" actually received a smaller tax break, under Bush's tax rates, than the poor and middle class received.

What happens is when you make a million dollars compared to 100,000 dollars a 3% break = more total dollars than a 5% break.

1,000,000 @ 3% tax break saves 30,000 in taxes
100,000 @ 5% tax break saves 5,000 in taxes.

Its just political hogwash and, as you so easily pointed out, has been a half-truth talking point for a long time.
Actually, Bush tax cuts went primarily to the middle class.

The rich now pay their highest share of the Federal income tax burden EVER IN OUR HISTORY.

Bush stuck it to The Man.
Actually, Bush tax cuts went primarily to the middle class.

The rich now pay their highest share of the Federal income tax burden EVER IN OUR HISTORY.

Bush stuck it to The Man.

That is not something to brag about

The reason they now pay the highest share of the tax burden is because they have assumed their highest share of the wealth
Actually, Bush tax cuts went primarily to the middle class.

The rich now pay their highest share of the Federal income tax burden EVER IN OUR HISTORY.

Bush stuck it to The Man.

That is not something to brag about

The reason they now pay the highest share of the tax burden is because they have assumed their highest share of the wealth

Wrong, as usual.

The reason they are now paying their highest share is that millions of middle income tax payers have simply been lopped off the tax roles.

That nearly half of Americans now pay no Federal income tax is common knowledge.

You see - Bush stuck it to The Man.
Actually, Bush tax cuts went primarily to the middle class.

The rich now pay their highest share of the Federal income tax burden EVER IN OUR HISTORY.

Bush stuck it to The Man.

That is not something to brag about

The reason they now pay the highest share of the tax burden is because they have assumed their highest share of the wealth

Wrong, as usual.

The reason they are now paying their highest share is that millions of middle income tax payers have simply been lopped off the tax roles.

That nearly half of Americans now pay no Federal income tax is common knowledge.

You see - Bush stuck it to The Man.


More wealth has shifted to the wealthiest 5% than in any time in our history. Reagan policies ensured that the wealthy could increase their ability to gain wealth and protect it

The true purpose of supply side economics
ANYONE who increases their wealth should be entitled to protect it, whether it be 10K or 10MIL.... how much is enough to have confiscated??

It is of no concern to you, the guy next door, or the government whether person X becomes successful and rich and earns a ton, or person Y earns moderately, or person Z struggles... the struggles of person Z does not entitle them to a share of person X's income nor should it afford them special treatment where they are exempt from their equal % share of taxes and stake in the game
That is not something to brag about

The reason they now pay the highest share of the tax burden is because they have assumed their highest share of the wealth

Wrong, as usual.

The reason they are now paying their highest share is that millions of middle income tax payers have simply been lopped off the tax roles.

That nearly half of Americans now pay no Federal income tax is common knowledge.

You see - Bush stuck it to The Man.


More wealth has shifted to the wealthiest 5% than in any time in our history. Reagan policies ensured that the wealthy could increase their ability to gain wealth and protect it

The true purpose of supply side economics

It is not bullshit, Libtard.

85% of the Bush tax cuts went to those other than the rich, and since the rich pay more than 15% of Federal taxes, even a Libtard such as yourself should be able to simply calculate that Bush stuck it to The Man.
Let us not lose sight of what the original subject was, the left lied about the tax cuts, period.
Now that Obama wants to drop the Bush tax cuts for those making over 250000 what does that say about what we have been hearing for 10 years? We have been hearing that the Bush tax cuts were only for the rich. Yet here we are, now Obama wants to just drop the cuts for the rich, which means of course the cuts WAS NOT for just the rich.

Bush Tax Cuts: The New Middle-Class Norm

Bush Tax Cuts: The New Middle-Class Norm | WBUR & NPR

It has been a bullshit political talking point all along that the Bush cuts were "for the rich"

As a percentage of their income the "rich" actually received a smaller tax break, under Bush's tax rates, than the poor and middle class received.

What happens is when you make a million dollars compared to 100,000 dollars a 3% break = more total dollars than a 5% break.

1,000,000 @ 3% tax break saves 30,000 in taxes
100,000 @ 5% tax break saves 5,000 in taxes.

Its just political hogwash and, as you so easily pointed out, has been a half-truth talking point for a long time.

Wrong, as usual.

The reason they are now paying their highest share is that millions of middle income tax payers have simply been lopped off the tax roles.

That nearly half of Americans now pay no Federal income tax is common knowledge.

You see - Bush stuck it to The Man.


More wealth has shifted to the wealthiest 5% than in any time in our history. Reagan policies ensured that the wealthy could increase their ability to gain wealth and protect it

The true purpose of supply side economics

It is not bullshit, Libtard.

85% of the Bush tax cuts went to those other than the rich, and since the rich pay more than 15% of Federal taxes, even a Libtard such as yourself should be able to simply calculate that Bush stuck it to The Man.

That is true but it is not politically comfortable for democrats and liberals to admit it.
Actually, Bush tax cuts went primarily to the middle class.

The rich now pay their highest share of the Federal income tax burden EVER IN OUR HISTORY.

Bush stuck it to The Man.

That is not something to brag about

The reason they now pay the highest share of the tax burden is because they have assumed their highest share of the wealth

Wrong, as usual.

The reason they are now paying their highest share is that millions of middle income tax payers have simply been lopped off the tax roles.

That nearly half of Americans now pay no Federal income tax is common knowledge.

Not a prob.

Allow ALL BUSH TAX-CUTS to....

It's long-overdue time we get back to.....

That is not something to brag about

The reason they now pay the highest share of the tax burden is because they have assumed their highest share of the wealth

Wrong, as usual.

The reason they are now paying their highest share is that millions of middle income tax payers have simply been lopped off the tax roles.

That nearly half of Americans now pay no Federal income tax is common knowledge.

You see - Bush stuck it to The Man.


More wealth has shifted to the wealthiest 5% than in any time in our history. Reagan policies ensured that the wealthy could increase their ability to gain wealth and protect it

The true purpose of supply side economics.
'Tis TRUE!!!!!!

"The man charged to make this all work was David Stockman, Reagan's budget director. Stockman's genius and mastery of numbers was matched only by his relatively young age, which earned him the title of "whiz kid." Stockman, Roberts and Anderson came up with a massively optimistic forecast for the economy, which today Stockman derisively refers to as the "Rosy Scenario." The Rosy Scenario predicted that the 1981 tax cuts would produce 5 percent growth in 1982.

But as early as August 1981, Stockman began having gnawing doubts about his budget. Computer simulations failed to project the tremendous growth he had predicted, and later he would admit to cooking the numbers before selling the budget to Congress. That December, the Atlantic Monthly published an article in which Stockman made several damaging and embarrassing confessions about the entire supply-side philosophy. He admitted that the 1981 tax cut "was always a Trojan horse to bring down the top [tax] rate" for the wealthy."



That'd be the same Mike Pence who Obama made his little-bitch.

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That is not something to brag about

The reason they now pay the highest share of the tax burden is because they have assumed their highest share of the wealth

Wrong, as usual.

The reason they are now paying their highest share is that millions of middle income tax payers have simply been lopped off the tax roles.

That nearly half of Americans now pay no Federal income tax is common knowledge.

You see - Bush stuck it to The Man.


More wealth has shifted to the wealthiest 5% than in any time in our history. Reagan policies ensured that the wealthy could increase their ability to gain wealth and protect it

The true purpose of supply side economics

yea...that 10% bracket really sucks:rolleyes:...........have another old bean:booze:

"Back in May, Fox news tried to force a meme called the “fiscal cliff” on their websites. According to the story, it’s a term used by financial insiders to describe a scenario where, if the Bush Tax Cuts are allowed to expire, the economy will go into a freefall, put us in another recession, and shrink the economy by 1.3% This is all fine and dandy for frightening people, except that good ol’ FNC didn’t tell the whole story, probably because that wouldn’t fit into their future tactics. So, as a result, they left out the parts of the report that they can’t use for that purpose."

Granny says, "Dat's right - make dem rich company owners pay fer alla `merican jobs dey outsourced...
Senate passes cuts for all but richest Americans
July 26, 2012 WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate has debated, sniped and voted on the politically fraught issue of tax cuts, and next week the House is likely to do it all over again. Still, Americans won't know until after the November elections how much more of their paychecks will go to the government next year.
House Speaker John Boehner said Thursday that his Republican-led chamber is "more than willing" to make Democrats vote on the President Barack Obama's plan to extend former president George W. Bush's tax cuts for all but the wealthiest Americans. He also is bringing up the GOP's proposal to extend the tax cuts for everyone. The outcome is almost certainly stalemated until the November elections, so leaders of both houses of Congress are turning the House and Senate into campaign stages on one of the defining issues of the presidential and congressional races.

Obama signaled on Thursday he's ready to do his part to light a fire under lawmakers. "I would urge the House of Representatives to do the right thing," he told reporters during a Cabinet meeting. He said he and top aides will "amplify that message" in the days to come. Obama said the one-year extension would provide "certainty and security to families who are already feeling pinched" and reassure businesses by taking "a whole bunch of uncertainty out of the economy" at a time of global economic worries.

The Senate opened the drama Wednesday with surprise debates and passage of a Democratic bill fashioned on President Barack Obama's proposal to extend the income tax cuts to all but the wealthiest Americans through 2013. It passed even though the measure stands no chance of surviving the Republican-led House. Meanwhile, the Senate rejected a GOP amendment to extend the cuts to all taxpayers. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, intends to bring up that measure in his chamber next week.

So the matter was a nearly certain stalemate even before Democratic leader Harry Reid and Republican leader Mitch McConnell abruptly agreed to vote on two measures, spent the day accusing each other of playing politics and the last 20 minutes trying to get the last word. "We know this is about the election," McConnell said. At one point he resolved to let Reid close the debate but then changed his mind to dispute a point. "Here we go again," Reid muttered. Some of McConnell's remarks, he added, were "poppycock."


See also:

Harry Reid: 'I've Sponsored Legislation ... For an Audit of the Federal Reserve'
July 26, 2012 – The House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill (327-98) this week to audit the Federal Reserve but the Democrat-controlled Senate is not expected to take up a similar measure there, even though Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) strongly favored auditing the Federal Reserve System several years ago.
On January 25, 1995, Reid argued in favor of an amendment by then Senator Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) that would require the Federal Reserve to a prepare a report to Congress and disclose the financial impact of changing interest rates on the public and private sector. “I have sponsored legislation that would call for an audit of the Federal Reserve System. I offer that amendment every year. Every year the legislation gets nowhere. I think it would be interesting to know about the Federal Reserve. I think we should audit the Federal Reserve,” Reid said.

He continued, “It's taxpayer's money that’s being used there but we don't do that. Senator Dorgan has spoke out on the secrecy of the Federal Reserve System. He's spoken out on the Federal Reserve more than anyone that I know in either body." “But even though there is no entity in the world that controls our lives more than the Federal Reserve System, his speeches go unnoticed I'm sorry to say,” Reid said. Reid lamented that the fact that the Federal Reserve System just wasn’t talked about enough. “People just don't care, it seems, about the Federal Reserve. Maybe it’s because it’s a subject that isn't very interesting. You know it's not pornography. It's not Murder. It's not, it's not an issue that deals with the wild west water grazing. It doesn't deal with issues that we talk about here a lot. But we don't talk enough about the Federal Reserve and the impact it has in our life.”

Reid mentioned that the Federal Reserve raised interest rates six times since the February of 1994. “If someone likes this legislation, generally speaking, that is, we're going to stop unfunded mandates, then they should love this amendment,” arguing in favor of an amendment sponsored by Dorgan. “If the principle of unfunded mandates being stopped sounds good to Senators, then they should jump with joy and run over here and cosponsor this legislation. Because this, this really overshadows all other unfunded mandates. Because these go on all the time.”

Reid explained that the Federal Reserve Board’s ability to manipulate interest rates has an impact on the entire country – rich and poor. “Not only do they effect government, because of the money that government's borrow. But it also affects the private sector significantly. There isn't a person that's listening to this debate or could listen to this debate that higher interest rates doesn't impact them. It doesn't matter if they're homeless or they're making a multi-million dollar transaction on Wall Street as we speak. Higher interest rates effect everybody in this country.”

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Now that Obama wants to drop the Bush tax cuts for those making over 250000 what does that say about what we have been hearing for 10 years? We have been hearing that the Bush tax cuts were only for the rich. Yet here we are, now Obama wants to just drop the cuts for the rich, which means of course the cuts WAS NOT for just the rich.

Bush Tax Cuts: The New Middle-Class Norm

Bush Tax Cuts: The New Middle-Class Norm | WBUR & NPR

It has been a bullshit political talking point all along that the Bush cuts were "for the rich"

As a percentage of their income the "rich" actually received a smaller tax break, under Bush's tax rates, than the poor and middle class received.

What happens is when you make a million dollars compared to 100,000 dollars a 3% break = more total dollars than a 5% break.

1,000,000 @ 3% tax break saves 30,000 in taxes
100,000 @ 5% tax break saves 5,000 in taxes.

Its just political hogwash and, as you so easily pointed out, has been a half-truth talking point for a long time.

That is not something to brag about

The reason they now pay the highest share of the tax burden is because they have assumed their highest share of the wealth

Wrong, as usual.

The reason they are now paying their highest share is that millions of middle income tax payers have simply been lopped off the tax roles.

That nearly half of Americans now pay no Federal income tax is common knowledge.

You see - Bush stuck it to The Man.


More wealth has shifted to the wealthiest 5% than in any time in our history. Reagan policies ensured that the wealthy could increase their ability to gain wealth and protect it

The true purpose of supply side economics

No bullshit is saying Bush's tax cuts were "for the rich" when the rich received the smallest percentage tax break in the Bush tax cuts.
All taxpayers got a tax break.

Let the tax cuts expire for everyone.

Then we can sit back and watch the economy take off.

I won't hold my breath.

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