Bush worst president in 100 years.

I've refuted your bullshit, so now let the members go do some research and see which one of us is correct!

Did you ever give me an answer on how many of those jobs were PART TIME and How Many were full time?

You are in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.

I think you should invite Mr. DuffToBe to the Bullring.

That would be fun to see.

He's so freaking ADD he can't see straight.
How many of these jobs are FULL TIME and how many are PART TIME?....I'll wait for your answer!

Pretty sure Dubya lost 673,000+ FULL TIME JOBS :(

And how many FULL TIME JOBS were lost under Obuma?

Here's a little something CURRENT to help you...

June Full-Time Jobs Plunge By Over Half A Million, Part-Time Jobs Surge By 800K, Most Since 1993

Is this the reason for the blowout, on the surface, payroll number? In June the BLS reports that the number of full-time jobs tumbled by 523K to 118.2 million while part-time jobs soared by 799K to over 28 million!

Looking at the breakdown of full and part-time jobs so far in 2014, we find that 926K full-time jobs were added to the US economy. The offset: 646K part-time jobs.

Something tells us that the fact that the BLS just reported June part-time jobs rose by just shy of 800,000 the biggest monthly jump since 1993, will hardly get much airplay today. Because remember: when it comes to jobs, it is only the quantity that matters, never the quality.

... just in case there is any confusion why there is zero real wage growth (for two months in a row now), and why it will take a few more months before experts start tossing the word stagflation a little more casually.

Source: BLShttp://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t09.htm


Barack Obama bests Bill Clinton's private sector job creation record

June marks 52 straight months of private sector job growth, the longest ever on record, beating out Bill Clinton's record of 51 continuous months of private sector job growth from February 1996 to April 2000. The economy has added more than 200,000 jobs for five months in a row now, the longest such streak since 1999. In the first half of this year alone the economy has added 1.4 million jobs, another accomplishment not seen since 1999.

Barack Obama bests Bill Clinton's private sector job creation record ? The People's View


The Spectacular Myth of Obama's Part-Time America—in 5 Graphs


The second thing we should expect to see from Part-Time America is a growing number of part-time jobs since Obama came into office and started passing laws. Here's a graph showing the number of people working part-time for economic reasons since March 2010, the month Obamacare was passed.



The Spectacular Myth of Obama's Part-Time America?in 5 Graphs - Derek Thompson - The Atlantic
I've refuted your bullshit, so now let the members go do some research and see which one of us is correct!

Did you ever give me an answer on how many of those jobs were PART TIME and How Many were full time?

REFUTED? Using bullshit out of context crap? Dem had LOTS of power in the GOP House 1995-2007 right? THAT'S what you base your premise on, lol

You mean ACCOUNTING scandals of 2003-2004 that Bush admin agreed there was not a problem with GSE's TOO?

Weird, when did the Bush subprime crisis begin?



Why, because your links say something different than mine?:badgrin::badgrin:

My links show the subprime crisis started much earlier, and I should believe yours?

So Bush was in charge then, and Obuma has been in charge since 2008 and the democraps haven't learned shit!....Obama Administration Pushing Banks to Offer Sub-prime Mortgages again… And When It Implodes Again….

Only in cuckoo land....

You forgot to finish your last sentence

"Obama added more to the deficit than Bush..." because...?

He had to pay off the unions and his Democrat supporters. He's still proposing billions in new spending almost every week. Wasn't this supposed to be the recovery summer, again?

And that cost him $5 trillion? wow...

Almost a trillion for 'shovel ready jobs' that didn't exist.
I've refuted your bullshit, so now let the members go do some research and see which one of us is correct!

Did you ever give me an answer on how many of those jobs were PART TIME and How Many were full time?

REFUTED? Using bullshit out of context crap? Dem had LOTS of power in the GOP House 1995-2007 right? THAT'S what you base your premise on, lol

You mean ACCOUNTING scandals of 2003-2004 that Bush admin agreed there was not a problem with GSE's TOO?

Weird, when did the Bush subprime crisis begin?



Why, because your links say something different than mine?:badgrin::badgrin:

My links show the subprime crisis started much earlier, and I should believe yours?

So Bush was in charge then, and Obuma has been in charge since 2008 and the democraps haven't learned shit!....Obama Administration Pushing Banks to Offer Sub-prime Mortgages again… And When It Implodes Again….


Libss have been running congress for eight years now and all we hears is....

REFUTED? Using bullshit out of context crap? Dem had LOTS of power in the GOP House 1995-2007 right? THAT'S what you base your premise on, lol

You mean ACCOUNTING scandals of 2003-2004 that Bush admin agreed there was not a problem with GSE's TOO?

Weird, when did the Bush subprime crisis begin?



Why, because your links say something different than mine?:badgrin::badgrin:

My links show the subprime crisis started much earlier, and I should believe yours?

So Bush was in charge then, and Obuma has been in charge since 2008 and the democraps haven't learned shit!....Obama Administration Pushing Banks to Offer Sub-prime Mortgages again… And When It Implodes Again….


Libss have been running congress for eight years now and all we hears is....


still don't know what a filibuster is, huh? :cuckoo:
Pretty sure Dubya lost 673,000+ FULL TIME JOBS :(

And how many FULL TIME JOBS were lost under Obuma?

Here's a little something CURRENT to help you...

June Full-Time Jobs Plunge By Over Half A Million, Part-Time Jobs Surge By 800K, Most Since 1993

Is this the reason for the blowout, on the surface, payroll number? In June the BLS reports that the number of full-time jobs tumbled by 523K to 118.2 million while part-time jobs soared by 799K to over 28 million!

Looking at the breakdown of full and part-time jobs so far in 2014, we find that 926K full-time jobs were added to the US economy. The offset: 646K part-time jobs.

Something tells us that the fact that the BLS just reported June part-time jobs rose by just shy of 800,000 the biggest monthly jump since 1993, will hardly get much airplay today. Because remember: when it comes to jobs, it is only the quantity that matters, never the quality.

... just in case there is any confusion why there is zero real wage growth (for two months in a row now), and why it will take a few more months before experts start tossing the word stagflation a little more casually.

Source: BLShttp://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t09.htm


Barack Obama bests Bill Clinton's private sector job creation record

June marks 52 straight months of private sector job growth, the longest ever on record, beating out Bill Clinton's record of 51 continuous months of private sector job growth from February 1996 to April 2000. The economy has added more than 200,000 jobs for five months in a row now, the longest such streak since 1999. In the first half of this year alone the economy has added 1.4 million jobs, another accomplishment not seen since 1999.

Barack Obama bests Bill Clinton's private sector job creation record ? The People's View


The Spectacular Myth of Obama's Part-Time America—in 5 Graphs


The second thing we should expect to see from Part-Time America is a growing number of part-time jobs since Obama came into office and started passing laws. Here's a graph showing the number of people working part-time for economic reasons since March 2010, the month Obamacare was passed.



The Spectacular Myth of Obama's Part-Time America?in 5 Graphs - Derek Thompson - The Atlantic

Oh my the far left posters will believe any thing a far left blog site posts...
Why, because your links say something different than mine?:badgrin::badgrin:

My links show the subprime crisis started much earlier, and I should believe yours?

So Bush was in charge then, and Obuma has been in charge since 2008 and the democraps haven't learned shit!....Obama Administration Pushing Banks to Offer Sub-prime Mortgages again… And When It Implodes Again….


Libss have been running congress for eight years now and all we hears is....


still don't know what a filibuster is, huh? :cuckoo:

Harry Reid re instate it?
Why, because your links say something different than mine?:badgrin::badgrin:

My links show the subprime crisis started much earlier, and I should believe yours?

So Bush was in charge then, and Obuma has been in charge since 2008 and the democraps haven't learned shit!....Obama Administration Pushing Banks to Offer Sub-prime Mortgages again… And When It Implodes Again….


Libss have been running congress for eight years now and all we hears is....


still don't know what a filibuster is, huh? :cuckoo:

Call the doctor and get some more ADD meds.

Oh, did you get to keep your doctor.....?
Why, because your links say something different than mine?:badgrin::badgrin:

My links show the subprime crisis started much earlier, and I should believe yours?

So Bush was in charge then, and Obuma has been in charge since 2008 and the democraps haven't learned shit!....Obama Administration Pushing Banks to Offer Sub-prime Mortgages again… And When It Implodes Again….


Libss have been running congress for eight years now and all we hears is....


still don't know what a filibuster is, huh? :cuckoo:

But HillBillyJilly Harry Reid doing away with the Filibuster, he did it with the Obamacare vote, why not everything else you subversives want?

The Nuclear Option: Harry Reid's Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds | FreedomWorks
You forgot about the housing bubble burst, getting the US into two wars of choice, doubling your deficit. That aside, "won two wars"?? Really? You call Afghanistan and Iraq, 'won'? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

You have to admit they were won when Bush left office.

That fucktard Obama changed that - hopenchange....

Gump. you live up to your name. Mamma always said you wuz stupid as a dog turd....
Not really. He is as dumb as a post.

So, about twice as smart as you, and a dozen times smarter than Obama, then.... :thup:

My distaste for him has little to do with his politics (even though they are pretty bad), but his lack of intellect and curiousity.

He's still smarter than you. So is the last shit my Dingo took, so it isn't praise of Dubya.
Oh my the far left posters will believe any thing a far left blog site posts...

Dumb23 is a feral baboon. He flings shit, but cannot carry on a conversation. Without cut & paste from the hate sites, he is unable to post at all. Just a mindless monkey.

The hate sites seem to be in full meltdown, and have released the bottom of the barrel to infect forums.

He and kissmy copy and paste exactly the same stupid shit from the hate sites. It's impossible to have a discussion with either of those retards around, cluttering up the pages with dozens of bullshit graphs.

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