Businessmen Must Be Permitted to Bring Skilled Foreign Workers To The U.S.

Sorry, this is a false argument. America has 350 million citizens, but can't find skilled workers? How does the CIA technical team survive then? Or the military? How about the FBI cyber team?

These same companies started from scratch in America using American labor and innovation, but now all of a sudden they require foreign workers? I don't buy it. If these other nations had the skill available, they would already be defeating America.

Now if it was an issue of taking other nations best and brightest, that's different. That's a much smaller sub set of their workers.
Screw this dishonest lying by these CEOs; they've cut their own throats re producing a domestic market for those skill sets he's claiming, and it's time to shut the labor racketeering down. Silly Con Valley just doesn't want to pay their employees enough to afford living in their tech ghetto; they can relocate somewhere affordable for their employees or just close up and let somebody with real business skills and brains have the niche. Nobody with an IQ over 10 is still buying their bullshit whining.
Right now America is the best in the world for science and tech. Trump wants to change that. It's too elitist for his worshippers.

The goal in america has always been to keep the masses just smart enough to run the machines that generate the wealth that the aristocracy floats upon.
Don't delve into nonsense man. You can buy a boat and float off out of civilization anytime you want. There's a reason you choose not to.
That would be the same for all of us my friend, we all cut that deal long ago; tell it to the folks always whining about any and all taxes and regulations and bitching about half of the folks they share this society with. I personally never signed away my right, ability, and responsibility to be coherent and aware of what was going on around me.

The fact of the matter is that this society has never lived up to its creation myth and the founders had little use for the rabble other than as a source of labor. This society was predicated upon ethnic cleansing and the subjugation of Africans as slaves who were prevented from learning to read or attaining an education. Only property owning white males were allowed the vote and the senate was appointed by the aristocracy. That was the vision, everyone else who has ever gotten any consideration in this society has fought, bled and died for it, but it has never been a done deal anytime it was temporarily accomplished.

There has been a long campaign against public education; and a public anything for that matter, as more and more wealth is redistributed into private corporate and Wall Street hands. The entire media machine in america now rests in the hands of 6 multinational corporations who manage the perceptual reality of “the people”. Not only that, but then folk like you who have absorbed this fictitious perceptual reality go forth and police the thought processes or your fellow citizens for them.
Sorry, this is a false argument. America has 350 million citizens, but can't find skilled workers? How does the CIA technical team survive then? Or the military? How about the FBI cyber team?

These same companies started from scratch in America using American labor and innovation, but now all of a sudden they require foreign workers? I don't buy it. If these other nations had the skill available, they would already be defeating America.

Now if it was an issue of taking other nations best and brightest, that's different. That's a much smaller sub set of their workers.

This is all nothing but a race to the bottom for workers in america. You want the jobs to come back? Accept the wages, working conditions, and environment that US corporations enjoy subjecting others to abroad; accept that level of abuse.

They would be defeating america? Pffffffffffffft, I'm not yet convinced we're winning anything.
Right now America is the best in the world for science and tech. Trump wants to change that. It's too elitist for his worshippers.
Perhaps if we leveraged our science and tech efforts to benefit society as a whole rather than to concentrate societal wealth into corporate coffers the public would be more trusting. As it is, everything is up for rigorous examination.
Right now America is the best in the world for science and tech. Trump wants to change that. It's too elitist for his worshippers.
Perhaps if we leveraged our science and tech efforts to benefit society as a whole rather than to concentrate societal wealth into corporate coffers the public would be more trusting. As it is, everything is up for rigorous examination.
I bet you have a smart phone
Right now America is the best in the world for science and tech. Trump wants to change that. It's too elitist for his worshippers.
Perhaps if we leveraged our science and tech efforts to benefit society as a whole rather than to concentrate societal wealth into corporate coffers the public would be more trusting. As it is, everything is up for rigorous examination.
I assume you want to ban and destroy every invention and innovation since man discovered fire and the wheel. And don't be brushing your yellow teeth anymore. Promise?
Right now America is the best in the world for science and tech. Trump wants to change that. It's too elitist for his worshippers.
Perhaps if we leveraged our science and tech efforts to benefit society as a whole rather than to concentrate societal wealth into corporate coffers the public would be more trusting. As it is, everything is up for rigorous examination.
I assume you want to ban and destroy every invention and innovation since man discovered fire and the wheel. And don't be brushing your yellow teeth anymore. Promise?

If you'd like to have a discussion let me know.
I heard on the news last night that the IT support workers at UCal have been laid off and UCal admits it is outsourcing those jobs to India because it will cut their costs by 75% We have people with the skills, but in this country (particularly in California) you can't survive on a 75% wage cut. They've got us over a barrel.
I heard on the news last night that the IT support workers at UCal have been laid off and UCal admits it is outsourcing those jobs to India because it will cut their costs by 75% We have people with the skills, but in this country (particularly in California) you can't survive on a 75% wage cut. They've got us over a barrel.

This is how the power structure enforces their will upon the masses. We're not really free, never have been. We are all enslaved to an economic system that serves only a handful of entitled folk at the top, and the political system is there to serve the economic system. Over a barrel is where they want us, and we assist them in this endeavor by self dividing into subgroups at civil war with one another. The entire perceptual reality pushed by the corporate state media is one of fear, anxiety, division, and hatred. The masses must be kept incoherent, confused and in fear not only of a boogeyman abroad but also of losing their own economic security.
I heard on the news last night that the IT support workers at UCal have been laid off and UCal admits it is outsourcing those jobs to India because it will cut their costs by 75% We have people with the skills, but in this country (particularly in California) you can't survive on a 75% wage cut. They've got us over a barrel.
They had us over a barrel, then Sir Donald came to the rescue.
I heard on the news last night that the IT support workers at UCal have been laid off and UCal admits it is outsourcing those jobs to India because it will cut their costs by 75% We have people with the skills, but in this country (particularly in California) you can't survive on a 75% wage cut. They've got us over a barrel.

This is how the power structure enforces their will upon the masses. We're not really free, never have been. We are all enslaved to an economic system that serves only a handful of entitled folk at the top, and the political system is there to serve the economic system. Over a barrel is where they want us, and we assist them in this endeavor by self dividing into subgroups at civil war with one another. The entire perceptual reality pushed by the corporate state media is one of fear, anxiety, division, and hatred. The masses must be kept incoherent, confused and in fear not only of a boogeyman abroad but also of losing their own economic security.
I dunno, Fenton. We are a capitalist country so the Boss has always had the upper hand. That is the system we choose to live with. Of course the Boss controls us. We need to eat, therefore we work. The Boss determines when and for how much. As the USSR/Russia can attest, communism didn't cut it economically. Venezuela, Cuba, even China, a lot of countries have learned the hard way that if you want to be a wealthy nation, you have to give human greed a little room to operate. Politely, we call that freedom for initiative. Motivation to work hard. Whatever.
The Boss will always be the rich one. Before democracy it was the nobility that was rich. We got rid of them and the capitalists got rich. It is inevitable if you want to compete in the real world.
I heard on the news last night that the IT support workers at UCal have been laid off and UCal admits it is outsourcing those jobs to India because it will cut their costs by 75% We have people with the skills, but in this country (particularly in California) you can't survive on a 75% wage cut. They've got us over a barrel.
They had us over a barrel, then Sir Donald came to the rescue.
I don't think he can fix this, Hossfly.
I heard on the news last night that the IT support workers at UCal have been laid off and UCal admits it is outsourcing those jobs to India because it will cut their costs by 75% We have people with the skills, but in this country (particularly in California) you can't survive on a 75% wage cut. They've got us over a barrel.

This is how the power structure enforces their will upon the masses. We're not really free, never have been. We are all enslaved to an economic system that serves only a handful of entitled folk at the top, and the political system is there to serve the economic system. Over a barrel is where they want us, and we assist them in this endeavor by self dividing into subgroups at civil war with one another. The entire perceptual reality pushed by the corporate state media is one of fear, anxiety, division, and hatred. The masses must be kept incoherent, confused and in fear not only of a boogeyman abroad but also of losing their own economic security.
I dunno, Fenton. We are a capitalist country so the Boss has always had the upper hand. That is the system we choose to live with. Of course the Boss controls us. We need to eat, therefore we work. The Boss determines when and for how much. As the USSR/Russia can attest, communism didn't cut it economically. Venezuela, Cuba, even China, a lot of countries have learned the hard way that if you want to be a wealthy nation, you have to give human greed a little room to operate. Politely, we call that freedom for initiative. Motivation to work hard. Whatever.
The Boss will always be the rich one. Before democracy it was the nobility that was rich. We got rid of them and the capitalists got rich. It is inevitable if you want to compete in the real world.

" Before democracy it was the nobility that was rich. We got rid of them and the capitalists got rich. It is inevitable if you want to compete in the real world."

It is the nobility who has become rich again and "the people" have no voice at all in this economic system. We may indeed call it by a different name, but we have wound up in the same place, and this is a result of the rerigging of the economic system over the past half century.

I get what you're saying, and I agree, but where we are at now does not lend itself to a healthy and sustainable society. Look anywhere around the globe. Anywhere you find this level of wealth disparity across a society you find an economy that serves only a few at the top and poverty at the other extreme. And anywhere across the globe you find these conditions you will find unrest in the streets.

We cannot float an economy based upon mass consumption sans a middle class, and we don't have a vibrant middle class because most of the wealth generated in america now is financial sector voodoo; the generation of wealth via the creation of more debt.

The power structure knows full well it is on shaky ground. Authoritarian systems always are, by definition. That is why police depts have militarized, why citizens may now be detained without cause, and why we have a privatized for profit legal system complete with privatized for profit prisons where corporate power can now turn $40-50K per year per hominid.

That not all are on the same ledger economically is not the problem, that we have returned to a high tech low profile form of feudalism is in my view.
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Right now America is the best in the world for science and tech. Trump wants to change that. It's too elitist for his worshippers.

The goal in america has always been to keep the masses just smart enough to run the machines that generate the wealth that the aristocracy floats upon.

I'm beginning to understand you a little, I think. The recession gutted the middle class, though, didn't it? Obama's efforts didn't bring it back. Now Trump is trying something totally different. Maybe it will work?
I'm beginning to understand you a little, I think. The recession gutted the middle class, though, didn't it? Obama's efforts didn't bring it back. Now Trump is trying something totally different. Maybe it will work?

I don't see how, look who he's gathered around him; the same folks Bush did, the same folks Obama did, the same folks Hilary would have. The Goldman Sachs and Wall Street crowd run the economy. It was not merely this past recession although that was a terrific blow. But again, this rerigging of the economic system is a half century on now and the effects are cumulative over time. And it has all been utterly bipartisan.
I'm beginning to understand you a little, I think. The recession gutted the middle class, though, didn't it? Obama's efforts didn't bring it back. Now Trump is trying something totally different. Maybe it will work?

I don't see how, look who he's gathered around him; the same folks Bush did, the same folks Obama did, the same folks Hilary would have. The Goldman Sachs and Wall Street crowd run the economy. It was not merely this past recession although that was a terrific blow. But again, this rerigging of the economic system is a half century on now and the effects are cumulative over time. And it has all been utterly bipartisan.
It might be the same type of people in Trump's Admin but they'll be working for Trump to benefit the people, not robbing the country blind like BHO did. When Republicans and Conservatives start protesting Trump, he'll bow to their will, toot sweet. Campaign promises, y'know.

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