But It's A "Matter Of Urgency!!!"


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Just days ago Fat J-Nads claimed impeachment is necessary because Trump may try to "rig" the 2020 vote. Now the other 6,742 Dem 2020 hopefuls may or may not care but Bloomberg would have to be crazy to dump a billion (or 3) of his own money into a race that is rigged, and the guy seems far less crazy than Fat J-Nads. Meanwhile, what had been a leisurely paced (and rigged) House "process" - replete with numerous mass vacations - suddenly has no time for the court battles necessary to enforce their subpoenas. If not so STUPID and damaging to this country, the unhinged antics would be Keystone Cops funny.

Face it … a rigged election is not the Dems actual concern but rather the bitter stench of their now 3 yr old sour grapes and the stark reality that they can't win in 2020 either.

Nadler Says Without Impeachment, Trump May ‘Rig’ 2020 Vote
On NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Representative Jerrold Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said it was a “matter of urgency” to deal with the president’s pattern of behavior ahead of the next election. On CNN’s State of the Union, Nadler said Trump may try to “rig” the 2020 vote.
Give them some credit. At least they are not waiting until after they lose to make excuses. Now they're making them up front, and that's a good thing.

However they are losing their creativity. Of course I guess they used up all the excuses they made up in the past: Russia collusion, punch card ballots, gerrymandering, rigging voting machines, Voter-ID, too long of lines at the polls, closing early, voter purging..........

So I was anxiously waiting for something new and more entertaining.
Trump is rigging the election by ensuring that only the most preposterous candidates are in the running, and the most ridiculous proposals (reparations, green new deal, open borders, Medicare for all, etc) get top billing.

Fucking genius, if you ask me.
Did you expect anything else? They can't possibly win with the ideas to create giveaways and crash the economy. But when they lose what else are they going to do but blame someone else they can't blame bad proposals and bad candidates.
Give them some credit. At least they are not waiting until after they lose to make excuses. Now they're making them up front, and that's a good thing...
I give Dems credit for getting the DOJ & FBI to go along with their effort to have foreign players (Steele) create a phony dossier to defraud our FISA court. Despite multiple toll-gates they managed to get every one to give their scam a free pass. Or perhaps they paid the tolls.
Trump is rigging the election by ensuring that only the most preposterous candidates are in the running, and the most ridiculous proposals (reparations, green new deal, open borders, Medicare for all, etc) get top billing. Fucking genius, if you ask me.
Trump may be mostly responsible for the Dem's inanity & insanity but they themselves have dug their 2020 grave and are now busy nailing their own coffin.
Did you expect anything else? They can't possibly win with the ideas to create giveaways and crash the economy. But when they lose what else are they going to do but blame someone else they can't blame bad proposals and bad candidates.
When they lose they will again be faced with the same dilemma that has dogged them the last 3 years ... where to go from here?

Will the Left Go Too Far?


What Democrats Could Lose With Their Left Turn
Our "system" has a common denominator- Democrat 8 years, Republican 8 years- the current shit show, as well as the Democrat candidates is just that- a shit show- watch the left hand don't pay attention to what the left hand is doing (shaking hands with it's *friend* across the aisle congratulating it for it's award winning acting)
Give them some credit. At least they are not waiting until after they lose to make excuses. Now they're making them up front, and that's a good thing.

However they are losing their creativity. Of course I guess they used up all the excuses they made up in the past: Russia collusion, punch card ballots, gerrymandering, rigging voting machines, Voter-ID, too long of lines at the polls, closing early, voter purging..........

So I was anxiously waiting for something new and more entertaining.
well technically, the left shouted impeachment election night. They weren't even going to wait until the guy was in office to officially begin the presidency in order to create a crime to be impeached. nope, impeach without even being in the office. too fking funny. Nad's is telling 63+ million americans to suck his johnson.

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