Buttigieg Draws On Bible, Suggests Unborn Babies Can Be Aborted Up Until Their First Breath

I agree but I do not Agree that Republicans want to proactive arm Mass Shooters. That’s fucking insanity. Deantard is an insane parasite.

And I simply noted that the "right" does use the argument you said was as irrelevant.

They do? They use it more or less for the economy and there they are right.

They are hypocritical there also.

To a point we all have a little hypocrisy in us. But deantard is just an asshole.
I have an asshole but it’s surrounded by a human. Republicans have become the party of evil. I’m simply pointing that out.


Broad brush again. LMAO. So the Democrats are baby killers then? What a useless filthy loser you are. I can Post biased political cartoons too.
Really? Animals are spiritual beings, too? Does the Bible say that? Is that why animals sacrificed humans to God?

Soul ans Spirit are not the same. Soul is the animating force of the body. Spirit is a non-corporeal being. Angels are spirits. When a man dies, he too becomes a spirit.

And now, a repeat of my previous post:

Mayor Buttplug is "Antichrist" and that is no exaggeration. "Antichrist" means being the opposite of Christ. Jesus said to repent of your sins. Buttplug says to EMBRACE sin, whether its murdering babies or sodomy. He will go to hell for sure, unless he repents.
They do? They use it more or less for the economy and there they are right.

They are hypocritical there also.

To a point we all have a little hypocrisy in us. But deantard is just an asshole.

A little is one thing........as far as your second point, since he has twice refused to answer my question so far, I'll not be able to counter that point.

Look at his avatar. He is an asshole troll. We don’t have a Moderate party in the US and the only moderate candidate I saw the Democrats shooed away.

I'm not here to defend the Democrats.

Nor should you be as they have gone insane. Deantard is case in point.
If Buttigieg is acknowledging we don't know when life begins then by his own logic he is also acknowledging abortion might be murder.
Being against Attacking countries that have done absolutely nothing to you and killing tens of thousands of innocent people in the process is not the definition of a pacifist. It's a definition of being sane.

It also has nothing to with abortion... dumbfuck

Get on topic

It has to do with a careless disregard for human life.

You're deflecting. Cease left turd.

Syrian deaths and US abortion are two different topics.

Not just Syrian. We kill children all around the globe.

Are we aborting them?

Thread topic please

Yeah, that's a safe word for what we are doing. I would use different word but...........
These infanticide vermin are true sociopaths and psychopaths, and they're good democrats. Of course this is just another step toward the next one, which is making it legal to murder babies up to the age of two.

After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?

And make no mistake about these scum, they're mass killers who want to use the state the same way the Red Chinese do. Their base in the Democratic Party will be behind them 110%, as long as the propagandists invent plausible sounding rubbish for them to parrot; they're much more into fashion than genuine humanitarianism, the latter of which they just attempt to ape as a cover for their psychotic tantrums.

What's next after killing two olds? Why, just follow their ''logic' and 'scientific rationalism'.
Last edited:
They are hypocritical there also.

To a point we all have a little hypocrisy in us. But deantard is just an asshole.

A little is one thing........as far as your second point, since he has twice refused to answer my question so far, I'll not be able to counter that point.

Look at his avatar. He is an asshole troll. We don’t have a Moderate party in the US and the only moderate candidate I saw the Democrats shooed away.

I'm not here to defend the Democrats.

Nor should you be as they have gone insane. Deantard is case in point.

They have plenty of company.
It also has nothing to with abortion... dumbfuck

Get on topic

It has to do with a careless disregard for human life.

You're deflecting. Cease left turd.

Syrian deaths and US abortion are two different topics.

Not just Syrian. We kill children all around the globe.

Are we aborting them?

Thread topic please

Yeah, that's a safe word for what we are doing. I would use different word but...........

Again...thread topic please.

If not go away.
Then why do Republicans support arming school shooters? You must have an explanation for that.

Why is this troll not banned?!!?!! What a horrible thing to say.
I wish I didn’t have to say it.

Why won't Republicans pass their own background-check bill?

Fix NICS Act of 2017, which is supposed to help improve recordkeeping and stop people like Dylann Roof and Devin Patrick Kelley — two mass shooters who should have failed to pass a background check, but didn't — from getting guns. He introduced the bill in November, with the public support of the NRA. Mysteriously, the bill has gone nowhere in Congress.

NRA spent $1.6 million lobbying against background check expansion laws in months leading up to latest mass shootings

If Republicans didn’t protect school shooters and mass murderers, we would have background checks. It really is just that simple.

Why is this asshole not banned!!?!? Republicans!?!? The 2nd amendment is part of the constitution. It’s like me saying Democrats hate America because they allow illegals seeking asylum here freely and those illegals kill Americans. Or discussing anchor babies and how Democrats refuse to change the 14th Amendment. The Republicans are arguing for the right to bear arms not to arm school shooters you ignorant asshole. Someone ban this damn troll.
Republicans have never been proponents of free speech. Unless it’s about lies. They went their lying protected, but the facts they want covered up.

Democrats pressure Senate Republicans for gun control action - Reuters

I'll ask you again.......would banning abortions stop abortions?

Ah yes, now we have the usual idiot attempt at 'logic' here.

Have laws against murder stopped murder? Why should police arrest anybody who beats you senseless on the streets? It won't stop such attacks, after all. Well, you're already senseless, obviously, but it's a rhetorical question.
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Normal people don't support murdering babies

End of discussion
Then why do Republicans support arming school shooters? You must have an explanation for that.

Why is this troll not banned?!!?!! What a horrible thing to say.
I wish I didn’t have to say it.

Why won't Republicans pass their own background-check bill?

Fix NICS Act of 2017, which is supposed to help improve recordkeeping and stop people like Dylann Roof and Devin Patrick Kelley — two mass shooters who should have failed to pass a background check, but didn't — from getting guns. He introduced the bill in November, with the public support of the NRA. Mysteriously, the bill has gone nowhere in Congress.

NRA spent $1.6 million lobbying against background check expansion laws in months leading up to latest mass shootings

If Republicans didn’t protect school shooters and mass murderers, we would have background checks. It really is just that simple.

Why is this asshole not banned!!?!? Republicans!?!? The 2nd amendment is part of the constitution. It’s like me saying Democrats hate America because they allow illegals seeking asylum here freely and those illegals kill Americans. Or discussing anchor babies and how Democrats refuse to change the 14th Amendment. The Republicans are arguing for the right to bear arms not to arm school shooters you ignorant asshole. Someone ban this damn troll.
Republicans have never been proponents of free speech. Unless it’s about lies. They went their lying protected, but the facts they want covered up.

Democrats pressure Senate Republicans for gun control action

Republicans hide behind Trump in gun debate

You can't really be this demented?
I said they’re protecting the rights of school shooters to bear arms. I didn’t say they wanted those school shooters to go out and shoot children and babies. But when they fight to arm school shooters they never say to the school shooters don’t go shoot children.
If they do tell school shooters not to shoot children, then post a link I would be happy to read it.
Show proof they “fight to arm school shooters”. Democrats want Universal Healthcare. By your fat idiot loving they want to “give free healthcare to rapists and killers” and actually Sanders wants people in jail to vote. So by your fat warped logic Democrats love criminals and rapists. You’re so stupid it makes my head hurt.
Because healthcare is bad but arming school shooters is good?

Your values and morals are completely 180° from mine.

Mine are way more traditional Christian like and yours are way more new age right wing Christian. The religion of mean.

You're no Christian, Derp. That's patently obvious.
I had to go to Catholic school and learn about the religion. That’s how I know Republicans are nowhere near being any kind of recognizable Christian.

You and your broad brush. I am not even a Republican but you’re a vile asshole. Your avatar and now your bullshit about Republicans purposely arming mass shooters. Your life has seriously been a waste.
So are Republicans “accidentally“ arming school shooters? Is that how it works?

North Carolina GOP Legislators Must Stop Protecting School Shooters

Doors, backpacks and Ritalin: what Republicans have blamed school shootings on

Republicans are now the party of national insecurity on threats from guns to missiles
It also has nothing to with abortion... dumbfuck

Get on topic

It has to do with a careless disregard for human life.

You're deflecting. Cease left turd.

Syrian deaths and US abortion are two different topics.

Not just Syrian. We kill children all around the globe.

Are we aborting them?

Thread topic please

Yeah, that's a safe word for what we are doing. I would use different word but...........

Get your pet scum to quit hiding behind children.
Then why do Republicans support arming school shooters? You must have an explanation for that.

Why is this troll not banned?!!?!! What a horrible thing to say.
I wish I didn’t have to say it.

Why won't Republicans pass their own background-check bill?

Fix NICS Act of 2017, which is supposed to help improve recordkeeping and stop people like Dylann Roof and Devin Patrick Kelley — two mass shooters who should have failed to pass a background check, but didn't — from getting guns. He introduced the bill in November, with the public support of the NRA. Mysteriously, the bill has gone nowhere in Congress.

NRA spent $1.6 million lobbying against background check expansion laws in months leading up to latest mass shootings

If Republicans didn’t protect school shooters and mass murderers, we would have background checks. It really is just that simple.

Why is this asshole not banned!!?!? Republicans!?!? The 2nd amendment is part of the constitution. It’s like me saying Democrats hate America because they allow illegals seeking asylum here freely and those illegals kill Americans. Or discussing anchor babies and how Democrats refuse to change the 14th Amendment. The Republicans are arguing for the right to bear arms not to arm school shooters you ignorant asshole. Someone ban this damn troll.
Republicans have never been proponents of free speech. Unless it’s about lies. They went their lying protected, but the facts they want covered up.

Democrats pressure Senate Republicans for gun control action

Republicans hide behind Trump in gun debate

You can't really be this demented?

He can and is
Show proof they “fight to arm school shooters”. Democrats want Universal Healthcare. By your fat idiot loving they want to “give free healthcare to rapists and killers” and actually Sanders wants people in jail to vote. So by your fat warped logic Democrats love criminals and rapists. You’re so stupid it makes my head hurt.
Because healthcare is bad but arming school shooters is good?

Your values and morals are completely 180° from mine.

Mine are way more traditional Christian like and yours are way more new age right wing Christian. The religion of mean.

You're no Christian, Derp. That's patently obvious.
I had to go to Catholic school and learn about the religion. That’s how I know Republicans are nowhere near being any kind of recognizable Christian.

You and your broad brush. I am not even a Republican but you’re a vile asshole. Your avatar and now your bullshit about Republicans purposely arming mass shooters. Your life has seriously been a waste.
So are Republicans “accidentally“ arming school shooters? Is that how it works?

North Carolina GOP Legislators Must Stop Protecting School Shooters

How about all the shootings in Chicago? Democrat run city. Why aren’t you arguing that point you biased fat loser.
Show proof they “fight to arm school shooters”. Democrats want Universal Healthcare. By your fat idiot loving they want to “give free healthcare to rapists and killers” and actually Sanders wants people in jail to vote. So by your fat warped logic Democrats love criminals and rapists. You’re so stupid it makes my head hurt.
Because healthcare is bad but arming school shooters is good?

Your values and morals are completely 180° from mine.

Mine are way more traditional Christian like and yours are way more new age right wing Christian. The religion of mean.

You're no Christian, Derp. That's patently obvious.
I had to go to Catholic school and learn about the religion. That’s how I know Republicans are nowhere near being any kind of recognizable Christian.

You and your broad brush. I am not even a Republican but you’re a vile asshole. Your avatar and now your bullshit about Republicans purposely arming mass shooters. Your life has seriously been a waste.
So are Republicans “accidentally“ arming school shooters? Is that how it works?

North Carolina GOP Legislators Must Stop Protecting School Shooters

Doors, backpacks and Ritalin: what Republicans have blamed school shootings on

You don't even read your own sources, lord what an imbecile.

From your source :

The ultra-violent meet no resistance because legislators in Raleigh, NC have set it up that way, and so far, they have refused to change it. The good news is, this very day Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly (who are behind a protective wall of armed Capital Police),"have bills before them that would free volunteer faculty members at schools and campuses to carry concealed handguns. That means, when an armed predator skulks into a classroom, he could meet effective, practical, and immediate resistance from an adult who is on the scene, an adult who, by nature, cares about the lives of the students around him."
Why is this troll not banned?!!?!! What a horrible thing to say.
I wish I didn’t have to say it.

Why won't Republicans pass their own background-check bill?

Fix NICS Act of 2017, which is supposed to help improve recordkeeping and stop people like Dylann Roof and Devin Patrick Kelley — two mass shooters who should have failed to pass a background check, but didn't — from getting guns. He introduced the bill in November, with the public support of the NRA. Mysteriously, the bill has gone nowhere in Congress.

NRA spent $1.6 million lobbying against background check expansion laws in months leading up to latest mass shootings

If Republicans didn’t protect school shooters and mass murderers, we would have background checks. It really is just that simple.

Why is this asshole not banned!!?!? Republicans!?!? The 2nd amendment is part of the constitution. It’s like me saying Democrats hate America because they allow illegals seeking asylum here freely and those illegals kill Americans. Or discussing anchor babies and how Democrats refuse to change the 14th Amendment. The Republicans are arguing for the right to bear arms not to arm school shooters you ignorant asshole. Someone ban this damn troll.
Republicans have never been proponents of free speech. Unless it’s about lies. They went their lying protected, but the facts they want covered up.

Democrats pressure Senate Republicans for gun control action - Reuters

I'll ask you again.......would banning abortions stop abortions?

Ah yes, now we have the usual idiot attempt at 'logic' here.

Have laws against murder stopped murder? Why should arrest anybody who beats you senseless on the streets? It won't stop such attacks, after all. Well, you're already senseless, obviously, but it's a rhetorical question.

It's all the same argument. I find is sad that people are unable to discuss anything it seems without lame name calling. Do you really thing this makes your argument stronger?
I wish I didn’t have to say it.

Why won't Republicans pass their own background-check bill?

Fix NICS Act of 2017, which is supposed to help improve recordkeeping and stop people like Dylann Roof and Devin Patrick Kelley — two mass shooters who should have failed to pass a background check, but didn't — from getting guns. He introduced the bill in November, with the public support of the NRA. Mysteriously, the bill has gone nowhere in Congress.

NRA spent $1.6 million lobbying against background check expansion laws in months leading up to latest mass shootings

If Republicans didn’t protect school shooters and mass murderers, we would have background checks. It really is just that simple.

Why is this asshole not banned!!?!? Republicans!?!? The 2nd amendment is part of the constitution. It’s like me saying Democrats hate America because they allow illegals seeking asylum here freely and those illegals kill Americans. Or discussing anchor babies and how Democrats refuse to change the 14th Amendment. The Republicans are arguing for the right to bear arms not to arm school shooters you ignorant asshole. Someone ban this damn troll.
Republicans have never been proponents of free speech. Unless it’s about lies. They went their lying protected, but the facts they want covered up.

Democrats pressure Senate Republicans for gun control action - Reuters

I'll ask you again.......would banning abortions stop abortions?

Ah yes, now we have the usual idiot attempt at 'logic' here.

Have laws against murder stopped murder? Why should arrest anybody who beats you senseless on the streets? It won't stop such attacks, after all. Well, you're already senseless, obviously, but it's a rhetorical question.

It's all the same argument. I find is sad that people are unable to discuss anything it seems without lame name calling. Do you really thing this makes your argument stronger?

Ad Hominems are bad and I am guilty of them but deantard deserves all the wrath and more plus he is sensitive and soft and is currently sobbing at home because I hurt his sensitive feelings.
Because healthcare is bad but arming school shooters is good?

Your values and morals are completely 180° from mine.

Mine are way more traditional Christian like and yours are way more new age right wing Christian. The religion of mean.

You're no Christian, Derp. That's patently obvious.
I had to go to Catholic school and learn about the religion. That’s how I know Republicans are nowhere near being any kind of recognizable Christian.

You and your broad brush. I am not even a Republican but you’re a vile asshole. Your avatar and now your bullshit about Republicans purposely arming mass shooters. Your life has seriously been a waste.
So are Republicans “accidentally“ arming school shooters? Is that how it works?

North Carolina GOP Legislators Must Stop Protecting School Shooters

Doors, backpacks and Ritalin: what Republicans have blamed school shootings on

You don't even read your own sources, lord what an imbecile.

From your source :

The ultra-violent meet no resistance because legislators in Raleigh, NC have set it up that way, and so far, they have refused to change it. The good news is, this very day Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly (who are behind a protective wall of armed Capital Police),"have bills before them that would free volunteer faculty members at schools and campuses to carry concealed handguns. That means, when an armed predator skulks into a classroom, he could meet effective, practical, and immediate resistance from an adult who is on the scene, an adult who, by nature, cares about the lives of the students around him."
I’ve got no problem with putting armed guards at schools. Not arming teachers. Not arming janitors. But hiring military style people with rifles and posting them inside and outside of schools. If that’s what it takes. Republicans aren’t protecting these children. They are protecting the school shooters.
Either get rid of the guns so these people can’t go in and shoot up the kids or put professionals in there to protect the kids. That’s all I’m saying.

Republicans work tirelessly to arm school shooters and they don’t want to spend anything on protecting the children. That’s why I post all the links. Because that’s who Republicans are. Stop with the bullshit. Work with the facts.

'I Think We Have a Leadership Problem'

America’s Failure to Protect Its Children from School Shootings Is a National Disgrace

You can’t whine about abortions when you won’t protect America’s children.
Why is this asshole not banned!!?!? Republicans!?!? The 2nd amendment is part of the constitution. It’s like me saying Democrats hate America because they allow illegals seeking asylum here freely and those illegals kill Americans. Or discussing anchor babies and how Democrats refuse to change the 14th Amendment. The Republicans are arguing for the right to bear arms not to arm school shooters you ignorant asshole. Someone ban this damn troll.
Republicans have never been proponents of free speech. Unless it’s about lies. They went their lying protected, but the facts they want covered up.

Democrats pressure Senate Republicans for gun control action - Reuters

I'll ask you again.......would banning abortions stop abortions?

Ah yes, now we have the usual idiot attempt at 'logic' here.

Have laws against murder stopped murder? Why should arrest anybody who beats you senseless on the streets? It won't stop such attacks, after all. Well, you're already senseless, obviously, but it's a rhetorical question.

It's all the same argument. I find is sad that people are unable to discuss anything it seems without lame name calling. Do you really thing this makes your argument stronger?

Ad Hominems are bad and I am guilty of them but deantard deserves all the wrath and more plus he is sensitive and soft and is currently sobbing at home because I hurt his sensitive feelings.

You're no Christian, Derp. That's patently obvious.
I had to go to Catholic school and learn about the religion. That’s how I know Republicans are nowhere near being any kind of recognizable Christian.

You and your broad brush. I am not even a Republican but you’re a vile asshole. Your avatar and now your bullshit about Republicans purposely arming mass shooters. Your life has seriously been a waste.
So are Republicans “accidentally“ arming school shooters? Is that how it works?

North Carolina GOP Legislators Must Stop Protecting School Shooters

Doors, backpacks and Ritalin: what Republicans have blamed school shootings on

You don't even read your own sources, lord what an imbecile.

From your source :

The ultra-violent meet no resistance because legislators in Raleigh, NC have set it up that way, and so far, they have refused to change it. The good news is, this very day Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly (who are behind a protective wall of armed Capital Police),"have bills before them that would free volunteer faculty members at schools and campuses to carry concealed handguns. That means, when an armed predator skulks into a classroom, he could meet effective, practical, and immediate resistance from an adult who is on the scene, an adult who, by nature, cares about the lives of the students around him."
I’ve got no problem with putting armed guards at schools. Not arming teachers. Not arming janitors. But hiring military style people with rifles and posting them inside and outside of schools. If that’s what it takes. Republicans aren’t protecting these children. They are protecting the school shooters.
Either get rid of the guns so these people can’t go in and shoot up the kids or put professionals in there to protect the kids. That’s all I’m saying.

Republicans work tirelessly to arm school shooters and they don’t want to spend anything on protecting the children. That’s why I post all the links. Because that’s who Republicans are. Stop with the bullshit. Work with the facts.

'I Think We Have a Leadership Problem'

America’s Failure to Protect Its Children from School Shootings Is a National Disgrace

You can’t whine about abortions when you won’t protect America’s children.

You get more stupid with every post. NOTHING in "source" even implies shooters being protected.

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