Buttigieg Draws On Bible, Suggests Unborn Babies Can Be Aborted Up Until Their First Breath

You're no Christian, Derp. That's patently obvious.
I had to go to Catholic school and learn about the religion. That’s how I know Republicans are nowhere near being any kind of recognizable Christian.

You and your broad brush. I am not even a Republican but you’re a vile asshole. Your avatar and now your bullshit about Republicans purposely arming mass shooters. Your life has seriously been a waste.
So are Republicans “accidentally“ arming school shooters? Is that how it works?

North Carolina GOP Legislators Must Stop Protecting School Shooters

Doors, backpacks and Ritalin: what Republicans have blamed school shootings on

You don't even read your own sources, lord what an imbecile.

From your source :

The ultra-violent meet no resistance because legislators in Raleigh, NC have set it up that way, and so far, they have refused to change it. The good news is, this very day Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly (who are behind a protective wall of armed Capital Police),"have bills before them that would free volunteer faculty members at schools and campuses to carry concealed handguns. That means, when an armed predator skulks into a classroom, he could meet effective, practical, and immediate resistance from an adult who is on the scene, an adult who, by nature, cares about the lives of the students around him."
I’ve got no problem with putting armed guards at schools. Not arming teachers. Not arming janitors. But hiring military style people with rifles and posting them inside and outside of schools. If that’s what it takes. Republicans aren’t protecting these children. They are protecting the school shooters.
Either get rid of the guns so these people can’t go in and shoot up the kids or put professionals in there to protect the kids. That’s all I’m saying.

Republicans work tirelessly to arm school shooters and they don’t want to spend anything on protecting the children. That’s why I post all the links. Because that’s who Republicans are. Stop with the bullshit. Work with the facts.

'I Think We Have a Leadership Problem'

America’s Failure to Protect Its Children from School Shootings Is a National Disgrace

You can’t whine about abortions when you won’t protect America’s children.

So you believe all the shooters in Chicago got their guns legally? You don’t even see that your true fight lies in getting guns off the streets and there are over 100mil.
Republicans have never been proponents of free speech. Unless it’s about lies. They went their lying protected, but the facts they want covered up.

Democrats pressure Senate Republicans for gun control action - Reuters

I'll ask you again.......would banning abortions stop abortions?

Ah yes, now we have the usual idiot attempt at 'logic' here.

Have laws against murder stopped murder? Why should arrest anybody who beats you senseless on the streets? It won't stop such attacks, after all. Well, you're already senseless, obviously, but it's a rhetorical question.

It's all the same argument. I find is sad that people are unable to discuss anything it seems without lame name calling. Do you really thing this makes your argument stronger?

Ad Hominems are bad and I am guilty of them but deantard deserves all the wrath and more plus he is sensitive and soft and is currently sobbing at home because I hurt his sensitive feelings.


Memes. Deantard admits defeat.
I wish I didn’t have to say it.

Why won't Republicans pass their own background-check bill?

Fix NICS Act of 2017, which is supposed to help improve recordkeeping and stop people like Dylann Roof and Devin Patrick Kelley — two mass shooters who should have failed to pass a background check, but didn't — from getting guns. He introduced the bill in November, with the public support of the NRA. Mysteriously, the bill has gone nowhere in Congress.

NRA spent $1.6 million lobbying against background check expansion laws in months leading up to latest mass shootings

If Republicans didn’t protect school shooters and mass murderers, we would have background checks. It really is just that simple.

Why is this asshole not banned!!?!? Republicans!?!? The 2nd amendment is part of the constitution. It’s like me saying Democrats hate America because they allow illegals seeking asylum here freely and those illegals kill Americans. Or discussing anchor babies and how Democrats refuse to change the 14th Amendment. The Republicans are arguing for the right to bear arms not to arm school shooters you ignorant asshole. Someone ban this damn troll.
Republicans have never been proponents of free speech. Unless it’s about lies. They went their lying protected, but the facts they want covered up.

Democrats pressure Senate Republicans for gun control action - Reuters

I'll ask you again.......would banning abortions stop abortions?

Ah yes, now we have the usual idiot attempt at 'logic' here.

Have laws against murder stopped murder? Why should arrest anybody who beats you senseless on the streets? It won't stop such attacks, after all. Well, you're already senseless, obviously, but it's a rhetorical question.

It's all the same argument. I find is sad that people are unable to discuss anything it seems without lame name calling. Do you really thing this makes your argument stronger?

you aren't make any argument, and I'm pointing out facts. Do you really thing your continued parroting of dumb talking points that have been shot down over and over and over and over and over is an argument?
I had to go to Catholic school and learn about the religion. That’s how I know Republicans are nowhere near being any kind of recognizable Christian.

You and your broad brush. I am not even a Republican but you’re a vile asshole. Your avatar and now your bullshit about Republicans purposely arming mass shooters. Your life has seriously been a waste.
So are Republicans “accidentally“ arming school shooters? Is that how it works?

North Carolina GOP Legislators Must Stop Protecting School Shooters

Doors, backpacks and Ritalin: what Republicans have blamed school shootings on

You don't even read your own sources, lord what an imbecile.

From your source :

The ultra-violent meet no resistance because legislators in Raleigh, NC have set it up that way, and so far, they have refused to change it. The good news is, this very day Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly (who are behind a protective wall of armed Capital Police),"have bills before them that would free volunteer faculty members at schools and campuses to carry concealed handguns. That means, when an armed predator skulks into a classroom, he could meet effective, practical, and immediate resistance from an adult who is on the scene, an adult who, by nature, cares about the lives of the students around him."
I’ve got no problem with putting armed guards at schools. Not arming teachers. Not arming janitors. But hiring military style people with rifles and posting them inside and outside of schools. If that’s what it takes. Republicans aren’t protecting these children. They are protecting the school shooters.
Either get rid of the guns so these people can’t go in and shoot up the kids or put professionals in there to protect the kids. That’s all I’m saying.

Republicans work tirelessly to arm school shooters and they don’t want to spend anything on protecting the children. That’s why I post all the links. Because that’s who Republicans are. Stop with the bullshit. Work with the facts.

'I Think We Have a Leadership Problem'

America’s Failure to Protect Its Children from School Shootings Is a National Disgrace

You can’t whine about abortions when you won’t protect America’s children.

You get more stupid with every post. NOTHING in "source" even implies shooters being protected.
Proof you didn’t bother to read the article.

One of the first duties of any government is to protect its citizens, through collective action, from violent threats they’d otherwise have to fend off themselves. Even most libertarians accept this principle. But when it comes to mass shootings, the Republican Party falls back on constitutional arguments that have no proper basis in history, and it refuses to budge from this stance. Nothing can shift it—not Sandy Hook, not the Orlando night-club shooting, not the Las Vegas massacre, not weekly shootings in schools. (According to the Guardian, Wednesday’s attack in Parkland was the eighth school shooting this year that has resulted in death or injury.) Nothing.
I had to go to Catholic school and learn about the religion. That’s how I know Republicans are nowhere near being any kind of recognizable Christian.

You and your broad brush. I am not even a Republican but you’re a vile asshole. Your avatar and now your bullshit about Republicans purposely arming mass shooters. Your life has seriously been a waste.
So are Republicans “accidentally“ arming school shooters? Is that how it works?

North Carolina GOP Legislators Must Stop Protecting School Shooters

Doors, backpacks and Ritalin: what Republicans have blamed school shootings on

You don't even read your own sources, lord what an imbecile.

From your source :

The ultra-violent meet no resistance because legislators in Raleigh, NC have set it up that way, and so far, they have refused to change it. The good news is, this very day Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly (who are behind a protective wall of armed Capital Police),"have bills before them that would free volunteer faculty members at schools and campuses to carry concealed handguns. That means, when an armed predator skulks into a classroom, he could meet effective, practical, and immediate resistance from an adult who is on the scene, an adult who, by nature, cares about the lives of the students around him."
I’ve got no problem with putting armed guards at schools. Not arming teachers. Not arming janitors. But hiring military style people with rifles and posting them inside and outside of schools. If that’s what it takes. Republicans aren’t protecting these children. They are protecting the school shooters.
Either get rid of the guns so these people can’t go in and shoot up the kids or put professionals in there to protect the kids. That’s all I’m saying.

Republicans work tirelessly to arm school shooters and they don’t want to spend anything on protecting the children. That’s why I post all the links. Because that’s who Republicans are. Stop with the bullshit. Work with the facts.

'I Think We Have a Leadership Problem'

America’s Failure to Protect Its Children from School Shootings Is a National Disgrace

You can’t whine about abortions when you won’t protect America’s children.

So you believe all the shooters in Chicago got their guns legally? You don’t even see that your true fight lies in getting guns off the streets and there are over 100mil.

Well, just try and get these faux 'Social Justice Warriors' to organize and go into those black hoods and hold Group Hugs N Stuff and you know, Make Scary Faces And Wag Fingers at them to give up their guns, and watch them disappear in a heartbeat.
You and your broad brush. I am not even a Republican but you’re a vile asshole. Your avatar and now your bullshit about Republicans purposely arming mass shooters. Your life has seriously been a waste.
So are Republicans “accidentally“ arming school shooters? Is that how it works?

North Carolina GOP Legislators Must Stop Protecting School Shooters

Doors, backpacks and Ritalin: what Republicans have blamed school shootings on

You don't even read your own sources, lord what an imbecile.

From your source :

The ultra-violent meet no resistance because legislators in Raleigh, NC have set it up that way, and so far, they have refused to change it. The good news is, this very day Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly (who are behind a protective wall of armed Capital Police),"have bills before them that would free volunteer faculty members at schools and campuses to carry concealed handguns. That means, when an armed predator skulks into a classroom, he could meet effective, practical, and immediate resistance from an adult who is on the scene, an adult who, by nature, cares about the lives of the students around him."
I’ve got no problem with putting armed guards at schools. Not arming teachers. Not arming janitors. But hiring military style people with rifles and posting them inside and outside of schools. If that’s what it takes. Republicans aren’t protecting these children. They are protecting the school shooters.
Either get rid of the guns so these people can’t go in and shoot up the kids or put professionals in there to protect the kids. That’s all I’m saying.

Republicans work tirelessly to arm school shooters and they don’t want to spend anything on protecting the children. That’s why I post all the links. Because that’s who Republicans are. Stop with the bullshit. Work with the facts.

'I Think We Have a Leadership Problem'

America’s Failure to Protect Its Children from School Shootings Is a National Disgrace

You can’t whine about abortions when you won’t protect America’s children.

You get more stupid with every post. NOTHING in "source" even implies shooters being protected.
Proof you didn’t bother to read the article.

One of the first duties of any government is to protect its citizens, through collective action, from violent threats they’d otherwise have to fend off themselves. Even most libertarians accept this principle. But when it comes to mass shootings, the Republican Party falls back on constitutional arguments that have no proper basis in history, and it refuses to budge from this stance. Nothing can shift it—not Sandy Hook, not the Orlando night-club shooting, not the Las Vegas massacre, not weekly shootings in schools. (According to the Guardian, Wednesday’s attack in Parkland was the eighth school shooting this year that has resulted in death or injury.) Nothing.

It’s an opinion and is as incorrect as yours.
If Buttigieg is acknowledging we don't know when life begins then by his own logic he is also acknowledging abortion might be murder.

Buttplug is a Godless sodomite lying about being a Christian just to muddy the waters. Going to a fake church that teaches you to EMBRACE sin does not make someone a Christian. It was the same with Obama.
You and your broad brush. I am not even a Republican but you’re a vile asshole. Your avatar and now your bullshit about Republicans purposely arming mass shooters. Your life has seriously been a waste.
So are Republicans “accidentally“ arming school shooters? Is that how it works?

North Carolina GOP Legislators Must Stop Protecting School Shooters

Doors, backpacks and Ritalin: what Republicans have blamed school shootings on

You don't even read your own sources, lord what an imbecile.

From your source :

The ultra-violent meet no resistance because legislators in Raleigh, NC have set it up that way, and so far, they have refused to change it. The good news is, this very day Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly (who are behind a protective wall of armed Capital Police),"have bills before them that would free volunteer faculty members at schools and campuses to carry concealed handguns. That means, when an armed predator skulks into a classroom, he could meet effective, practical, and immediate resistance from an adult who is on the scene, an adult who, by nature, cares about the lives of the students around him."
I’ve got no problem with putting armed guards at schools. Not arming teachers. Not arming janitors. But hiring military style people with rifles and posting them inside and outside of schools. If that’s what it takes. Republicans aren’t protecting these children. They are protecting the school shooters.
Either get rid of the guns so these people can’t go in and shoot up the kids or put professionals in there to protect the kids. That’s all I’m saying.

Republicans work tirelessly to arm school shooters and they don’t want to spend anything on protecting the children. That’s why I post all the links. Because that’s who Republicans are. Stop with the bullshit. Work with the facts.

'I Think We Have a Leadership Problem'

America’s Failure to Protect Its Children from School Shootings Is a National Disgrace

You can’t whine about abortions when you won’t protect America’s children.

You get more stupid with every post. NOTHING in "source" even implies shooters being protected.
Proof you didn’t bother to read the article.

One of the first duties of any government is to protect its citizens, through collective action, from violent threats they’d otherwise have to fend off themselves. Even most libertarians accept this principle. But when it comes to mass shootings, the Republican Party falls back on constitutional arguments that have no proper basis in history, and it refuses to budge from this stance. Nothing can shift it—not Sandy Hook, not the Orlando night-club shooting, not the Las Vegas massacre, not weekly shootings in schools. (According to the Guardian, Wednesday’s attack in Parkland was the eighth school shooting this year that has resulted in death or injury.) Nothing.

I am really starting to feel bad for you here.

". But when it comes to mass shootings, the Republican Party falls back on constitutional arguments that have no proper basis in history, and it refuses to budge from this stance."

Patently false.
Romans 13: 1-7

This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are god’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes, if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”


I can never figure out why Republicans claim that they want the government to be more like the Bible and yet they’ve obviously never read the Bible.

You don't even read your own sources, lord what an imbecile.

From your source :

The ultra-violent meet no resistance because legislators in Raleigh, NC have set it up that way, and so far, they have refused to change it. The good news is, this very day Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly (who are behind a protective wall of armed Capital Police),"have bills before them that would free volunteer faculty members at schools and campuses to carry concealed handguns. That means, when an armed predator skulks into a classroom, he could meet effective, practical, and immediate resistance from an adult who is on the scene, an adult who, by nature, cares about the lives of the students around him."
I’ve got no problem with putting armed guards at schools. Not arming teachers. Not arming janitors. But hiring military style people with rifles and posting them inside and outside of schools. If that’s what it takes. Republicans aren’t protecting these children. They are protecting the school shooters.
Either get rid of the guns so these people can’t go in and shoot up the kids or put professionals in there to protect the kids. That’s all I’m saying.

Republicans work tirelessly to arm school shooters and they don’t want to spend anything on protecting the children. That’s why I post all the links. Because that’s who Republicans are. Stop with the bullshit. Work with the facts.

'I Think We Have a Leadership Problem'

America’s Failure to Protect Its Children from School Shootings Is a National Disgrace

You can’t whine about abortions when you won’t protect America’s children.

You get more stupid with every post. NOTHING in "source" even implies shooters being protected.
Proof you didn’t bother to read the article.

One of the first duties of any government is to protect its citizens, through collective action, from violent threats they’d otherwise have to fend off themselves. Even most libertarians accept this principle. But when it comes to mass shootings, the Republican Party falls back on constitutional arguments that have no proper basis in history, and it refuses to budge from this stance. Nothing can shift it—not Sandy Hook, not the Orlando night-club shooting, not the Las Vegas massacre, not weekly shootings in schools. (According to the Guardian, Wednesday’s attack in Parkland was the eighth school shooting this year that has resulted in death or injury.) Nothing.

I am really starting to feel bad for you here.

". But when it comes to mass shootings, the Republican Party falls back on constitutional arguments that have no proper basis in history, and it refuses to budge from this stance."

Patently false.
Well it ain’t Democrats fighting background checks. Who does that leave? Independents?
You don't even read your own sources, lord what an imbecile.

From your source :

The ultra-violent meet no resistance because legislators in Raleigh, NC have set it up that way, and so far, they have refused to change it. The good news is, this very day Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly (who are behind a protective wall of armed Capital Police),"have bills before them that would free volunteer faculty members at schools and campuses to carry concealed handguns. That means, when an armed predator skulks into a classroom, he could meet effective, practical, and immediate resistance from an adult who is on the scene, an adult who, by nature, cares about the lives of the students around him."
I’ve got no problem with putting armed guards at schools. Not arming teachers. Not arming janitors. But hiring military style people with rifles and posting them inside and outside of schools. If that’s what it takes. Republicans aren’t protecting these children. They are protecting the school shooters.
Either get rid of the guns so these people can’t go in and shoot up the kids or put professionals in there to protect the kids. That’s all I’m saying.

Republicans work tirelessly to arm school shooters and they don’t want to spend anything on protecting the children. That’s why I post all the links. Because that’s who Republicans are. Stop with the bullshit. Work with the facts.

'I Think We Have a Leadership Problem'

America’s Failure to Protect Its Children from School Shootings Is a National Disgrace

You can’t whine about abortions when you won’t protect America’s children.

You get more stupid with every post. NOTHING in "source" even implies shooters being protected.
Proof you didn’t bother to read the article.

One of the first duties of any government is to protect its citizens, through collective action, from violent threats they’d otherwise have to fend off themselves. Even most libertarians accept this principle. But when it comes to mass shootings, the Republican Party falls back on constitutional arguments that have no proper basis in history, and it refuses to budge from this stance. Nothing can shift it—not Sandy Hook, not the Orlando night-club shooting, not the Las Vegas massacre, not weekly shootings in schools. (According to the Guardian, Wednesday’s attack in Parkland was the eighth school shooting this year that has resulted in death or injury.) Nothing.

I am really starting to feel bad for you here.

". But when it comes to mass shootings, the Republican Party falls back on constitutional arguments that have no proper basis in history, and it refuses to budge from this stance."

Patently false.
Well it ain’t Democrats fighting background checks. Who does that leave? Independents?

You keep moving the goalposts, it won't work with me. Why don't you SPECIFICALLY show us WHICH mass shooting your "mythical" background checks would have prevented.
If Buttigieg is acknowledging we don't know when life begins then by his own logic he is also acknowledging abortion might be murder.

Buttplug is a Godless sodomite lying about being a Christian just to muddy the waters. Going to a fake church that teaches you to EMBRACE sin does not make someone a Christian. It was the same with Obama.

Just a few years ago democrats who supported abortion often made a point to say they didn't support abortion over 20 weeks and now they're defending abortion up to the point of first breath.
Mayor Pete's use of the Bible to justify killing babies in the womb makes me want to puke.

Butt Boy isn't too bright. Everyone on the planet knows that a fetus is living being.. Butt Boy and his crew are confused between what defines life and what defines a “person” under the law who is entitled to the equal protection of the law. . The law s in every jurisdiction recognizes that a fetus is a living entity. and this is something no reasonable person could ever deny. To suggest that a fetus is not alive (meaning dead) until it takes its first breath outside the womb is idiotic! A rock is lifeless, a fetus is not and Butt Boy doesn't know the damn difference.

Buttigieg also said that if being gay was evil everyone should blame God because God created him that way. That was a rather stupid remark from someone who professes to be Christian. There is no doubt that the Bible strongly condemns homosexuality. It defies reason to suggest that God would create a man predestined to be gay. If God is responsible for a person being gay, is he also responsible for those who murder, molest children and commit other types of abominable acts? Can a pedophile run for president saying “ If you don't like me being a pedophile, blame God because He mad me this way? Wouldn't the same rational apply to serial killers and rapists? Or is Butt Boy saying that everyone has freedom of choice but gays?

I have one question for Butt Boy, a question he has neither the courage nor the integrity to answer: “Would you have preferred that God made you straight?" He cannot say “yes” because he would alienate the entire gay population; nor can he say “no” because that would prove he is gay by choice and not the will of God. Butt boy would do a Mexican hat dance around the issue and give an answer totally unrelated to the question. This is what dishonest politicians do.
Last edited:
I don’t understand why Republicans believe they have the Highground when they fight so hard to arm school shooters. It just doesn’t make sense.

Show a link that shows Republicans want to arm school shooters. If no link then you should be banned for being a disgusting troll. How dare you spit on kids graves for political points?

The people who are spitting on kid's graves are the Republicans who refuse to bring legislation on background checks to a vote. Insisting that the rights of gun owners trample the right of your children to go to school without fear of being gunned down in their classrooms. The solution isn't bulletproof backbacks, it's disarming violent offenders, domestic abusers, and those whose families report them.
Normal people don't support murdering babies

End of discussion

We have done so the last 17 years. Hardly anyone says a word.

You're obviously not paying attention then.

You're close to ignore... I'm weary of your factless based opinions. In fact you're basically troll status.

The Queen of fact-free opinions is questioning others' opinions. What can you expect from someone who votes for Trump - the ultimate owner of the fact-free opinions.
I don’t understand why Republicans believe they have the Highground when they fight so hard to arm school shooters. It just doesn’t make sense.

Show a link that shows Republicans want to arm school shooters. If no link then you should be banned for being a disgusting troll. How dare you spit on kids graves for political points?

The people who are spitting on kid's graves are the Republicans who refuse to bring legislation on background checks to a vote. Insisting that the rights of gun owners trample the right of your children to go to school without fear of being gunned down in their classrooms. The solution isn't bulletproof backbacks, it's disarming violent offenders, domestic abusers, and those whose families report them.
Your Prog owned cable TV networks are showing endless commercials of sex disease products/medications so people can continue to do the same things. You are promoting plagues. This one is controlled and very expensive. We must disarm these people by stop giving the medications to them....p.s...domestic abuse is started by a higher percentage of women. Many guys do not say anything. Also the laws were formulated in the early 1970's or so. I believe Biden had a say in some also. They need to be changed and updated. Peoples lives can be and are destroyed for minor stuff. Anyway the abuses will only get worse and a tipping point will occur because you are teaching men to be uncivil, less educated and drones to the extreme feminist state. Really! How long do you think that will last? Only the stupid dikhead males that still protect women keep this going. To their own detriment unless they are married to someone who makes a good living off of others.
I don’t understand why Republicans believe they have the Highground when they fight so hard to arm school shooters. It just doesn’t make sense.

Show a link that shows Republicans want to arm school shooters. If no link then you should be banned for being a disgusting troll. How dare you spit on kids graves for political points?

The people who are spitting on kid's graves are the Republicans who refuse to bring legislation on background checks to a vote. Insisting that the rights of gun owners trample the right of your children to go to school without fear of being gunned down in their classrooms. The solution isn't bulletproof backbacks, it's disarming violent offenders, domestic abusers, and those whose families report them.

Give an example of legislation that would remove 100mil guns off the streets. I ll wait patiently. Most of these shooters don’t have a violent history.
I don’t understand why Republicans believe they have the Highground when they fight so hard to arm school shooters. It just doesn’t make sense.

Show a link that shows Republicans want to arm school shooters. If no link then you should be banned for being a disgusting troll. How dare you spit on kids graves for political points?

The people who are spitting on kid's graves are the Republicans who refuse to bring legislation on background checks to a vote. Insisting that the rights of gun owners trample the right of your children to go to school without fear of being gunned down in their classrooms. The solution isn't bulletproof backbacks, it's disarming violent offenders, domestic abusers, and those whose families report them.

Give an example of legislation that would remove 100mil guns off the streets. I ll wait patiently. Most of these shooters don’t have a violent history.

Most of them all do have a history of mental illness.
Proof you didn’t bother to read the article.

Any article that suggests that the Bible says you can murder babies is nothing but pure evil bullshit, and any PERSON WHO suggests that the Bible says you can murder babies is nothing but a pure evil demon, not to mention an idiot.

And now, a repeat of my previous post:

QUOTE: Mayor Buttplug is "Antichrist" and that is no exaggeration. "Antichrist" means being the opposite of Christ. Jesus said to repent of your sins. Buttplug says to EMBRACE sin, whether its murdering babies or sodomy. He will go to hell for sure, unless he repents.

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